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RPMs more than 1 months old

R-qvalue-2.24.0-5.fc37.noarch Q-value estimation for false discovery rate control Fedora 37 for s390x
R-readxl-1.4.1-1.fc37.s390x Read Excel Files Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rematch2-2.1.2-10.fc37.noarch Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rgeos-0.5.9-1.fc37.s390x Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source ('GEOS') Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rlang-1.0.4-1.fc37.s390x Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rprojroot-2.0.3-1.fc37.noarch Finding Files in Project Subdirectories Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rsconnect-0.8.27-1.fc37.noarch Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rstudioapi-0.13-8.fc37.noarch Safely Access the RStudio API Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rsvg-2.3.1-1.fc37.s390x Render SVG Images into PDF, PNG, PostScript, or Bitmap Arrays Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sass-0.4.2-4.fc37.s390x Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (Sass) Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sfsmisc-1.1.13-1.fc37.noarch Utilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich Fedora 37 for s390x
R-shiny-1.7.2-1.fc37.noarch Web Application Framework for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-showtext-0.9.5-1.fc37.s390x Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs Fedora 37 for s390x
R-stringr-1.4.0-14.fc37.noarch Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tibble-3.1.8-3.fc37.s390x Simple Data Frames Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tidyr-1.2.0-3.fc37.s390x Tidy Messy Data Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tidyselect-1.1.2-1.fc37.noarch Select from a Set of Strings Fedora 37 for s390x
R-xfun-0.32-1.fc37.s390x Miscellaneous Functions to Support Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-BiocParallel-1.30.3-1.fc37.s390x Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Biostrings-2.64.1-1.fc37.s390x String objects representing biological sequences Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Biostrings-devel-2.64.1-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-Biostrings Fedora 37 for s390x
R-DBItest-1.7.0-8.fc37.noarch Testing DBI Backends Fedora 37 for s390x
R-DelayedArray-0.22.0-4.fc37.s390x Delayed operations on array-like objects Fedora 37 for s390x
R-GenomeInfoDb-1.32.3-1.fc37.noarch Utilities for manipulating chromosome and other 'seqname' identifiers Fedora 37 for s390x
R-GenomicAlignments-1.32.1-1.fc37.s390x Representation and manipulation of short genomic alignments Fedora 37 for s390x
R-GenomicRanges-1.48.0-1.fc37.s390x Representation and manipulation of genomic intervals Fedora 37 for s390x
R-IRkernel-1.3-1.fc37.noarch Native R Kernel for the 'Jupyter Notebook' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-KEGGREST-1.36.3-1.fc37.noarch Client-side REST access to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RM2-0.0-32.fc37.noarch Revenue Management and Pricing for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RMariaDB-1.2.2-1.fc37.s390x Database Interface and 'MariaDB' Driver Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RPostgres-1.3.2-6.fc37.s390x Rcpp Interface to PostgreSQL Fedora 37 for s390x
R-bookdown-0.28-1.fc37.noarch Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown Fedora 37 for s390x
R-broom-0.7.7-5.fc37.noarch Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles Fedora 37 for s390x
R-bslib-0.4.0-1.fc37.noarch Custom Bootstrap Sass Themes for shiny and rmarkdown Fedora 37 for s390x
R-callr-3.7.1-1.fc37.noarch Call R from R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-cellranger-1.1.0-13.fc37.noarch Translate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns Fedora 37 for s390x
R-chron-2.3.57-1.fc37.s390x Chronological Objects which can Handle Dates and Times Fedora 37 for s390x
R-cli-3.3.0-1.fc37.s390x Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces Fedora 37 for s390x
R-cliapp-0.1.1-7.fc37.noarch Create Rich Command Line Applications Fedora 37 for s390x
R-dbplyr-2.2.1-1.fc37.noarch A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases Fedora 37 for s390x
R-desc-1.4.1-1.fc37.noarch Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files Fedora 37 for s390x
R-diffobj-0.3.5-1.fc37.s390x Diffs for R Objects Fedora 37 for s390x
R-dplyr-1.0.10-1.fc37.s390x A Grammar of Data Manipulation Fedora 37 for s390x
R-dtplyr-1.2.2-1.fc37.noarch Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-credentials-1.3.2-1.fc37.noarch Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials Fedora 37 for s390x
R-cyclocomp-1.1.0-10.fc37.noarch Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code Fedora 37 for s390x
R-foghorn-1.4.2-1.fc37.noarch Summarize CRAN Check Results in the Terminal Fedora 37 for s390x
R-forcats-0.5.2-1.fc37.noarch Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors) Fedora 37 for s390x
R-formattable-0.2.1-7.fc37.noarch Create 'Formattable' Data Structures Fedora 37 for s390x
R-fts- R Interface to 'tslib' (a Time Series Library in C++) Fedora 37 for s390x
R-haven-2.5.1-1.fc37.s390x Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files Fedora 37 for s390x
R-highr-0.9-7.fc37.noarch Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code Fedora 37 for s390x
R-htmltools-0.5.3-1.fc37.s390x Tools for HTML Fedora 37 for s390x
R-httpuv-1.6.5-1.fc37.s390x HTTP and WebSocket Server Library Fedora 37 for s390x
R-hunspell-3.0.1-7.fc37.s390x High-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell Checker Fedora 37 for s390x
R-import-1.3.0-6.fc37.noarch An Import Mechanism for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-isoband-0.2.5-1.fc37.s390x Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids Fedora 37 for s390x
R-iterators-1.0.14-1.fc37.noarch Provides Iterator Construct Fedora 37 for s390x
R-jsonlite-1.8.0-1.fc37.s390x A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pak- Another Approach to Package Installation Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pdftools-3.3.0-2.fc37.s390x Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pillar-1.8.0-3.fc37.noarch Coloured Formatting for Columns Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pkgconfig-2.0.3-11.fc37.noarch Private Configuration for 'R' Packages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pkgload-1.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Simulate Package Installation and Attach Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-cairo-1.17.8-1.fc37.s390x Ruby bindings for cairo Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-cairo-devel-1.17.8-1.fc37.s390x Ruby-cairo development environment Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-cairo-doc-1.17.8-1.fc37.s390x Documentation for rubygem-cairo Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Bessel-0.6.0-12.fc37.s390x Computations and Approximations for Bessel Functions Fedora 37 for s390x
