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RPMs more than 1 months old

compat-golang-github-commonmark-html-devel-0-0.11.20200805gita227339.fc38.noarch HTML utilities for escaping/unescaping and for parsing HTML Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-commonmark-linkify-devel-0-0.12.20200805git64bca66.fc38.noarch Find what looks like links in plain text Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-commonmark-markdown-devel-0-0.10.20200805git91b5b3c.fc38.noarch CommonMark-compliant markdown parser and renderer in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-commonmark-mdurl-devel-0-0.10.20200805git932350d.fc38.noarch Utilities for parsing, decoding and encoding URLs Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-commonmark-puny-devel-0-0.10.20200805git9f83538.fc38.noarch Functions for encoding/decoding to/from punycode Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-coreos-bbolt-devel-1.3.6-8.fc38.noarch An embedded key/value database for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-coreos-oidc-3-devel-3.4.0-2.fc38.noarch Go OpenID Connect client Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-coreos-systemd-22-devel-22.3.2-9.20220821git458b399.fc38.noarch Go bindings to systemd socket activation, journal, D-Bus, and unit files Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-cpuguy83-md2man-2-devel-2.0.2-6.fc38.noarch Converts markdown into roff (man pages) Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-crgimenes-goconfig-devel-1.3.0-5.fc38.noarch Populates the fields of a struct with parameters from command line Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-cucumber-gherkin-21-devel-21.0.0-4.fc38.noarch Gherkin parser/compiler for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-cucumber-messages-17-devel-17.1.1-5.fc38.noarch Cucumber Messages for Go (Protocol Buffers) Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-docopt-devel-0.6.2-10.20190509gitee0de3b.fc38.noarch Command-line arguments parser in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-emicklei-restful-3-devel-3.8.0-3.fc38.noarch Package for building REST-style Web Services using Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-facebook-ent-devel-0.10.0-8.fc38.noarch An entity framework for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-garyburd-redigo-devel-1.8.3-6.fc38.noarch Go client for redis Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-git-lfs-gitobj-2-devel-2.1.1-2.fc38.noarch Gitobj reads and writes Git objects Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-influxdata-promql-2-devel-2.12.0-10.fc38.noarch Pruned version of the native Prometheus promql package Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-influxdata-roaring-devel-0.5.5-6.fc38.noarch Go version of the Roaring bitmap data structure Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-influxdb-cache-devel-0-0.24.20190703git7d1d6d6.fc38.noarch An in-memory key:value store/cache library for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-ini-devel-1.67.0-2.fc38.noarch Package ini provides INI file read and write functionality in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-jackc-pgx-4-devel-4.10.1-6.fc38.noarch PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-jaegertracing-jaeger-client-devel-2.30.0-6.fc38.noarch Jaeger Bindings for Go OpenTracing API Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-jaegertracing-jaeger-lib-devel-2.4.1-5.fc38.noarch Collection of shared infrastructure libraries used by Jaeger Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-jaytaylor-html2text-devel-0-0.5.20220509gitbc68cce.fc38.noarch Golang HTML to plaintext conversion library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-jfrogdev-gofrog-devel-1.1.1-3.fc38.noarch Collection of Go utilities Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-klauspost-cpuid-2-devel-2.0.9-5.fc38.noarch CPU feature identification for go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-kyokomi-emoji-2-devel-2.2.8-8.fc38.noarch Emoji terminal output for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-linkedin-goavro-2-devel-2.10.0-7.fc38.noarch Library that encodes and decodes Avro data Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-lint-devel-0-19.20210123git83fdc39.fc38.noarch Linter for Go source code Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-logrusorgru-aurora-3-devel-3.0.0-6.fc38.noarch Golang ultimate ANSI-colors that supports Printf/Sprintf methods Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-gobuffalo-packr-2-devel-2.8.1-6.fc38.noarch Simple and easy way to embed static files into Go binaries Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-godbus-dbus-5-devel-5.1.0-2.fc38.noarch Native Go bindings for D-Bus Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-goftp-server-devel-0.4.1-6.fc38.noarch FTP server framework written in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-google-48-devel-48.1.0-2.fc38.noarch Go library for accessing the GitHub API Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-google-martian-3-devel-3.1.0-12.fc38.noarch Library for building custom HTTP/S proxies Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-gorp-1-devel-1.7.2-5.fc38.noarch Go Relational Persistence - an ORM-ish library for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-h2non-gock-devel-1.0.16-6.fc38.noarch Expressive HTTP traffic mocking and testing made easy in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-hanwen-fuse-2-devel-2.1.0-4.fc38.noarch FUSE bindings for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-haproxytech-client-native-2-devel-2.5.3-5.fc38.noarch Go client for HAProxy configuration and runtime API Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-haproxytech-config-parser-4-devel-4.0.0~rc2-6.20211213git12e472f.fc38.noarch HAProxy configuration parser Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-haproxytech-dataplaneapi-2-devel-2.4.4-8.fc38.noarch HAProxy Data Plane API Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-lsegal-gucumber-devel-0-0.26.20190703git7d5c79e.fc38.noarch Cucumber BDD-style testing for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-macaron-devel-1.4.0-7.fc38.noarch High productive and modular web framework in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-mail-devel-2.3.1-11.fc38.noarch Simple and efficient package to send emails Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc-2-devel-2.0.1-6.fc38.noarch Here-document with keeping indent Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-marusama-semaphore-2-devel-2.4.1-6.fc38.noarch Fast resizable Golang semaphore Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-masterminds-sprig-3-devel-3.2.2-5.fc38.noarch Useful template functions for Go templates Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-mholt-archiver-3-devel-3.5.1-6.fc38.noarch Easily create and extract archive files with Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-mholt-caddy-1-devel-1.0.4-11.fc38.noarch HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-michaelklishin-rabbit-hole-2-devel-2.6.0-6.fc38.noarch RabbitMQ HTTP API client in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-mvdan-xurls-devel-2.2.0-9.fc38.noarch Extract urls from text Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-nats-io-devel-1.10.0-6.fc38.noarch Golang client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-nats-io-streaming-devel-0.8.2-6.fc38.noarch Performant, lightweight reliable streaming platform Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-noahdesu-ceph-devel-0.7.0-6.fc38.noarch Go bindings for Ceph Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-ns3777k-shodan-4-devel-4.2.0-8.fc38.noarch Shodan API client Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-oklog-ulid-2-devel-2.0.2-13.fc38.noarch Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-openzipkin-zipkin-opentracing-devel-0.4.5-7.fc38.noarch OpenTracing Tracer implementation for Zipkin v1 in Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-oracle-oci-sdk-24-devel-24.3.0-6.fc38.noarch Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-oracle-oci-sdk-65-devel-65.25.0-2.fc38.noarch Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-peterbourgon-diskv-3-devel-3.0.0-10.fc38.noarch Disk-backed key-value store Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-pierrec-lz4-4-devel-4.1.16-2.fc38.noarch LZ4 compression and decompression in pure Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-redis-devel-6.15.9-6.fc38.noarch Type-safe Redis client for Golang Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-resty-2-devel-2.7.0-4.fc38.noarch Simple HTTP and REST client library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-robfig-cron-3-devel-3.0.1-6.fc38.noarch Cron library for go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-russross-blackfriday-2-devel-2.1.0-6.fc38.noarch Markdown processor for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-siddontang-ledisdb-devel-0.6-8.20210112gitd35789e.fc38.noarch A high performance NoSQL Database Server powered by Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-sirupsen-logrus-devel-1.9.0-3.fc38.noarch Structured, pluggable logging for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-spacemonkeygo-monkit-3-devel-3.0.7-6.fc38.noarch Flexible process data collection, instrumentation, and tracing client library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-syndtr-gosnappy-devel-0.0.2-9.fc38.noarch Implementation of the Snappy compression format for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-tchap-patricia-2-devel-2.3.1-8.fc38.noarch A generic patricia trie (also called radix tree) implemented in Go (Golang) Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-tdewolff-parse-2-devel-2.6.5-2.fc38.noarch Go parsers for web formats Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-transip-gotransip-6-devel-6.5.0-6.fc38.noarch TransIP API client for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-tylerb-graceful-devel-1.2.15-9.fc38.noarch Go package enabling graceful shutdown of an http.Handler server Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-unknwon-com-devel-1.0.1-6.fc38.noarch Commonly used functions for the Go programming language Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-unknwon-goconfig-devel-0-0.18.20210113gitdf7de6a.fc38.noarch Fully functional and comments-support configuration file (.ini) parser Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-willf-bitset-devel-1.2.0-8.fc38.noarch Go package implementing bitsets Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-xorm-builder-devel-0.3.7-6.fc38.noarch Lightweight and fast SQL builder for Go language Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-xorm-core-devel-0.7.3-6.fc38.noarch Lightweight & Compatible wrapper of database/sql Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-xorm-devel-1.0.7-6.fc38.noarch ORM for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-yunify-qingstor-sdk-3-devel-3.2.0-9.fc38.noarch Official QingStor SDK for the Go programming language Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-yunify-qingstor-sdk-devel-4.1.0-6.fc38.noarch The official QingStor SDK for the Go programming language Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-zeebo-admission-3-devel-3.0.2-6.fc38.noarch Admission is a package for processing a bunch of udp packets Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-zyedidia-tcell-2-devel-2.0.6-7.fc38.noarch Alternate terminal package Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-1-yaml-devel-0-0.11.20190622git9f9df34.fc38.noarch YAML support for the Go language Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-2-yaml-devel-2.4.0-10.fc38.noarch Yaml support for the Go language Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-bradfitz-gomemcache-1-devel-0-0.17.20200724gita41fca8.fc38.noarch Go Memcached client library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-data-dog-sqlmock-1-devel-1.5.0-7.fc38.noarch Sql mock driver for Golang to test database interactions Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-fsnotify-1-devel-1.6.0-2.fc38.noarch Cross-platform file system notifications for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-graylog2-gelf-2-devel-2.0.0-7.20201111git1550ee6.fc38.noarch GELF library for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-inconshreveable-log15-2-devel-2.15-9.fc38.noarch Structured, composable logging for go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-karlseguin-expect-1-devel-1.0.7-6.fc38.noarch Testing framework for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-ldap-3-devel-3.2.4-8.fc38.noarch Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-playground-assert-2-devel-2.0.1-6.fc38.noarch Basic Assertion Library used along side native go testing Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-playground-validator-10-devel-10.10.0-3.fc38.noarch Go struct and field validation Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-stretchr-testify-1-devel-1.8.0-4.fc38.noarch Toolkit with common assertions and mocks Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gopkg-urfave-cli-1-devel-1.22.10-2.fc38.noarch Simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-gotest-3-devel-3.3.0-4.fc38.noarch A collection of packages to augment the Go testing package Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-k8s-klog-2-devel-2.10.0-7.fc38.noarch Leveled execution logs for Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-mvdan-xurls-2-devel-2.2.0-9.fc38.noarch Extract urls from text Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-sigs-k8s-structured-merge-diff-4-devel-4.2.1-3.fc38.noarch Test cases and implementation for "server-side apply" Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-vbom-util-devel-0.0.3-8.fc38.noarch Go utility packages Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-guile18-1.8.8-39.fc38.i686 A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-guile18-1.8.8-39.fc38.x86_64 A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-guile18-devel-1.8.8-39.fc38.x86_64 Libraries and header files for the GUILE extensibility library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-guile18-devel-1.8.8-39.fc38.i686 Libraries and header files for the GUILE extensibility library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-lua-5.1.5-22.fc38.x86_64 Powerful light-weight programming language (compat version) Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-lua-devel-5.1.5-22.fc38.i686 Development files for