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python3-certbot-1.22.0-bp156.2.2 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Leap 15.6 for noarch

Name: python3-certbot Distribution: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6
Version: 1.22.0 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: bp156.2.2 Build date: Mon Jul 24 08:21:57 2023
Group: Unspecified Build host: lamb75
Size: 2068104 Source RPM: python-certbot-1.22.0-bp156.2.2.src.rpm
Summary: ACME client
certbot is a free, automated certificate authority that aims
to lower the barriers to entry for encrypting all HTTP traffic on the internet.






* Tue Dec 21 2021 Danilo Spinella <>
  - Update to version 1.22.0
    * Support for Python 3.10 was added to Certbot and all of its components.
    * The function certbot.util.parse_loose_version was added to parse version
      strings in the same way as the now deprecated distutils.version.LooseVersion
      class from the Python standard library.
    * Added --issuance-timeout. This option specifies how long (in seconds) Certbot will wait
      for the server to issue a certificate.
    * The function certbot.util.get_strict_version was deprecated and will be
      removed in a future release.
  - Refreshed python-certbot.keyring
* Mon Dec 13 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen <>
  - Update to version 1.20.0
    * Added --no-reuse-key. This remains the default behavior, but
      the flag may be useful to unset the --reuse-key option on
      existing certificates.
  - Update to version 1.19.0
    * Several attributes in certbot.display.util and zope based
      interfaces in certbot.interfaces module are deprecated and
      will be removed in a future release of Certbot.
    * Fixed a relatively harmless crash when issuing a certificate
      with --quiet/-q.
* Tue Aug 10 2021 Danilo Spinella <>
  - Update to version 1.18.0
    * New functions that Certbot plugins can use to interact with the user have
      been added to certbot.display.util. We plan to deprecate using IDisplay
      with zope in favor of these new functions in the future.
    * The Plugin, Authenticator and Installer classes are added to
      certbot.interfaces module as alternatives to Certbot's current zope based
      plugin interfaces. The API of these interfaces is identical, but they are
      based on Python's abc module instead of zope. Certbot will continue to
      detect plugins that implement either interface, but we plan to drop support
      for zope based interfaces in a future version of Certbot.
    * The class certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig is added to the Certbot's
      public API
    * When self-validating HTTP-01 challenges using
      acme.challenges.HTTP01Response.simple_verify, we now assume that the response
      is composed of only ASCII characters. Previously we were relying on the
      default behavior of the requests library which tries to guess the encoding of
      the response which was error prone
    * In order to simplify the transition to Certbot's new plugin interfaces, the
      classes Plugin and Installer in certbot.plugins.common module and
      certbot.plugins.dns_common.DNSAuthenticator now implement Certbot's new
      plugin interfaces. The Certbot plugins based on these classes are now
      automatically detected as implementing these interfaces.
    * The Apache authenticator no longer crashes with "Unable to insert label"
      when encountering a completely empty vhost. This issue affected Certbot 1.17.0.
* Fri Jul 30 2021 Markéta Machová <>
  - update to version 1.17.0
    * We changed how dependencies are specified between Certbot packages. For this
      and future releases, higher level Certbot components will require that lower
      level components are the same version or newer. More specifically, version X
      of the Certbot package will now always require acme>=X and version Y of a
      plugin package will always require acme>=Y and certbot=>Y. Specifying
      dependencies in this way simplifies testing and development.
* Thu Jun 24 2021 Markéta Machová <>
  - update to version 1.16.0
    * Use UTF-8 encoding for renewal configuration files
    * This release contains a substantial command-line UX overhaul,
      based on previous user research. The main goal was to streamline
      and clarify output. If you would like to see more verbose output, use
      the -v or -vv flags. UX improvements are an iterative process and
      the Certbot team welcomes constructive feedback.
    * Functions certbot.crypto_util.init_save_key and certbot.crypto_util.init_save_csr,
      whose behaviors rely on the global Certbot config singleton, are deprecated and will
      be removed in a future release. Please use certbot.crypto_util.generate_key and
      certbot.crypto_util.generate_csr instead.
    * Installers (e.g. nginx, Apache) were being restarted unnecessarily after dry-run renewals.
* Wed May 12 2021 Markéta Machová <>
  - update to version 1.15.0
    * Remove further references to certbot-auto in the repo
* Wed Apr 14 2021 Markéta Machová <>
  - update to version 1.14.0
    * certbot-auto no longer checks for updates on any operating system.
    * Don't output an empty line for a hidden certificate when certbot certificates
      is being used in combination with --cert-name or -d.0
* Mon Mar 08 2021 Markéta Machová <>
  - update to version 1.13.0
    * The `--preferred-chain` flag now only checks the Issuer Common Name of the
      topmost (closest to the root) certificate in the chain, instead of checking
      every certificate in the chain.