R-BiocIO-1.6.0-1.fc37.noarch Standard Input and Output for Bioconductor Packages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RcppDate-0.0.3-6.fc37.noarch 'date' C++ Header Library for Date and Time Functionality Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RcppDate-devel-0.0.3-6.fc37.noarch Development files for R-RcppDate Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Rsamtools-2.12.0-1.fc37.s390x R interface to samtools Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Rsolid-0.9.31-40.fc37.s390x Quantile normalization and base calling for second generation sequencing data Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Rsolid-devel-0.9.31-40.fc37.s390x Development files for R-Rsolid Fedora 37 for s390x
R-SummarizedExperiment-1.26.1-1.fc37.noarch SummarizedExperiment container Fedora 37 for s390x
R-XVector-0.36.0-1.fc37.s390x Representation and manipulation of external sequences Fedora 37 for s390x
R-XVector-devel-0.36.0-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-XVector Fedora 37 for s390x
R-data.table-1.14.2-1.fc37.s390x Extension of `data.frame` Fedora 37 for s390x
R-data.table-devel-1.14.2-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-data.table Fedora 37 for s390x
R-devtools-2.4.2-5.fc37.noarch Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier Fedora 37 for s390x
R-futile.logger-1.4.3-17.fc37.noarch A logging utility for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gapminder-0.3.0-12.fc37.noarch Data from Gapminder Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gargle-1.2.0-1.fc37.noarch Utilities for Working with Google APIs Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gdtools-0.2.4-1.fc37.s390x Utilities for Graphical Rendering Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gdtools-devel-0.2.4-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-gdtools Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gert-1.7.1-1.fc37.s390x Simple Git Client for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gh-1.3.0-5.fc37.noarch GitHub API Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gmailr-1.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Access the Gmail RESTful API Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gplots-3.1.3-1.fc37.noarch Various R Programming Tools for Plotting Data Fedora 37 for s390x
R-keyring-1.3.0-1.fc37.s390x Access the System Credential Store from R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-lintr-3.0.0-1.fc37.noarch A 'Linter' for R Code Fedora 37 for s390x
R-magick-2.7.3-5.fc37.s390x Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-miniUI- Shiny UI Widgets for Small Screens Fedora 37 for s390x
R-modelr-0.1.9-1.fc37.noarch Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe Fedora 37 for s390x
R-nanotime-0.3.6-1.fc37.s390x Nanosecond-Resolution Time Support for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-nanotime-devel-0.3.6-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-nanotime Fedora 37 for s390x
R-nws- R functions for NetWorkSpaces and Sleigh Fedora 37 for s390x
R-nycflights13-1.0.2-6.fc37.noarch Flights that Departed NYC in 2013 Fedora 37 for s390x
R-odbc-1.3.3-1.fc37.s390x Connect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface) Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pbdRPC-0.2.1-15.fc37.noarch Programming with Big Data -- Remote Procedure Call Fedora 37 for s390x
R-prettydoc-0.4.1-7.fc37.noarch Creating Pretty Documents from R Markdown Fedora 37 for s390x
R-processx-3.7.0-1.fc37.s390x Execute and Control System Processes Fedora 37 for s390x
R-profvis-0.3.7-6.fc37.s390x Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code Fedora 37 for s390x
R-promises- Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming Fedora 37 for s390x
R-ps-1.7.1-1.fc37.s390x List, Query, Manipulate System Processes Fedora 37 for s390x
R-purrr-0.3.4-11.fc37.s390x Functional Programming Tools Fedora 37 for s390x
R-progress-1.2.2-10.fc37.noarch Terminal Progress Bars Fedora 37 for s390x
R-progress-devel-1.2.2-10.fc37.noarch Development files for R-progress Fedora 37 for s390x
R-quantities-0.1.6-6.fc37.s390x Quantity Calculus for R Vectors Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rcmdcheck-1.4.0-1.fc37.noarch Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results Fedora 37 for s390x
R-reprex-2.0.2-1.fc37.noarch Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard Fedora 37 for s390x
R-repurrrsive-1.0.0-10.fc37.noarch Examples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split Data Frames Fedora 37 for s390x
R-reshape-0.8.9-1.fc37.noarch Flexibly Reshape Data Fedora 37 for s390x
R-reshape2-1.4.4-10.fc37.s390x Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-restfulr-0.0.15-1.fc37.s390x R Interface to RESTful Web Services Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rhub-1.1.2-1.fc37.noarch Connect to 'R-hub' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-roxygen2-7.2.1-1.fc37.s390x In-Line Documentation for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rtracklayer-1.56.1-1.fc37.s390x R interface to genome browsers and their annotation tracks Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rvest-1.0.3-1.fc37.noarch Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-selectr-0.4.2-10.fc37.noarch Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions Fedora 37 for s390x
R-servr-0.24-1.fc37.noarch Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents Fedora 37 for s390x
R-styler-1.7.0-1.fc37.noarch Non-Invasive Pretty Printing of R Code Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tufte-0.12-1.fc37.noarch Tufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents Fedora 37 for s390x
R-utf8-1.2.2-1.fc37.s390x Unicode Text Processing Fedora 37 for s390x
R-viridisLite-0.4.1-1.fc37.noarch Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps (Lite Version) Fedora 37 for s390x
R-waldo-0.4.0-1.fc37.noarch Find Differences Between R Objects Fedora 37 for s390x
R-withr-2.5.0-1.fc37.noarch Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State Fedora 37 for s390x
R-unitizer-1.4.18-1.fc37.noarch Interactive R Unit Tests Fedora 37 for s390x
R-usethis-2.1.6-1.fc37.noarch Automate Package and Project Setup Fedora 37 for s390x
R-vcd-1.4.10-5.fc37.noarch Visualizing categorical data Fedora 37 for s390x
R-websocket-1.4.1-1.fc37.s390x 'WebSocket' Client Library Fedora 37 for s390x
