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RPMs more than 1 months old

python3-decopatch-1.4.10-5.fc37.noarch A helper to write python decorators Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-decorator-5.1.1-4.fc37.noarch Module to simplify usage of decorators in python3 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-deepdiff-5.8.2-2.fc37.noarch Python 3 package of python-deepdiff Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-defcon-0.7.2-8.fc37.noarch A set of flexible objects for representing UFO data Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-defusedxml-0.7.1-6.fc37.noarch XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-demjson-2.2.4-27.fc37.noarch Python JSON module and lint checker Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-deprecated-1.2.13-3.fc37.noarch Python decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-deprecation-2.1.0-7.fc37.noarch A library to handle automated deprecations Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-designateclient-4.5.0-3.fc37.noarch Python API and CLI for OpenStack Designate Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-designateclient-tests-4.5.0-3.fc37.noarch Python API and CLI for OpenStack Designate (tests) Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-devolo-home-control-api-0.16.0-8.fc37.noarch Devolo Home Control API in Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dfdatetime-0.0.20200824-7.fc37.noarch Python module for digital forensics date and time Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dialog-3.5.3-4.fc37.noarch Python interface to the Unix dialog utility Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dict-sorted-1.0.0-23.fc37.noarch Dictionaries sorted by key or by comparison function Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dictdiffer-0.9.0-4.fc37.noarch Dictdiffer is a module that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dictdumper-0.8.4-4.fc37.noarch Python dict formatted dumper Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dicttoxml-1.7.4-9.fc37.noarch Converts a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-didl-lite-1.2.5-8.fc37.noarch DIDL-Lite (Digital Item Declaration Language) tools Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-diff-cover-6.5.0-2.fc37.noarch Automatically find diff lines that need test coverage Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-diff-match-patch-20200713-8.fc37.noarch Algorithms for synchronzing plain text Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-digitalocean-1.17.0-4.fc37.noarch Easy access to Digital Ocean APIs to deploy droplets, images and more Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dijitso-2019.1.0-11.fc37.noarch Distributed just-in-time building of shared libraries Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dill- Serialize all of Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dipy-1.5.0-3.fc37.s390x Diffusion MRI utilities in python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-discid-1.2.0-6.fc37.noarch Libdiscid Python bindings Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-distlib-0.3.4-5.fc37.noarch Low-level components of distutils2/packaging, augmented with higher-level APIs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-distro-1.7.0-3.fc37.noarch Linux Distribution - a Linux OS platform information API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-distroinfo-0.5.0-4.fc37.noarch Parsing and querying distribution metadata stored in text/YAML files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-distutils-extra-2.39-24.fc37.noarch Integrate more support into Python's distutils Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-4.0.2-6.fc37.noarch A high-level Python Web framework Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-ajax-selects-2.2.0-2.fc37.noarch Intelligent schema migrations for Django apps Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-allauth-0.46.0-4.fc37.noarch Integrated set of Django authentication apps Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-angular-2.0.3-15.fc37.noarch Classes and utility functions to integrate AngularJS with Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-angular-doc-2.0.3-15.fc37.noarch Documentation-files for python3-django-angular Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-annoying-0.10.6-6.fc37.noarch Annoying things elimination in the Django framework Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-appconf-1.0.3-10.fc37.noarch A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gracefully Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-auth-ldap-4.1.0-3.fc37.noarch Django LDAP authentication backend Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-authority-0.11-21.fc37.noarch Django app for permissions - Python 3 version Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-cache-url-3.1.2-8.fc37.noarch Use Cache URLs in your Django application Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-configurations-2.2-11.fc37.noarch A helper for organizing Django settings Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-contact-form-1.4.2-18.fc37.noarch An extensible contact-form application for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-contrib-comments-2.0.0-7.fc37.noarch The code formerly known as django.contrib.comments Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-cors-headers-3.7.0-6.fc37.noarch Django application for handling the server headers required for CORS Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-crispy-forms-1.14.0-2.fc37.noarch Best way to have Django DRY forms - Python 3 version Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-database-url-0.5.0-16.fc37.noarch Use Database URLs in your Django Application Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-debreach-2.1.0-2.fc37.noarch Basic/extra mitigation against the BREACH attack for Django projects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-debug-toolbar-3.2.1-6.fc37.noarch Configurable set of panels that display various debug information Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-doc-4.0.2-6.fc37.noarch Documentation for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-email-url-1.0.1-8.fc37.noarch Use an URL to configure email backend settings in your Django Application Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-filter-22.1-2.fc37.noarch A Django application for allowing users to filter queryset dynamically Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-formtools-2.2-7.fc37.noarch A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-formtools-doc-2.2-7.fc37.noarch A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms - documentation Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-gravatar2-1.4.4-4.fc37.noarch Essential Gravatar support for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-haystack-3.0-0.1.b2.fc37.8.noarch Haystack provides modular search for Django - Python 3 version Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-health-check-3.16.5-3.fc37.noarch Checks for various conditions and provides reports Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-ipware-4.0.2-3.fc37.noarch A Django application to retrieve client's IP address Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-js-asset-1.2.2-10.fc37.noarch Script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-macros-0.4.0-23.fc37.noarch Macros for Django templates Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-markdownx-3.0.1-10.fc37.noarch A comprehensive Markdown editor built for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-mptt-0.12.0-6.fc37.noarch Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-pdb-0.6.2-4.fc37.noarch Easier pdb debugging for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-pglocks-1.0.4-7.fc37.noarch Context