      See [#8577](
    * Support for Python 2 has been removed.
    * CLI flags `--os-packages-only`, `--no-self-upgrade`, `--no-bootstrap` and `--no-permissions-check`,
      which are related to certbot-auto, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
    * Certbot no longer conditionally depends on an external mock module. Certbot's
      test API will continue to use it if it is available for backwards
      compatibility, however, this behavior has been deprecated and will be removed
      in a future release.
    * Certbot and all of its components no longer depend on the library `six`.
    * The update of certbot-auto itself is now disabled on all RHEL-like systems.
* Fri Jan 08 2021 Antonio Larrosa <>
  - update to version 1.11.0
    + Added
    * We deprecated support for Python 2 in Certbot and its ACME
      library. Support for Python 2 will be removed in the next
      planned release of Certbot.
    * certbot-auto was deprecated on all systems. For more
      information about this change, see
    * We deprecated support for Apache 2.2 in the certbot-apache
      plugin and it will be removed in a future release of Certbot.
    + Fixed
    * The Certbot snap no longer loads packages installed via pip
      install --user. This was unintended and DNS plugins should be
      installed via snap instead.
    * certbot-dns-google would sometimes crash with HTTP 409/412
      errors when used with very large zones. See #6036.
    * certbot-dns-google would sometimes crash with an HTTP 412
      error if preexisting records had an unexpected TTL, i.e.:
      different than Certbot's default TTL for this plugin.
      See #8551.
  - update to version 1.10.1
    + Fixed
    * Fixed a bug in certbot.util.add_deprecated_argument that
      caused the deprecated --manual-public-ip-logging-ok flag to
      crash Certbot in some scenarios.
  - update to version 1.10.0
    + Added
    * Added timeout to DNS query function calls for dns-rfc2136
    * Confirmation when deleting certificates
    * CLI flag --key-type has been added to specify 'rsa' or
      'ecdsa' (default 'rsa').
    * CLI flag --elliptic-curve has been added which takes an
      NIST/SECG elliptic curve. Any of secp256r1, secp284r1 and
      secp521r1 are accepted values.
    * The command certbot certficates lists the which type of the
      private key that was used for the private key.
    * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its
    + Changed
    * certbot-auto was deprecated on Debian based systems.
    * CLI flag --manual-public-ip-logging-ok is now a no-op,
      generates a deprecation warning, and will be removed in a
      future release.
    + Fixed
    * Fixed a Unicode-related crash in the nginx plugin when
      running under Python 2.
* Wed Oct 07 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - Update to version 1.9.0
    * certbot-auto was deprecated on all systems except for those based on Debian or RHEL.
    * Update the packaging instructions to promote usage of python -m pytest to test Certbot
      instead of the deprecated python test setuptools approach.
    * Reduced CLI logging when handling some kinds of errors.
    * The minimum version of the acme library required by Certbot was corrected.
      In the previous release, Certbot said it required acme>=1.6.0 when it
      actually required acme>=1.8.0 to properly support removing contact
      information from an ACME account.
* Mon Sep 28 2020 Hans-Peter Jansen <>
  - Update to version 1.8.0
    + Added
    * Added the ability to remove email and phone contact
      information from an account
    * using update_account --register-unsafely-without-email
    + Changed
    * Support for Python 3.5 has been removed.
    + Fixed
    * The problem causing the Apache plugin in the Certbot snap on
      ARM systems to
    * fail to load the Augeas library it depends on has been fixed.
    * The acme library can now tell the ACME server to clear
      contact information by passing an empty
    * tuple to the contact field of a Registration message.
    * Fixed the *** stack smashing detected *** error in the
      Certbot snap on some systems.
    * More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub
  - Add certbot keyring and hash file
* Fri Aug 21 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - Update to version 1.7.0
    * Third-party plugins can be used without prefix (plugin_name instead of dist_name:plugin_name):
      this concerns the plugin name, CLI flags, and keys in credential files.
      The prefixed form is still supported but is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
    * We deprecated support for Python 3.5 in Certbot and its ACME library.
      Support for Python 3.5 will be removed in the next major release of Certbot.
* Mon Jul 13 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - Update to version 1.6.0
    * Certbot snaps are now available for the arm64 and armhf architectures.
    * Make Certbot snap find externally snapped plugins
    * Function certbot.compat.filesystem.umask is a drop-in replacement for
      os.umask implementing umask for both UNIX and Windows systems.
* Thu Jun 11 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - Update to version 1.5.0
    * Require explicit confirmation of snap plugin permissions before connecting.
    * Add support for OCSP responses which use a public key hash ResponderID,
      fixing interoperability with Sectigo CAs.