compat-lua Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-lua-devel-5.1.5-22.fc38.x86_64 Development files for compat-lua Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-lua-libs-5.1.5-22.fc38.i686 Powerful light-weight programming language (compat version) Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-lua-libs-5.1.5-22.fc38.x86_64 Powerful light-weight programming language (compat version) Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline5-5.2-44.fc38.x86_64 A library for editing typed command lines Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline5-5.2-44.fc38.i686 A library for editing typed command lines Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline5-devel-5.2-44.fc38.i686 Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline5-devel-5.2-44.fc38.x86_64 Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline5-static-5.2-44.fc38.i686 Static libraries for the readline library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline5-static-5.2-44.fc38.x86_64 Static libraries for the readline library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline6-6.3-26.fc38.x86_64 A library for editing typed command lines Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline6-6.3-26.fc38.i686 A library for editing typed command lines Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline6-devel-6.3-26.fc38.i686 Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline6-devel-6.3-26.fc38.x86_64 Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline6-static-6.3-26.fc38.i686 Static libraries for the readline library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-readline6-static-6.3-26.fc38.x86_64 Static libraries for the readline library Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-tolua++-1.0.93-19.fc38.x86_64 Lua-5.1 compatible version of tolua++ (C++ Lua integration) Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-tolua++-1.0.93-19.fc38.i686 Lua-5.1 compatible version of tolua++ (C++ Lua integration) Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-tolua++-devel-1.0.93-19.fc38.i686 Development files for compat-tolua++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-tolua++-devel-1.0.93-19.fc38.x86_64 Development files for compat-tolua++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-0.8.18-7.fc38.i686 OpenGL window and compositing manager Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-0.8.18-7.fc38.x86_64 OpenGL window and compositing manager Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-bcop-0.8.18-6.fc38.noarch Compiz option code generator Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-devel-0.8.18-7.fc38.x86_64 Development packages for compiz Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-devel-0.8.18-7.fc38.i686 Development packages for compiz Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-manager-0.7.0-17.fc38.noarch A wrapper script to start compiz with proper options Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-experimental-0.8.18-6.fc38.i686 Additional plugins for Compiz Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-experimental-0.8.18-6.fc38.x86_64 Additional plugins for Compiz Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-experimental-devel-0.8.18-6.fc38.x86_64 Development files for Compiz-Fusion Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-experimental-devel-0.8.18-6.fc38.i686 Development files for Compiz-Fusion Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.18-6.fc38.x86_64 Additional Compiz Fusion plugins for Compiz Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.18-6.fc38.i686 Additional Compiz Fusion plugins for Compiz Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-extra-devel-0.8.18-6.fc38.x86_64 Development files for Compiz-Fusion Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-extra-devel-0.8.18-6.fc38.i686 Development files for Compiz-Fusion Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-main-0.8.18-6.fc38.i686 Collection of Compiz Fusion plugins for Compiz Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-main-0.8.18-6.fc38.x86_64 Collection of Compiz Fusion plugins for Compiz Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-main-devel-0.8.18-6.fc38.x86_64 Development files for Compiz-Fusion Fedora 38 for x86_64
compiz-plugins-main-devel-0.8.18-6.fc38.i686 Development files for Compiz-Fusion Fedora 38 for x86_64
compizconfig-python-0.8.18-8.fc38.x86_64 Python bindings for the Compiz Configuration System Fedora 38 for x86_64
compose-utils-0.1.45-7.fc38.noarch Utilities for working with composes Fedora 38 for x86_64
comps-extras-24-13.fc38.noarch Images for package groups Fedora 38 for x86_64
compsize-1.5-5.fc38.x86_64 Utility for measuring compression ratio of files on btrfs Fedora 38 for x86_64
conakry-fonts-20070829-25.fc38.noarch N'Ko font by Michael Everson Fedora 38 for x86_64
concordance-1.5-4.fc38.x86_64 Software to program the Logitech Harmony remote control Fedora 38 for x86_64
configsnap-0.20.1-6.fc38.noarch Record and compare system state Fedora 38 for x86_64
congruity-21-2.fc38.noarch Applications to program Logitech Harmony universal remote controls Fedora 38 for x86_64
conman-0.3.0-9.fc38.x86_64 ConMan - The Console Manager Fedora 38 for x86_64
conmux-0.0-48.493svn.fc38.noarch ConMux - The Console Multiplexor Fedora 38 for x86_64
conmux-client-0.0-48.493svn.fc38.noarch Conmux client which will connect to a Conmux server Fedora 38 for x86_64
connect-proxy-1.100-28.fc38.x86_64 SSH Proxy command helper Fedora 38 for x86_64
conntrack-tools-1.4.6-6.fc38.x86_64 Manipulate netfilter connection tracking table and run High Availability Fedora 38 for x86_64
consolation-0.0.7-8.fc38.x86_64 Copy-paste for the Linux console Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-bridge-1.0.1-6.fc38.x86_64 Lightweight set of macros used for reporting information in libraries Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-bridge-1.0.1-6.fc38.i686 Lightweight set of macros used for reporting information in libraries Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-bridge-devel-1.0.1-6.fc38.i686 Development files for console-bridge Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-bridge-devel-1.0.1-6.fc38.x86_64 Development files for console-bridge Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-image-viewer-1.2-18.fc38.noarch Terminal image viewer Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-login-helper-messages-0.21.3-4.fc38.noarch Combines motd, issue, profile features to show system information to the user before/on login Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-login-helper-messages-issuegen-0.21.3-4.fc38.noarch Issue generator scripts showing SSH keys and IP address Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-login-helper-messages-motdgen-0.21.3-4.fc38.noarch Message of the day generator script showing system information Fedora 38 for x86_64
console-login-helper-messages-profile-0.21.3-4.fc38.noarch Profile script showing systemd failed units Fedora 38 for x86_64
conspy-1.14-10.fc38.x86_64 Remote control for text mode virtual consoles Fedora 38 for x86_64
constantine-backgrounds-12.1.1-24.fc38.noarch Constantine desktop backgrounds Fedora 38 for x86_64
constantine-backgrounds-extras-12.1.1-24.fc38.noarch Extra Constantine Backgrounds Fedora 38 for x86_64