managers for advisory locks for PostgreSQL Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-picklefield-3.0.1-5.fc37.noarch A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-pipeline-1.6.8-21.fc37.noarch Packaging library for Django - Python 3 version Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-prometheus-2.1.0-7.fc37.noarch Django middlewares to monitor your application with Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-pytest-0.2.0-32.fc37.noarch Allows you to use py.test as a django test runner Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-q-1.3.9-5.fc37.noarch A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-redis-4.5.0-18.fc37.noarch Full featured redis cache backend for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-rest-framework-3.13.1-4.fc37.noarch Web APIs for Django, made easy Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-reversion-4.0.0-4.fc37.noarch Version control extension for the Django web framework Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-robots-3.1.0-16.fc37.noarch Robots exclusion application for Django - Python 3 version Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-rq-2.4.1-6.fc37.noarch App that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue) Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-rules-3.3.0-3.fc37.noarch Awesome Django authorization, without the database Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-search-url-0.1-11.fc37.noarch Use Search URLs in your Django Application Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-storages-1.11.1-7.fc37.noarch Support for many storage backends in Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-storages+boto3-1.11.1-7.fc37.noarch Support for many storage backends in Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-storages+dropbox-1.11.1-7.fc37.noarch Support for many storage backends in Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-storages+libcloud-1.11.1-7.fc37.noarch Support for many storage backends in Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-storages+sftp-1.11.1-7.fc37.noarch Support for many storage backends in Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-tables2-2.4.0-5.fc37.noarch Table framework for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-tagging-0.4.6-18.fc37.noarch A generic tagging application for Django projects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-taggit-1.5.1-5.fc37.noarch Reusable Django application for simple tagging Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-taggit-serializer-0.1.7-10.fc37.noarch Django Taggit serializer for Django REST Framework Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-tastypie-0.13.3-24.fc37.noarch A flexible and capable API layer for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-threadedcomments-1.2-18.fc37.noarch A simple yet flexible threaded commenting system for Django - Python 3 version Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-timezone-field-4.2.1-6.fc37.noarch Django app providing database and form fields for pytz timezone objects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-timezone-field+rest_framework-4.2.1-6.fc37.noarch Django app providing database and form fields for pytz timezone objects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-django-uuslug-2.0.0-2.fc37.noarch A Django slugify application that guarantees uniqueness and handles Unicode Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-djangoql-0.17.1-3.fc37.noarch DjangoQL: Advanced search language for Django Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dkimpy-1.0.5-7.fc37.noarch DKIM, ARC, and TLSRPT email signing and verification Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dmidecode-3.12.2-29.20210630gitf0a089a1.fc37.s390x Python 3 module to access DMI data Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dns-2.2.1-4.fc37.noarch DNS toolkit for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dns+curio-2.2.1-4.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-dns: curio extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dns+dnssec-2.2.1-4.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-dns: dnssec extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dns+doh-2.2.1-4.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-dns: doh extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dns+idna-2.2.1-4.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-dns: idna extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dns+trio-2.2.1-4.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-dns: trio extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dnslib-0.9.14-7.fc37.noarch Simple library to encode/decode DNS packets Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-docker-5.0.3-2.fc37.noarch A Python library for the Docker Engine API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-docker+ssh-5.0.3-2.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-docker: ssh extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-docker-pycreds-0.4.0-14.fc37.noarch Python bindings for the docker credentials store API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-docker-squash-1.0.9-4.fc37.noarch Docker layer squashing tool Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dockerfile-parse-1.1.0-13.fc37.noarch Python library for Dockerfile manipulation Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dockerpty-0.4.1-26.fc37.noarch Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-docopt-0.6.2-24.fc37.noarch Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-docs-theme-2022.1-4.fc37.noarch The Sphinx theme for the CPython docs and related projects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-docutils-0.18.1-2.fc37.noarch System for processing plaintext documentation Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-docx-0.8.11-13.fc37.noarch Create and modify Word documents with Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dogpile-cache-1.1.5-3.fc37.noarch A caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-doit-0.33.1-7.fc37.noarch Automation Tool Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-doit-doc-0.33.1-7.fc37.noarch Documentation for python-doit Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dominate-2.6.0-7.fc37.noarch Python library for HTML documents Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dotenv-0.19.2-4.fc37.noarch Read key-value pairs from a .env file and set them as environment variables Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dotenv+cli-0.19.2-4.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-dotenv: cli extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dotmap-1.3.30-3.fc37.noarch Dot access dictionary with dynamic hierarchy creation and ordered iteration Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-doubleratchet-0.7.0~beta-8.fc37.noarch Python implementation of the Double Ratchet algorithm Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-doxytag2zealdb-0.3.1-6.fc37.noarch Python modules for git-revise Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dpath-2.0.6-3.fc37.noarch Library for searching dictionaries using XPath-like expressions Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dpkt-1.9.4-7.fc37.noarch Simple packet creation/parsing library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-drat-1.0.3-13.fc37.noarch A reading text analysis tool Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-drf-yasg-1.20.0-7.fc37.noarch Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-drf-yasg+validation-1.20.0-7.fc37.noarch Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dtfabric-0.0.20220213-3.fc37.noarch Tool to manage data types and structures, as used by libyal Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dtopt-0.1-43.fc37.noarch Add options to