* Thu May 14 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - Update to version 1.4.0
    * Added serial number of certificate to the output of certbot certificates
    * Expose two new environment variables in the authenticator and cleanup scripts used by
      the manual plugin: CERTBOT_REMAINING_CHALLENGES is equal to the number of challenges
      remaining after the current challenge, CERTBOT_ALL_DOMAINS is a comma-separated list
      of all domains challenged for the current certificate.
    * Added minimal proxy support for OCSP verification.
    * mock dependency is now conditional on Python 2 in all of our packages.
    * Fix hanging OCSP queries during revocation checking - added a 10 second timeout.
    * Standalone servers now have a default socket timeout of 30 seconds, fixing
      cases where an idle connection can cause the standalone plugin to hang.
    * Parsing of the RFC 8555 application/pem-certificate-chain now tolerates CRLF line
      endings. This should fix interoperability with Buypass' services.
* Tue Apr 21 2020 Tomáš Chvátal <>
  - Fix build without python2
* Tue Mar 10 2020 Michael Ströder <>
  - update to version 1.3.0
    * Added
    - Added certbot.ocsp Certbot's API. The certbot.ocsp module can be used to
    - determine the OCSP status of certificates.
    - Don't verify the existing certificate in HTTP01Response.simple_verify, for
    - compatibility with the real-world ACME challenge checks.
    * Changed
    - Certbot will now renew certificates early if they have been revoked according
    - to OCSP.
    - Fix acme module warnings when response Content-Type includes params (e.g. charset).
    - Fixed issue where webroot plugin would incorrectly raise Read-only file system
    - error when creating challenge directories (issue #7165).
* Fri Feb 21 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 1.2.0
    * Add directory field to error message when field is missing.
    * If MD5 hasher is not available, try it in non-security mode (fix for FIPS systems)
    * Support for Python 3.4 has been removed.
    * Fix imports for Python 3.9.
* Tue Jan 21 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 1.1.0
    * Support for Python 3.4 in Certbot and its ACME library is deprecated and will be
      removed in the next release of Certbot.
* Fri Jan 03 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 1.0.0 (boo#1160066)
    * certbot-auto has deprecated support for systems using OpenSSL 1.0.1
      that are not running on x86-64.
    * Certbot's config_changes subcommand has been removed
    * certbot.plugins.common.TLSSNI01 has been removed.
    * The functions certbot.client.view_config_changes,
      certbot.reverter.Reverter.view_config_changes, and
      certbot.util.get_systemd_os_info have been removed
    * Certbot's register --update-registration subcommand has been removed
    * When possible, default to automatically configuring the webserver so all requests
      redirect to secure HTTPS access. This is mostly relevant when running Certbot
      in non-interactive mode. Previously, the default was to not redirect all requests.
* Thu Nov 14 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.40.1
    * --server may now be combined with --dry-run.
    * --dry-run now requests fresh authorizations every time, fixing
      the issue where it was prone to falsely reporting success.
    * The OS detection logic again uses distro library for Linux OSes
    * certbot.plugins.common.TLSSNI01 has been deprecated and will be
      removed in a future release.
    * CLI flags --tls-sni-01-port and --tls-sni-01-address have been removed.
    * The values tls-sni and tls-sni-01 for the --preferred-challenges
      flag are no longer accepted.
    * Removed the flags: --agree-dev-preview, --dialog, and --apache-init-script
* Thu Oct 17 2019 Richard Brown <>
  - Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485)
* Wed Oct 02 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.39.0
    * Support for Python 3.8 was added to Certbot and all of its components.
    * Don't send OCSP requests for expired certificates
* Wed Sep 11 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.38.0
    * If Certbot fails to rollback your server configuration, the
      error message links to the Let's Encrypt forum.
    * Replace platform.linux_distribution with distro.linux_distribution
      as a step towards Python 3.8 support in Certbot.
* Mon Aug 26 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.37.2
    * nginx and apache fixes
* Wed Jul 24 2019 Robert Frohl <>
  - Updated Provides and Obsoletes on certbot to include the python2-certbot package
* Wed Jul 17 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.36.0 (bsc#1141928)
    * Update the 'manage your account' help to be more generic.
    * Certbot's config_changes subcommand has been deprecated and
      will be removed in a future release.
    * certbot config_changes no longer accepts a --num parameter.
    * The functions certbot.plugins.common.Installer.view_config_changes
      and certbot.reverter.Reverter.view_config_changes have been
      deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to 0.35.1
    * Renewal parameter webroot_path is always saved.
    * Scripts in Certbot hook directories are no longer executed when
      their filenames end in a tilde.
* Sat May 18 2019 Dirk Mueller <>
  - update to 0.34.2:
    * Apache plugin now tries to restart httpd on Fedora using systemctl if a
      configuration test error is detected. This has to be done due to the way
      Fedora now generates the self signed certificate files upon first
    * Updated Certbot and its plugins to improve the handling of file system permissions
      on Windows as a step towards adding proper Windows support to Certbot.
