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RPM shipped by Fedora Project

R-Rcpp-1.0.13-2.el8.aarch64New Seamless R and C++ Integration EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
R-Rcpp-devel-1.0.13-2.el8.aarch64New Rcpp Development Files EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
R-Rcpp-examples-1.0.13-2.el8.aarch64New Rcpp Examples EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
aggregate6-1.0.13-1.el8.noarchNew Tool to compress an unsorted list of IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
apcupsd-3.14.14-33.el8.aarch64New APC UPS Power Control Daemon EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
apcupsd-cgi-3.14.14-33.el8.aarch64New Web interface for apcupsd EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
apcupsd-gui-3.14.14-33.el8.aarch64New GUI interface for apcupsd EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
arm-none-eabi-binutils-cs-2.43-1.el8.aarch64 GNU Binutils for cross-compilation for arm-none-eabi target EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs-12.4.0-1.el8.aarch64 GNU GCC for cross-compilation for arm-none-eabi target EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs-c++-12.4.0-1.el8.aarch64 Cross Compiling GNU GCC targeted at arm-none-eabi EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
arm-none-eabi-newlib- C library intended for use on arm-none-eabi embedded systems EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
audacious-4.4.2-1.el8.aarch64New Advanced audio player EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
audacious-devel-4.4.2-1.el8.aarch64New Development files for the Audacious audio player EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
audacious-libs-4.4.2-1.el8.aarch64New Library files for the Audacious audio player EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
audacious-plugins-4.4.2-1.el8.aarch64New Plugins for the Audacious audio player EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
audacious-plugins-amidi-4.4.2-1.el8.aarch64New Audacious input plugin for MIDI EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
audacious-plugins-exotic-4.4.2-1.el8.aarch64New Optional niche market plugins for Audacious EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
audacious-plugins-jack-4.4.2-1.el8.aarch64New Audacious output plugin for Jack Audio Connection Kit EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Modular SIP user-agent with audio and video support EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-alsa-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New ALSA audio driver for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-av1-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New AV1 video codec module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-codec2-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Codec 2 audio codec module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-ctrl_dbus-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New D-BUS communication channel control module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-devel-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Development files for the baresip library EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-g722-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New G.722 audio codec module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-g726-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New G.726 audio codec module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-gst-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New GStreamer audio source driver for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-gtk-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New GTK+ menu-based user interface module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-jack-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New JACK audio driver for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-mpa-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New MPA speech and audio codec module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-mqtt-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New MQTT management module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-opus-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Opus speech and audio codec module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-plc-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Packet Loss Concealment module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-portaudio-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Portaudio audio driver for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-pulse-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New PulseAudio audio driver for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-sdl-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New SDL2 video output driver for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-snapshot-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Snapshot video filter using libpng for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-sndfile-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Audio dumper module using libsndfile for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-tools-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Collection of tools and helper scripts for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-v4l2-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Video4Linux video source driver for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-vp8-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New VP8 video codec module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-vp9-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New VP9 video codec module for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
baresip-x11-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New X11 video output driver for baresip EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
centpkg-0.9.1-1.el8.noarchNew CentOS utility for working with dist-git EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
centpkg-sig-0.9.1-1.el8.noarchNew CentOS SIG utility for working with dist-git EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
chromedriver-130.0.6723.116-1.el8.aarch64New WebDriver for Google Chrome/Chromium EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
chromium-130.0.6723.116-1.el8.aarch64New A WebKit (Blink) powered web browser that Google doesn't want you to use EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
chromium-common-130.0.6723.116-1.el8.aarch64New Files needed for both the headless_shell and full Chromium EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
chromium-headless-130.0.6723.116-1.el8.aarch64New A minimal headless shell built from Chromium EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
chromium-qt5-ui-130.0.6723.116-1.el8.aarch64New Qt5 UI built from Chromium EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csbuild-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew Tool for plugging static analyzers into the build process EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csclng-2.2.6-2.el8.aarch64New A compiler wrapper that runs Clang in background EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
