Index | index by Group | index by Distribution | index by Vendor | index by creation date | index by Name | Mirrors | Help | Search |
objfw-1.2.4-1.fc42 | Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language | linux/aarch64![]() |
objfw-doc-1.2.4-1.fc42 | Documentation for ObjFW | linux/noarch![]() |
ocaml-libguestfs-1.55.6-1.fc42 | OCaml bindings for libguestfs | linux/aarch64![]() |
ocaml-libguestfs-devel-1.55.6-1.fc42 | OCaml bindings for libguestfs | linux/aarch64![]() |
ocean-sound-theme-6.3.1-1.fc42 | Ocean Sound Theme for Plasma | linux/noarch![]() |
octave-mathgl-8.0.1-19.fc42 | Octave module for MathGL | linux/aarch64![]() |
ofarc-1.2.4-1.fc42 | Utility for handling ZIP, Tar, LHA and Zoo archives | linux/aarch64![]() |
ofdns-1.2.4-1.fc42 | Utility for performing DNS requests on the command line | linux/aarch64![]() |
ofhash-1.2.4-1.fc42 | Utility to hash files with various cryptographic hash functions | linux/aarch64![]() |
ofhttp-1.2.4-1.fc42 | Command line downloader for HTTP(S) | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencomposite-1.0.1473-1.20250219git1.0.1473.fc42 | Reimplementation of OpenVR, translating calls to OpenXR | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-4.11.0-2.fc42 | Collection of algorithms for computer vision | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-alphamat-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Alpha Matting | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-aruco-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Aruco Markers | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-bgsegm-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Background Segmentation | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-bioinspired-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Biologically-inspired Vision Models | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-calib3d-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-ccalib-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Custom Calibration Pattern | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-core-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV core libraries | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-cvv-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Interactive Computer Vision Visual Debugging | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-data-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV data | linux/noarch![]() |
opencv-datasets-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Datasets Framework | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-devel-4.11.0-2.fc42 | Development files for using the OpenCV library | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-dnn-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Deep Neural Network | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-dnn_objdetect-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Deep Neural Network Object Detection | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-dnn_superres-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Deep Neural Network Super Resolution | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-doc-4.11.0-2.fc42 | Documentation files | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-dpm-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Deformable Part-based Models | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-face-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Face Analysis | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-features2d-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: 2D Feature Detection | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-flann-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Clustering and Search in Multi-dimensional Space | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-freetype-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Freetype/Harfbuzz UTF-8 Strings | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-fuzzy-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Fuzzy Math-based Image Processing | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-gapi-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Graph API | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-hdf-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: HDF Data Format I/O | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-hfs-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Heirarchical Feature Selection | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-highgui-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: High-level GUI | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-img_hash-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Image Hashing | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-imgcodecs-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Image Encoding/Decoding | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-imgproc-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Image Processing | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-intensity_transform-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Intensity Transformation | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-java-4.11.0-2.fc42 | Java bindings for apps which use OpenCV | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-line_descriptor-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Extracted Line Binary Descriptor | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-mcc-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Macbeth Chart | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-ml-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Machine Learning | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-objdetect-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Object Detection | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-optflow-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Optical Flow Algorithms | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-phase_unwrapping-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Phase Unwrapping | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-photo-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Computational Photography | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-plot-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: 2D Plotting | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-quality-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Image Quality Analysis | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-rapid-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Silhouette based 3D Object Tracking | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-reg-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Image Registration | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-rgbd-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: RGB-Depth Processing | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-saliency-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Saliency | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-shape-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Shape Distance and Matching | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-signal-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Signal processing algorithms | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-stereo-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Stereo Correspondance | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-stitching-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Images stitching | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-structured_light-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Structed Light | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-superres-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Super Resolution | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-surface_matching-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Surface Matching | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-text-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Text Detection and Recognition | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-tracking-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Tracking | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-video-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Video Analysis | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-videoio-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Video I/O | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-videostab-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Video Stabilization | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-viz-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: 3D Visualizer | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-wechat_qrcode-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: WeChat QR code detector | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-ximgproc-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Extended Image Processing | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-xobjdetect-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Extended Object Detection | linux/aarch64![]() |
