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RPMs less than three days old

perl-Array-Diff-0.09-14.el10_0.noarch Find the differences between two arrays EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Class-Measure-0.10-5.el10_0.noarch Create, compare and convert units of measurement EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Class-Measure-tests-0.10-5.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Class-Measure EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Const-Fast-0.014-34.el10_0.noarch Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Data-Binary-0.01-14.el10_0.noarch Simple detection of binary versus text in strings EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Digest-SHA3-1.05-8.el10_0.ppc64le Perl extension for SHA-3 EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Digest-SHA3-tests-1.05-8.el10_0.ppc64le Tests for perl-Digest-SHA3 EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Exporter-Tidy-0.08-32.el10_0.noarch Another way of exporting symbols EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.09-19.el10_0.noarch CPANfile support for ExtUtils::MakeMaker EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-tests-0.09-19.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-MCE-1.899-1.el10_0.noarch Many-core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-MCE-Shared-1.892-1.el10_0.noarch MCE extension for sharing data, supporting threads and processes EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-MCE-tools-1.899-1.el10_0.noarch Many-core Engine command line tools EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Module-Build-Tiny-0.051-1.el10_0.noarch A tiny replacement for Module::Build EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Module-Find-0.16-3.el10_0.noarch Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Module-Manifest-1.09-17.el10_0.noarch Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Net-DNS-1.46-1.el10_0.noarch DNS resolver modules for Perl EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver-1.46-1.el10_0.noarch DNS server for Perl EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock-1.20230216-5.el10_0.noarch Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock-tests-1.20230216-5.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Net-DNS-tests-1.46-1.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Net-DNS EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Parallel-ForkManager-2.03-1.el10_0.noarch Simple parallel processing fork manager EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout-0.32-24.el10_0.noarch PerlIO layer that adds read & write timeout to a handle EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Pod-MinimumVersion-50-41.el10_0.noarch Perl version for POD directives used EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Pod-MinimumVersion-tests-50-41.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Pod-MinimumVersion EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Probe-Perl-0.03-31.el10_0.noarch Information about the currently running perl EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Regexp-Trie-0.02-15.el10_0.noarch Build trie-ized regexp EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-FailWarnings-0.008-34.el10_0.noarch Add test failures if warnings are caught EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-HasVersion-0.014-27.el10_0.noarch Check Perl modules have version numbers EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-UseAllModules-0.17-25.el10_0.noarch Do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-YAML-Valid-0.04-39.el10_0.noarch Lets you test the validity of YAML files in unit tests EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-XML-Dumper-0.81-50.el10_0.noarch Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-XML-Namespace-0.02-29.el10_0.noarch Simple support for XML name spaces EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-XML-Namespace-tests-0.02-29.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-XML-Namespace EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-constant-defer-6-32.el10_0.noarch Constant subs with deferred value calculation EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-constant-defer-tests-6-32.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-constant-defer EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-oauth2client-4.1.3-27.el10_0.noarch Python client library for OAuth 2.0 EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-openshift-0.13.2-1.el10_0.noarch Python client for the OpenShift API EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
patchelf-0.18.0-6.el10_0.ppc64le A utility for patching ELF binaries EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Authen-Simple-0.5-37.el10_0.noarch Simple Authentication EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.36-16.el10_0.noarch Compile a log format string to perl-code EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Browser-Open-0.04-38.el10_0.noarch Open a browser in a given URL EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Browser-Open-tests-0.04-38.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Browser-Open EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-CSS-Tiny-1.20-26.el10_0.noarch Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Class-Load-XS-0.10-20.el10_0.ppc64le XS implementation of parts of Class::Load EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Class-Prototyped-1.13-32.el10_0.noarch Fast prototype-based OO programming in Perl EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Class-Prototyped-tests-1.13-32.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Class-Prototyped EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Clone-PP-1.08-12.el10_0.noarch Recursively copy Perl data-types EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Config-General-2.65-6.el10_0.noarch Generic configuration module for Perl EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Convert-BinHex-1.125-29.el10_0.noarch Convert to/from RFC1741 HQX7 (Mac BinHex) EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.38-1.el10_0.ppc64le JSON::XS for Cpanel, fast and correct serializing EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Crypt-IDEA-1.10-29.el10_0.ppc64le Perl interface to IDEA block cipher EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.17-2.el10_0.ppc64le OpenSSL/LibreSSL pseudo-random number generator access EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-tests-0.17-2.