    * Updated urllib3 to 1.24.2 in certbot-auto.
    * Removed the fallback introduced with 0.32.0 in `acme` to retry a challenge response
      with a `keyAuthorization` if sending the response without this field caused a
      `malformed` error to be received from the ACME server.
    * Linode DNS plugin now supports api keys created from their new panel
      at [](
    * Adding a warning noting that future versions of Certbot will automatically configure the
      webserver so that all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access. You can control this
      behavior and disable this warning with the --redirect and --no-redirect flags.
    * certbot-auto now prints warnings when run as root with insecure file system
      permissions. If you see these messages, you should fix the problem by
      following the instructions at,
      however, these warnings can be disabled as necessary with the flag
    - -no-permissions-check.
    * `acme` module uses now a POST-as-GET request to retrieve the registration
      from an ACME v2 server
    * Convert the tsig algorithm specified in the certbot_dns_rfc2136 configuration file to
      all uppercase letters before validating. This makes the value in the config case
* Fri May 03 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - Add migration script from old certbot to the new one (boo#1119619).
* Mon Mar 18 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.32.0
    * If possible, Certbot uses built-in support for OCSP from recent
      cryptography versions instead of the OpenSSL binary: as a
      consequence Certbot does not need the OpenSSL binary to be
      installed anymore if cryptography>=2.5 is installed.
    * Certbot and its acme module now depend on josepy>=1.1.0.
    * Apache plugin now respects CERTBOT_DOCS environment variable when
      adding command line defaults.
    * The running of manual plugin hooks is now always included in
      Certbot's log output.
    * Tests execution now relies on pytest.
    * An ACME CA server may return a "Retry-After" HTTP header on
      authorization polling, as specified in the ACME protocol, to
      indicate when the next polling should occur. Certbot now reads
      this header if set and respect its value.
    * The acme module avoids sending the keyAuthorization field in
      the JWS payload when responding to a challenge as the field is
      not included in the current ACME protocol. To ease the migration
      path for ACME CA servers, Certbot and its acme module will first
      try the request without the keyAuthorization field but will
      temporarily retry the request with the field included if a
      malformed error is received. This fallback will be removed in
      version 0.34.0.
* Thu Mar 14 2019 Tomáš Chvátal <>
  - Provide certbot namespace on py2 too to avoid migration conflict
* Fri Feb 08 2019 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.31.0
    * Avoid reprocessing challenges that are already validated when
      a certificate is issued.
    * Certbot's official Docker images are now based on Alpine Linux 3.9
      rather than 3.7.
    * Clarify behavior for deleting certs as part of revocation.
* Tue Jan 29 2019 Tomáš Chvátal <>
  - Update to 0.30.2:
    * Update the version of setuptools pinned in certbot-auto to 40.6.3 to
      solve installation problems on newer OSes.
    * Always download the pinned version of pip in pipstrap to address breakages
    * Rename old,default.conf to old-and-default.conf to address commas in filenames
      breaking recent versions of pip.
    * Add VIRTUALENV_NO_DOWNLOAD=1 to all calls to virtualenv to address breakages
      from venv downloading the latest pip
    * Added the `update_account` subcommand for account management commands.
* Sat Dec 15 2018 Thomas Bechtold <>
  - update to 0.29.1:
    * The default work and log directories have been changed back
      to /var/lib/letsencrypt and /var/log/letsencrypt respectively.
    * Noninteractive renewals with `certbot renew` (those not started
      from a terminal) now randomly sleep 1-480 seconds before beginning
      work in order to spread out load spikes on the server side.
    * Added External Account Binding support in cli and acme library.
      Command line arguments --eab-kid and --eab-hmac-key added.
    * Private key permissioning changes: Renewal preserves existing group mode
      & gid of previous private key material. Private keys for new
      lineages (i.e. new certs, not renewed) default to 0o600.
    * Update code and dependencies to clean up Resource and Deprecation Warnings.
    * Only depend on imgconverter extension for Sphinx >= 1.6
  - update URL
* Fri Nov 30 2018 Jason Craig <>
  - Add Requires: python-mock, it won't run without it
* Fri Nov 16 2018 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.28.0
    * revoke accepts --cert-name, and doesn't accept both --cert-name
      and --cert-path
* Tue Oct 09 2018 Tomáš Chvátal <>
  - Do not conflict with Certbot as now we provide/obsolete it
* Wed Oct 03 2018 Tomáš Chvátal <>
  - Provide and obsolete certbot main package too to ensure we can
    migrate to the new split setup directly
* Tue Sep 18 2018 Tomáš Chvátal <>
  - Conflict with certbot package to allow easy migration
* Fri Sep 14 2018 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.27.1
    * the documentation can be built using Sphinx 1.6+
* Tue Aug 28 2018
  - Initial package, split from certbot blob



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Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 9 14:56:22 2025