Index index by Group index by Distribution index by Vendor index by creation date index by Name Mirrors Help Search

RPM of Group Unspecified

GMT-5.4.4-3.el7 Generic Mapping Tools linux/ppc64
GMT-common-5.4.4-3.el7 Common files for GMT linux/noarch
GMT-devel-5.4.4-3.el7 Development files for GMT linux/ppc64
GMT-doc-5.4.4-3.el7 Documentation for GMT linux/noarch
GarminPlugin-0.3.27-2.el7 Garmin Communicator Plugin port for Linux linux/ppc64
GeographicLib-1.43-1.el7 Library for geographic coordinate transformations linux/ppc64
GeographicLib-devel-1.43-1.el7 Development files and libraries for GeographicLib linux/ppc64
GeographicLib-doc-1.43-1.el7 Development documentation for GeographicLib linux/noarch
GraphicsMagick-1.3.31-2.el7 An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality linux/ppc64
gajim-0.16.8-1.el7 Jabber client written in PyGTK linux/noarch
galera-25.3.12-2.el7 Synchronous multi-master wsrep provider (replication engine) linux/ppc64
game-music-emu-0.6.2-1.el7 Video game music file emulation/playback library linux/ppc64
game-music-emu-devel-0.6.2-1.el7 Development files for Game_Music_Emu linux/ppc64
game-music-emu-player-0.6.2-1.el7 Demo player utilizing Game_Music_Emu linux/ppc64
garmintools-0.10-7.el7 Tools for Garmin GPS-devices linux/ppc64
garmintools-devel-0.10-7.el7 Development-files for garmintools linux/ppc64
gasnet-1.28.2-7.el7 A Portable High-Performance Communication Layer for GAS Languages linux/ppc64
gasnet-common-1.28.2-7.el7 GASNet shared binaries and libraries linux/ppc64
gasnet-devel-1.28.2-7.el7 Development package for GASNet linux/ppc64
gasnet-doc-1.28.2-7.el7 Documentation package for GASNet linux/noarch
gasnet-mpich-1.28.2-7.el7 GASNet MPICH binaries and libraries linux/ppc64
gasnet-openmpi-1.28.2-7.el7 GASNet Open MPI binaries and libraries linux/ppc64
gball-1.2-1.el7 The Console Ball and Racket Game linux/ppc64
gdl-0.9.9-6.el7 GNU Data Language linux/ppc64
gdl-common-0.9.9-6.el7 Common files for GDL linux/noarch
geany-themes-1.27-1.el7 A collection of syntax highlighting color schemes for Geany linux/noarch
gen-oath-safe-0.10.1-3.el7 Script for generating HOTP/TOTP keys (and QR code) linux/noarch
gengetopt-2.22.6-1.el7 Tool to write command line option parsing code for C programs linux/ppc64
geolite2-city-20190409-1.el7 Free IP geolocation city database linux/noarch
geolite2-country-20190409-1.el7 Free IP geolocation country database linux/noarch
geronimo-interceptor-1.0.1-16.el7 Java EE: Interceptor API v3.0 linux/noarch
geronimo-interceptor-javadoc-1.0.1-16.el7 Javadoc for geronimo-interceptor linux/noarch
geronimo-jpa-1.1.1-19.el7 Java persistence API implementation linux/noarch
geronimo-jpa-javadoc-1.1.1-19.el7 API documentation for geronimo-jpa linux/noarch
geronimo-validation-1.1-11.el7 Geronimo implementation of JSR 303 linux/noarch
geronimo-validation-javadoc-1.1-11.el7 Javadoc for geronimo-validation linux/noarch
getmail-5.13-1.el7 POP3, IMAP4 and SDPS mail retriever with Maildir delivery linux/noarch
gf2x-1.1-5.el7 Polynomial multiplication over the binary field linux/ppc64
gf2x-devel-1.1-5.el7 Headers and library files for gf2x linux/ppc64
ggz-base-libs-0.99.5-19.el7 Base libraries for GGZ gaming zone linux/ppc64
ggz-base-libs-devel-0.99.5-19.el7 Development files for ggz-base-libs linux/ppc64
ghc-7.6.3-26.4.el7 Glasgow Haskell Compiler linux/ppc64
ghc-Cabal-1.16.0-26.4.el7 Haskell Cabal library linux/ppc64
ghc-Cabal-devel-1.16.0-26.4.el7 Haskell Cabal library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-Diff-0.3.0-3.el7 O(ND) diff algorithm in Haskell linux/ppc64
ghc-Diff-devel-0.3.0-3.el7 Haskell Diff library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-HTTP-4000.2.8-33.el7 A library for client-side HTTP linux/ppc64
ghc-HTTP-devel-4000.2.8-33.el7 Haskell HTTP library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-HUnit- Unit testing framework for Haskell linux/ppc64
ghc-HUnit-devel- Haskell HUnit library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-IfElse-0.85-3.el7 Anaphoric and miscellaneous control-flow linux/ppc64
ghc-IfElse-devel-0.85-3.el7 Haskell IfElse library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-JuicyPixels-3.2.2-2.el7 Picture loading and serialization linux/ppc64
ghc-JuicyPixels-devel-3.2.2-2.el7 Haskell JuicyPixels library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-MissingH- Large utility library linux/ppc64
ghc-MissingH-devel- Haskell MissingH library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-MonadCatchIO-transformers- Exception handling with IO monad transformers linux/ppc64
ghc-MonadCatchIO-transformers-devel- Haskell MonadCatchIO-transformers library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-QuickCheck-2.6-33.el7 Automatic testing of Haskell programs linux/ppc64
ghc-QuickCheck-devel-2.6-33.el7 Haskell QuickCheck library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-SHA-1.6.1-3.el7 SHA message digest functions linux/ppc64
ghc-SHA-devel-1.6.1-3.el7 Haskell SHA library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-STMonadTrans-0.3.2-2.el7 A monad transformer version of the ST monad linux/ppc64
ghc-STMonadTrans-devel-0.3.2-2.el7 Haskell STMonadTrans library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-SafeSemaphore-0.9.0-2.el7 Much safer replacement for QSemN, QSem, and SampleVar linux/ppc64
ghc-SafeSemaphore-devel-0.9.0-2.el7 Haskell SafeSemaphore library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-ShellCheck-0.3.8-1.el7 Haskell ShellCheck library linux/ppc64
ghc-ShellCheck-devel-0.3.8-1.el7 Haskell ShellCheck library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-X11- Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library linux/ppc64
ghc-X11-devel- Haskell X11 library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-X11-xft-0.3.1-11.el7 Haskell libXft binding linux/ppc64
ghc-X11-xft-devel-0.3.1-11.el7 Haskell X11-xft library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-aeson- Fast JSON parsing and encoding linux/ppc64
ghc-aeson-devel- Haskell aeson library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-aeson-pretty-0.7.1-2.el7 JSON pretty-printing library linux/ppc64
ghc-aeson-pretty-devel-0.7.1-2.el7 Haskell aeson-pretty library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-ansi-terminal-0.6-3.el7 Simple ANSI terminal support linux/ppc64
ghc-ansi-terminal-devel-0.6-3.el7 Haskell ansi-terminal library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-ansi-wl-pprint- The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output linux/ppc64
ghc-ansi-wl-pprint-devel- Haskell ansi-wl-pprint library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-array- Haskell array library linux/ppc64
ghc-array-devel- Haskell array library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-async- Asynchronous IO operations linux/ppc64
ghc-async-devel- Haskell async library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-attoparsec- Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text linux/ppc64
ghc-attoparsec-devel- Haskell attoparsec library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-base- Haskell base library linux/ppc64
ghc-base-devel- Haskell base library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-base-unicode-symbols- Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators linux/ppc64
ghc-base-unicode-symbols-devel- Haskell base-unicode-symbols library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-base64-bytestring- Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings linux/ppc64
ghc-base64-bytestring-devel- Haskell base64-bytestring library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-binary- Haskell binary library linux/ppc64
ghc-binary-devel- Haskell binary library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-blaze-builder- Efficient buffered output linux/ppc64
ghc-blaze-builder-conduit-1.0.0-2.el7 Convert streams of builders to streams of bytestrings linux/ppc64
ghc-blaze-builder-conduit-devel-1.0.0-2.el7 Haskell blaze-builder-conduit library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-blaze-builder-devel- Haskell blaze-builder library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-blaze-html- A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell linux/ppc64