constantine-backgrounds-extras-kde-12.1.1-24.fc38.noarch Extra Constantine Wallpapers for KDE Fedora 38 for x86_64
constantine-backgrounds-kde-12.1.1-24.fc38.noarch Constantine Wallpapers for KDE Fedora 38 for x86_64
constantine-backgrounds-single-12.1.1-24.fc38.noarch Single screen images for Constantine Backgrounds Fedora 38 for x86_64
constantine-kde-theme-12.1.0-23.fc38.noarch Constantine KDE Theme Fedora 38 for x86_64
container-exception-logger-1.0.3-9.fc38.x86_64 Logging from a container to a host Fedora 38 for x86_64 A simple service to setup container storage devices Fedora 38 for x86_64
container-workflow-tool-1.2.0-5.fc38.noarch Tool for automation of rebuilding container images Fedora 38 for x86_64
contest-0-0.8.20210706gitceebc35.fc38.x86_64 Run continuous and on-demand system testing for real and virtual hardware Fedora 38 for x86_64
contractor-0.3.5-11.fc38.x86_64 Desktop-wide extension service Fedora 38 for x86_64
conu-doc-0.7.1-17.fc38.noarch conu documentation Fedora 38 for x86_64
convmv-2.05-11.fc38.noarch Convert filename encodings Fedora 38 for x86_64
cool-retro-term-1.2.0-3.fc38.x86_64 Terminal emulator mimicking a CRT display Fedora 38 for x86_64
coolreader-3.2.59-4.fc38.x86_64 Cross platform open source e-book reader Fedora 38 for x86_64
copy-jdk-configs-4.1-2.fc38.noarch JDKs configuration files copier Fedora 38 for x86_64
coreutils-9.1-11.fc38.x86_64 A set of basic GNU tools commonly used in shell scripts Fedora 38 for x86_64
coreutils-common-9.1-11.fc38.x86_64 coreutils common optional components Fedora 38 for x86_64
coreutils-single-9.1-11.fc38.x86_64 coreutils multicall binary Fedora 38 for x86_64
corkscrew-2.0-33.fc38.x86_64 Tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies Fedora 38 for x86_64
corosync-3.1.7-2.fc38.x86_64 The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces Fedora 38 for x86_64
corosync-vqsim-3.1.7-2.fc38.x86_64 The Corosync Cluster Engine - Votequorum Simulator Fedora 38 for x86_64
corosynclib-3.1.7-2.fc38.x86_64 The Corosync Cluster Engine Libraries Fedora 38 for x86_64
corosynclib-3.1.7-2.fc38.i686 The Corosync Cluster Engine Libraries Fedora 38 for x86_64
corosynclib-devel-3.1.7-2.fc38.x86_64 The Corosync Cluster Engine Development Kit Fedora 38 for x86_64
corosynclib-devel-3.1.7-2.fc38.i686 The Corosync Cluster Engine Development Kit Fedora 38 for x86_64
corsix-th-0.66-6.fc38.x86_64 Open source clone of Theme Hospital Fedora 38 for x86_64
corsix-th-data-0.66-6.fc38.noarch Data files for corsix-th Fedora 38 for x86_64
cortado-0.6.0-28.fc38.noarch Java media framework Fedora 38 for x86_64
cortado-javadoc-0.6.0-28.fc38.noarch Java docs for cortado Fedora 38 for x86_64
cotila-devel-1.2.1-6.fc38.noarch Development files for cotila Fedora 38 for x86_64
cowpatty-4.6-26.fc38.x86_64 WPA password cracker Fedora 38 for x86_64
cowsay-3.7.0-7.fc38.noarch Configurable speaking/thinking cow Fedora 38 for x86_64
cowsay-beefymiracle-1.0-24.fc38.noarch Cowsay file for the Beefy Miracle Fedora 38 for x86_64
coxeter-3.1-9.20180226.7b5a1f0.fc38.i686 Combinatorial aspects of Coxeter group theory Fedora 38 for x86_64
coxeter-3.1-9.20180226.7b5a1f0.fc38.x86_64 Combinatorial aspects of Coxeter group theory Fedora 38 for x86_64
coxeter-devel-3.1-9.20180226.7b5a1f0.fc38.x86_64 Header files and library links for coxeter Fedora 38 for x86_64
coxeter-devel-3.1-9.20180226.7b5a1f0.fc38.i686 Header files and library links for coxeter Fedora 38 for x86_64
coxeter-tools-3.1-9.20180226.7b5a1f0.fc38.x86_64 Coxeter command line tools Fedora 38 for x86_64
cozy-1.2.1-2.fc38.noarch Modern audiobook player Fedora 38 for x86_64
cp2k-2023.1-2.fc38.x86_64 Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Fedora 38 for x86_64
cp2k-common-2023.1-2.fc38.x86_64 Molecular simulations software - common files Fedora 38 for x86_64
cp2k-mpich-2023.1-2.fc38.x86_64 Molecular simulations software - mpich version Fedora 38 for x86_64
cp2k-openmpi-2023.1-2.fc38.x86_64 Molecular simulations software - openmpi version Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpanspec-1.78-45.fc38.noarch RPM spec file generation utility Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpdup-1.18-14.fc38.x86_64 Filesystem mirroring utility Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpio-2.13-14.fc38.x86_64 A GNU archiving program Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpipe-3.0.1-28.fc38.x86_64 Counting pipe Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpl-7.2.3-3.fc38.i686 ESO library for automated astronomical data-reduction tasks Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpl-7.2.3-3.fc38.x86_64 ESO library for automated astronomical data-reduction tasks Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpl-devel-7.2.3-3.fc38.x86_64 Libraries, includes, etc. used to develop an application with cpl Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpl-devel-7.2.3-3.fc38.i686 Libraries, includes, etc. used to develop an application with cpl Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpmtools-2.23-3.fc38.x86_64 Programs for accessing CP/M disks Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpp-jwt-devel-1.4-2.fc38.i686 JSON Web Token library for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpp-jwt-devel-1.4-2.fc38.x86_64 JSON Web Token library for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppcheck-2.9-4.fc38.x86_64 Tool for static C/C++ code analysis Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppcheck-gui-2.9-4.fc38.x86_64 Graphical user interface for cppcheck Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppcheck-htmlreport-2.9-4.fc38.x86_64 HTML reporting for cppcheck Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppcodec-devel-0.2-9.fc38.x86_64 Header-only C++11 library to encode/decode base64/base64url/base32/base32hex/hex Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppcodec-devel-0.2-9.fc38.i686 Header-only C++11 library to encode/decode base64/base64url/base32/base32hex/hex Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppi-1.18-19.fc38.x86_64 C preprocessor directive indenter Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppmyth-2.14.7-2.fc38.i686 Client interface for the MythTV backend Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppmyth-2.14.7-2.fc38.x86_64 Client interface for the MythTV backend Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppmyth-devel-2.14.7-2.fc38.x86_64 Development files for cppmyth Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppmyth-devel-2.14.7-2.fc38.i686 Development files for cppmyth Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpprest-2.10.18-7.fc38.x86_64 C++ REST library Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpprest-2.10.18-7.fc38.i686 C++ REST library Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpprest-devel-2.10.18-7.fc38.x86_64 Development files for cpprest Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpprest-devel-2.10.18-7.fc38.i686 Development files for cpprest Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpptest-1.1.2-21.fc38.i686 A portable and powerful and simple unit testing framework for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpptest-1.1.2-21.fc38.x86_64 A portable and powerful and simple unit testing framework for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpptest-devel-1.1.2-21.fc38.i686 