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Data-Denter-0.15-44.el10_0.noarch An alternative to Data::Dumper and Storable EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Data-Perl-0.002011-2.el10_0.noarch Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Data-Taxi-0.96-40.el10_0.noarch Taint-aware, XML-ish data serialization EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-DateTime-Locale-1.43-1.el10_0.noarch Localization support for EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-DateTime-Locale-tests-1.43-1.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-DateTime-Locale EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-DateTime-TimeZone-2.62-4.el10_0.noarch Time zone object base class and factory EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-DateTime-TimeZone-tests-2.62-4.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-DateTime-TimeZone EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03-51.el10_0.noarch Declarative Validation of Data Structures EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Devel-Leak-0.03-51.el10_0.ppc64le Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-File-Find-Object-Rule-0.0313-5.el10_0.noarch Alternative interface to File::Find::Object EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.14-16.el10_0.noarch Simple and dumb file system watcher EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-FreezeThaw-0.5001-45.el10_0.noarch Convert Perl structures to strings and back EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-GTop-0.18-44.el10_0.ppc64le Perl interface to libgtop EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-HTTP-BrowserDetect-3.40-4.el10_0.noarch Determine the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-HTML-Selector-XPath-0.28-1.el10_0.noarch CSS Selector to XPath compiler EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent-1.4-24.el10_0.noarch Cache the result of http get-requests persistently EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Hash-Merge-Simple-0.051-25.el10_0.noarch Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-IO-Compress-Zstd-2.212-2.el10_0.noarch Write zstd files/buffers EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-IO-Handle-Util-0.02-19.el10_0.noarch Utilities for working with IO::Handle-like objects EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-List-AllUtils-0.19-13.el10_0.noarch Combines List::Util and List::SomeUtils EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-List-AllUtils-tests-0.19-13.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-List-AllUtils EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Mail-AuthenticationResults-2.20231031-4.el10_0.noarch Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Math-Int64-0.57-3.el10_0.ppc64le Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Math-Int64-tests-0.57-3.el10_0.ppc64le Tests for perl-Math-Int64 EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Module-Build-XSUtil-0.19-17.el10_0.noarch A Module::Build class for building XS modules EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Module-Install-ExtraTests-0.008-34.el10_0.noarch Ignorable, contextual test support for Module::Install EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts-0.003-25.el10_0.noarch Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Net-LibIDN2-1.02-8.el10_0.ppc64le Perl binding for GNU Libidn2 EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Net-LibIDN2-tests-1.02-8.el10_0.ppc64le Tests for perl-Net-LibIDN2 EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Parallel-Iterator-1.002-6.el10_0.noarch Simple parallel execution EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Parallel-Iterator-tests-1.002-6.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Parallel-Iterator EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Scope-Upper-0.34-7.el10_0.ppc64le Act on upper scopes EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Scope-Upper-tests-0.34-7.el10_0.ppc64le Tests for perl-Scope-Upper EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-String-Random-0.32-9.el10_0.noarch Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-match-simple-XS-0.002-7.el10_0.ppc64le XS backend for match::simple EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-String-Util-1.35-1.el10_0.noarch String processing utilities EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Sub-Exporter-Lexical-1.000-1.el10_0.noarch Export lexically-available subs with Sub::Exporter EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-API-0.010-17.el10_0.noarch Test a list of subroutines provided by a module EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-EOL-2.02-8.el10_0.noarch Check the correct line endings in your project EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-NoTabs-2.02-17.el10_0.noarch Check the presence of tabs in your project EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-Portability-Files-0.10-19.el10_0.noarch Check file names portability EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-Trap-0.3.5-6.el10_0.noarch Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-Trap-tests-0.3.5-6.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-Test-Trap EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Text-Aligner-0.16-14.el10_0.noarch Text::Aligner Perl module EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Unicode-CheckUTF8-1.03-35.el10_0.ppc64le Checks if scalar is valid UTF-8 EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Unicode-String-2.10-29.el10_0.ppc64le Perl modules to handle various Unicode issues EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-XML-DOM-1.46-25.el10_0.noarch DOM extension to XML::Parser EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-XML-NamespaceFactory-1.02-29.el10_0.noarch Simple factory objects for SAX name-spaced names EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-XML-NamespaceFactory-tests-1.02-29.el10_0.noarch Tests for perl-XML-NamespaceFactory EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-XML-RegExp-0.04-34.el10_0.noarch Regular expressions for XML tokens EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
platform- Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
platform-devel- Development files for platform EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
prwd-1.9.1-13.el10_0.ppc64le A tool to print a reduced working directory EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-uwsgidecorators-2.0.26-6.el10_0.ppc64le Python 3.12 decorators providing access to the uwsgi API EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-websocket-client-1.8.0-2.el10_0.noarch WebSocket client for python EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3.12-uwsgidecorators-2.0.26-6.el10_0.ppc64le Python 3.12 decorators providing access to the uwsgi API EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le