R-whoami-1.3.0-12.fc37.noarch Username, Full Name, Email Address, 'GitHub' Username of the Current User Fedora 37 for s390x
R-xopen-1.0.0-12.fc37.noarch Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything Fedora 37 for s390x
R-DT-0.24-1.fc37.noarch R Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-IRanges-2.30.1-1.fc37.s390x Low-level containers for storing sets of integer ranges Fedora 37 for s390x
R-IRanges-devel-2.30.1-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-IRanges Fedora 37 for s390x
R-IRdisplay-1.1-1.fc37.noarch 'Jupyter' Display Machinery Fedora 37 for s390x
R-readr-1.4.0-7.fc37.s390x Read Rectangular Text Data Fedora 37 for s390x
R-repr-1.1.4-1.fc37.noarch Serializable Representations Fedora 37 for s390x
R-reticulate-1.20-5.fc37.s390x R Interface to 'Python' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rprintf-0.2.1-16.fc37.noarch Adaptive Builder for Formatted Strings Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sessioninfo-1.2.2-1.fc37.noarch R Session Information Fedora 37 for s390x
R-systemfit-1.1.26-1.fc37.noarch Simultaneous Equation Estimation R Package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Biobase-2.56.0-1.fc37.s390x Base functions for Bioconductor Fedora 37 for s390x
R-MatrixGenerics-1.8.1-1.fc37.noarch S4 Generic Summary Statistic Functions that Operate on Matrix-Like Objects Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RInside-0.2.17-3.fc37.s390x C++ Classes to Embed R in C++ (and C) Applications Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RInside-devel-0.2.17-3.fc37.s390x RInside Development Files Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RInside-examples-0.2.17-3.fc37.s390x RInside Examples Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RcppCCTZ-0.2.11-1.fc37.s390x 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RcppCCTZ-devel-0.2.11-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-RcppCCTZ Fedora 37 for s390x
R-S4Vectors-0.34.0-1.fc37.s390x S4 implementation of vectors and lists Fedora 37 for s390x
R-S4Vectors-devel-0.34.0-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-S4Vectors Fedora 37 for s390x
R-arules-1.7.4-1.fc37.s390x Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets Fedora 37 for s390x
R-biglm- Bounded memory linear and generalized linear models Fedora 37 for s390x
R-bindrcpp-0.2.2-15.fc37.s390x An 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings Fedora 37 for s390x
R-bindrcpp-devel-0.2.2-15.fc37.s390x Development files for R-bindrcpp Fedora 37 for s390x
R-caTools-1.18.2-6.fc37.s390x Tools: Moving Window Statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc Fedora 37 for s390x
R-car-2.0.22-15.fc37.noarch Companion to Applied Regression package for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-conflicted-1.1.0-1.fc37.noarch An Alternative Conflict Resolution Strategy Fedora 37 for s390x
R-corpus-0.10.2-5.fc37.s390x Text Corpus Analysis Fedora 37 for s390x
R-covr-3.6.1-1.fc37.s390x Test Coverage for Packages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-crosstalk-1.2.0-1.fc37.noarch Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets Fedora 37 for s390x
R-debugme-1.1.0-14.fc37.noarch Debug R Packages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-doMC-1.3.8-1.fc37.noarch Foreach Parallel Adaptor for 'parallel' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-doParallel-1.0.17-1.fc37.noarch Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the 'parallel' Package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-fontawesome-0.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Easily work with 'Font Awesome' Icons Fedora 37 for s390x
R-future-1.28.0-2.fc37.noarch Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone Fedora 37 for s390x
R-gdata- Various R Programming Tools for Data Manipulation Fedora 37 for s390x
R-here-1.0.1-7.fc37.noarch A Simpler Way to Find Your Files Fedora 37 for s390x
R-lokern-1.1.9-6.fc37.s390x Kernel Regression Smoothing with Local or Global Plug-in Bandwidth Fedora 37 for s390x
R-msm-1.6.9-1.fc37.s390x Multi-state Markov and hidden Markov models in continuous time Fedora 37 for s390x
R-orcutt-2.3-13.fc37.noarch Estimate Procedure in Case of First Order Autocorrelation Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pkgcache-2.0.1-1.fc37.s390x Cache 'CRAN'-Like Metadata and R Packages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-showtextdb-3.0-8.fc37.noarch Font Files for the 'showtext' Package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-simmer-4.4.5-3.fc37.s390x Discrete-Event Simulation for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-simmer-devel-4.4.5-3.fc37.s390x Development Files for R-simmer Fedora 37 for s390x
R-statnet.common-4.6.0-1.fc37.s390x Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tesseract-5.1.0-2.fc37.s390x Open Source OCR Engine Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tikzDevice- R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format Fedora 37 for s390x
R-timeSeries-4021.104-1.fc37.noarch Financial Time Series Objects (Rmetrics) Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tweenr-2.0.1-1.fc37.s390x Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations Fedora 37 for s390x
R-units-0.8.0-3.fc37.s390x Measurement Units for R Vectors Fedora 37 for s390x
R-webutils-1.1-10.fc37.s390x Utility Functions for Developing Web Applications Fedora 37 for s390x
R-wesanderson-0.3.6-10.fc37.noarch Wes Anderson Palette Generator Fedora 37 for s390x
R-winch-0.0.9-1.fc37.s390x Portable Native and Joint Stack Traces Fedora 37 for s390x
R-blob-1.2.3-2.fc37.noarch A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS') Fedora 37 for s390x
R-ggplot2-3.3.6-1.fc37.noarch Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics Fedora 37 for s390x
R-hms-1.1.2-1.fc37.noarch Pretty Time of Day Fedora 37 for s390x
R-igraph-1.3.4-1.fc37.s390x Network Analysis and Visualization Fedora 37 for s390x
R-itertools-0.1.3-14.fc37.noarch Iterator Tools Fedora 37 for s390x
R-jqr-1.2.3-1.fc37.s390x Client for 'jq', a 'JSON' Processor Fedora 37 for s390x
R-lambda.r-1.2.4-10.fc37.noarch Modeling data with functional programming Fedora 37 for s390x
R-plyr-1.8.7-1.fc37.s390x Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data Fedora 37 for s390x
R-poLCA- Polytomous variable Latent Class Analysis Fedora 37 for s390x
R-prettycode-1.1.0-10.fc37.noarch Pretty Print R Code in the Terminal Fedora 37 for s390x