doctest examples while they are running Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-duecredit-0.9.1-5.fc37.noarch Automated collection and reporting of citations Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dukpy-0.3-17.fc37.s390x JavaScript runtime environment Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-dulwich-0.20.44-2.fc37.s390x Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-earthpy-0.9.4-4.fc37.noarch A package built to support working with spatial data Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-easyargs-0.9.4-20.fc37.noarch Making argument parsing easy Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-easyco-0.2.3-7.fc37.noarch Configuration with YAML files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-easygui-0.96-37.fc37.noarch Very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python3 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-easyprocess-0.3-6.fc37.noarch Easy to use Python subprocess interface Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-eccodes-1.4.2-2.fc37.s390x Python interface to the ecCodes GRIB and BUFR decoder/encoder Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-edgegrid-1.2.1-4.fc37.noarch {OPEN} client authentication protocol for python-requests Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-edimax-0.2.1-7.fc37.noarch Interface with Edimax Smart Plugs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-editables-0.3-3.fc37.noarch Editable installations Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-editdistance-0.6.0-4.fc37.s390x Fast implementation of the Levenshtein distance Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-editdistance-s-1.0.0-6.fc37.s390x Fast implementation of the Levenshtein distance Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-editor-1.0.4-13.fc37.noarch Programmatically open an editor, capture the result. Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-editorconfig-0.12.3-8.fc37.noarch EditorConfig File Locator and Interpreter for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ee-9.0.4-3.fc37.noarch A port of node.js's EventEmitter to python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-elementpath-2.3.2-5.fc37.noarch XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-elpy-1.34.0-8.fc37.noarch Backend for the elpy Emacs mode Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-email-validator-1.1.1-8.fc37.noarch A robust email syntax and deliverability validation library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-emcee-3.1.2-3.fc37.noarch The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-enlighten-1.10.2-3.fc37.noarch Enlighten Progress Bar Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-enthought-sphinx-theme-0.6.2-8.fc37.noarch Sphinx theme for Enthought projects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-entrypoints-0.3-13.fc37.noarch Discover and load entry points from installed packages Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-enturclient-0.2.1-8.fc37.noarch Python API client for data from Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-environs-9.5.0-3.fc37.noarch Python library for parsing environment variables Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-environs+django-9.5.0-3.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-environs: django extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-environs-examples-9.5.0-3.fc37.noarch Example files for Environs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-envisage-6.0.1-2.fc37.noarch Extensible application framework Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-enzyme-0.4.1-20.fc37.noarch Python module to parse video metadata Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-epc-0.0.5-7.fc37.noarch EPC (RPC stack for Emacs Lisp) for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ephem-4.1.3-3.fc37.s390x Compute positions of the planets and stars Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ephyviewer-1.5.1-7.fc37.noarch Simple viewers for ephys signals, events, video and more Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-epi-0.2.1-4.fc37.noarch Tool for looking at the entry point plugins on a system Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-epson-projector-0.2.3-7.fc37.noarch Python support for Epson projectors Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-epub-0.5.2-28.fc37.noarch Python library for reading EPUB files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-et_xmlfile-1.1.0-3.fc37.noarch An implementation of lxml.xmlfile for the standard library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-etcd-0.4.5-26.fc37.noarch A python client library for etcd Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-etcd3-0.12.0-7.fc37.noarch Python client for the etcd API v3 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ethtool-0.15-4.fc37.s390x Python module to interface with ethtool Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-evdev-1.6.0-2.fc37.s390x Python bindings for the Linux input handling subsystem Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-events-0.4-3.fc37.noarch Bringing the elegance of C# EventHandler to Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-exabgp-4.0.10-14.fc37.noarch The BGP swiss army knife of networking Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-exdir-0.4.2-4.fc37.noarch Directory structure standard for experimental pipelines Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-execnet-1.9.0-7.fc37.noarch Elastic Python Deployment Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-exif-3.0.0-3.fc37.noarch Python 3 module to extract EXIF information Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-exiv2-0.9.3-7.fc37.s390x Python3 bindings for the exiv2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-exoscale-0.7.1-4.fc37.noarch Python bindings for Exoscale API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-extras-1.0.0-25.fc37.noarch Useful extra bits for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-eyed3-0.9.6-7.fc37.noarch Python audio data toolkit (ID3 and MP3) Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-f5-icontrol-rest-1.3.15-8.fc37.noarch F5 BIG-IP iControl REST API client Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-f5-sdk-3.0.21-16.fc37.noarch F5 Networks Python SDK Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fabric-2.7.1-2.fc37.noarch High level SSH command execution Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-factory-boy-3.2.1-5.fc37.noarch A versatile test fixtures replacement based on thoughtbot's factory_girl Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-faker-13.15.0-2.fc37.noarch Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fastbencode-0.0.9-3.fc37.s390x Implementation of bencode with optional fast C extensions Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fastprogress-1.0.0-7.fc37.noarch Progress bar for Jupyter Notebook and console Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fastpurge-1.0.3-4.fc37.noarch A Python client for the Akamai Fast Purge API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fauxquests-1.1-22.fc37.noarch Mock HTTP requests sent with the requests package Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fb-re2-1.0.7-10.fc37.s390x Python wrapper for Google's RE2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fdb-2.0.1-7.fc37.noarch Firebird RDBMS bindings for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure-0.31.0-6.fc37.noarch Common object storage frontend Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fedora-1.1.1-7.fc37.noarch Python modules for talking to Fedora Infrastructure Services Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fedora-flask-1.1.1-7.fc37.noarch Python modules for flask applications authing to Fedora Account System Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-feedgen-0.9.0-9.fc37.noarch Feed Generator (ATOM, RSS, Podcasts) Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-feedgenerator-2.0.0-4.fc37.noarch Standalone version of Django's feedgenerator module Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-feedparser-6.0.10-3.fc37.noarch Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ffc-2019.1.0.post0-10.fc37.noarch Compiler for finite element variational forms Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fiat-2019.1.0-11.fc37.noarch Generator of arbitrary order instances of Lagrange elements on lines, triangles, and tetrahedra Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fido2-1.0.0-3.fc37.noarch Functionality for FIDO 2.0, including USB device communication Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fields-5.0.0-13.fc37.noarch Documentation for 'python-fields' Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-filetype-1.0.12-3.fc37.noarch Infer file type and MIME type of any file/buffer Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fiona-1.8.21-5.fc37.s390x Fiona reads and writes spatial data files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fireflyalgorithm-0.3.2-2.fc37.noarch Implementation of Firefly Algorithm in Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-firehose-0.5-21.fc37.noarch Library for working with output from static code analyzers Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-firkin-0.02-36.fc37.noarch Python module to convert between different measurement units Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fissix-20.8.0-7.fc37.noarch Monkeypatches to override default behavior of lib2to3 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fisx-1.2.0-3.fc37.s390x Calculate x-ray fluorescence intensities Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fixit-0.1.4-5.fc37.noarch A lint framework that writes better Python code for you Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fixtures-3.0.0-31.fc37.noarch Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flake8-docstrings-1.6.0-3.fc37.noarch A plugin to flake8 to include checks provided by pep257 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flake8-import-order-0.18.1-5.fc37.noarch Flake8 plugin for checking order of imports in Python code Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flake8-polyfill-1.0.2-15.fc37.noarch Polyfill package for Flake8 plugins Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flaky-3.7.0-9.fc37.noarch Plugin for pytest that automatically reruns flaky tests Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-admin-1.6.0-3.fc37.noarch Simple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-babel-2.0.0-4.fc37.noarch Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-bootstrap- Include Bootstrap in your project without boilerplate code Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-cors-3.0.10-7.fc37.noarch Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support for Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-healthz-0.0.3-4.fc37.noarch Module to easily add health endpoints to a Flask application Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-htmlmin-2.2.0-7.fc37.noarch Flask html response minifier Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-httpauth-3.2.3-21.fc37.noarch Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-mail-0.9.1-18.fc37.noarch Flask extension for sending email Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-mako-0.4-23.fc37.noarch Mako templating support for Flask applications Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-migrate-3.1.0-10.fc37.noarch SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-multistatic-1.0-23.fc37.noarch A simple flask plugin to allow overriding static files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-oidc-1.4.0-15.fc37.noarch An openID Connect support for Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-openid-1.3.0-4.fc37.noarch OpenID support for Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-paranoid-0.3.0-4.fc37.noarch Flask Simple user session protection Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-principal-0.4.0-32.fc37.noarch Identity management for Flask applications Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-restful-0.3.9-6.fc37.noarch Simple framework for creating REST APIs for Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-restx-0.5.1-4.fc37.noarch Framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-talisman-1.0.0-3.fc37.noarch HTTP security headers for Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-whooshee-0.8.2-3.fc37.noarch Whoosh integration Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-wtf-1.0.1-3.fc37.noarch Simple integration of Flask and WTForms Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-wtf-decorators-0.1.2-0.9.20200715.7fa5a26.fc37.noarch Use decorators to validate forms Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flask-xml-rpc-0.1.2-27.fc37.noarch Adds support for creating XML-RPC APIs to Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flexmock-0.11.3-3.fc37.noarch Testing library that makes it easy to create mocks, stubs and fakes Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flit-3.7.1-5.fc37.noarch Simplified packaging of Python modules Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flit-core-3.7.1-5.fc37.noarch PEP 517 build backend for packages using Flit Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flock-0.1-28.fc37.noarch Flock object for with statement Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flufl-bounce-3.0-17.fc37.noarch Email bounce detectors Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flufl-i18n-2.0.2-10.fc37.noarch A high level API for Python internationalization Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-flufl-testing-0.8-10.fc37.noarch Small collection of test tool plugins Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fluidity-sm-0.2.0-27.fc37.noarch State machine implementation for Python objects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-folium- Python library for visualizing data on a Leaflet map Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fontMath-0.6.0-8.fc37.noarch A set of objects for performing math operations on font data Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fontconfig-0.5.1-10.fc37.s390x Python bindings for Fontconfig library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fontname-0.2.0-27.fc37.noarch A lib for guessing font name Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-formats-0.1.1-25.fc37.noarch Support multiple formats with ease Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-formencode-2.0.1-5.fc37.noarch HTML form validation, generation, and convertion package Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fpylll-0.5.7-2.fc37.s390x A Python 3 wrapper for fplll Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fqdn-1.5.1-6.fc37.noarch Validates fully-qualified domain names against RFC 1123 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-freecell_solver-0.2.6-8.fc37.noarch Freecell Solver Python bindings Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-freeipa-1.0.7-7.fc37.noarch Lightweight FreeIPA client for Python 3.11 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-freetype-2.2.0-11.fc37.noarch Freetype python bindings Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-freezegun-1.1.0-4.fc37.noarch Let your Python tests travel through time Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-friendlyloris-1.0.1-9.fc37.noarch A Slow Loris package for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-frozen-flask-0.12-24.fc37.noarch Frozen-Flask freezes a Flask application into a set of static files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-frozendict-1.2-23.fc37.noarch