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RPM shipped by Fedora Project

VirtualGL-3.1-3.el8.aarch64 A toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients EPEL 8 for aarch64
VirtualGL-devel-3.1-3.el8.aarch64 Development headers and libraries for VirtualGL EPEL 8 for aarch64
v-hacd-devel-4.1.0-2.el8.noarch Development files for V-HACD EPEL 8 for aarch64
v-hacd-tools-4.1.0-2.el8.aarch64 Command-line tools based on the V-HACD library EPEL 8 for aarch64
valkey-7.2.6-1.el8.aarch64 A persistent key-value database EPEL 8 for aarch64
valkey-compat-redis-7.2.6-1.el8.noarch Conversion script and compatibility symlinks for Redis EPEL 8 for aarch64
valkey-devel-7.2.6-1.el8.aarch64 Development header for Valkey module development EPEL 8 for aarch64
vamp-plugin-sdk-2.8.0-2.el8.aarch64 An API for audio analysis and feature extraction plugins EPEL 8 for aarch64
vamp-plugin-sdk-devel-2.8.0-2.el8.aarch64 Development files for vamp-plugin-sdk EPEL 8 for aarch64
vamp-plugin-sdk-static-2.8.0-2.el8.aarch64 Static libraries for vamp-plugin-sdk EPEL 8 for aarch64
vapoursynth-devel-51-1.el8.aarch64 Development files for vapoursynth EPEL 8 for aarch64
vapoursynth-libs-51-1.el8.aarch64 VapourSynth's core library with a C++ API EPEL 8 for aarch64
vapoursynth-plugins-51-1.el8.aarch64 VapourSynth plugins EPEL 8 for aarch64
vapoursynth-tools-51-1.el8.aarch64 Extra tools for VapourSynth EPEL 8 for aarch64
vcdimager-2.0.1-16.el8.aarch64 VideoCD (pre-)mastering and ripping tool EPEL 8 for aarch64
vcdimager-devel-2.0.1-16.el8.aarch64 Header files and library for VCDImager EPEL 8 for aarch64
vcdimager-libs-2.0.1-16.el8.aarch64 Libraries for vcdimager EPEL 8 for aarch64
vcftools-0.1.16-5.el8.aarch64 VCF file manipulation tools EPEL 8 for aarch64
vcs-diff-lint-6.4-1.el8.noarch VCS Differential Code Analysis Tool EPEL 8 for aarch64
vdpauinfo-1.0-10.el8.aarch64 Tool to query the capabilities of a VDPAU implementation EPEL 8 for aarch64
verilator-4.028-1.el8.aarch64 A fast simulator for synthesizable Verilog EPEL 8 for aarch64
veristat-0.3.2-1.el8.aarch64 Tool for loading, verifying, and debugging BPF object files EPEL 8 for aarch64
vid.stab-1.1.0-12.20190213gitaeabc8d.el8.aarch64 Video stabilize library for fmpeg, mlt or transcode EPEL 8 for aarch64
vid.stab-devel-1.1.0-12.20190213gitaeabc8d.el8.aarch64 Development files for vid.stab EPEL 8 for aarch64
vifm-0.10.1-3.el8.aarch64 File manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment EPEL 8 for aarch64
vile-9.8t-4.el8.aarch64 VI Like Emacs EPEL 8 for aarch64
vile-common-9.8t-4.el8.aarch64 The common files needed by any version of the vile editor EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-airline-0.11-9.el8.noarch Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-ale-3.3.0-1.el8.noarch Asynchronous Vim Lint Engine EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-ansible-3.2-1.el8.noarch Vim plugin for syntax highlighting ansible's common filetypes EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-devicons-0.11.0-10.20221001git71f239a.15.el8.noarch Adds file type icons to Vim plugins EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-editorconfig-1.1.1-1.el8.noarch EditorConfig Vim Plugin EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-fugitive-3.7-4.el8.noarch A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-fugitive-gitlab-0~20220701gitb73a8e-3.el8.noarch GitLab support for vim-fugitive plugin EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-gitgutter-0-12.20230901gitf7b9766.15.el8.noarch Shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-go-1.26-1.el8.aarch64 Go development plugin for Vim EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-gv-0-15.el8.noarch Git commit browser in Vim EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-halibut-1.3-3.el8.noarch Syntax file for the halibut manual tool EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-jellybeans-1.7-3.el8.noarch A colorful, dark color scheme for Vim EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-nerdtree-git-plugin-0-9.20210818gite1fe727.el8.noarch Plugin of NERDTree showing git status EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-pathogen-0-2.20181213gite9fb091.el8.noarch Manage your runtimepath EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-powerline-2.8.4-1.el8.noarch Powerline VIM plugin EPEL 8 for aarch64
vim-trailing-whitespace-1.0-9.20230228git5540b3f.11.el8.noarch Highlights trailing whitespace in red and provides :FixWhitespace to fix it EPEL 8 for aarch64
virglrenderer-0.8.2-1.20200212git7d204f39.el8.aarch64 Virgl Rendering library. EPEL 8 for aarch64
virglrenderer-devel-0.8.2-1.20200212git7d204f39.el8.aarch64 Virgil3D renderer development files EPEL 8 for aarch64
virglrenderer-test-server-0.8.2-1.20200212git7d204f39.el8.aarch64 Virgil3D renderer testing server EPEL 8 for aarch64
virt-backup-0.2.25-3.el8.noarch Backup script for libvirt managed VM EPEL 8 for aarch64
vlgothic-fonts-20141206-15.el8.1.noarch Japanese TrueType font EPEL 8 for aarch64
vlgothic-p-fonts-20141206-15.el8.1.noarch Proportional Japanese TrueType font EPEL 8 for aarch64
vmtouch-1.3.1-1.el8.aarch64 Portable file system cache diagnostics and control EPEL 8 for aarch64
vnstat-2.9-2.el8.aarch64 Console-based network traffic monitor EPEL 8 for aarch64