R-procmaps-0.0.4-1.fc37.s390x Portable Address Space Mapping Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-anyhow+backtrace-devel-1.0.63-1.fc37.noarch Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-anyhow+default-devel-1.0.63-1.fc37.noarch Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-anyhow+std-devel-1.0.63-1.fc37.noarch Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-anyhow-devel-1.0.63-1.fc37.noarch Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-async-io+default-devel-1.9.0-1.fc37.noarch Async I/O and timers Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-async-io-devel-1.9.0-1.fc37.noarch Async I/O and timers Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-httparse+default-devel-1.8.0-1.fc37.noarch Tiny, safe, speedy, zero-copy HTTP/1.x parser Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-httparse+std-devel-1.8.0-1.fc37.noarch Tiny, safe, speedy, zero-copy HTTP/1.x parser Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-httparse-devel-1.8.0-1.fc37.noarch Tiny, safe, speedy, zero-copy HTTP/1.x parser Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-iana-time-zone+default-devel-0.1.47-1.fc37.noarch Get the IANA time zone for the current system Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-iana-time-zone+fallback-devel-0.1.47-1.fc37.noarch Get the IANA time zone for the current system Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-iana-time-zone-devel-0.1.47-1.fc37.noarch Get the IANA time zone for the current system Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libc+align-devel-0.2.132-1.fc37.noarch Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libc+const-extern-fn-devel-0.2.132-1.fc37.noarch Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libc+default-devel-0.2.132-1.fc37.noarch Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libc+extra_traits-devel-0.2.132-1.fc37.noarch Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libc+std-devel-0.2.132-1.fc37.noarch Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libc+use_std-devel-0.2.132-1.fc37.noarch Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libc-devel-0.2.132-1.fc37.noarch Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-lock_api+arc_lock-devel-0.4.8-1.fc37.noarch Wrappers to create fully-featured Mutex and RwLock types Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-lock_api+default-devel-0.4.8-1.fc37.noarch Wrappers to create fully-featured Mutex and RwLock types Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-lock_api+nightly-devel-0.4.8-1.fc37.noarch Wrappers to create fully-featured Mutex and RwLock types Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-lock_api+owning_ref-devel-0.4.8-1.fc37.noarch Wrappers to create fully-featured Mutex and RwLock types Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-lock_api+serde-devel-0.4.8-1.fc37.noarch Wrappers to create fully-featured Mutex and RwLock types Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-lock_api-devel-0.4.8-1.fc37.noarch Wrappers to create fully-featured Mutex and RwLock types Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-md-5+default-devel-0.10.2-1.fc37.noarch MD5 hash function Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-md-5+std-devel-0.10.2-1.fc37.noarch MD5 hash function Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-md-5-devel-0.10.2-1.fc37.noarch MD5 hash function Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-memmap2+default-devel-0.5.7-1.fc37.noarch Cross-platform Rust API for memory-mapped file IO Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-memmap2+stable_deref_trait-devel-0.5.7-1.fc37.noarch Cross-platform Rust API for memory-mapped file IO Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-memmap2-devel-0.5.7-1.fc37.noarch Cross-platform Rust API for memory-mapped file IO Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-once_cell+alloc-devel-1.14.0-1.fc37.noarch Single assignment cells and lazy values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-once_cell+default-devel-1.14.0-1.fc37.noarch Single assignment cells and lazy values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-once_cell+parking_lot-devel-1.14.0-1.fc37.noarch Single assignment cells and lazy values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-once_cell+parking_lot_core-devel-1.14.0-1.fc37.noarch Single assignment cells and lazy values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-once_cell+race-devel-1.14.0-1.fc37.noarch Single assignment cells and lazy values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-once_cell+std-devel-1.14.0-1.fc37.noarch Single assignment cells and lazy values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-once_cell+unstable-devel-1.14.0-1.fc37.noarch Single assignment cells and lazy values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-once_cell-devel-1.14.0-1.fc37.noarch Single assignment cells and lazy values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-paste+default-devel-1.0.9-1.fc37.noarch Macros for all your token pasting needs Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-paste-devel-1.0.9-1.fc37.noarch Macros for all your token pasting needs Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-pretty_assertions+alloc-devel-1.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Overwrite assert_eq! and assert_ne! with colorful replacements Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-pretty_assertions+default-devel-1.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Overwrite assert_eq! and assert_ne! with colorful replacements Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-pretty_assertions+std-devel-1.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Overwrite assert_eq! and assert_ne! with colorful replacements Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-pretty_assertions+unstable-devel-1.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Overwrite assert_eq! and assert_ne! with colorful replacements Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-pretty_assertions-devel-1.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Overwrite assert_eq! and assert_ne! with colorful replacements Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha1+compress-devel-0.10.2-1.fc37.noarch SHA-1 hash function Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha1+default-devel-0.10.2-1.fc37.noarch SHA-1 hash function Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha1+force-soft-devel-0.10.2-1.fc37.noarch SHA-1 hash function Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha1+std-devel-0.10.2-1.fc37.noarch SHA-1 hash function Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha1-devel-0.10.2-1.fc37.noarch SHA-1 hash function Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha2+compress-devel-0.10.3-1.fc37.noarch Pure Rust implementation of the SHA-2 hash function family Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha2+default-devel-0.10.3-1.fc37.noarch Pure Rust implementation of the SHA-2 hash function family Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha2+force-soft-devel-0.10.3-1.fc37.noarch