An immutable dictionary Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fs-2.4.11-12.fc37.noarch Python's Filesystem abstraction layer Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fsleyes-1.4.1-5.fc37.noarch FSLeyes, the FSL image viewer Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fsleyes-props-1.7.3-4.fc37.noarch [wx]Python event programming framework Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fsleyes-widgets-0.12.3-5.fc37.noarch A collection of custom wx widgets and utilities used by FSLeyes Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fslpy-3.9.0-3.fc37.noarch The FSL Python Library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fuckit-4.8.0-29.fc37.noarch The Python Error Steamroller Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-funcsigs-1.0.2-28.fc37.noarch Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+ Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fusepy-2.0.4-24.fc37.noarch Python module that provides a simple interface to FUSE and MacFUSE Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-futurist-2.4.0-3.fc37.noarch Useful additions to futures, from the future Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fuzzyfinder-2.1.0-17.fc37.noarch Fuzzy Finder implemented in Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fuzzywuzzy-0.18.0-10.fc37.noarch Fuzzy string matching in Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-fypp-3.1-6.fc37.noarch Fortran preprocessor Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gabbi-2.2.0-5.fc37.noarch Declarative HTTP testing library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gammu-3.2.4-4.fc37.s390x Python bindings for Gammu Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gast-0.5.3-4.fc37.noarch Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gatspy-0.3-23.fc37.noarch General tools for Astronomical Time Series in Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gattlib-0.20210616-2.fc37.s390x Library to access Bluetooth LE devices Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gccinvocation-0.1-31.fc37.noarch Library for parsing GCC command-line options Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gcsfs-0.6.2-9.fc37.noarch Convenient Filesystem interface over GCS Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gearbox-0.2.1-6.fc37.noarch Command line toolkit born as a PasteScript replacement for TurboGears2 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gekitchen-0.2.19-7.fc37.noarch Python SDK for GE Kitchen Appliances Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-genshi-0.7.7-4.fc37.s390x Toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gensim-0.10.0-32.fc37.noarch Python framework for fast Vector Space Modelling Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gensim-addons-0.10.0-32.fc37.s390x Highly optimized version of word2vec for gensim Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gensim-test-0.10.0-32.fc37.noarch Testsuite for python-gensim Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-genty-1.3.2-14.fc37.noarch Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-geoip2-4.6.0-2.fc37.noarch MaxMind GeoIP2 API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-geojson-2.5.0-10.fc37.noarch Encoder/decoder for simple GIS features Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-geomdl-5.3.1-7.fc37.s390x Object-oriented pure Python B-Spline and NURBS library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-geomet-0.3.0-6.fc37.noarch GeoJSON <-> WKT/WKB conversion utilities Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-geotiler-0.14.5-5.fc37.noarch GeoTiler is a library to create map using tiles from a map provider Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gerritlib-0.6.0-21.fc37.noarch Client library for accessing Gerrit Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gertty-1.6.0-13.fc37.noarch Gertty is a console-based interface to the Gerrit Code Review system Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-getmac-0.8.3-4.fc37.noarch Python module to get the MAC address of local network interfaces and LAN hosts Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gettext-4.0-7.fc37.noarch Python 3 Gettext po to mo file compiler Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gevent-21.12.0-4.fc37.s390x A coroutine-based Python networking library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gevent-eventemitter-2.1-7.fc37.noarch EventEmitter using gevent Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ghp-import-2.1.0-3.fc37.noarch GitHub Pages Import Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gilt-1.2.2-4.fc37.noarch Gilt is a git layering tool Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gios-0.1.4-8.fc37.noarch Python wrapper for GIOS air quality data Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-git-changelog-0.4.2-4.fc37.noarch Automatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-git-revise-0.7.0-3.fc37.noarch Python modules for git-revise Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-git-url-parse-1.2.2-19.fc37.noarch A simple GIT URL parser similar to Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gitapi-1.1.0-0.a3.fc37.24.noarch Pure-Python API to git, which uses the command-line interface Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gitdb-4.0.9-4.fc37.noarch Git Object Database Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-github3py-3.2.0-2.fc37.noarch Python wrapper for the GitHub API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gitlab-3.3.0-3.fc37.noarch Interact with GitLab API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-glad-0.1.36-4.fc37.noarch Multi-Language GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-glanceclient-3.6.0-3.fc37.noarch Python API and CLI for OpenStack Glance Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-glances-api-0.2.0-15.fc37.noarch Python client for interacting with Glances Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-glob2-0.7-14.fc37.noarch Glob module recursive wildcards support Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-glyphsLib-5.1.11-7.fc37.noarch A bridge from Glyphs source files to UFOs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gmpy2-2.1.2-4.fc37.s390x Python 3 interface to GMP, MPFR, and MPC Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gmqtt-0.6.11-4.fc37.noarch Client for the MQTT protocol Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gnocchiclient-7.0.7-6.fc37.noarch Python API and CLI for OpenStack Gnocchi Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gnocchiclient-tests-7.0.7-6.fc37.noarch Python API and CLI for OpenStack Gnocchi Tests Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gobject-3.42.2-2.fc37.s390x Python 3 bindings for GObject Introspection Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gobject-base-3.42.2-2.fc37.s390x Python 3 bindings for GObject Introspection base package Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gobject-base-noarch-3.42.2-2.fc37.noarch Python 3 bindings for GObject Introspection base (not architecture dependent) Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gobject-devel-3.42.2-2.fc37.s390x Development files for embedding PyGObject introspection support Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-api-core-2.8.2-4.fc37.noarch Core Library for Google Client Libraries Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-api-core+grpc-2.8.2-4.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-google-api-core: grpc extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-auth-oauthlib-0.5.1-3.fc37.noarch Google oAuth Authentication Library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-access-approval-1.7.1-2.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Access Approval API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-apigee-connect-1.0.0-6.