ghc-blaze-html-devel- Haskell blaze-html library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-blaze-markup- A blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell linux/ppc64
ghc-blaze-markup-devel- Haskell blaze-markup library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-bloomfilter- Pure and impure Bloom Filter implementations linux/ppc64
ghc-bloomfilter-devel- Haskell bloomfilter library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-boxes-0.1.4-2.el7 2D text pretty-printing library linux/ppc64
ghc-boxes-devel-0.1.4-2.el7 Haskell boxes library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-bytestring- Haskell bytestring library linux/ppc64
ghc-bytestring-devel- Haskell bytestring library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-cairo- Binding to the Cairo library linux/ppc64
ghc-cairo-devel- Haskell cairo library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-case-insensitive- Case insensitive string comparison linux/ppc64
ghc-case-insensitive-devel- Haskell case-insensitive library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-cautious-file-1.0.2-3.el7 Write files cautiously linux/ppc64
ghc-cautious-file-devel-1.0.2-3.el7 Haskell cautious-file library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-cereal- Binary serialization library linux/ppc64
ghc-cereal-devel- Haskell cereal library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-cmdargs-0.10.3-4.el7 Command line argument processing linux/ppc64
ghc-cmdargs-devel-0.10.3-4.el7 Haskell cmdargs library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-cmdtheline-0.2.3-2.el7 Declarative command-line option parsing and documentation library linux/ppc64
ghc-cmdtheline-devel-0.2.3-2.el7 Haskell cmdtheline library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-compiler-7.6.3-26.4.el7 GHC compiler and utilities linux/ppc64
ghc-concrete-typerep- Binary and Hashable instances for TypeRep linux/ppc64
ghc-concrete-typerep-devel- Haskell concrete-typerep library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-conduit-1.0.3-2.el7 Streaming data processing library linux/ppc64
ghc-conduit-devel-1.0.3-2.el7 Haskell conduit library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-conduit-extra- Conduit adapters for common libraries linux/ppc64
ghc-conduit-extra-devel- Haskell conduit-extra library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-containers- Haskell containers library linux/ppc64
ghc-containers-devel- Haskell containers library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-cpphs-1.16-6.el7 Haskell cpphs library linux/ppc64
ghc-cpphs-devel-1.16-6.el7 Haskell cpphs library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-crypto-api-0.11-4.el7 A generic interface for cryptographic operations linux/ppc64
ghc-crypto-api-devel-0.11-4.el7 Haskell crypto-api library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-cryptohash-0.9.0-3.el7 Crypto hashes, fast, pure and practical linux/ppc64
ghc-cryptohash-devel-0.9.0-3.el7 Haskell cryptohash library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-darcs-2.8.4-4.el7 Haskell darcs library linux/ppc64
ghc-darcs-devel-2.8.4-4.el7 Haskell darcs library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-data-default-0.5.1-4.el7 A class for types with a default value linux/ppc64
ghc-data-default-devel-0.5.1-4.el7 Haskell data-default library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-data-hash- Combinators for building fast hashing functions linux/ppc64
ghc-data-hash-devel- Haskell data-hash library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-dataenc- Haskell encoding library linux/ppc64
ghc-dataenc-devel- Haskell dataenc library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-date-cache-0.3.0-4.el7 Date cacher linux/ppc64
ghc-date-cache-devel-0.3.0-4.el7 Haskell date-cache library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-dbus-0.10.7-3.el7 Haskell client library for the D-Bus IPC system linux/ppc64
ghc-dbus-devel-0.10.7-3.el7 Haskell dbus library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-deepseq- Haskell deepseq library linux/ppc64
ghc-deepseq-devel- Haskell deepseq library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-deepseq-generics- Generics-based normal form reduction for deepseq linux/ppc64
ghc-deepseq-generics-devel- Haskell deepseq-generics library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-digest- Cryptographic hashes for bytestrings linux/ppc64
ghc-digest-devel- Haskell digest library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-directory- Haskell directory library linux/ppc64
ghc-directory-devel- Haskell directory library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-dlist-0.5-11.el7 Haskell differences lists linux/ppc64
ghc-dlist-devel-0.5-11.el7 Haskell dlist library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-doc-index-7.6.3-26.4.el7 GHC library development documentation indexing linux/ppc64
ghc-edit-distance- Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances linux/ppc64
ghc-edit-distance-devel- Haskell edit-distance library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-entropy- A platform independent entropy source linux/ppc64
ghc-entropy-devel- Haskell entropy library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-exceptions-0.6.1-2.el7 Extensible optionally-pure exceptions linux/ppc64
ghc-exceptions-devel-0.6.1-2.el7 Haskell exceptions library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-extensible-exceptions- Extensible exceptions linux/ppc64
ghc-extensible-exceptions-devel- Haskell extensible-exceptions library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-fast-logger-0.3.1-3.el7 A fast logging system linux/ppc64
ghc-fast-logger-devel-0.3.1-3.el7 Haskell fast-logger library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-filemanip- Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell linux/ppc64
ghc-filemanip-devel- Haskell filemanip library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-filepath- Haskell filepath library linux/ppc64
ghc-filepath-devel- Haskell filepath library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-fsnotify-0.0.11-1.el7 Cross platform library for file change notification linux/ppc64
ghc-fsnotify-devel-0.0.11-1.el7 Haskell fsnotify library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-ghc-7.6.3-26.4.el7 Haskell ghc library linux/ppc64
ghc-ghc-devel-7.6.3-26.4.el7 Haskell ghc library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-ghc-mtl- A mtl compatible with GHC-API monads and monad-transformers linux/ppc64
ghc-ghc-mtl-devel- Haskell ghc-mtl library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-ghc-paths- Interface to GHC's installation directories linux/ppc64
ghc-ghc-paths-devel- Haskell ghc-paths library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-gio- Binding to GIO linux/ppc64
ghc-gio-devel- Haskell gio library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-glib- Binding to the GLIB library for Gtk2Hs linux/ppc64
ghc-glib-devel- Haskell glib library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-haddock-library-1.1.1-2.el7 Library exposing some functionality of Haddock linux/ppc64
ghc-haddock-library-devel-1.1.1-2.el7 Haskell haddock-library library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hashable- Class for types convertible to a hash value linux/ppc64
ghc-hashable-devel- Haskell hashable library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hashed-storage-0.5.10-7.el7 Hashed file storage support code linux/ppc64
ghc-hashed-storage-devel-0.5.10-7.el7 Haskell hashed-storage library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hashtables- Mutable hash tables in the ST monad linux/ppc64
ghc-hashtables-devel- Haskell hashtables library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-haskeline- Haskell command-line interface for user input linux/ppc64
ghc-haskeline-devel- Haskell haskeline library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-haskell-src-exts-1.13.5-5.el7 Library for manipulating Haskell source linux/ppc64