Pure Rust implementation of the SHA-2 hash function family Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha2+std-devel-0.10.3-1.fc37.noarch Pure Rust implementation of the SHA-2 hash function family Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-sha2-devel-0.10.3-1.fc37.noarch Pure Rust implementation of the SHA-2 hash function family Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-socket2+all-devel-0.4.7-1.fc37.noarch Utilities for handling networking sockets Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-socket2+default-devel-0.4.7-1.fc37.noarch Utilities for handling networking sockets Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-socket2-devel-0.4.7-1.fc37.noarch Utilities for handling networking sockets Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-wezterm-dynamic+default-devel-0.1.0-1.fc37.noarch Config serialization for wezterm via dynamic json-like data values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-wezterm-dynamic-devel-0.1.0-1.fc37.noarch Config serialization for wezterm via dynamic json-like data values Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-which+default-devel-4.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Rust equivalent of Unix command "which" Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-which+regex-devel-4.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Rust equivalent of Unix command "which" Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-which-devel-4.3.0-1.fc37.noarch Rust equivalent of Unix command "which" Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RColorBrewer-1.1.3-1.fc37.noarch ColorBrewer Palettes Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RODBC-1.3.19-1.fc37.s390x An ODBC database interface for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RSQLite-2.2.16-1.fc37.s390x SQLite database interface for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-RhpcBLASctl- Control the Number of Threads on BLAS Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Rhtslib-1.28.0-1.fc37.s390x HTSlib high-throughput sequencing library as an R package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Rhtslib-devel-1.28.0-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-Rhtslib Fedora 37 for s390x
R-TH-data-1.1.1-1.fc37.noarch Data for other R packages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-downlit-0.4.2-1.fc37.noarch Syntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking Fedora 37 for s390x
R-htmlwidgets-1.5.4-1.fc37.noarch HTML Widgets for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-httr-1.4.4-1.fc37.noarch Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP Fedora 37 for s390x
R-jose-1.2.0-1.fc37.noarch JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption Fedora 37 for s390x
R-later-1.3.0-1.fc37.s390x Utilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event Loops Fedora 37 for s390x
R-later-devel-1.3.0-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-later Fedora 37 for s390x
R-lmtest-0.9.40-1.fc37.s390x Testing Linear Regression Models for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-lobstr-1.1.2-1.fc37.s390x Visualize R Data Structures with Trees Fedora 37 for s390x
R-lubridate-1.8.0-1.fc37.s390x Make dealing with dates a little easier Fedora 37 for s390x
R-mapproj-1.2.8-1.fc37.s390x Map Projections Fedora 37 for s390x
R-multcomp-1.4.20-1.fc37.noarch Simultaneous inference for general linear hypotheses R Package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-munsell-0.5.0-14.fc37.noarch Utilities for Using Munsell Colours Fedora 37 for s390x
R-openssl-2.0.2-1.fc37.s390x Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pkgbuild-1.3.1-1.fc37.noarch Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pkgdown-2.0.6-1.fc37.noarch Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-polynom-1.4.1-1.fc37.noarch A Class for Univariate Polynomial Manipulations Fedora 37 for s390x
R-profmem-0.6.0-7.fc37.noarch Simple Memory Profiling for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-qcc-2.7-9.fc37.noarch SQC package for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-qtl-1.52-3.fc37.s390x Tools for analyzing QTL experiments Fedora 37 for s390x
R-quadprog-1.5.8-12.fc37.s390x Functions to Solve Quadratic Programming Problems Fedora 37 for s390x
R-ragg-1.2.2-1.fc37.s390x Graphic Devices Based on AGG Fedora 37 for s390x
R-randomForest- Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rematch-1.0.1-14.fc37.noarch Match Regular Expressions with a Nicer 'API' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-remotes-2.4.2-1.fc37.noarch R Package Installation from Remote Repositories Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rex-1.2.1-1.fc37.noarch Friendly Regular Expressions Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rgdal-1.5.32-10.fc37.s390x Bindings for the 'Geospatial' Data Abstraction Library Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rjson-0.2.21-1.fc37.s390x JSON for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rle-0.9.2-7.fc37.s390x Common Functions for Run-Length Encoded Vectors Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rlecuyer-0.3.5-11.fc37.s390x R interface to RNG with multiple streams Fedora 37 for s390x
R-textshaping-0.3.6-1.fc37.s390x Bindings to the HarfBuzz and Fribidi Libraries for Text Shaping Fedora 37 for s390x
R-textshaping-devel-0.3.6-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-textshaping Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tkWidgets-1.74.0-1.fc37.noarch Widgets to provide user interfaces from bioconductor Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rmarkdown-2.16-3.fc37.noarch Dynamic Documents for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rversions-2.1.2-1.fc37.noarch Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sandwich-3.0.2-1.fc37.noarch Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators Fedora 37 for s390x
R-scales-1.2.1-1.fc37.noarch Scale Functions for Visualization Fedora 37 for s390x
R-scatterplot3d-0.3.41-16.fc37.noarch 3D Scatter Plot Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sciplot-1.2.0-9.fc37.noarch Scientific Graphing Functions for Factorial Designs Fedora 37 for s390x
R-snow-0.4.4-10.fc37.noarch Simple Network of Workstations Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sodium-1.2.1-1.fc37.s390x A Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sourcetools-0.1.7-16.fc37.s390x Tools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sourcetools-devel-0.1.7-16.fc37.s390x Development files for R-sourcetools Fedora 37 for s390x
R-stringdist-0.9.8-1.fc37.s390x Approximate String Matching, Fuzzy Text Search, and String Distance Functions Fedora 37 for s390x