RPMs less than one week old

perl-URI-Encode-1.1.1-25.el10_0.noarch Percent encoding/decoding for URIs EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-URI-FromHash-0.05-27.el10_0.noarch Build a URI from a set of named parameters EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Library for property based testing EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+cli-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: cli extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+codemods-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: codemods extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+dateutil-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: dateutil extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+django-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: django extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+ghostwriter-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: ghostwriter extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+lark-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: lark extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+numpy-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: numpy extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+pandas-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: pandas extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+pytest-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: pytest extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+pytz-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: pytz extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+redis-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: redis extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-hypothesis+zoneinfo-6.104.2-5.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: zoneinfo extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
pmount-0.9.23-32.el10_0.ppc64le Enable normal user mount EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python-sortedcontainers-doc-2.4.0-19.el10_0.noarch Pure Python sorted container types EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python-string_utils-doc-1.0.0-17.el10_0.noarch Documentation for python-string-utils EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-certifi-2023.05.07-6.el10_0.noarch Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-dictdiffer-0.9.0-12.el10_0.noarch Dictdiffer is a module that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-google-auth-2.34.0-1.el10_0.noarch Google Auth Python Library EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-kubernetes-30.1.0-1.el10_0.noarch Kubernetes Python Client EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-kubernetes-tests-30.1.0-1.el10_0.noarch Tests python-kubernetes library EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-python-string-utils-1.0.0-17.el10_0.noarch Utility functions for strings validation and manipulation EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-rsa-4.9-7.el10_0.noarch Pure-Python RSA implementation EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-sortedcontainers-2.4.0-19.el10_0.noarch Pure Python sorted container types EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Any-URI-Escape-0.01-35.el10_0.noarch Load URI::Escape::XS preferentially over URI::Escape EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
perl-Test-Name-FromLine-0.13-30.el10_0.noarch Automatically name tests from their source code EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-versioneer-0.29-1.el10_0.noarch Easy VCS-based management of project version strings EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le
python3-versioneer+toml-0.29-1.el10_0.noarch Metapackage for python3-versioneer: toml extras EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le

RPMs less than two weeks old

RPMs less than one month old

python3-backoff-2.2.1-8.el10_0.noarch Python library providing function decorators for configurable backoff and retry EPEL 10 Testing for ppc64le

RPMs more than 1 months old

Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1

Fabrice Bellet, Sun Sep 8 02:31:34 2024