ghc-haskell-src-exts-devel-1.13.5-5.el7 Haskell haskell-src-exts library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-haskell2010- Haskell haskell2010 library linux/ppc64
ghc-haskell2010-devel- Haskell haskell2010 library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-haskell98- Haskell haskell98 library linux/ppc64
ghc-haskell98-devel- Haskell haskell98 library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-highlighting-kate-0.5.6-3.el7 Sourcecode syntax highlighting linux/ppc64
ghc-highlighting-kate-devel-0.5.6-3.el7 Haskell highlighting-kate library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hinotify-0.3.5-4.el7 Haskell binding to INotify linux/ppc64
ghc-hinotify-devel-0.3.5-4.el7 Haskell hinotify library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hlint-1.8.50-2.el7 Haskell hlint library linux/ppc64
ghc-hlint-devel-1.8.50-2.el7 Haskell hlint library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hoopl- Haskell hoopl library linux/ppc64
ghc-hoopl-devel- Haskell hoopl library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hpc- Haskell hpc library linux/ppc64
ghc-hpc-devel- Haskell hpc library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hs-bibutils- Haskell bindings to bibutils linux/ppc64
ghc-hs-bibutils-devel- Haskell hs-bibutils library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hscolour-1.20.3-9.el7 Haskell hscolour library linux/ppc64
ghc-hscolour-devel-1.20.3-9.el7 Haskell hscolour library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hslogger-1.2.1-2.el7 Versatile logging framework linux/ppc64
ghc-hslogger-devel-1.2.1-2.el7 Haskell hslogger library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-hslua-0.3.10-1.1.el7 Lua language interpreter embedded in Haskell linux/ppc64
ghc-hslua-devel-0.3.10-1.1.el7 Haskell hslua library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-html- HTML combinator library linux/ppc64
ghc-html-devel- Haskell html library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-http-date-0.0.4-2.el7 HTTP Date parser and formatter linux/ppc64
ghc-http-date-devel-0.0.4-2.el7 Haskell http-date library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-http-types-0.8.0-3.el7 Generic HTTP types for Haskell linux/ppc64
ghc-http-types-devel-0.8.0-3.el7 Haskell http-types library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-json-0.7-4.el7 Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON linux/ppc64
ghc-json-devel-0.7-4.el7 Haskell json library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-language-java-0.2.4-3.el7 Java source manipulation linux/ppc64
ghc-language-java-devel-0.2.4-3.el7 Haskell language-java library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-libffi-0.1-3.el7 A binding to libffi linux/ppc64
ghc-libffi-devel-0.1-3.el7 Haskell libffi library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-libraries-7.6.3-26.4.el7 GHC development libraries meta package linux/ppc64
ghc-libxml-sax-0.7.4-3.el7 Haskell bindings for the libxml2 SAX interface linux/ppc64
ghc-libxml-sax-devel-0.7.4-3.el7 Haskell libxml-sax library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-lifted-base- Lifted IO operations from the base library linux/ppc64
ghc-lifted-base-devel- Haskell lifted-base library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-lrucache- A simple, pure LRU cache linux/ppc64
ghc-lrucache-devel- Haskell lrucache library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-maccatcher-2.1.5-2.el7 Obtain the host MAC address on *NIX and Windows linux/ppc64
ghc-maccatcher-devel-2.1.5-2.el7 Haskell maccatcher library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-mime-types- Basic mime-type handling types and functions linux/ppc64
ghc-mime-types-devel- Haskell mime-types library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-mmap-0.5.8-4.el7 Memory mapped files library linux/ppc64
ghc-mmap-devel-0.5.8-4.el7 Haskell mmap library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-monad-control- Lift control operations through monad transformers linux/ppc64
ghc-monad-control-devel- Haskell monad-control library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-monad-loops- Monadic loops linux/ppc64
ghc-monad-loops-devel- Haskell monad-loops library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-monad-unify-0.2.2-2.el7 Generic first-order unification linux/ppc64
ghc-monad-unify-devel-0.2.2-2.el7 Haskell monad-unify library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-monads-tf- Monad classes using type families linux/ppc64
ghc-monads-tf-devel- Haskell monads-tf library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-mtl-2.1.2-27.el7 Monad classes using functional dependencies linux/ppc64
ghc-mtl-devel-2.1.2-27.el7 Haskell mtl library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-nats-0.1.2-2.el7 Haskell 98 natural numbers linux/ppc64
ghc-nats-devel-0.1.2-2.el7 Haskell nats library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-network- Low-level networking interface linux/ppc64
ghc-network-conduit-1.0.0-2.el7 Stream socket data using conduits linux/ppc64
ghc-network-conduit-devel-1.0.0-2.el7 Haskell network-conduit library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-network-devel- Haskell network library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-old-locale- Haskell old-locale library linux/ppc64
ghc-old-locale-devel- Haskell old-locale library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-old-time- Haskell old-time library linux/ppc64
ghc-old-time-devel- Haskell old-time library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-optparse-applicative- Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options linux/ppc64
ghc-optparse-applicative-devel- Haskell optparse-applicative library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-pandoc- Haskell pandoc library linux/ppc64
ghc-pandoc-citeproc- Haskell pandoc-citeproc library linux/ppc64
ghc-pandoc-citeproc-devel- Haskell pandoc-citeproc library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-pandoc-devel- Haskell pandoc library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-pandoc-types- Types for representing a structured document linux/ppc64
ghc-pandoc-types-devel- Haskell pandoc-types library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-pango- Binding to the Pango text rendering engine linux/ppc64
ghc-pango-devel- Haskell pango library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-parallel- Parallel programming library linux/ppc64
ghc-parallel-devel- Haskell parallel library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-parsec-3.1.3-31.el7 Monadic parser combinators linux/ppc64
ghc-parsec-devel-3.1.3-31.el7 Haskell parsec library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-pattern-arrows-0.0.2-2.el7 Arrows for pretty printing linux/ppc64
ghc-pattern-arrows-devel-0.0.2-2.el7 Haskell pattern-arrows library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-pcre-light-0.4-13.el7 Perl5 compatible regular expression library linux/ppc64
ghc-pcre-light-devel-0.4-13.el7 Haskell pcre-light library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-polyparse-1.11-2.el7 A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries linux/ppc64
ghc-polyparse-devel-1.11-2.el7 Haskell polyparse library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-pretty- Haskell pretty library linux/ppc64
ghc-pretty-devel- Haskell pretty library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-primitive- Primitive memory-related operations linux/ppc64
ghc-primitive-devel- Haskell primitive library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-process- Haskell process library linux/ppc64
ghc-process-devel- Haskell process library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-publicsuffixlist-0.1-2.el7 Library of effective TLDs linux/ppc64
ghc-publicsuffixlist-devel-0.1-2.el7 Haskell publicsuffixlist library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-random- Random number library linux/ppc64
ghc-random-devel- Haskell random library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-regex-base-0.93.2-29.el7 Haskell regex base library linux/ppc64