R-stringdist-devel-0.9.8-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-stringdist Fedora 37 for s390x
R-svglite-2.1.0-1.fc37.s390x An 'SVG' Graphics Device Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sysfonts-0.8.8-1.fc37.s390x Loading Fonts into R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-systemfonts-1.0.4-1.fc37.s390x System Native Font Finding Fedora 37 for s390x
R-systemfonts-devel-1.0.4-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-systemfonts Fedora 37 for s390x
R-timeDate-4021.104-1.fc37.noarch Rmetrics - chronological and calendar objects Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tkrplot-0.0.26-1.fc37.s390x TK Rplot Fedora 37 for s390x
R-udunits2- Udunits-2 Bindings for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-uuid-1.1.0-1.fc37.s390x Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs Fedora 37 for s390x
R-waveslim-1.8.4-1.fc37.s390x R module, Basic wavelet routines for 1,2 and 3-dimensional signal processing Fedora 37 for s390x
R-wavethresh-4.7.0-1.fc37.s390x R module, Software to perform wavelet statistics and transforms Fedora 37 for s390x
R-webfakes-1.1.3-5.fc37.s390x Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing Fedora 37 for s390x
R-webp-1.1.0-1.fc37.s390x A New Format for Lossless and Lossy Image Compression Fedora 37 for s390x
R-whisker-0.4-10.fc37.noarch {{mustache}} for R, Logicless Templating Fedora 37 for s390x
R-widgetTools-1.74.0-1.fc37.noarch Bioconductor tools to support tcltk widgets Fedora 37 for s390x
R-zeallot-0.1.0-12.fc37.noarch Multiple, Unpacking, and Destructuring Assignment Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-web-console-4.2.0-1.fc37.noarch A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-web-console-doc-4.2.0-1.fc37.noarch Documentation for rubygem-web-console Fedora 37 for s390x
rest-0.9.1-5.fc37.s390x A library for access to RESTful web services Fedora 37 for s390x
rest-demo-0.9.1-5.fc37.s390x Demo application for rest Fedora 37 for s390x
rest-devel-0.9.1-5.fc37.s390x Development package for rest Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-puma-5.6.5-1.fc37.s390x A simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-puma-doc-5.6.5-1.fc37.noarch Documentation for rubygem-puma Fedora 37 for s390x
recoll-1.32.7-1.fc37.s390x Desktop full text search tool with Qt GUI Fedora 37 for s390x
recoll-gssp-1.32.7-1.fc37.s390x Recoll GNOME Shell search provider Fedora 37 for s390x
recoll-kio-1.32.7-1.fc37.s390x KIO support for recoll Fedora 37 for s390x
rofi-wayland-1.7.5+wayland1-1.fc37.s390x Fork of rofi with Wayland support Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-devicemapper+default-devel-0.32.2-1.fc37.noarch Library for using Linux device mapper Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-devicemapper-devel-0.32.2-1.fc37.noarch Library for using Linux device mapper Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libblkid-rs-sys+default-devel-0.1.4-1.fc37.noarch Low level bindings for libblkid Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libblkid-rs-sys-devel-0.1.4-1.fc37.noarch Low level bindings for libblkid Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libcryptsetup-rs+default-devel-0.6.0-1.fc37.noarch High level Rust bindings for libcryptsetup Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libcryptsetup-rs+mutex-devel-0.6.0-1.fc37.noarch High level Rust bindings for libcryptsetup Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libcryptsetup-rs-devel-0.6.0-1.fc37.noarch High level Rust bindings for libcryptsetup Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libcryptsetup-rs-sys+default-devel-0.2.1-1.fc37.noarch Low level bindings for libcryptsetup Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libcryptsetup-rs-sys-devel-0.2.1-1.fc37.noarch Low level bindings for libcryptsetup Fedora 37 for s390x
rpm-ostree-2022.13-1.fc37.s390x Hybrid image/package system Fedora 37 for s390x
rpm-ostree-devel-2022.13-1.fc37.s390x Development headers for rpm-ostree Fedora 37 for s390x
rpm-ostree-libs-2022.13-1.fc37.s390x Shared library for rpm-ostree Fedora 37 for s390x
rss2email-3.14-1.fc37.noarch Deliver news from RSS feeds to your SMTP server as text or HTML mail Fedora 37 for s390x
rss2email-zsh-completion-3.14-1.fc37.noarch zsh-completion files for rss2email Fedora 37 for s390x
R-R.devices-2.17.1-1.fc37.noarch Unified Handling of Graphics Devices Fedora 37 for s390x
R-R.rsp-0.45.0-1.fc37.noarch Dynamic Generation of Scientific Reports Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Rcpp-1.0.9-3.fc37.s390x Seamless R and C++ Integration Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Rcpp-devel-1.0.9-3.fc37.s390x Rcpp Development Files Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Rcpp-examples-1.0.9-3.fc37.s390x Rcpp Examples Fedora 37 for s390x
R-ascii-2.4-7.fc37.noarch Export R Objects to Several Markup Languages Fedora 37 for s390x
R-askpass-1.1-12.fc37.s390x Safe Password Entry for R, Git, and SSH Fedora 37 for s390x
R-cachem-1.0.6-1.fc37.s390x Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning Fedora 37 for s390x
R-jquerylib-0.1.4-6.fc37.noarch Obtain jQuery as an HTML Dependency Object Fedora 37 for s390x
R-listenv-0.8.0-10.fc37.noarch Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists Fedora 37 for s390x
R-memoise-2.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Memoisation of functions Fedora 37 for s390x
R-plogr-0.2.0-14.fc37.noarch C++ Logging Library for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-plogr-devel-0.2.0-14.fc37.noarch Devel files for R-plogr Fedora 37 for s390x
R-preprocessCore-1.58.0-1.fc37.s390x A collection of pre-processing functions Fedora 37 for s390x
R-preprocessCore-devel-1.58.0-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-preprocessCore Fedora 37 for s390x
R-presser-1.1.0-7.fc37.s390x Lightweight Web Server for Testing Fedora 37 for s390x
R-prettyunits-1.1.1-8.fc37.noarch Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities Fedora 37 for s390x
R-mockery-0.4.3-1.fc37.noarch Mocking Library for R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-oskeyring-0.1.3-1.fc37.s390x Raw System Credential Store Access from R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-parallelly-1.32.1-1.fc37.noarch Enhancing the 'parallel' Package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-parsedate-1.3.0-1.fc37.s390x Recognize and Parse Dates in Various Formats Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pbapply-1.5.0-1.fc37.noarch Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pbdZMQ-0.3.7-1.fc37.s390x Programming with Big Data -- Interface to ZeroMQ Fedora 37 for s390x
R-pingr-2.0.1-9.fc37.s390x Check if a Remote Computer is Up Fedora 37 for s390x