Development files for cpptest Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpptest-devel-1.1.2-21.fc38.x86_64 Development files for cpptest Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpptoml-devel-0.1.1-9.fc38.x86_64 Header files for cpptoml Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpptoml-devel-0.1.1-9.fc38.i686 Header files for cpptoml Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppunit-1.15.1-15.fc38.i686 C++ unit testing framework Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppunit-1.15.1-15.fc38.x86_64 C++ unit testing framework Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppunit-devel-1.15.1-15.fc38.i686 Libraries and headers for cppunit development Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppunit-devel-1.15.1-15.fc38.x86_64 Libraries and headers for cppunit development Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppunit-doc-1.15.1-15.fc38.x86_64 HTML formatted API documention for cppunit Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpputest-devel-4.0-4.fc38.i686 Development files for cpputest Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpputest-devel-4.0-4.fc38.x86_64 Development files for cpputest Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppzmq-devel-4.9.0-2.fc38.i686 Header-only C++ binding for libzmq Fedora 38 for x86_64
cppzmq-devel-4.9.0-2.fc38.x86_64 Header-only C++ binding for libzmq Fedora 38 for x86_64
cproto-4.7t-4.fc38.x86_64 Generates function prototypes and variable declarations from C code Fedora 38 for x86_64
cptutils-1.74-4.fc38.x86_64 Utilities to manipulate and translate color gradients Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpufetch-1.03-2.fc38.x86_64 Simple tool for determining CPU architecture Fedora 38 for x86_64
cpulimit-0.2-18.20151118gitf4d2682.fc38.x86_64 CPU Usage Limiter for Linux Fedora 38 for x86_64
crack-5.0a-41.fc38.x86_64 Password cracker Fedora 38 for x86_64
crack-attack-1.1.14-49.fc38.x86_64 Puzzle action game Fedora 38 for x86_64
cracklib-2.9.7-31.fc38.x86_64 A password-checking library Fedora 38 for x86_64
cracklib-2.9.7-31.fc38.i686 A password-checking library Fedora 38 for x86_64
cracklib-devel-2.9.7-31.fc38.x86_64 Development files needed for building applications which use cracklib Fedora 38 for x86_64
cracklib-devel-2.9.7-31.fc38.i686 Development files needed for building applications which use cracklib Fedora 38 for x86_64
cracklib-dicts-2.9.7-31.fc38.x86_64 The standard CrackLib dictionaries Fedora 38 for x86_64
cranc-1.1.0-11.fc38.noarch Pagure CLI for handling pull requests Fedora 38 for x86_64
crash-trace-command-3.0-6.fc38.x86_64 Trace extension module for the crash utility Fedora 38 for x86_64
crawl-0.29.1-3.fc38.x86_64 Roguelike dungeon exploration game Fedora 38 for x86_64
crawl-common-data-0.29.1-3.fc38.noarch Common data files of crawl Fedora 38 for x86_64
crawl-tiles-0.29.1-3.fc38.x86_64 Roguelike dungeon exploration game with tiles Fedora 38 for x86_64
create-fake-rpm-5-2.fc38.noarch Generate fake (S)RPM Fedora 38 for x86_64
createrepo_c-0.20.1-2.fc38.x86_64 Creates a common metadata repository Fedora 38 for x86_64
createrepo_c-devel-0.20.1-2.fc38.x86_64 Library for repodata manipulation Fedora 38 for x86_64
createrepo_c-devel-0.20.1-2.fc38.i686 Library for repodata manipulation Fedora 38 for x86_64
createrepo_c-libs-0.20.1-2.fc38.i686 Library for repodata manipulation Fedora 38 for x86_64
createrepo_c-libs-0.20.1-2.fc38.x86_64 Library for repodata manipulation Fedora 38 for x86_64
credentials-fetcher-1.1.0-2.fc38.x86_64 credentials-fetcher is a daemon that refreshes tickets or tokens periodically Fedora 38 for x86_64
creds-0.1.0-9.fc38.noarch Simple encrypted credential management with GPG Fedora 38 for x86_64
credslayer-0.1.2-9.fc38.noarch Extract credentials and other details from network captures Fedora 38 for x86_64
crest-2.12-3.fc38.x86_64 Conformer-Rotamer Ensemble Sampling Tool: a driver for the xtb program Fedora 38 for x86_64
cri-o-1.26.1-1.fc38.x86_64 Open Container Initiative-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface Fedora 38 for x86_64
cri-tools-1.24.2-2.fc38.x86_64 CLI and validation tools for Container Runtime Interface Fedora 38 for x86_64
crit-3.17.1-5.fc38.x86_64 CRIU image tool Fedora 38 for x86_64
criu-3.17.1-5.fc38.x86_64 Tool for Checkpoint/Restore in User-space Fedora 38 for x86_64
criu-devel-3.17.1-5.fc38.x86_64 Header files and libraries for criu Fedora 38 for x86_64
criu-libs-3.17.1-5.fc38.x86_64 Libraries for criu Fedora 38 for x86_64
criu-ns-3.17.1-5.fc38.x86_64 Tool to run CRIU in different namespaces Fedora 38 for x86_64
crm114-0-27.20100106.fc38.x86_64 Controllable Regex Mutilator: multi-method content classifier and filter Fedora 38 for x86_64
cronie-1.6.1-4.fc38.x86_64 Cron daemon for executing programs at set times Fedora 38 for x86_64
cronie-anacron-1.6.1-4.fc38.x86_64 Utility for running regular jobs Fedora 38 for x86_64
cronie-noanacron-1.6.1-4.fc38.x86_64 Utility for running simple regular jobs in old cron style Fedora 38 for x86_64
crontabs-1.11-29.20190603git.fc38.noarch Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs Fedora 38 for x86_64
cross-binutils-common-2.39-3.fc38.noarch Cross-build binary utility documentation and translation files Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossfire-1.71.0-24.fc38.x86_64 Server for hosting crossfire games Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossfire-client-1.75.2-5.fc38.x86_64 Client for connecting to crossfire servers Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossfire-client-images-1.71.0-24.fc38.x86_64 Image cache for crossfire clients Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossfire-doc-1.71.0-24.fc38.x86_64 Documentation files for Crossfire Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossfire-logwatch-1.71.0-24.fc38.x86_64 logwatch scripts for the Crossfire game server Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossfire-maps-1.71.0-14.fc38.noarch Map files for the crossfire server Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossfire-plugins-1.71.0-24.fc38.x86_64 Plugin modules for the crossfire game server Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossfire-selinux-1.71.0-24.fc38.x86_64 SELinux policy files for crossfire Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossguid-0-0.20.20160908gitfef89a4.fc38.x86_64 Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossguid-0-0.20.20160908gitfef89a4.fc38.i686 Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossguid-devel-0-0.20.20160908gitfef89a4.fc38.x86_64 Development files for crossguid Fedora 38 for x86_64
crossguid-devel-0-0.20.20160908gitfef89a4.fc38.i686 Development files for crossguid Fedora 38 for x86_64
crosswords-puzzle-sets-gnome-0.4.0-2.fc38.noarch Extra puzzles to go with GNOME Crosswords Fedora 38 for x86_64
crosswords-puzzle-sets-nienteperniente-0.1.0-1.fc38.noarch Italian puzzle sets from Niente per niente for GNOME Crosswords Fedora 38 for x86_64
crosswords-puzzle-sets-oedipus-0.1.1-1.fc38.noarch Italian puzzle sets from Oedipus for GNOME Crosswords Fedora 38 for x86_64
crrcsim-0.9.13-18.fc38.x86_64 Model-Airplane Flight Simulation Program Fedora 38 for x86_64
crrcsim-addon-models-0.2.0-20.fc38.noarch Model-Airplane Flight Simulation Program addon models Fedora 38 for x86_64
