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python3-xarray-0.13.0-bp156.3.2 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Leap 15.6 for noarch

Name: python3-xarray Distribution: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6
Version: 0.13.0 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: bp156.3.2 Build date: Mon Jul 24 08:15:38 2023
Group: Development/Languages/Python Build host: sheep85
Size: 6856963 Source RPM: python-xarray-0.13.0-bp156.3.2.src.rpm
Summary: N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
xarray (formerly xray) is a python-pandas-like and pandas-compatible
toolkit for analytics on multi-dimensional arrays. It provides
N-dimensional variants of the python-pandas labeled data structures,
rather than the tabular data that pandas uses.

The Common Data Model for self-describing scientific data is used.
The dataset is an in-memory representation of a netCDF file.






* Sat Sep 21 2019 Arun Persaud <>
  - update to version 0.13.0:
    * Breaking changes
      + This release increases the minimum required Python version from
      3.5.0 to 3.5.3 (GH3089). By Guido Imperiale.
      + The isel_points and sel_points methods are removed, having been
      deprecated since v0.10.0. These are redundant with the isel /
      sel methods. See Vectorized Indexing for the details By
      Maximilian Roos
      + The inplace kwarg for public methods now raises an error, having
      been deprecated since v0.11.0. By Maximilian Roos
      + concat() now requires the dim argument. Its indexers, mode and
      concat_over kwargs have now been removed. By Deepak Cherian
      + Passing a list of colors in cmap will now raise an error, having
      been deprecated since v0.6.1.
      + Most xarray objects now define __slots__. This reduces overall
      RAM usage by ~22% (not counting the underlying numpy buffers);
      on CPython 3.7/x64, a trivial DataArray has gone down from 1.9kB
      to 1.5kB.
      o Pickle streams produced by older versions of xarray can’t be
      loaded using this release, and vice versa.
      o Any user code that was accessing the __dict__ attribute of
      xarray objects will break. The best practice to attach custom
      metadata to xarray objects is to use the attrs dictionary.
      o Any user code that defines custom subclasses of xarray classes
      must now explicitly define __slots__ itself. Subclasses that
      don’t add any attributes must state so by defining __slots__ =
      () right after the class header. Omitting __slots__ will now
      cause a FutureWarning to be logged, and will raise an error in a
      later release.
      (GH3250) by Guido Imperiale.
      + The default dimension for Dataset.groupby(), Dataset.resample(),
      DataArray.groupby() and DataArray.resample() reductions is now
      the grouping or resampling dimension.
      + DataArray.to_dataset() requires name to be passed as a kwarg
      (previously ambiguous positional arguments were deprecated)
      + Reindexing with variables of a different dimension now raise an
      error (previously deprecated)
      + broadcast_array() is removed (previously deprecated in favor of
      + Variable.expand_dims() is removed (previously deprecated in
      favor of Variable.set_dims())
    * New functions/methods
      + xarray can now wrap around any NEP18 compliant numpy-like
      library (important: read notes about
      NUMPY_EXPERIMENTAL_ARRAY_FUNCTION in the above link). Added
      explicit test coverage for sparse. (GH3117, GH3202). This
      requires sparse>=0.8.0. By Nezar Abdennur and Guido Imperiale.
      + from_dataframe() and from_series() now support sparse=True for
      converting pandas objects into xarray objects wrapping sparse
      arrays. This is particularly useful with sparsely populated
      hierarchical indexes. (GH3206) By Stephan Hoyer.
      + The xarray package is now discoverable by mypy (although typing
      hints coverage is not complete yet). mypy type checking is now
      enforced by CI. Libraries that depend on xarray and use mypy can
      now remove from their setup.cfg the lines:
      ignore_missing_imports = True
      (GH2877, GH3088, GH3090, GH3112, GH3117, GH3207) By Guido
      Imperiale and Maximilian Roos.
      + Added DataArray.broadcast_like() and
      Dataset.broadcast_like(). By Deepak Cherian and David Mertz.
      + Dataset plotting API for visualizing dependencies between two
      DataArrays! Currently only Dataset.plot.scatter() is
      implemented. By Yohai Bar Sinai and Deepak Cherian
      + Added DataArray.head(), DataArray.tail() and DataArray.thin();
      as well as Dataset.head(), Dataset.tail() and Dataset.thin()
      methods. (GH319) By Gerardo Rivera.
    * Enhancements
      + Multiple enhancements to concat() and open_mfdataset(). By
      Deepak Cherian
      + Added compat='override'. When merging, this option picks the
      variable from the first dataset and skips all comparisons.