ghc-regex-base-devel-0.93.2-29.el7 Haskell regex-base library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-regex-compat-0.95.1-35.el7 Haskell regexp library linux/ppc64
ghc-regex-compat-devel-0.95.1-35.el7 Haskell regex-compat library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-regex-posix-0.95.2-30.el7 Haskell posix regex library linux/ppc64
ghc-regex-posix-devel-0.95.2-30.el7 Haskell regex-posix library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-regex-tdfa-1.1.8-11.el7 Haskell tagged DFA regular expression library linux/ppc64
ghc-regex-tdfa-devel-1.1.8-11.el7 Haskell regex-tdfa library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-resourcet-0.4.6-2.el7 Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources linux/ppc64
ghc-resourcet-devel-0.4.6-2.el7 Haskell resourcet library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-rfc5051- Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051 linux/ppc64
ghc-rfc5051-devel- Haskell rfc5051 library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-rpm-macros-1.0.11-1.el7 RPM macros for building Haskell packages for GHC linux/ppc64
ghc-rpm-macros-extra-1.0.11-1.el7 Extra RPM macros for building Haskell library subpackages linux/ppc64
ghc-safe-0.3.3-8.el7 Library for safe (pattern match free) functions linux/ppc64
ghc-safe-devel-0.3.3-8.el7 Haskell safe library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-scientific- Arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers represented using scientific notation linux/ppc64
ghc-scientific-devel- Haskell scientific library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-semigroups-0.8.5-3.el7 Implementation of semigroups linux/ppc64
ghc-semigroups-devel-0.8.5-3.el7 Haskell semigroups library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-sendfile-0.7.9-1.el7 A portable sendfile library linux/ppc64
ghc-sendfile-devel-0.7.9-1.el7 Haskell sendfile library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-setenv-0.1.0-3.el7 Cross-platform library for setting environment variables linux/ppc64
ghc-setenv-devel-0.1.0-3.el7 Haskell setenv library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-shake-0.11.4-4.el7 Haskell shake library linux/ppc64
ghc-shake-devel-0.11.4-4.el7 Haskell shake library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-shelly- Shell-like systems programming in Haskell linux/ppc64
ghc-shelly-devel- Haskell shelly library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-simple-cmd-0.1.1-1.el7 Simple String-based process commands linux/ppc64
ghc-simple-cmd-devel-0.1.1-1.el7 Haskell simple-cmd library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-simple-sendfile-0.2.11-3.el7 Cross-platform sendfile system call linux/ppc64
ghc-simple-sendfile-devel-0.2.11-3.el7 Haskell simple-sendfile library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-split-0.2.2-2.el7 Combinator library for splitting lists linux/ppc64
ghc-split-devel-0.2.2-2.el7 Haskell split library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-stm-2.4.2-26.el7 Software Transactional Memory linux/ppc64
ghc-stm-chans- Additional types of channels for STM linux/ppc64
ghc-stm-chans-devel- Haskell stm-chans library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-stm-devel-2.4.2-26.el7 Haskell stm library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-streaming-commons-0.1.2-1.el7 Common lower-level functions for streaming data libraries linux/ppc64
ghc-streaming-commons-devel-0.1.2-1.el7 Haskell streaming-commons library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-syb-0.4.0-35.el7 Scrap Your Boilerplate linux/ppc64
ghc-syb-devel-0.4.0-35.el7 Haskell syb library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-system-fileio-0.3.11-2.el7 Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions linux/ppc64
ghc-system-fileio-devel-0.3.11-2.el7 Haskell system-fileio library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-system-filepath-0.4.7-2.el7 File and directory path manipulations linux/ppc64
ghc-system-filepath-devel-0.4.7-2.el7 Haskell system-filepath library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-tagged-0.6-2.el7 Newtype wrappers for phantom types linux/ppc64
ghc-tagged-devel-0.6-2.el7 Haskell tagged library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-tagsoup-0.12.8-4.el7 Parsing and extracting from HTML/XML documents linux/ppc64
ghc-tagsoup-devel-0.12.8-4.el7 Haskell tagsoup library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-tar- Reading, writing and manipulating tar archive files linux/ppc64
ghc-tar-devel- Haskell tar library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-template-haskell- Haskell template-haskell library linux/ppc64
ghc-template-haskell-devel- Haskell template-haskell library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-temporary- Portable temporary file and directory support linux/ppc64
ghc-temporary-devel- Haskell temporary library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-terminfo- Haskell bindings to the terminfo library linux/ppc64
ghc-terminfo-devel- Haskell terminfo library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-texmath-0.6.6-2.el7 Conversion of LaTeX math formulas to MathML or OMML linux/ppc64
ghc-texmath-devel-0.6.6-2.el7 Haskell texmath library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-text- An efficient packed Unicode text type linux/ppc64
ghc-text-devel- Haskell text library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-tf-random-0.5-4.el7 High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator linux/ppc64
ghc-tf-random-devel-0.5-4.el7 Haskell tf-random library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-threads- Fork threads and wait for their result linux/ppc64
ghc-threads-devel- Haskell threads library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-time- Haskell time library linux/ppc64
ghc-time-devel- Haskell time library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-transformers- Concrete functor and monad transformers linux/ppc64
ghc-transformers-base-0.4.1-9.el7 Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack linux/ppc64
ghc-transformers-base-devel-0.4.1-9.el7 Haskell transformers-base library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-transformers-compat- Compatibility shim exposing the new types from newer transformers linux/ppc64
ghc-transformers-compat-devel- Haskell transformers-compat library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-transformers-devel- Haskell transformers library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-uniplate-1.6.10-5.el7 Uniform type generic traversals library linux/ppc64
ghc-uniplate-devel-1.6.10-5.el7 Haskell uniplate library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-unix- Haskell unix library linux/ppc64
ghc-unix-compat- Portable POSIX-compatibility layer linux/ppc64
ghc-unix-compat-devel- Haskell unix-compat library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-unix-devel- Haskell unix library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-unix-time-0.1.8-1.el7 Unix time parser/formatter and utilities linux/ppc64
ghc-unix-time-devel-0.1.8-1.el7 Haskell unix-time library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-unordered-containers- Efficient hashing-based container types linux/ppc64
ghc-unordered-containers-devel- Haskell unordered-containers library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-utf8-string-0.3.7-8.el7 Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings linux/ppc64
ghc-utf8-string-devel-0.3.7-8.el7 Haskell utf8-string library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-uuid-1.2.13-2.el7 For creating, comparing, parsing and printing Universally Unique Identifiers linux/ppc64
ghc-uuid-devel-1.2.13-2.el7 Haskell uuid library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-vault- Persistent stores for values of arbitrary types linux/ppc64
ghc-vault-devel- Haskell vault library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-vector- Efficient Arrays linux/ppc64
ghc-vector-binary-instances- Binary and Serialize instances for vector linux/ppc64