R-qpdf-1.2.0-1.fc37.s390x Split, Combine and Compress PDF Files Fedora 37 for s390x
R-spelling-2.2-7.fc37.noarch Tools for Spell Checking in R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-sys-3.4-5.fc37.s390x Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R Fedora 37 for s390x
R-tinytex-0.41-1.fc37.noarch Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents Fedora 37 for s390x
R-xmlparsedata-1.0.5-5.fc37.noarch Parse Data of 'R' Code as an 'XML' Tree Fedora 37 for s390x
R-xtable-1.8.4-12.fc37.noarch Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML Fedora 37 for s390x
remove-retired-packages-37.1-1.fc37.noarch Remove retired distribution's packages Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-capybara-3.37.1-1.fc37.noarch Capybara aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-capybara-doc-3.37.1-1.fc37.noarch Documentation for rubygem-capybara Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+__compress-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+compress-brotli-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+compress-gzip-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+compress-zstd-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+cookie-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+cookies-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+dangerous-h2c-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+default-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+openssl-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+tls-openssl-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+trust-dns-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc+trust-dns-resolver-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-awc-devel-3.0.1-1.fc37.noarch Async HTTP and WebSocket client library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo+default-devel-0.64.0-1.fc37.noarch Package manager for Rust Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo+deny-warnings-devel-0.64.0-1.fc37.noarch Package manager for Rust Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo+openssl-devel-0.64.0-1.fc37.noarch Package manager for Rust Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo+pretty-env-logger-devel-0.64.0-1.fc37.noarch Package manager for Rust Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo+pretty_env_logger-devel-0.64.0-1.fc37.noarch Package manager for Rust Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo-c+default-devel-0.9.12-1.fc37.noarch Helper program to build and install c-like libraries Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo-c-devel-0.9.12-1.fc37.noarch Helper program to build and install c-like libraries Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo-devel-0.64.0-1.fc37.noarch Package manager for Rust Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo-util+default-devel-0.2.1-1.fc37.noarch Miscellaneous support code used by Cargo Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cargo-util-devel-0.2.1-1.fc37.noarch Miscellaneous support code used by Cargo Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cbindgen+clap-devel-0.24.3-1.fc37.noarch Tool for generating C bindings to Rust code Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cbindgen+default-devel-0.24.3-1.fc37.noarch Tool for generating C bindings to Rust code Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-cbindgen-devel-0.24.3-1.fc37.noarch Tool for generating C bindings to Rust code Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-crates-io+default-devel-0.34.0-1.fc37.noarch Helpers for interacting with Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-crates-io-devel-0.34.0-1.fc37.noarch Helpers for interacting with Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-erased-serde+alloc-devel-0.3.23-1.fc37.noarch Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-erased-serde+default-devel-0.3.23-1.fc37.noarch Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-erased-serde+std-devel-0.3.23-1.fc37.noarch Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-erased-serde+unstable-debug-devel-0.3.23-1.fc37.noarch Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-erased-serde-devel-0.3.23-1.fc37.noarch Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-git2-curl+default-devel-0.15.0-1.fc37.noarch Backend for an HTTP transport in libgit2 powered by libcurl Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-git2-curl-devel-0.15.0-1.fc37.noarch Backend for an HTTP transport in libgit2 powered by libcurl Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-kstring+arc-devel-2.0.0-1.fc37.noarch Key String: optimized for map keys Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-kstring+default-devel-2.0.0-1.fc37.noarch Key String: optimized for map keys Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-kstring+max_inline-devel-2.0.0-1.fc37.noarch Key String: optimized for map keys Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-kstring+serde-devel-2.0.0-1.fc37.noarch Key String: optimized for map keys Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-kstring+std-devel-2.0.0-1.fc37.noarch Key String: optimized for map keys Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-kstring+unsafe-devel-2.0.0-1.fc37.noarch Key String: optimized for map keys Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-kstring+unstable_bench_subset-devel-2.0.0-1.fc37.noarch Key String: optimized for map keys Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-kstring-devel-2.0.0-1.fc37.noarch Key String: optimized for map keys Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libgit2-sys+default-devel-0.13.4-3.fc37.noarch Native bindings to the libgit2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libgit2-sys+https-devel-0.13.4-3.fc37.noarch Native bindings to the libgit2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libgit2-sys+libssh2-sys-devel-0.13.4-3.fc37.noarch Native bindings to the libgit2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libgit2-sys+openssl-sys-devel-0.13.4-3.fc37.noarch Native bindings to the libgit2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libgit2-sys+ssh-devel-0.13.4-3.fc37.noarch Native bindings to the libgit2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libgit2-sys+ssh_key_from_memory-devel-0.13.4-3.fc37.noarch Native bindings to the libgit2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libgit2-sys+vendored-devel-0.13.4-3.fc37.noarch Native bindings to the libgit2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-libgit2-sys-devel-0.13.4-3.fc37.noarch Native bindings to the libgit2 library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-loopdev+default-devel-0.4.0-1.fc37.noarch Setup and control loop devices Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-loopdev+direct_io-devel-0.4.0-1.fc37.noarch