cscppc-2.2.6-2.el8.aarch64New A compiler wrapper that runs Cppcheck in background EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csdiff-3.5.2-1.el8.aarch64New Non-interactive tools for processing code scan results in plain-text EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csgcca-2.2.6-2.el8.aarch64New A compiler wrapper that runs GCC analyzer in background EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmatch-2.2.6-2.el8.aarch64New A compiler wrapper that runs Smatch in background EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew A mock wrapper for Static Analysis tools EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-common-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew Core of csmock (a mock wrapper for Static Analysis tools) EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-bandit-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for Bandit. EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-cbmc-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for cbmc EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-clang-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for Clang EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-clippy-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for Rust Clippy. EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-cppcheck-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for Cppcheck EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-divine-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for divine EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-gitleaks-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew experimental csmock plug-in EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-infer-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for Infer EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-pylint-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for Pylint. EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-semgrep-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for semgrep scan EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-shellcheck-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for ShellCheck. EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-shellcheck-core-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew script to run shellcheck on a directory tree EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-smatch-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for smatch EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-snyk-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for snyk EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-strace-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for strace EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-symbiotic-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for symbiotic EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-unicontrol-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew experimental csmock plug-in EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
csmock-plugin-valgrind-3.8.0-1.el8.noarchNew csmock plug-in providing the support for valgrind EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
ec2-hibinit-agent-1.0.9-4.el8.noarchNew Hibernation setup utility for Amazon EC2 EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
fedora-license-data-1.61-1.el8.noarchNew Fedora Linux license data EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
fetch-crl-3.0.22-2.el8.noarchNew Downloads Certificate Revocation Lists EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
iaito-5.9.6-2.el8.aarch64New GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew Web Single Sign On (SSO) and Access Management EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-common-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG configuration EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-doc-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG documentation EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG FastCGI Server EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-handler-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG handler EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-manager-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG administration interface EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-portal-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG authentication portal EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-selinux-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG SELinux policy EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-test-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG test applications EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
lemonldap-ng-uwsgi-app-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew LemonLDAP-NG UWSGI Application EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libbson-1.29.0-1.el8.aarch64New Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libbson-devel-1.29.0-1.el8.aarch64New Development files for mongo-c-driver EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
liblxi-1.22-1.el8.aarch64New Library with simple API for communication with LXI devices EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
liblxi-devel-1.22-1.el8.aarch64New Development files for liblxi EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libmongocrypt-1.12.0-1.el8.aarch64New The companion C library for client side encryption in drivers EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libmongocrypt-devel-1.12.0-1.el8.aarch64New Header files and development libraries for libmongocrypt EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libobjfw-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New ObjFW library EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libobjfw-devel-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Header files, libraries and tools for libobjfw EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libobjfwhid-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New HID support for ObjFW EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libobjfwhid-devel-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Header files and libraries for libobjfwhid EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libobjfwrt-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New ObjFW Objective-C runtime library EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libobjfwrt-devel-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Header files and libraries for libobjfwrt EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libobjfwtls-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New TLS support for ObjFW EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libobjfwtls-devel-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Header files and libraries for libobjfwtls EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libopenjph-0.18.0-1.el8.aarch64New JPEG-2000 Part-15 library EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libopenjph-devel-0.18.0-1.el8.aarch64New Development files for libopenjph, a JPEG-2000 library EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libre-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Generic library for real-time communications EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
libre-devel-3.17.0-1.el8.aarch64New Development files for the re library EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
mongo-c-driver-1.29.0-1.el8.aarch64New Client library written in C for MongoDB EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
mongo-c-driver-devel-1.29.0-1.el8.aarch64New Header files and development libraries for mongo-c-driver EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
mongo-c-driver-libs-1.29.0-1.el8.aarch64New Shared libraries for mongo-c-driver EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
mrack-1.23.0-1.el8.noarchNew Multicloud use-case based multihost async provisioner EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