      + Added join='override'. When aligning, this only checks that
      index sizes are equal among objects and skips checking indexes
      for equality.
      + concat() and open_mfdataset() now support the join kwarg. It is
      passed down to align().
      + concat() now calls merge() on variables that are not
      concatenated (i.e. variables without concat_dim when data_vars
      or coords are "minimal"). concat() passes its new compat kwarg
      down to merge(). (GH2064)
      + Users can avoid a common bottleneck when using open_mfdataset()
      on a large number of files with variables that are known to be
      aligned and some of which need not be concatenated. Slow
      equality comparisons can now be avoided, for e.g.:
      data = xr.open_mfdataset(files, concat_dim='time',
      coords='minimal', compat='override', join='override')
      + In to_zarr(), passing mode is not mandatory if append_dim is
      set, as it will automatically be set to 'a' internally. By David
      + Added the ability to initialize an empty or full DataArray with
      a single value. (GH277) By Gerardo Rivera.
      + to_netcdf() now supports the invalid_netcdf kwarg when used with
      engine="h5netcdf". It is passed to h5netcdf.File(). By Ulrich
      + drop() now supports keyword arguments; dropping index labels by
      using both dim and labels or using a DataArrayCoordinates object
      are deprecated (GH2910). By Gregory Gundersen.
      + Added examples of Dataset.set_index() and DataArray.set_index(),
      as well are more specific error messages when the user passes
      invalid arguments (GH3176). By Gregory Gundersen.
      + filter_by_attrs() now filters the coordinates as well as the
      variables. By Spencer Jones.
    * Bug fixes
      + Improve “missing dimensions” error message for apply_ufunc()
      (GH2078). By Rick Russotto.
      + assign_coords() now supports dictionary arguments (GH3231). By
      Gregory Gundersen.
      + Fix regression introduced in v0.12.2 where copy(deep=True) would
      convert unicode indices to dtype=object (GH3094). By Guido
      + Improved error handling and documentation for .expand_dims()
      read-only view.
      + Fix tests for big-endian systems (GH3125). By Graham Inggs.
      + XFAIL several tests which are expected to fail on ARM systems
      due to a datetime issue in NumPy (GH2334). By Graham Inggs.
      + Fix KeyError that arises when using .sel method with float
      values different from coords float type (GH3137). By Hasan
      + Fixed bug in combine_by_coords() causing a ValueError if the
      input had an unused dimension with coordinates which were not
      monotonic (GH3150). By Tom Nicholas.
      + Fixed crash when applying distributed.Client.compute() to a
      DataArray (GH3171). By Guido Imperiale.
      + Better error message when using groupby on an empty DataArray
      (GH3037). By Hasan Ahmad.
      + Fix error that arises when using open_mfdataset on a series of
      netcdf files having differing values for a variable attribute of
      type list. (GH3034) By Hasan Ahmad.
      + Prevent argmax() and argmin() from calling dask compute
      (GH3237). By Ulrich Herter.
      + Plots in 2 dimensions (pcolormesh, contour) now allow to specify
      levels as numpy array (GH3284). By Mathias Hauser.
      + Fixed bug in DataArray.quantile() failing to keep attributes
      when keep_attrs was True (GH3304). By David Huard
    * Documentation
      + Created a PR checklist as a quick reference for tasks before
      creating a new PR or pushing new commits. By Gregory Gundersen.
      + Fixed documentation to clean up unwanted files created in
      ipython examples (GH3227). By Gregory Gundersen.
* Mon Jul 29 2019 Todd R <>
  - Disable non-functional dask tests
* Mon Jul 15 2019 Sebastian Wagner <>
  - update to version 0.12.3:
    - New functions/methods:
    - New methods :py:meth:`Dataset.to_stacked_array` and
      :py:meth:`DataArray.to_unstacked_dataset` for reshaping Datasets of variables
      with different dimensions
      This is useful for feeding data from xarray into machine learning models,
      as described in :ref:`reshape.stacking_different`.
    - Enhancements:
    - Support for renaming ``Dataset`` variables and dimensions independently
      with :py:meth:`~Dataset.rename_vars` and :py:meth:`~Dataset.rename_dims`
    - Add ``scales``, ``offsets``, ``units`` and ``descriptions``
      attributes to :py:class:`~xarray.DataArray` returned by
      :py:func:`~xarray.open_rasterio`. (:issue:`3013`)
    - Bug fixes:
    - Resolved deprecation warnings from newer versions of matplotlib and dask.
    - Compatibility fixes for the upcoming pandas 0.25 and NumPy 1.17 releases.