Setup and control loop devices Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-loopdev-devel-0.4.0-1.fc37.noarch Setup and control loop devices Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+alloc-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+default-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+formatting-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+itoa-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+large-dates-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+local-offset-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+macros-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+parsing-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+quickcheck-dep-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+quickcheck-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+rand-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+serde-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+serde-human-readable-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+serde-well-known-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+std-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time+time-macros-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-time-devel-0.3.14-1.fc37.noarch Date and time library Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-toml_edit+default-devel-0.14.4-1.fc37.noarch Yet another format-preserving TOML parser Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-toml_edit+easy-devel-0.14.4-1.fc37.noarch Yet another format-preserving TOML parser Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-toml_edit+kstring-devel-0.14.4-1.fc37.noarch Yet another format-preserving TOML parser Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-toml_edit+perf-devel-0.14.4-1.fc37.noarch Yet another format-preserving TOML parser Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-toml_edit+serde-devel-0.14.4-1.fc37.noarch Yet another format-preserving TOML parser Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-toml_edit-devel-0.14.4-1.fc37.noarch Yet another format-preserving TOML parser Fedora 37 for s390x
R-Cairo-1.6.0-1.fc37.s390x Use Cairo for high-quality bitmap, vector, and display output Fedora 37 for s390x
R-NISTunits-1.0.1-12.fc37.noarch Fundamental Physical Constants and Unit Conversions from NIST Fedora 37 for s390x
R-R.cache-0.16.0-1.fc37.noarch Fast and Light-Weight Caching (Memoization) of Objects and Results Fedora 37 for s390x
R-markdown-1.1-11.fc37.s390x Render Markdown with the C Library 'Sundown' Fedora 37 for s390x
R-markdown-devel-1.1-11.fc37.s390x Development files for R-markdown Fedora 37 for s390x
R-mnormt-2.1.0-1.fc37.s390x The Multivariate Normal and t Distributions Fedora 37 for s390x
R-mvtnorm-1.1.3-1.fc37.s390x Multivariate normal and T distribution R Package Fedora 37 for s390x
R-mvtnorm-devel-1.1.3-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-mvtnorm Fedora 37 for s390x
R-ncdf4-1.19-1.fc37.s390x Interface to Unidata netCDF (Version 4 or Earlier) Format Data Files Fedora 37 for s390x
R-rappdirs-0.3.3-6.fc37.s390x Application Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs Fedora 37 for s390x
R-unix-1.5.4-1.fc37.s390x POSIX System Utilities Fedora 37 for s390x
R-xml2-1.3.3-1.fc37.s390x Parse XML Fedora 37 for s390x
R-xml2-devel-1.3.3-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-xml2 Fedora 37 for s390x
R-zip-2.2.0-5.fc37.s390x Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression Fedora 37 for s390x
R-zoo-1.8.10-1.fc37.s390x Z's ordered observations for irregular time series Fedora 37 for s390x
R-zoo-devel-1.8.10-1.fc37.s390x Development files for R-zoo Fedora 37 for s390x
readonly-root-10.17-1.fc37.noarch Service for configuring read-only root support Fedora 37 for s390x
rhsm-icons-4-1.fc37.noarch Icons for Red Hat Subscription Management client tools Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-apipie-rails-0.8.1-1.fc37.noarch Rails REST API documentation tool Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-apipie-rails-doc-0.8.1-1.fc37.noarch Documentation for rubygem-apipie-rails Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-shoulda-3.6.0-12.fc37.noarch Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-shoulda-doc-3.6.0-12.fc37.noarch Documentation for rubygem-shoulda Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-shoulda-matchers-5.1.0-1.fc37.noarch Simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality Fedora 37 for s390x
rubygem-shoulda-matchers-doc-5.1.0-1.fc37.noarch Documentation for rubygem-shoulda-matchers Fedora 37 for s390x
rados-objclass-devel-17.2.3-5.fc37.s390x RADOS object class development kit Fedora 37 for s390x
rbd-fuse-17.2.3-5.fc37.s390x Ceph fuse-based client Fedora 37 for s390x
rbd-mirror-17.2.3-5.fc37.s390x Ceph daemon for mirroring RBD images Fedora 37 for s390x
rbd-nbd-17.2.3-5.fc37.s390x Ceph RBD client base on NBD Fedora 37 for s390x
redhat-rpm-config-228-1.fc37.noarch Red Hat specific rpm configuration files Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-nmstate+default-devel-2.1.4-1.fc37.noarch Rust crate of nmstate with default feature Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-nmstate-devel-2.1.4-1.fc37.noarch Rust crate of nmstate Fedora 37 for s390x
ruby-notmuch-0.37-1.fc37.s390x Ruby bindings for notmuch Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-clang-ast+default-devel-0.1.9-1.fc37.noarch Data structures for processing Clang's -ast-dump=json format Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-clang-ast-devel-0.1.9-1.fc37.noarch Data structures for processing Clang's -ast-dump=json format Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-deunicode+alloc-devel-1.3.2-1.fc37.noarch Convert Unicode strings to pure ASCII by intelligently transliterating them Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-deunicode+default-devel-1.3.2-1.fc37.noarch Convert Unicode strings to pure ASCII by intelligently transliterating them Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-deunicode-devel-1.3.2-1.fc37.noarch Convert Unicode strings to pure ASCII by intelligently transliterating them Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-imgref+default-devel-1.9.3-1.fc37.noarch Interchange of 2-dimensional pixel buffers with width, height & stride Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-imgref-devel-1.9.3-1.fc37.noarch Interchange of 2-dimensional pixel buffers with width, height & stride Fedora 37 for s390x
rust-link-cplusplus+default-devel-1.0.7-1.fc37.noarch Link libstdc++ or libc++ automatically or manually Fedora 37 for s390x

Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1

Fabrice Bellet, Thu May 9 20:51:40 2024