mrack-cli-1.23.0-1.el8.noarchNew Command line interface for mrack EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New Advanced Resource Connector Middleware EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-acix-core-6.21.0-1.el8.noarchNew ARC cache index - core EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-acix-index-6.21.0-1.el8.noarchNew ARC cache index - index server EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-acix-scanner-6.21.0-1.el8.noarchNew ARC cache index - scanner server EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-arcctl-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Control Tool EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-arcctl-service-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Control Tool - service control modules EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-archery-manage-6.21.0-1.el8.noarchNew ARCHERY administration tool EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-arex-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Resource-coupled EXecution service EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-arex-python-lrms-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Resource-coupled EXecution service - Python LRMS backends EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-client-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC command line clients EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-community-rtes-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC community defined RTEs support EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-datadelivery-service-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC data delivery service EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-devel-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC development files EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-gridftpd-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC gridftp server EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-hed-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Hosting Environment Daemon EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-infosys-ldap-6.21.0-1.el8.noarchNew ARC LDAP-based information services EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-monitor-6.21.0-1.el8.noarchNew ARC LDAP monitor web application EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-nordugridmap-6.21.0-1.el8.noarchNew ARC's nordugridmap tool EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-arcrest-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC REST plugin EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-gfal-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC GFAL2 plugins EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-globus-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Globus plugins (compat) EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-globus-common-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Globus plugins common libraries EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-gridftp-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Globus dependent DMCs EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-gridftpjob-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC GRIDFTPJOB client plugin EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-internal-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC internal plugin EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-lcas-lcmaps-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC LCAS/LCMAPS plugins EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-needed-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC base plugins EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-python-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Python dependent plugin EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-s3-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC S3 plugins EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-plugins-xrootd-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC xrootd plugins EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-test-utils-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC test tools EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
nordugrid-arc6-wn-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC optional worker nodes components EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
objfw-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
objfw-doc-1.2.1-1.el8.noarchNew Documentation for ObjFW EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
ofarc-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Utility for handling ZIP, Tar, LHA and Zoo archives EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
ofdns-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Utility for performing DNS requests on the command line EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
ofhash-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Utility to hash files with various cryptographic hash functions EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
ofhttp-1.2.1-1.el8.aarch64New Command line downloader for HTTP(S) EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
openjph-0.18.0-1.el8.aarch64New Open-source implementation of JPEG2000 Part-15 (or JPH or HTJ2K) EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
perl-Lemonldap-NG-SSOaaS-Apache-Client-2.20.1-1.el8.noarchNew Lemonldap-NG SSOaaS client for Apache EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python-OWSLib-doc-0.28.1-7.el8.noarchNew Documentation and examples for OWSLib EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-OWSLib-0.28.1-7.el8.noarchNew OGC Web Service utility library EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-aggregate6-1.0.13-1.el8.noarchNew Python module to compress an unsorted list of IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-colcon-core-0.18.3-1.el8.noarchNew Command line tool to build sets of software packages EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-csdiff-3.5.2-1.el8.aarch64New Python interface to csdiff for Python 3 EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-mrack-aws-1.23.0-1.el8.noarchNew AWS provider plugin for mrack EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-mrack-beaker-1.23.0-1.el8.noarchNew Beaker provider plugin for mrack EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-mrack-openstack-1.23.0-1.el8.noarchNew Openstack provider plugin for mrack EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-mrack-podman-1.23.0-1.el8.noarchNew Podman provider plugin for mrack EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-mrack-virt-1.23.0-1.el8.noarchNew Virtualization provider plugin for mrack using testcloud EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-mracklib-1.23.0-1.el8.noarchNew Core mrack libraries EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
python3-nordugrid-arc6-6.21.0-1.el8.aarch64New ARC Python 3 wrapper EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
qt-creator-8.0.2-4.el8.aarch64New Cross-platform IDE for Qt EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
qt-creator-data-8.0.2-4.el8.noarchNew Application data for qt-creator EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
qt-creator-doc-8.0.2-4.el8.noarchNew User documentation for qt-creator EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
qt-creator-translations-8.0.2-4.el8.noarchNew Translations for qt-creator EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
radare2-5.9.6-2.el8.aarch64New The reverse engineering framework EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
radare2-common-5.9.6-2.el8.noarchNew Arch-independent SDB files for the radare2 package EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
radare2-devel-5.9.6-2.el8.aarch64New Development files for the radare2 package EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
sasutils-0.6.1-1.el8.noarchNew Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) utilities EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
ssldump-1.9-1.el8.aarch64New SSL/TLS network protocol analyzer EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
tito-0.6.27-1.el8.noarchNew A tool for managing rpm based git projects EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
tor- Anonymizing overlay network for TCP EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
trafficserver-9.2.6-2.el8.aarch64New Fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 caching proxy server EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
trafficserver-devel-9.2.6-2.el8.noarchNew Development files for Apache Traffic Server plugins EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
trafficserver-perl-9.2.6-2.el8.noarchNew Perl bindings for Apache Traffic Server management EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64
trafficserver-selinux-9.2.6-2.el8.noarchNew trafficserver SELinux policy EPEL 8 Testing for aarch64

Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1

Fabrice Bellet, Fri Nov 15 08:21:25 2024