vnstat-vnstati-2.9-2.el8.aarch64 Image output support for vnstat EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-2.1.0-1.el8.aarch64 Virtual Organization Membership Service EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-api-java-3.3.3-1.el8.noarch Virtual Organization Membership Service Java API EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-api-java-javadoc-3.3.3-1.el8.noarch Virtual Organization Membership Service Java API Documentation EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-clients-cpp-2.1.0-1.el8.aarch64 Virtual Organization Membership Service Clients EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-clients-java-3.3.3-1.el8.noarch Virtual Organization Membership Service Java clients EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-devel-2.1.0-1.el8.aarch64 Virtual Organization Membership Service Development Files EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-doc-2.1.0-1.el8.noarch Virtual Organization Membership Service Documentation EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-mysql-plugin-3.1.7-8.el8.aarch64 VOMS server plugin for MySQL EPEL 8 for aarch64
voms-server-2.1.0-1.el8.aarch64 Virtual Organization Membership Service Server EPEL 8 for aarch64
voro++-0.4.6-19.el8.aarch64 Library for 3D computations of the Voronoi tessellation EPEL 8 for aarch64
voro++-devel-0.4.6-19.el8.aarch64 voro++ headers EPEL 8 for aarch64
voro++-doc-0.4.6-19.el8.noarch voro++ documentation EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-csg-1.6.4-1.el8.aarch64 VOTCA coarse-graining engine EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-csg-bash-1.6.4-1.el8.noarch Bash completion for VOTCA CSG EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-csg-common-1.6.4-1.el8.noarch Architecture independent data files for VOTCA CSG EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-csg-devel-1.6.4-1.el8.aarch64 Development headers and libraries for VOTCA coarse-graining Engine EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-csg-doc-1.6.4-1.el8.noarch Architecture independent doc files for VOTCA CSG EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-csg-libs-1.6.4-1.el8.aarch64 Libraries for VOTCA coarse-graining engine EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-tools-1.6.4-1.el8.aarch64 VOTCA tools library EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-tools-devel-1.6.4-1.el8.aarch64 Development headers and libraries for votca-tools EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-xtp-1.6.4-1.el8.aarch64 VOTCA excitation and charge properties module EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-xtp-common-1.6.4-1.el8.noarch Architecture independent data files for VOTCA XTP EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-xtp-devel-1.6.4-1.el8.aarch64 Development headers and libraries for VOTCA XTP EPEL 8 for aarch64
votca-xtp-libs-1.6.4-1.el8.aarch64 Libraries for VOTCA excitation and charge properties module EPEL 8 for aarch64
vpnc-script-20220404-1.git40a8c62c.el8.noarch Routing setup script for vpnc and openconnect EPEL 8 for aarch64
vrms-rpm-2.3-1.el8.aarch64 Report non-free software EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtable-dumper-1.2-10.el8.aarch64 Tool to list content of virtual tables in a C++ shared library EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 The Visualization Toolkit - A high level 3D visualization library EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-data-9.0.1-10.el8.noarch VTK data files for tests/examples EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-devel-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 VTK header files for building C++ code EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-examples-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 Examples for VTK EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-java-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 Java bindings for VTK EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-mpich-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 The Visualization Toolkit - mpich version EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-mpich-devel-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 VTK header files for building C++ code with mpich EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-mpich-java-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 Java bindings for VTK with mpich EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-mpich-qt-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 Qt bindings for VTK with mpich EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-openmpi-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 The Visualization Toolkit - openmpi version EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-openmpi-devel-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 VTK header files for building C++ code with openmpi EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-openmpi-java-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 Java bindings for VTK with openmpi EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-openmpi-qt-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 Qt bindings for VTK with openmpi EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-qt-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 Qt bindings for VTK EPEL 8 for aarch64
vtk-testing-9.0.1-10.el8.aarch64 Testing programs for VTK EPEL 8 for aarch64
vym-2.8.8-6.el8.aarch64 View your mind EPEL 8 for aarch64

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Fabrice Bellet, Mon Nov 4 06:08:31 2024