opencv-xphoto-4.11.0-2.fc42 | OpenCV module: Extended Photo Processing | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Open Source SIP Server | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-aaa_diameter-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Diameter backend for AAA API | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-aaa_radius-3.5.4-6.fc42 | RADIUS backend for AAA API | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-acc-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Accounts transactions information to different backends | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-aka_av_diameter-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Diameter AKA AV Manager | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-auth_aaa-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Performs authentication using an AAA server | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-auth_jwt-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Performs authentication over JSON Web Tokens | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-b2bua-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Back-2-Back User Agent | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-cachedb_couchbase-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Couchbase connector for cache subsystem | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-cachedb_memcached-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Memcached connector for cache subsystem | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-cachedb_mongodb-3.5.4-6.fc42 | MongoDB connector for cache subsystem | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-cachedb_redis-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Redis connector for cache subsystem | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-call_center-3.5.4-6.fc42 | An inbound call center system | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-carrierroute-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Routing extension suitable for carriers | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-cgrates-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Billing module for CGRates engine | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-compression-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Message compression/decompression and base64 encoding | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-cpl_c-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Call Processing Language interpreter | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-db_berkeley-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Berkeley DB backend support | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-db_http-3.5.4-6.fc42 | HTTP DB backend support | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-db_mysql-3.5.4-6.fc42 | MySQL storage support for OpenSIPS | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-db_perlvdb-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Perl virtual database engine | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-db_postgresql-3.5.4-6.fc42 | PostgreSQL storage support for OpenSIPS | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-db_sqlite-3.5.4-6.fc42 | SQLite sorage support for OpenSIPS | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-db_unixodbc-3.5.4-6.fc42 | OpenSIPS unixODBC Storage support | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-emergency-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Emergency call treatment | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-event_kafka-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Event Kafka module | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-event_rabbitmq-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Event RabbitMQ module | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-h350-3.5.4-6.fc42 | H350 implementation | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-http2d-3.5.4-6.fc42 | HTTP/2 server implementation | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-httpd-3.5.4-6.fc42 | HTTP transport layer implementation | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-identity-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Support for SIP Identity (see RFC 4474) | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-jabber-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-json-3.5.4-6.fc42 | A JSON variables within the script | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-ldap-3.5.4-6.fc42 | LDAP connector | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-lua-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Helps implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Lua | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-media_exchange-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Lets exchange SDP between calls | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-mi_html-3.5.4-6.fc42 | A minimal web user interface for the Management Interface | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-mi_http-3.5.4-6.fc42 | A JSON REST interface for the Management Interface | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-mi_xmlrpc_ng-3.5.4-6.fc42 | A xmlrpc server for the Management Interface (new version) | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-mmgeoip-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Wrapper for the MaxMind GeoIP API | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-msrp-3.5.4-6.fc42 | MSRP support | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-peering-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Radius peering | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-perl-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Helps implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Perl | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-pi_http-3.5.4-6.fc42 | A HTTP provisioning interface for OpenSIPS | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-presence-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Presence server | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-presence_callinfo-3.5.4-6.fc42 | SIMPLE Presence extension | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-presence_dfks-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Extension to Presence server for Broadsoft's DFKS | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-presence_dialoginfo-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Extension to Presence server for Dialog-Info | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-presence_mwi-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-presence_reginfo-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Handles of "Event: reg" inside of the presence module | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-presence_xcapdiff-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-presence_xml-3.5.4-6.fc42 | SIMPLE Presence extension | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-prometheus-3.5.4-6.fc42 | A HTTP interface for the Prometheus monitoring system | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-proto_bins-3.5.4-6.fc42 | A secure Binary clustering protocol | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-proto_ipsec-3.5.4-6.fc42 | IPSec sockets for establishing secure communication channels | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-proto_sctp-3.5.4-6.fc42 | An optional SCTP transport module | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-proto_tls-3.5.4-6.fc42 | An optional TLS transport module | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-proto_wss-3.5.4-6.fc42 | An optional Secure WebSocket transport module | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-pua-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Offer the functionality of a presence user agent client | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-pua_bla-3.5.4-6.fc42 | BLA extension for PUA | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-pua_dialoginfo-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Dialog-Info extension for PUA | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-pua_mi-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Connector between usrloc and MI interface | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-pua_reginfo-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Publishes information about "reg"-events according to to RFC 3680 | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-pua_usrloc-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Connector between usrloc and pua modules | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-pua_xmpp-3.5.4-6.fc42 | SIMPLE-XMPP Presence gateway | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-rabbitmq-3.5.4-6.fc42 | RabbitMQ module | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-rabbitmq_consumer-3.5.4-6.fc42 | RabbitMQ message receiver | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-regex-3.5.4-6.fc42 | RegExp via PCRE library | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-rest_client-3.5.4-6.fc42 | HTTP client module for OpenSIPS | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-rls-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Resource List Server | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-siprec-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Call recording using SIPREC protocol | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-snmpstats-3.5.4-6.fc42 | SNMP management interface for the OpenSIPS | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-stir_shaken-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Support for implementing STIR/SHAKEN | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-tls_mgm-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Management for TLS certificates and parameters | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-tls_openssl-3.5.4-6.fc42 | OpenSSL low level API for tls_mgm module | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-uuid-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Generates UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122 | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-xcap-3.5.4-6.fc42 | XCAP common functions | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-xcap_client-3.5.4-6.fc42 | XCAP client | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-xml-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Basic XML parsing and manipulation | linux/aarch64![]() |
opensips-xmpp-3.5.4-6.fc42 | Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server | linux/aarch64![]() |
oxygen-cursor-themes-6.3.1-1.fc42 | Oxygen cursor themes | linux/noarch![]() |
oxygen-sounds-6.3.1-1.fc42 | The Oxygen Sound Theme | linux/noarch![]() |
Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1
Fabrice Bellet, Sun Feb 23 02:14:54 2025