    - Fix summaries for multiindex coordinates (:issue:`3079`).
    - Fix HDF5 error that could arise when reading multiple groups from a file at
      once (:issue:`2954`).
* Sun Jun 30 2019 Sebastian Wagner <>
  - update to version 0.12.2:
    - New functions/methods:
    - Two new functions, :py:func:`~xarray.combine_nested` and
      :py:func:`~xarray.combine_by_coords`, allow for combining datasets along any
      number of dimensions, instead of the one-dimensional list of datasets
      supported by :py:func:`~xarray.concat`.
      The new ``combine_nested`` will accept the datasets as a nested
      list-of-lists, and combine by applying a series of concat and merge
      operations. The new ``combine_by_coords`` instead uses the dimension
      coordinates of datasets to order them.
      :py:func:`~xarray.open_mfdataset` can use either ``combine_nested`` or
      ``combine_by_coords`` to combine datasets along multiple dimensions, by
      specifying the argument ``combine='nested'`` or ``combine='by_coords'``.
      The older function :py:func:`~xarray.auto_combine` has been deprecated,
      because its functionality has been subsumed by the new functions.
      To avoid FutureWarnings switch to using ``combine_nested`` or
      ``combine_by_coords``, (or set the ``combine`` argument in
      ``open_mfdataset``). (:issue:`2159`)
      By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.
    - :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.rolling_exp` and
      :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.rolling_exp` added, similar to pandas'
      ``pd.DataFrame.ewm`` method. Calling ``.mean`` on the resulting object
      will return an exponentially weighted moving average.
      By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
    - New :py:func:`DataArray.str <core.accessor_str.StringAccessor>` for string
      related manipulations, based on ``pandas.Series.str``.
      By `0x0L <>`_.
    - Added ``strftime`` method to ``.dt`` accessor, making it simpler to hand a
      datetime ``DataArray`` to other code expecting formatted dates and times.
      (:issue:`2090`). :py:meth:`~xarray.CFTimeIndex.strftime` is also now
      available on :py:class:`CFTimeIndex`.
      By `Alan Brammer <>`_ and
      `Ryan May <>`_.
    - :py:meth:`~xarray.core.GroupBy.quantile` is now a method of ``GroupBy``
      objects  (:issue:`3018`).
      By `David Huard <>`_.
    - Argument and return types are added to most methods on ``DataArray`` and
      ``Dataset``, allowing static type checking both within xarray and external
      libraries. Type checking with `mypy <>`_ is enabled in
      CI (though not required yet).
      By `Guido Imperiale <>`_
      and `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
    - Enhancements to existing functionality:
    - Add ``keepdims`` argument for reduce operations (:issue:`2170`)
      By `Scott Wales <>`_.
    - Enable ``@`` operator for DataArray. This is equivalent to :py:meth:``
      By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
    - Add ``fill_value`` argument for reindex, align, and merge operations
      to enable custom fill values. (:issue:`2876`)
      By `Zach Griffith <>`_.
    - :py:meth:`DataArray.transpose` now accepts a keyword argument
      ``transpose_coords`` which enables transposition of coordinates in the
      same way as :py:meth:`Dataset.transpose`. :py:meth:`DataArray.groupby`
      :py:meth:`DataArray.groupby_bins`, and :py:meth:`DataArray.resample` now
      accept a keyword argument ``restore_coord_dims`` which keeps the order
      of the dimensions of multi-dimensional coordinates intact (:issue:`1856`).
      By `Peter Hausamann <>`_.
    - Better warning message when supplying invalid objects to ``xr.merge``
      (:issue:`2948`).  By `Mathias Hauser <>`_.
    - Add ``errors`` keyword argument to :py:meth:`Dataset.drop` and :py:meth:`Dataset.drop_dims`
      that allows ignoring errors if a passed label or dimension is not in the dataset
      By `Andrew Ross <>`_.
    - IO related enhancements:
    - Implement :py:func:`~xarray.load_dataset` and
      :py:func:`~xarray.load_dataarray` as alternatives to
      :py:func:`~xarray.open_dataset` and :py:func:`~xarray.open_dataarray` to
      open, load into memory, and close files, returning the Dataset or DataArray.
      These functions are helpful for avoiding file-lock errors when trying to
      write to files opened using ``open_dataset()`` or ``open_dataarray()``.
      By `Dan Nowacki <>`_.
    - It is now possible to extend existing :ref:`io.zarr` datasets, by using
      ``mode='a'`` and the new ``append_dim`` argument in
      By `Jendrik Jördening <>`_,
      `David Brochart <>`_,
      `Ryan Abernathey <>`_ and
      `Shikhar Goenka <>`_.