crrcsim-doc-0.9.13-18.fc38.noarch Documentation for crrcsim Fedora 38 for x86_64
crudini-0.9.4-2.fc38.noarch A utility for manipulating ini files Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptlib-3.4.6-14.fc38.x86_64 Security library and toolkit for encryption and authentication services Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptlib-devel-3.4.6-14.fc38.x86_64 Cryptlib application development files Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptlib-java-3.4.6-14.fc38.x86_64 Cryptlib bindings for Java Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptlib-javadoc-3.4.6-14.fc38.noarch Cryptlib Java documentation Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptlib-perl-3.4.6-14.fc38.x86_64 Cryptlib bindings for perl Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptlib-python3-3.4.6-14.fc38.x86_64 Cryptlib bindings for python3 Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptlib-test-3.4.6-14.fc38.x86_64 Cryptlib test program Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptlib-tools-3.4.6-14.fc38.x86_64 Collection of stand-alone programs that use Cryptlib Fedora 38 for x86_64
crypto-devel-1.0.0-6.20210330git837705e.fc38.x86_64 Development files for crypto Fedora 38 for x86_64
crypto-devel-1.0.0-6.20210330git837705e.fc38.i686 Development files for crypto Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptominisat-5.8.0-12.fc38.x86_64 SAT solver Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptominisat-devel-5.8.0-12.fc38.x86_64 Header files for developing with cryptominisat Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptominisat-devel-5.8.0-12.fc38.i686 Header files for developing with cryptominisat Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptominisat-libs-5.8.0-12.fc38.x86_64 Cryptominisat library Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptominisat-libs-5.8.0-12.fc38.i686 Cryptominisat library Fedora 38 for x86_64
crystal-stacker-1.5-37.fc38.x86_64 Falling blocks, match 3 or more of the same color crystals Fedora 38 for x86_64
crystal-stacker-theme-editor-1.5-37.fc38.x86_64 Themes editor for Crystal Stacker Fedora 38 for x86_64
crystal-stacker-themes-1.0-26.fc38.noarch Themes for the Crystal Stacker game Fedora 38 for x86_64
csclng-2.2.2-2.fc38.x86_64 A compiler wrapper that runs Clang in background Fedora 38 for x86_64
cscope-15.9-18.fc38.x86_64 C source code tree search and browse tool Fedora 38 for x86_64
cscppc-2.2.2-2.fc38.x86_64 A compiler wrapper that runs Cppcheck in background Fedora 38 for x86_64
csdp-6.2.0-15.fc38.x86_64 C library for SemiDefinite Programming Fedora 38 for x86_64
csdp-6.2.0-15.fc38.i686 C library for SemiDefinite Programming Fedora 38 for x86_64
csdp-devel-6.2.0-15.fc38.x86_64 Header files for CSDP Fedora 38 for x86_64
csdp-devel-6.2.0-15.fc38.i686 Header files for CSDP Fedora 38 for x86_64
csdp-octave-6.2.0-15.fc38.noarch Octave interface to CSDP Fedora 38 for x86_64
csdp-tools-6.2.0-15.fc38.x86_64 Command line tools for working with CSDP Fedora 38 for x86_64
csexec-2.2.2-2.fc38.x86_64 Dynamic linker wrapper Fedora 38 for x86_64
csgcca-2.2.2-2.fc38.x86_64 A compiler wrapper that runs GCC analyzer in background Fedora 38 for x86_64
csmatch-2.2.2-2.fc38.x86_64 A compiler wrapper that runs Smatch in background Fedora 38 for x86_64
csmith-2.4.0-5.fc38.i686 Tool to generate random C programs for compiler testing Fedora 38 for x86_64
csmith-2.4.0-5.fc38.x86_64 Tool to generate random C programs for compiler testing Fedora 38 for x86_64
csmith-devel-2.4.0-5.fc38.x86_64 Header files and libraries for Csmith development Fedora 38 for x86_64
csmith-devel-2.4.0-5.fc38.i686 Header files and libraries for Csmith development Fedora 38 for x86_64
csnappy-0-25.20211216git6c10c30.fc38.x86_64 Snappy compression library ported to C Fedora 38 for x86_64
csnappy-0-25.20211216git6c10c30.fc38.i686 Snappy compression library ported to C Fedora 38 for x86_64
csnappy-devel-0-25.20211216git6c10c30.fc38.i686 Development files for the csnappy library Fedora 38 for x86_64
csnappy-devel-0-25.20211216git6c10c30.fc38.x86_64 Development files for the csnappy library Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-6.16.2-8.fc38.i686 A sound synthesis language and library Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 A sound synthesis language and library Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-devel-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 Csound development files and libraries Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-devel-6.16.2-8.fc38.i686 Csound development files and libraries Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-dssi-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 Disposable Soft Synth Interface (DSSI) plugin for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-fltk-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 FLTK plugins for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-fluidsynth-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 Fluidsyth soundfont plugin for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-jack-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 Jack Audio plugins for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-java-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 Java Csound support Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-manual-6.16.2-8.fc38.noarch Csound manual Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-osc-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 Open Sound Control (OSC) plugin for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-portaudio-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 PortAudio plugin for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-stk-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 STK (Synthesis ToolKit in C++) plugin for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-virtual-keyboard-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 Virtual MIDI keyboard plugin for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csound-wiimote-6.16.2-8.fc38.x86_64 Wiimote plugin for Csound Fedora 38 for x86_64
csslint-1.0.5-8.fc38.noarch Detecting potential problems in CSS code Fedora 38 for x86_64
cstream-3.2.1-7.fc38.x86_64 General-purpose stream-handling tool Fedora 38 for x86_64