ghc-vector-binary-instances-devel- Haskell vector-binary-instances library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-vector-devel- Haskell vector library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-void-0.5.11-3.el7 Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type linux/ppc64
ghc-void-devel-0.5.11-3.el7 Haskell void library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-wai- Haskell Web Application Interface library linux/ppc64
ghc-wai-devel- Haskell wai library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-warp- Fast light-weight web server for WAI applications linux/ppc64
ghc-warp-devel- Haskell warp library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-word8-0.0.4-2.el7 8-bit character library linux/ppc64
ghc-word8-devel-0.0.4-2.el7 Haskell word8 library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-xdg-basedir-0.2.2-5.el7 Haskell implementation of XDG base directory spec linux/ppc64
ghc-xdg-basedir-devel-0.2.2-5.el7 Haskell xdg-basedir library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-xml-1.3.13-2.el7 A simple XML library linux/ppc64
ghc-xml-devel-1.3.13-2.el7 Haskell xml library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-xml-types-0.3.3-4.el7 Basic types for representing XML linux/ppc64
ghc-xml-types-devel-0.3.3-4.el7 Haskell xml-types library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-xmonad-0.11-12.el7 Haskell xmonad library linux/ppc64
ghc-xmonad-contrib-0.11.2-4.el7 Third party extensions for xmonad linux/ppc64
ghc-xmonad-contrib-devel-0.11.2-4.el7 Haskell xmonad-contrib library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-xmonad-devel-0.11-12.el7 Haskell xmonad library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-yaml- Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents linux/ppc64
ghc-yaml-devel- Haskell yaml library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-zip-archive- Library for creating and modifying zip archives linux/ppc64
ghc-zip-archive-devel- Haskell zip-archive library development files linux/ppc64
ghc-zlib- Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats linux/ppc64
ghc-zlib-devel- Haskell zlib library development files linux/ppc64
gimp-dds-plugin-3.0.1-1.el7 A plugin for GIMP allows you to load/save in the DDS format linux/ppc64
gimp-layer-via-copy-cut-1.6-2.el7 Layer via copy/cut plug-in for GIMP linux/noarch
gimp-luminosity-masks-0-3.el7 Luminosity mask channels plug-in for Gimp linux/noarch
gimp-save-for-web-0.29.3-1.el7 Save for web plug-in for GIMP linux/ppc64
gimpfx-foundry-2.6.1-5.el7 Additional GIMP plugins linux/noarch
ginac-1.6.7-1.el7 C++ library for symbolic calculations linux/ppc64
ginac-devel-1.6.7-1.el7 Development files for ginac linux/ppc64
ginac-utils-1.6.7-1.el7 GiNaC-related utilities linux/ppc64
gip-1.7.0-1.el7 Internet Protocol Calculator for Gnome linux/ppc64
git-annex-5.20140221-1.2.el7 Manage files with git, without checking their contents into git linux/ppc64
git-cal-0.9.1-3.el7 GitHub-like contributions calendar on terminal linux/noarch
git-cola-2.10-1.el7 A sleek and powerful git GUI linux/noarch
git-extras-4.7.0-1.el7 Little git extras linux/noarch
git-publish-1.5.0-1.el7 Prepare and store patch revisions as git tags linux/noarch
git-tools-2018.10-1.el7 Assorted git-related scripts and tools linux/noarch
gitg-3.26.0-1.el7 GTK+ graphical interface for the git revision control system linux/ppc64
gitg-devel-3.26.0-1.el7 Development files for gitg linux/ppc64
gitg-libs-3.26.0-1.el7 Backend Library for gitg linux/ppc64
gkrellm-2.3.5-20.el7 Multiple stacked system monitors in one process linux/ppc64
gkrellm-daemon-2.3.5-20.el7 The GNU Krell Monitors Server linux/ppc64
gkrellm-devel-2.3.5-20.el7 Development files for the GNU Krell Monitors linux/ppc64
glassfish-saaj-1.3.19-12.el7 JSR-67 implementation linux/noarch
glassfish-saaj-javadoc-1.3.19-12.el7 Javadoc for glassfish-saaj linux/noarch
glfw-3.2.1-2.el7 A cross-platform multimedia library linux/ppc64
glfw-devel-3.2.1-2.el7 Support for developing C application linux/ppc64
glite-jobid-api-c-2.2.13-3.el7 C library handling gLite jobid linux/ppc64
glite-jobid-api-c-devel-2.2.13-3.el7 Development files for gLite jobid C library linux/ppc64
glite-jobid-api-cpp-devel-1.3.10-2.el7 C++ API handling gLite jobid linux/noarch
glite-jobid-api-java-1.3.9-2.el7 JAVA implementation of handling gLite jobid linux/noarch
glite-jobid-api-java-javadoc-1.3.9-2.el7 Java API documentation for glite-jobid-api-java linux/noarch
glite-lb-client-6.0.10-5.el7 gLite Logging and Bookkeeping client library linux/ppc64
glite-lb-client-devel-6.0.10-5.el7 Development files for gLite L&B client library linux/ppc64
glite-lb-client-java-2.0.7-3.el7 JAVA implementation of the L&B service client linux/ppc64
glite-lb-client-java-javadoc-2.0.7-3.el7 Java API documentation for glite-lb-client-java linux/noarch
glite-lb-client-progs-6.0.10-5.el7 gLite L&B client programs and examples linux/ppc64
glite-lb-common-9.1.1-4.el7 gLite Logging and Bookkeeping common headers and library linux/ppc64
glite-lb-common-devel-9.1.1-4.el7 Development files for gLite L&B common library linux/ppc64
glite-lb-logger-2.4.23-3.el7 gLite Logging and Bookkeeping local-logger and inter-loggers linux/ppc64
glite-lb-logger-devel-2.4.23-3.el7 Development files for gLite L&B logger linux/ppc64
glite-lb-logger-msg-1.2.13-5.el7 Plugin for sending notifications to messaging infrastructure linux/ppc64
glite-lb-server-3.0.18-9.el7 gLite Logging and Bookkeeping server linux/ppc64
glite-lb-state-machine-2.0.9-3.el7 gLite Logging and Bookkeeping state machine linux/ppc64
glite-lb-state-machine-devel-2.0.9-3.el7 Development files for gLite L&B state machine linux/ppc64
glite-lb-state-machine-plugins-2.0.9-3.el7 L&B state machine plugins linux/ppc64
glite-lb-types-2.0.10-3.el7 Auxiliary build-time component defining LB event types and job status fields linux/noarch
glite-lb-utils-2.3.11-3.el7 gLite Logging and Bookkeeping auxiliary utilities linux/ppc64
glite-lb-ws-interface-4.0.9-1.el7 gLite Logging and Bookkeeping web service interface linux/noarch
glite-lbjp-common-db-3.2.11-3.el7 Database engine abstraction wrapper used in L&B and JP services linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-db-devel-3.2.11-3.el7 Development files for gLite L&B/JP common DB module linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-gsoap-plugin-3.2.12-7.el7 Plugin for gSoap to use glite-security-gss as the communication layer linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-gsoap-plugin-devel-3.2.12-7.el7 Development files for gLite gsoap-plugin linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-gss-3.2.16-3.el7 Wrapper of Globus GSS/SSL implementation used by gLite LB and JP linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-gss-devel-3.2.16-3.el7 Development files for gLite GSS library linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface-2.3.11-3.el7 Public API to JP service internal interface linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface-devel-2.3.11-3.el7 Development files for gLite L&B/JP interface library linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-log-1.3.11-3.el7 Definitions of glite common logging formats for LB and JP linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-log-devel-1.3.11-3.el7 Development files for gLite L&B/JP common log module linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-maildir-2.3.11-3.el7 Single-purpose implementation of maildir-like queue linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-maildir-devel-2.3.11-3.el7 Development files for gLite L&B/JP common maildir library linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-server-bones-2.3.11-3.el7 Skeleton of multi-process network server linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-server-bones-devel-2.3.11-3.el7 Development files for gLite L&B/JP common server-bones linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-trio-2.3.13-3.el7 Standalone extended implementation of printf and scanf linux/ppc64
glite-lbjp-common-trio-devel-2.3.13-3.el7 Development files for gLite L&B/JP common trio library linux/ppc64
glite-px-proxyrenewal-1.3.36-2.el7 gLite proxyrenewal renews existing proxy certificates for grid users linux/ppc64