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud App Engine Admin Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-apigee-connect-doc-1.0.0-6.fc37.noarch Documentation for python-google-cloud-apigee-connect Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-bigquery-2.34.4-3.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google BigQuery Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-bigquery+geopandas-2.34.4-3.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-google-cloud-bigquery: geopandas extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-bigquery+ipython-2.34.4-3.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-google-cloud-bigquery: ipython extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-bigquery+tqdm-2.34.4-3.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-google-cloud-bigquery: tqdm extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-bigquery-storage-2.14.1-2.fc37.noarch Python SDK for Google Cloud BigQuery Storage API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-bigquery-storage+fastavro-2.14.1-2.fc37.s390x Metapackage for python3-google-cloud-bigquery-storage: fastavro extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-bigquery-storage+pandas-2.14.1-2.fc37.s390x Metapackage for python3-google-cloud-bigquery-storage: pandas extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-common-1.0.1-4.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Common Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-datacatalog-3.7.0-3.fc37.noarch Python SDK for Google Cloud Data Catalog API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-dns-0.34.1-2.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud DNS Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-domains-1.1.1-4.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Domains Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-filestore-1.1.1-4.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Filestore Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-functions-1.7.0-3.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Functions Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-org-policy-1.4.0-2.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Organization Policy API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-os-config-1.12.1-2.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud OS Config API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-pubsub-2.13.0-3.fc37.noarch Google Cloud Pub/Sub API client library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-pubsub+libcst-2.13.0-3.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-google-cloud-pubsub: libcst extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-redis-2.9.0-2.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-redis+libcst-2.9.0-2.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-google-cloud-redis: libcst extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-shell-1.3.2-4.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Shell Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-source-context-1.2.5-2.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Source Context Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-spanner-3.16.0-2.fc37.noarch Python Client for Google Cloud Spanner Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-cloud-testutils-1.3.3-2.fc37.noarch Python test utilities for Google Cloud APIs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-crc32c-1.1.2-5.fc37.s390x Python wrapper for CRC32C hashing algorithm Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-crc32c+testing-1.1.2-5.fc37.s390x Metapackage for python3-google-crc32c: testing extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-google-resumable-media-2.3.3-3.fc37.noarch Utilities for Google media downloads and resumable uploads Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-googleapis-common-protos-1.56.4-2.fc37.noarch Common protobufs used in Google APIs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-googleapis-common-protos+grpc-1.56.4-2.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-googleapis-common-protos: grpc extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-googletrans-4.0.0~rc1-9.fc37.noarch Google Translate API for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gphoto2-2.0.0-13.fc37.s390x A Python interface to libgphoto2 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gpiozero-1.6.2-6.fc37.noarch Interface to GPIO on Raspberry Pi Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gpxpy-1.5.0-5.fc37.noarch GPX file parser and GPS track manipulation library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-grabbit-0.2.6-17.fc37.noarch Get grabby with file trees Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-grabserial-2.0.2-9.fc37.noarch Reads a serial port and writes data to standard output Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gradunwarp-1.2.0-9.fc37.s390x Gradient Unwarping Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-grako-3.99.9-5.fc37.noarch Python grammar compiler, EBNF input, PEG/Packrat parser output Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-graph-tool-2.43-15.fc37.s390x Efficient network analysis tool written in Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-graph-tool-devel-2.43-15.fc37.s390x Efficient network analysis tool written in Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-graphene-3.0b6-7.fc37.noarch GraphQL Framework for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-graphitesend-0.10.0-21.fc37.s390x Easy python bindings to write to Carbon Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-graphql-core-3.1.6-4.fc37.noarch GraphQL implementation for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-graphql-relay-3.1.0-6.fc37.noarch Relay library for Graphql Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-graphviz-0.20-5.fc37.noarch Simple Python interface for Graphviz Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-greenlet-1.1.2-5.fc37.s390x Lightweight in-process concurrent programming Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-greenlet-devel-1.1.2-5.fc37.s390x C development headers for python3-greenlet Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-grokmirror-2.0.11-3.fc37.noarch Framework to smartly mirror git repositories Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-grpc-google-iam-v1-0.12.4-8.fc37.noarch GRPC library for the google-iam-v1 service Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-grpcio-gcp-0.2.2-9.fc37.noarch gRPC for GCP extensions Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gsd-2.5.2-3.fc37.s390x Documentation for python-gsd Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gssapi-1.7.3-3.fc37.s390x Python 3 Bindings for GSSAPI (RFC 2743/2744 and extensions) Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gstreamer1-1.20.3-2.fc37.s390x Python bindings for GStreamer Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-guessit-3.4.3-4.fc37.noarch Library to extract as much information as possible from a video filename Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-guizero-1.3.0-3.fc37.noarch Python module to allow learners to easily create GUIs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-gzipstream-2.8.6-17.fc37.noarch Streaming zlib (gzip) support for python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-h11-0.13.0-3.fc37.noarch A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-h2-4.1.0-12.fc37.noarch HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-h5io-0.1.2-10.fc37.noarch Read and write simple Python objects using HDF5 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-habitipy-0.3.0-7.fc37.noarch Python library for Habitica RESTful API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hacking-4.0.0-6.fc37.noarch OpenStack Hacking Guideline Enforcement Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hamcrest-1.9.0-21.fc37.noarch Hamcrest matchers for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hass-data-detective-2.4-6.fc37.noarch Tools for studying Home Assistant data Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hatasmota-0.5.0-3.fc37.noarch Python module to help parse and construct Tasmota MQTT messages Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hdate-0.9.11-7.fc37.noarch Hebrew date and Zmanim Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hdf5storage-0.1.18-7.fc37.noarch Read/write Python types to/from HDF5 files, including MATLAB v7.3 MAT files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hdfs-2.6.0-4.fc37.noarch API and command line interface for HDFS Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hdfs+avro-2.6.0-4.fc37.s390x Package for python3-hdfs: avro extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hdfs+dataframe-2.6.0-4.fc37.s390x Metapackage for python3-hdfs: dataframe extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hdfs+kerberos-2.6.0-4.