cswrap-2.2.2-2.fc38.x86_64 Generic compiler wrapper Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctan-cm-lgc-fonts-common-0.5-38.fc38.noarch CM-LGC Type 1 fonts, common files (documentation…) Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctan-cm-lgc-roman-fonts-0.5-38.fc38.noarch CM-LGC Type 1 fonts, serif font faces Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctan-cm-lgc-sans-fonts-0.5-38.fc38.noarch CM-LGC Type 1 fonts, sans-serif font faces Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctan-cm-lgc-typewriter-fonts-0.5-38.fc38.noarch CM-LGC Type 1 fonts, typewriter font faces Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctan-kerkis-calligraphic-fonts-2.0-44.fc38.noarch Kerkis Calligraphic Type1 fonts Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctan-kerkis-fonts-common-2.0-44.fc38.noarch Kerkis Type 1 fonts, common files (documentation…) Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctan-kerkis-sans-fonts-2.0-44.fc38.noarch KerkisSans Type1 fonts Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctan-kerkis-serif-fonts-2.0-44.fc38.noarch Kerkis serif Type1 fonts Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctemplate-2.4-7.fc38.x86_64 A simple but powerful template language for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctemplate-2.4-7.fc38.i686 A simple but powerful template language for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctemplate-devel-2.4-7.fc38.x86_64 Development files for ctemplate Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctemplate-devel-2.4-7.fc38.i686 Development files for ctemplate Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.i686 The Commmon Toolkit for biomedical imaging Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.x86_64 The Commmon Toolkit for biomedical imaging Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-devel-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.i686 Development files for the Common Toolkit Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-devel-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.x86_64 Development files for the Common Toolkit Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-dicom-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.x86_64 Library of high-level classes for querying PACS and local databases Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-dicom-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.i686 Library of high-level classes for querying PACS and local databases Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-doc-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.noarch Documentation for the Common Toolkit Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-plugin-framework-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.x86_64 A dynamic component system for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-plugin-framework-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.i686 A dynamic component system for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-widgets-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.i686 A collection of Qt widgets for biomedical imaging applications Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctk-widgets-0.1-0.25.20190721.fc38.x86_64 A collection of Qt widgets for biomedical imaging applications Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctpl-0.3.4-17.fc38.x86_64 Template library and engine written in C Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctpl-devel-0.3.4-17.fc38.x86_64 Development headers of the template library written in C Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctpl-devel-0.3.4-17.fc38.i686 Development headers of the template library written in C Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctpl-doc-0.3.4-17.fc38.noarch Documentation for the CTPL library Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctpl-libs-0.3.4-17.fc38.x86_64 Template library written in C Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctpl-libs-0.3.4-17.fc38.i686 Template library written in C Fedora 38 for x86_64
ctstream-32-4.fc38.noarch Get URLs of Czech Television video streams Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-4.8-2.fc38.i686 CUBE Uniform Behavioral Encoding generic presentation component Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-4.8-2.fc38.x86_64 CUBE Uniform Behavioral Encoding generic presentation component Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-devel-4.8-2.fc38.x86_64 Development files for cube Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-devel-4.8-2.fc38.i686 Development files for cube Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-doc-4.8-2.fc38.noarch Documentation for cube Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-guilib-4.8-2.fc38.i686 GUI library for cube Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-guilib-4.8-2.fc38.x86_64 GUI library for cube Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-guilib-devel-4.8-2.fc38.i686 Development files for cube-guilib Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-guilib-devel-4.8-2.fc38.x86_64 Development files for cube-guilib Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-libs-4.8-2.fc38.i686 Non-GUI libraries for cube Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-libs-4.8-2.fc38.x86_64 Non-GUI libraries for cube Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-libs-devel-4.8-2.fc38.x86_64 Development files for cube-libs Fedora 38 for x86_64
cube-libs-devel-4.8-2.fc38.i686 Development files for cube-libs Fedora 38 for x86_64
cubeb-0.2-10.20220915.git28c8aa4.fc38.x86_64 A cross platform audio library Fedora 38 for x86_64
cuetools-1.4.1-4.fc38.x86_64 Utilities to work with cue and TOC files Fedora 38 for x86_64
culmus-fonts-all-0.133-7.fc38.noarch All the font packages, generated from culmus-fonts Fedora 38 for x86_64
cups-pdf-3.0.1-18.fc38.x86_64 Extension for creating pdf-Files with CUPS Fedora 38 for x86_64
cups-pk-helper-0.2.7-2.fc38.x86_64 A helper that makes system-config-printer use PolicyKit Fedora 38 for x86_64
cups-x2go- CUPS backend for printing from X2Go Fedora 38 for x86_64
curblaster-1.14-2.fc38.x86_64 Sidescrolling shooter, carry the pods through the gate Fedora 38 for x86_64
curlftpfs-0.9.2-33.fc38.x86_64 CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl Fedora 38 for x86_64
curlpp-0.8.1-19.fc38.i686 A C++ wrapper for libcURL Fedora 38 for x86_64
curlpp-0.8.1-19.fc38.x86_64 A C++ wrapper for libcURL Fedora 38 for x86_64
curlpp-devel-0.8.1-19.fc38.x86_64 Development files for curlpp Fedora 38 for x86_64
curlpp-devel-0.8.1-19.fc38.i686 Development files for curlpp Fedora 38 for x86_64
cutecom-0.51.0-13.fc38.x86_64 A graphical serial terminal, like minicom or Hyperterminal on Windows Fedora 38 for x86_64
cutecw-2.0-3.fc38.x86_64 Morse Code (CW) Training Software Fedora 38 for x86_64
cutter-1.2.7-8.fc38.x86_64 Unit Testing Framework for C/C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
cutter-1.2.7-8.fc38.i686 Unit Testing Framework for C/C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
cutter-devel-1.2.7-8.fc38.x86_64 Libraries and header files for Cutter development Fedora 38 for x86_64
cutter-devel-1.2.7-8.fc38.i686 Libraries and header files for Cutter development Fedora 38 for x86_64
cutter-gui-1.2.7-8.fc38.x86_64 GUI Test module for Cutter Fedora 38 for x86_64
cutter-report-1.2.7-8.fc38.x86_64 PDF report module for Cutter Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvc4-1.8-15.fc38.x86_64 Automatic theorem prover for SMT problems Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvc4-devel-1.8-15.fc38.x86_64 Headers and other files for developing with cvc4 Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvc4-java-1.8-15.fc38.x86_64 Java interface to cvc4 Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvc4-libs-1.8-15.fc38.x86_64 Library containing an automatic theorem prover for SMT problems Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvc4-python3-1.8-15.fc38.x86_64 Python 3 interface to cvc4 Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvechecker-4.0-8.fc38.x86_64 Tool for compare packages installed in your system with CVE database Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvs-1.11.23-63.fc38.x86_64 Concurrent Versions System Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvs-contrib-1.11.23-63.fc38.noarch Unsupported contributions collected by CVS developers Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvs-doc-1.11.23-63.fc38.noarch Additional documentation for Concurrent Versions System Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvs2cl-2.73-25.fc38.noarch Generate ChangeLogs from CVS working copies Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvsps-2.2-0.32.b1.fc38.x86_64 Patchset tool for CVS Fedora 38 for x86_64