glite-px-proxyrenewal-devel-1.3.36-2.el7 Development files for gLite proxyrenewal library linux/ppc64
glite-px-proxyrenewal-libs-1.3.36-2.el7 C/C++ library for gLite proxyrenewal linux/ppc64
globus-authz-4.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus authz library linux/ppc64
globus-authz-callout-error-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus authz error library linux/ppc64
globus-authz-callout-error-devel-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus authz error library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-authz-callout-error-doc-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus authz error library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-authz-devel-4.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus authz library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-authz-doc-4.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus authz library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-callout-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Callout Library linux/ppc64
globus-callout-devel-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Callout Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-callout-doc-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Callout Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-common-18.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Common Library linux/ppc64
globus-common-devel-18.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Common Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-common-doc-18.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Common Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-common-progs-18.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Common Library Programs linux/ppc64
globus-ftp-client-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library linux/ppc64
globus-ftp-client-devel-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-ftp-client-doc-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-ftp-control-9.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library linux/ppc64
globus-ftp-control-devel-9.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-ftp-control-doc-9.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gass-cache-10.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Cache linux/ppc64
globus-gass-cache-devel-10.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Cache Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gass-cache-doc-10.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Cache Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gass-cache-program-7.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Tools to manipulate local and remote GASS caches linux/ppc64
globus-gass-copy-10.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy linux/ppc64
globus-gass-copy-devel-10.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gass-copy-doc-10.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gass-copy-progs-10.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy Programs linux/ppc64
globus-gass-server-ez-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Server_ez linux/ppc64
globus-gass-server-ez-devel-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Server_ez Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gass-server-ez-progs-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Server_ez Programs linux/ppc64
globus-gass-transfer-9.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Transfer linux/ppc64
globus-gass-transfer-devel-9.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Transfer Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gass-transfer-doc-9.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gass Transfer Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gatekeeper-11.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gatekeeper linux/ppc64
globus-gfork-5.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GFork linux/ppc64
globus-gfork-devel-5.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GFork Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gfork-progs-5.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GFork Programs linux/ppc64
globus-gram-audit-5.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager Auditing linux/noarch
globus-gram-client-14.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Client Library linux/ppc64
globus-gram-client-devel-14.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Client Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gram-client-doc-14.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Client Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gram-client-tools-12.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Job Management Tools (globusrun) linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-15.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GRAM Jobmanager Callout Errors linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error-devel-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GRAM Jobmanager Callout Errors Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error-doc-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GRAM Jobmanager Callout Errors Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gram-job-manager-condor-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Condor Job Manager Support linux/noarch
globus-gram-job-manager-fork-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Fork Job Manager Support linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-fork-setup-poll-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Fork Job Manager Support using polling linux/noarch
globus-gram-job-manager-fork-setup-seg-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Fork Job Manager Support using SEG linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-lsf-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - LSF Job Manager Support linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-lsf-setup-poll-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - LSF Job Manager Support using polling linux/noarch
globus-gram-job-manager-lsf-setup-seg-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - LSF Job Manager Support using SEG linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - PBS Job Manager Support linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-setup-poll-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - PBS Job Manager Support using polling linux/noarch
globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-setup-seg-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - PBS Job Manager Support using SEG linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-scripts-7.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Job ManagerScripts linux/noarch
globus-gram-job-manager-scripts-doc-7.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Job ManagerScripts Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gram-job-manager-sge-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Grid Engine Job Manager Support linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-sge-setup-poll-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Grid Engine Job Manager Support using polling linux/noarch
globus-gram-job-manager-sge-setup-seg-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Grid Engine Job Manager Support using SEG linux/ppc64
globus-gram-job-manager-slurm-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - SLURM Job Manager Support linux/noarch
globus-gram-protocol-13.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Protocol Library linux/ppc64
globus-gram-protocol-devel-13.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Protocol Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gram-protocol-doc-13.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GRAM Protocol Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gridftp-server-13.11-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server linux/ppc64
globus-gridftp-server-control-8.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Library linux/ppc64