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-hdfs: kerberos extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-heapdict-1.0.1-10.fc37.noarch A heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-heatclient-2.5.1-3.fc37.noarch Python API and CLI for OpenStack Heat Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-helpdev-0.6.10-11.fc37.noarch HelpDev - Extracts information about the Python environment easily Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hexdump-3.4-0.19.20160818hg66325cb5fed8.fc37.noarch Dump binary data to hex format and restore from there Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hgapi-1.7.4-19.fc37.noarch Python 3 API to Mercurial using the command-line interface Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hgdistver-0.25-23.fc37.noarch A Python library to generate package version info from mercurial tags Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hglib-2.6.2-7.fc37.noarch Mercurial Python library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hidapi-0.12.0.post2-3.fc37.s390x Interface to the hidapi library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hikvision-2.0.3-7.fc37.noarch Python interface to interact with a Hikvision camera Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hl7-0.3.3-26.fc37.noarch Python library parsing HL7 v2.x and v3.x messages Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-homeconnect-0.6.3-7.fc37.noarch Python client for the BSH Home Connect REST API Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-homeworks-0.0.6-7.fc37.noarch Lutron Homeworks Series 4 and 8 interface Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-howdoi-2.0.16-6.fc37.noarch Instant coding answers via the command line Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hpilo-4.3-13.fc37.noarch iLO automation from python or shell Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hs-dbus-signature-0.07-10.fc37.noarch Hypothesis Strategy for Generating Arbitrary DBus Signatures Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hstspreload-2021.12.1-4.fc37.noarch Chromium HSTS Preload list Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-html2text-2020.1.16-7.fc37.noarch Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-html5-parser-0.4.10-4.fc37.s390x A fast, standards compliant, C based, HTML 5 parser for python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-html5lib-1.1-10.fc37.noarch A python based HTML parser/tokenizer Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-html5lib+all-1.1-10.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-html5lib: all extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-html5lib+chardet-1.1-10.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-html5lib: chardet extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-html5lib+genshi-1.1-10.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-html5lib: genshi extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-html5lib+lxml-1.1-10.fc37.noarch Metapackage for python3-html5lib: lxml extras Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-htmlmin-0.1.12-19.git220b1d1.fc37.noarch HTML Minifier Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-httmock-1.4.0-7.fc37.noarch A mocking library for requests Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-http-client-3.3.7-3.fc37.noarch HTTP REST client, simplified for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-http-ece-1.1.0-10.fc37.noarch A simple implementation of the encrypted content-encoding Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-httpagentparser-1.9.3-3.fc37.noarch Extracts OS Browser etc information from http user agent string Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-httpbin-0.7.0-20.fc37.noarch HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + Flask Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-httpcore-0.14.7-6.fc37.noarch Minimal low-level HTTP client Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-httplib2-0.20.4-6.fc37.noarch Comprehensive HTTP client library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-httpsig-cffi-15.0.0-17.fc37.noarch Secure HTTP request signing using the HTTP Signature draft specification Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-httptools-0.2.0-4.fc37.s390x Fast HTTP parser Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-httpx-0.22.0-3.fc37.noarch Python HTTP client Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-humanfriendly-10.0-5.fc37.noarch Documentation for the 'humanfriendly' Python module Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-humanize-3.13.1-5.fc37.noarch Turns dates in to human readable format, e.g '3 minutes ago' Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-humblewx-0.2.1-23.fc37.noarch Library that simplifies creating user interfaces with wxPython Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hupper-1.10.3-6.fc37.noarch Integrated process monitor for developing servers Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-husl-4.0.3-24.fc37.noarch A Python implementation of HUSL Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hvac-0.11.2-3.fc37.noarch HashiCorp Vault API client for Python 3 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hwdata-2.3.7-16.fc37.noarch Python bindings to hwdata package Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hyperframe-6.0.1-10.fc37.noarch HTTP/2 framing layer for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hyperlink-21.0.0-9.fc37.noarch A featureful, immutable, and correct URL for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hypothesis-fspaths-0.1-13.fc37.noarch Python library for generating filesystem paths Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-hypothesmith-0.2.0-4.fc37.noarch Hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-i3ipc-2.2.1-6.fc37.noarch An improved Python library to control i3wm Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-icalendar-4.0.9-5.fc37.noarch Parser/generator of iCalendar files following the RFC 2445 for Python 3 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-idna-3.3-4.fc37.noarch Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-idstools-0.6.4-8.fc37.noarch Snort and Suricata Rule and Event Utilities for Python3 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-iep-3.7-24.fc37.noarch The interactive editor for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ifaddr-0.1.7-8.fc37.noarch Python library that allows you to find all the IP addresses of the computer Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ifcfg-0.21-8.fc37.noarch Python cross-platform network interface discovery (ifconfig/ipconfig/ip) Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-igraph-0.9.11-3.fc37.s390x Python bindings for igraph Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-igraph-devel-0.9.11-3.fc37.s390x Development files for igraph Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ijson-3.1.4-5.fc37.noarch Iterative JSON parser Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-imagehash-4.0-13.fc37.noarch A Python perceptual image hashing module Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-imageio-2.9.0-6.fc37.noarch Python IO of image, video, scientific, and volumetric data formats. Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-imagesize-1.2.0-9.fc37.noarch Python module for analyzing image file headers and returning image sizes Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-imbalanced-learn-0.9.0-5.fc37.noarch A Python Package to Tackle the Imbalanced Datasets in Machine Learning Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-immutables-0.18-3.fc37.s390x Immutable Collections Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-impacket-0.9.23-4.fc37.noarch Collection of Python classes providing access to network packets Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-importlib-metadata-4.12.0-2.fc37.noarch Library to access the metadata for a Python package Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-importmagic-0.1.7-23.fc37.noarch Python library to auto-magically add, remove and manage imports Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-incremental-21.3.0-4.fc37.noarch It versions your Python projects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-inema-0.8.6-2.fc37.noarch A Python interface to the Deutsche Post Internetmarke Online Franking Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-inflect-2.1.0-14.fc37.noarch Correctly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals and indefinite articles Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-inflection-0.5.1-7.fc37.noarch Port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-influxdb-5.2.0-15.fc37.noarch InfluxDB client Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-iniconfig-1.1.1-9.fc37.noarch Brain-dead simple parsing of ini files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-iniparse-0.5-3.fc37.noarch Accessing and Modifying INI files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-inject-4.3.1-8.fc37.noarch Dependency injection, the Python way Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-inotify-0.9.6-28.fc37.noarch Monitor filesystem events with Python under Linux Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-inotify_simple-1.3.5-4.fc37.noarch A simple Python 3 wrapper around inotify Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-inspyred-1.0.1-10.20211124git5fa8224.fc37.noarch Library for bio-inspired computational intelligence Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-instant-2016.1.0-22.fc37.noarch Python module for instant inlining of C and C++ code Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-interfile-0.3.1-23.fc37.noarch Pyhon module for read/write/parse interfile Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-interrogate-1.5.0-4.fc37.noarch Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-intervaltree-3.1.0-7.fc37.noarch A mutable, self-balancing interval tree for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-into-dbus-python-0.08-8.fc37.noarch Transformer to dbus-python types Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-invoke-1.7.0-3.fc37.noarch A Python task execution tool and library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-iowait-0.2-21.fc37.noarch Platform-independent module for I/O completion events Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ipdb-0.13.4-7.fc37.noarch IPython enabled Python debugger Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ipgetter-0.6-26.fc37.noarch A Python module to fetch the external IP address Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ipgetter2-1.1.11-7.fc37.noarch Python library to fetch your external IP address Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ipmi-0.5.2-3.fc37.noarch Pure python IPMI library Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-iptools-0.7.0-8.fc37.noarch A few useful functions and objects for manipulating IP addresses in python 3 Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ipython_genutils-0.2.0-4.fc37.noarch IPython vestigial utilities Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ipywidgets-7.7.0-4.fc37.noarch IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-ironicclient-4.11.0-3.fc37.noarch Python client for Ironic Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-iso-639-0.4.5-20.fc37.noarch ISO 639 library for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-iso639-0.1.4-20.fc37.noarch ISO639-2 support for Python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-iso8601-1.0.2-4.fc37.noarch Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-isodate-0.6.1-5.fc37.noarch An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-isoduration-20.11.0-2.fc37.noarch Operations with ISO 8601 durations Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-isort-5.10.1-5.fc37.noarch Python utility / library to sort Python imports Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-itanium_demangler-1.0-9.fc37.noarch Pure Python parser for mangled itanium symbols Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-itemadapter-0.4.0-3.fc37.noarch The ItemAdapter class is a wrapper for data container object Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-itemloaders-1.0.4-6.fc37.noarch Library that helps you collect data from HTML and XML sources. Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-itsdangerous-2.0.1-5.fc37.noarch Python library for passing trusted data to untrusted environments Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-itypes-1.2.0-7.fc37.noarch Simple immutable types for python Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-j1m.sphinxautozconfig-0.1.0-17.fc37.noarch Sphinx support for ZConfig Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jaraco-9.0.0-3.fc37.noarch A Parent package for jaraco's parent dir and init file. Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jaraco-classes-3.2.1-8.fc37.noarch Utility functions for Python class constructs Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jaraco-collections-3.0.0-12.fc37.noarch Collection objects similar to those in stdlib by jaraco Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jaraco-envs-2.3.0-3.fc37.noarch Classes for orchestrating Python (virtual) environments Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jaraco-functools-3.5.1-2.fc37.noarch Functools like those found in stdlib Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jaraco-packaging-9.0.0-3.fc37.noarch A Parent package for jaraco's parent dir and init file. Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jaraco-path-3.3.1-6.fc37.noarch Miscellaneous path functions Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jaraco-text-3.2.0-10.fc37.noarch Module for text manipulation Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-javalang-0.13.0-7.fc37.noarch Python Java parser and tools Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-javaobj-0.4.3-6.fc37.noarch Python module for serializing and deserializing Java objects Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-javaproperties-0.8.1-5.fc37.noarch Read & write Java .properties files Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jcconv-0.2.4-22.fc37.noarch JapaneseCharacterCONVerter Fedora 37 for s390x
python3-jdcal-1.4.1-4.fc37.noarch Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars Fedora 37 for s390x

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Fabrice Bellet, Thu May 9 20:51:40 2024