cvsutils-0.2.6-17.fc38.noarch CVS Utilities Fedora 38 for x86_64
cwdaemon-0.10.2-16.fc38.x86_64 Morse daemon for the parallel or serial port Fedora 38 for x86_64
cwm-7.1-3.fc38.x86_64 Calm Window Manager by OpenBSD project Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxsc-2.5.4-22.fc38.i686 C++ library for Extended Scientific Computing Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxsc-2.5.4-22.fc38.x86_64 C++ library for Extended Scientific Computing Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxsc-devel-2.5.4-22.fc38.i686 Header files for developing applications that use cxsc Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxsc-devel-2.5.4-22.fc38.x86_64 Header files for developing applications that use cxsc Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxsc-doc-2.5.4-22.fc38.x86_64 API documentation for cxsc Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxxtest-4.4-29.fc38.noarch A JUnit-like testing framework for C++ Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxxtest-doc-4.4-29.fc38.noarch Documentation on how to use CxxTest Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxxtools-3.0-7.fc38.i686 A collection of general-purpose C++ classes Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxxtools-3.0-7.fc38.x86_64 A collection of general-purpose C++ classes Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxxtools-devel-3.0-7.fc38.i686 Development files for cxxtools Fedora 38 for x86_64
cxxtools-devel-3.0-7.fc38.x86_64 Development files for cxxtools Fedora 38 for x86_64
cylindrix-1.0-40.fc38.x86_64 A 3 degrees of freedom combat game Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 The Cyrus SASL library Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 The Cyrus SASL library Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-devel-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 Files needed for developing applications with Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-devel-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 Files needed for developing applications with Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-gs2-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 GS2 support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-gs2-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 GS2 support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 GSSAPI authentication support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 GSSAPI authentication support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-ldap-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 LDAP auxprop support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-ldap-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 LDAP auxprop support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-lib-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 Shared libraries needed by applications which use Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-lib-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 Shared libraries needed by applications which use Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-md5-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-md5-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-ntlm-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 NTLM authentication support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-ntlm-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 NTLM authentication support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-plain-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 PLAIN and LOGIN authentication support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-plain-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 PLAIN and LOGIN authentication support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-scram-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 SCRAM auxprop support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-scram-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 SCRAM auxprop support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-sql-2.1.28-9.fc38.x86_64 SQL auxprop support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-sasl-sql-2.1.28-9.fc38.i686 SQL auxprop support for Cyrus SASL Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-timezones-20200903-6.20200903git4f795aeb.fc38.x86_64 Timezone information for the Cyrus IMAP Server Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-timezones-20200903-6.20200903git4f795aeb.fc38.i686 Timezone information for the Cyrus IMAP Server Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-timezones-devel-20200903-6.20200903git4f795aeb.fc38.i686 Package config configuration for cyrus-timezones Fedora 38 for x86_64
cyrus-timezones-devel-20200903-6.20200903git4f795aeb.fc38.x86_64 Package config configuration for cyrus-timezones Fedora 38 for x86_64
czmq-4.2.1-6.fc38.x86_64 High-level C binding for 0MQ (ZeroMQ) Fedora 38 for x86_64
czmq-4.2.1-6.fc38.i686 High-level C binding for 0MQ (ZeroMQ) Fedora 38 for x86_64
czmq-devel-4.2.1-6.fc38.i686 Development files for the czmq package Fedora 38 for x86_64
czmq-devel-4.2.1-6.fc38.x86_64 Development files for the czmq package Fedora 38 for x86_64
ccache-4.7.4-1.fc38.x86_64 C/C++ compiler cache Fedora 38 for x86_64
clingo-5.6.2-1.fc38.x86_64 A grounder and solver for logic programs Fedora 38 for x86_64
clingo-5.6.2-1.fc38.i686 A grounder and solver for logic programs Fedora 38 for x86_64
clingo-devel-5.6.2-1.fc38.x86_64 Development files for clingo Fedora 38 for x86_64
clingo-devel-5.6.2-1.fc38.i686 Development files for clingo Fedora 38 for x86_64
compat-golang-github-360entsecgroup-skylar-excelize-devel-2.6.1-2.fc38.noarch Go language library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets Fedora 38 for x86_64
cataclysm-dda-0.F.3-1.fc38.x86_64 Turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world Fedora 38 for x86_64
cataclysm-dda-data-0.F.3-1.fc38.noarch Data files for cataclysm-dda Fedora 38 for x86_64
cataclysm-dda-tiles-0.F.3-1.fc38.x86_64 cataclysm-dda version with gfx and sound Fedora 38 for x86_64
cataclysm-dda-tiles-data-0.F.3-1.fc38.noarch Data files for cataclysm-dda-tiles Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptopp-8.7.0-1.fc38.i686 C++ class library of cryptographic schemes Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptopp-8.7.0-1.fc38.x86_64 C++ class library of cryptographic schemes Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptopp-devel-8.7.0-1.fc38.i686 Header files and development documentation for cryptopp Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptopp-devel-8.7.0-1.fc38.x86_64 Header files and development documentation for cryptopp Fedora 38 for x86_64
cryptopp-doc-8.7.0-1.fc38.noarch Documentation for cryptopp Fedora 38 for x86_64

Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1

Fabrice Bellet, Thu May 9 21:57:25 2024