globus-gridftp-server-control-devel-8.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gridftp-server-devel-13.11-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gridftp-server-progs-13.11-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Programs linux/ppc64
globus-gridmap-callout-error-3.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gridmap Callout Errors linux/ppc64
globus-gridmap-callout-error-devel-3.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gridmap Callout Errors Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gridmap-callout-error-doc-3.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Gridmap Callout Errors Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gridmap-eppn-callout-2.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus gridmap ePPN callout linux/ppc64
globus-gridmap-verify-myproxy-callout-3.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus gridmap myproxy callout linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-callback-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Callback Library linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-callback-devel-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Callback Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-callback-doc-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Callback Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gsi-cert-utils-10.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-cert-utils-devel-10.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-cert-utils-doc-10.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs-10.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library Programs linux/noarch
globus-gsi-credential-8.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Credential Library linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-credential-devel-8.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Credential Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-credential-doc-8.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Credential Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gsi-openssl-error-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Error Handling linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-openssl-error-devel-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Error Handling Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-openssl-error-doc-4.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Error Handling Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gsi-proxy-core-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Core Library linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-proxy-core-devel-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Core Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-proxy-core-doc-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Core Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gsi-proxy-ssl-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy SSL Library linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-proxy-ssl-devel-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy SSL Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-proxy-ssl-doc-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy SSL Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gsi-sysconfig-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI System Config Library linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-sysconfig-devel-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI System Config Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gsi-sysconfig-doc-9.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI System Config Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gss-assist-12.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI Assist library linux/ppc64
globus-gss-assist-devel-12.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI Assist library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gss-assist-doc-12.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI Assist library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gss-assist-progs-12.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI Assist library Programs linux/noarch
globus-gssapi-error-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI Error Library linux/ppc64
globus-gssapi-error-devel-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI Error Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gssapi-error-doc-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI Error Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-gssapi-gsi-14.10-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI library linux/ppc64
globus-gssapi-gsi-devel-14.10-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-gssapi-gsi-doc-14.10-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - GSSAPI library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-io-12.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - uniform I/O interface linux/ppc64
globus-io-devel-12.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - uniform I/O interface Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-net-manager-1.3-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Network Manager Library linux/ppc64
globus-net-manager-devel-1.3-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Network Manager Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-net-manager-doc-1.3-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Network Manager Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-openssl-module-5.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper linux/ppc64
globus-openssl-module-devel-5.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-openssl-module-doc-5.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-proxy-utils-7.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Utility Programs linux/ppc64
globus-rsl-11.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Resource Specification Language Library linux/ppc64
globus-rsl-devel-11.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Resource Specification Language Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-rsl-doc-11.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Resource Specification Language Library Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-scheduler-event-generator-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator linux/ppc64
globus-scheduler-event-generator-devel-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-scheduler-event-generator-doc-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-scheduler-event-generator-progs-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator Programs linux/ppc64
globus-seg-job-manager-15.4-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator Job Manager linux/ppc64
globus-simple-ca-5.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Simple CA Utility linux/noarch
globus-usage-5.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Usage Library linux/ppc64
globus-usage-devel-5.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Usage Library Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Framework linux/ppc64
globus-xio-devel-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Framework Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-doc-6.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Framework Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-xio-gridftp-driver-3.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO GridFTP Driver linux/ppc64
globus-xio-gridftp-driver-devel-3.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO GridFTP Driver Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-gridftp-driver-doc-3.2-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO GridFTP Driver Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-xio-gridftp-multicast-2.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO GridFTP Multicast Driver linux/ppc64
globus-xio-gridftp-multicast-devel-2.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO GridFTP Multicast Driver Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-gsi-driver-5.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO GSI Driver linux/ppc64
globus-xio-gsi-driver-devel-5.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO GSI Driver Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-gsi-driver-doc-5.1-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO GSI Driver Documentation Files linux/noarch
globus-xio-net-manager-driver-1.3-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Network Manager Driver linux/ppc64
globus-xio-net-manager-driver-devel-1.3-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Network Manager Driver Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-pipe-driver-4.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Pipe Driver linux/ppc64
globus-xio-pipe-driver-devel-4.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus Pipe Driver Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-popen-driver-4.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Pipe Open Driver linux/ppc64
globus-xio-popen-driver-devel-4.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Pipe Open Driver Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-rate-driver-2.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Rate Limiting Driver linux/ppc64
globus-xio-rate-driver-devel-2.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO Rate Limiting Driver Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xio-udt-driver-2.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO UDT Driver linux/ppc64
globus-xio-udt-driver-devel-2.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus XIO UDT Driver Development Files linux/ppc64
globus-xioperf-5.0-1.el7 Grid Community Toolkit - XIO Performance Tool linux/ppc64
gloox-1.0.13-1.el7 A rock-solid, full-featured Jabber/XMPP client C++ library linux/ppc64
gloox-devel-1.0.13-1.el7 Development files for gloox linux/ppc64
gmime-2.6.23-1.el7 Library for creating and parsing MIME messages linux/ppc64
gmime-devel-2.6.23-1.el7 Header files to develop libgmime applications linux/ppc64
gnome-battery-bench-3.15.4-6.el7 Measure power usage in defined scenarios linux/ppc64
gnome-colors-icon-theme-5.5.1-7.el7 GNOME-Colors icon theme linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-disconnect-wifi-17-1.el7 GNOME Shell Extension Disconnect Wifi by kgshank linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-freon-34-1.el7 GNOME Shell extension to display system temperature, voltage, and fan speed linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-iok-0.20141115-2.el7 A gnome-shell extension for iok application linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-no-topleft-hot-corner-19.0-1.el7 Disable the "hot corner" in the top-left of GNOME Shell linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-pidgin-1.0.3-1.el7 Make Pidgin IM conversations appear in the Gnome Shell message tray linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-refresh-wifi-6.0-1.el7 GNOME Shell Extension Refresh Wifi Connections by kgshank linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-suspend-button-19-1.20171024gita812520.el7 GNOME Shell Extension Suspend-Button by laserb linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor-applet-38-1.el7 A Gnome shell system monitor extension linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-unite-8-1.el7 GNOME Shell Extension Unite by hardpixel linux/noarch
gnome-shell-extension-windowoverlay-icons-31-1.el7 Show app icons on top of the windows thumbnails in Activities Overview linux/noarch
goaccess-1.2-1.el7 Real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer linux/ppc64
gobby05-0.5.0-6.el7 Collaborative editor supporting multiple documents linux/ppc64
golang-bitbucket-kardianos-osext-devel-0-0.5.hg364fb577de68.el7 Supplementary Go networking libraries linux/noarch
golang-github-codegangsta-cli-devel-1.2.0-1.el7 Package for building command line apps in Go linux/noarch
golang-github-coreos-go-log-devel-0-0.6.git840af6b.el7 A golang library for logging to systemd linux/noarch
golang-github-docopt-docopt-go-devel-0-0.1.git.854c423.el7 Command-line interface description language in Go linux/noarch
golang-github-godbus-dbus-devel-0-0.1.gitcb98efb.el7 Go client bindings for D-Bus linux/noarch
golang-github-goraft-raft-devel-0-0.5.git73f9c44.el7 A Go implementation of the Raft distributed consensus protocol linux/noarch
golang-github-kdar-factorlog-devel-0-0.1.git814d8f7.el7 Fast logging infrastructure for Go linux/noarch
golang-github-kr-fs-devel-0-0.1.git2788f0d.el7 Provides Go filesystem-related functions linux/noarch
golang-github-kraman-libcontainer-devel-0-0.1.gitd700e5b.el7 Reference implementation for containers linux/noarch
golang-github-openshift-go-json-rest-devel-0-0.1.git7715b15.el7 A quick and easy way to setup a RESTFUL JSON API linux/noarch
golang-github-openshift-go-systemd-devel-0-0.2.gitb71042d.el7 Go bindings to systemd D-BUS APIs linux/noarch
golang-github-spf13-cobra-devel-0-0.2.gite174a40.el7 A Commander for modern go CLI interactions linux/noarch
google-authenticator-1.04-1.el7 One-time pass-code support using open standards linux/ppc64
google-droid-kufi-fonts-20120715-12.el7 A kufi Arabic titling typeface designed to complement Droid Sans linux/noarch
google-droid-sans-fonts-20120715-12.el7 A humanist sans serif typeface linux/noarch
google-droid-sans-mono-fonts-20120715-12.el7 A humanist monospace sans serif typeface linux/noarch
google-droid-serif-fonts-20120715-12.el7 A contemporary serif typeface linux/noarch
google-gson-2.8.2-2.el7 Java lib for conversion of Java objects into JSON representation linux/noarch
google-gson-javadoc-2.8.2-2.el7 API documentation for google-gson linux/noarch
google-noto-cjk-fonts-1.004-7.el7 Google Noto Sans CJK Fonts linux/noarch
google-roboto-condensed-fonts-2.138-1.el7 Google Roboto condensed fonts linux/noarch
google-roboto-fonts-2.138-1.el7 Google Roboto fonts linux/noarch
google-roboto-mono-fonts-2.000986-0.1.20150923git.el7 Google Roboto Mono fonts linux/noarch
google-roboto-slab-fonts-1.100263-0.3.20150923git.el7 Google Roboto Slab fonts linux/noarch
gpaw-1.2.0-1.el7 A grid-based real-space PAW method DFT code linux/ppc64
gpaw-common-1.2.0-1.el7 gpaw - common files linux/noarch
gpaw-mpich-1.2.0-1.el7 gpaw - mpich version linux/ppc64
gpaw-openmpi-1.2.0-1.el7 gpaw - openmpi version linux/ppc64
gpaw-setups-0.9.11271-2.el7 Atomic GPAW setups linux/noarch
gramps-5.0.1-2.el7 Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System linux/noarch
graphite-api-1.1.3-3.el7 Graphite-web, without the interface. Just the rendering HTTP API linux/noarch
greenwave-0.3-3.el7 Service for gating on automated tests linux/noarch
grive2-0.5.0-2.20171122git84c57c1.el7.1 Google Drive client linux/ppc64
gromacs-2018.6-1.el7 Fast, Free and Flexible Molecular Dynamics linux/ppc64
gromacs-common-2018.6-1.el7 GROMACS shared data and documentation linux/noarch
gromacs-devel-2018.6-1.el7 GROMACS header files and development libraries linux/ppc64
gromacs-doc-2018.6-1.el7 GROMACS manual linux/noarch
gromacs-libs-2018.6-1.el7 GROMACS shared libraries linux/ppc64
gromacs-mpich-2018.6-1.el7 GROMACS MPICH binaries and libraries linux/ppc64
gromacs-openmpi-2018.6-1.el7 GROMACS Open MPI binaries and libraries linux/ppc64
grub-customizer-5.0.8-1.el7 Graphical GRUB2 settings manager linux/ppc64
gshhg-gmt-nc4-2.3.3-1.el7 Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Geography (GSHHG) linux/noarch
gshhg-gmt-nc4-full-2.3.3-1.el7 GSHHG - full resolution linux/noarch
gshhg-gmt-nc4-high-2.3.3-1.el7 GSHHG - high resolution linux/noarch
gsmartcontrol-1.1.3-1.el7 Graphical user interface for smartctl linux/ppc64
gstreamer1-vaapi-1.10.5-3.el7 GStreamer plugins to use VA API video acceleration linux/ppc64
gtk-recordmydesktop-0.3.8-13.el7 GUI Desktop session recorder with audio and video linux/noarch
gtk2hs-buildtools- Tools to build the Gtk2Hs GUI libraries linux/ppc64
gtkdialog-0.8.3-8.el7 Fast and easy GUI builder linux/ppc64
gtkdialog-doc-0.8.3-8.el7 Documentation files for gtkdialog linux/noarch
guacd-1.0.0-1.el7 Proxy daemon for Guacamole linux/ppc64
guile-NLopt-2.4.2-2.el7 Guile bindings for NLopt linux/ppc64
guile-NLopt-devel-2.4.2-2.el7 Development files of Guile bindings for NLopt linux/ppc64

Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1

Fabrice Bellet, Sun Jun 9 12:57:56 2024