    - ``xr.open_zarr`` now accepts manually specified chunks with the ``chunks=``
      parameter. ``auto_chunk=True`` is equivalent to ``chunks='auto'`` for
      backwards compatibility. The ``overwrite_encoded_chunks`` parameter is
      added to remove the original zarr chunk encoding.
      By `Lily Wang <>`_.
    - netCDF chunksizes are now only dropped when original_shape is different,
      not when it isn't found. (:issue:`2207`)
      By `Karel van de Plassche <>`_.
    - Character arrays' character dimension name decoding and encoding handled by
      ``var.encoding['char_dim_name']`` (:issue:`2895`)
      By `James McCreight <>`_.
    - open_rasterio() now supports rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT with custom transform,
      width and height (:issue:`2864`).
      By `Julien Michel <>`_.
    - Bug fixes:
    - Rolling operations on xarray objects containing dask arrays could silently
      compute the incorrect result or use large amounts of memory (:issue:`2940`).
      By `Stephan Hoyer <>`_.
    - Don't set encoding attributes on bounds variables when writing to netCDF.
      By `Deepak Cherian <>`_.
    - NetCDF4 output: variables with unlimited dimensions must be chunked (not
      contiguous) on output. (:issue:`1849`)
      By `James McCreight <>`_.
    - indexing with an empty list creates an object with zero-length axis (:issue:`2882`)
      By `Mayeul d'Avezac <>`_.
    - Return correct count for scalar datetime64 arrays (:issue:`2770`)
      By `Dan Nowacki <>`_.
    - Fixed max, min exception when applied to a multiIndex (:issue:`2923`)
      By `Ian Castleden <>`_
    - A deep copy deep-copies the coords (:issue:`1463`)
      By `Martin Pletcher <>`_.
    - Increased support for `missing_value` (:issue:`2871`)
      By `Deepak Cherian <>`_.
    - Removed usages of `pytest.config`, which is deprecated (:issue:`2988`)
      By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
    - Fixed performance issues with cftime installed (:issue:`3000`)
      By `0x0L <>`_.
    - Test suite fixes for newer versions of pytest (:issue:`3011`, :issue:`3032`).
      By `Maximilian Roos <>`_
      and `Stephan Hoyer <>`_.
    - update to version 0.12.1:
    - Enhancements:
    - Allow ``expand_dims`` method to support inserting/broadcasting dimensions
      with size > 1. (:issue:`2710`)
      By `Martin Pletcher <>`_.
    - Bug fixes:
    - Dataset.copy(deep=True) now creates a deep copy of the attrs (:issue:`2835`).
      By `Andras Gefferth <>`_.
    - Fix incorrect ``indexes`` resulting from various ``Dataset`` operations
      (e.g., ``swap_dims``, ``isel``, ``reindex``, ``[]``) (:issue:`2842`,
      By `Stephan Hoyer <>`_.
* Tue May 28 2019 Todd R <>
  - Disable known failing tests on arm.
    See gh#pydata/xarray#2334
* Tue Apr 23 2019 Tomáš Chvátal <>
  - Just use %pytest macro
* Sun Apr 07 2019 Sebastian Wagner <>
  - Update to version 0.12.1:
    - Enhancements
    - Allow ``expand_dims`` method to support inserting/broadcasting dimensions
      with size > 1. (:issue:`2710`)
    - Bug fixes
    - Dataset.copy(deep=True) now creates a deep copy of the attrs (:issue:`2835`).
    - Fix incorrect ``indexes`` resulting from various ``Dataset`` operations
      (e.g., ``swap_dims``, ``isel``, ``reindex``, ``[]``) (:issue:`2842`,
* Sat Mar 16 2019 Arun Persaud <>
  - specfile:
    * since this version is for python3 only, add a hint to skip python 2 during the build
  - update to version 0.12.0:
    * Highlights include:
      + Removed support for Python 2. This is the first version of
      xarray that is Python 3 only!
      + New coarsen() and integrate() methods. See Coarsen large arrays
      and Computation using Coordinates for details.
      + Many improvements to cftime support. See below for details.
    * Deprecations
      + The compat argument to Dataset and the encoding argument to
      DataArray are deprecated and will be removed in a future
      release. (GH1188) By Maximilian Roos.
    * cftime related enhancements
      + Resampling of standard and non-standard calendars indexed by
      CFTimeIndex is now possible. (GH2191). By Jwen Fai Low and
      Spencer Clark.
      + Taking the mean of arrays of cftime.datetime objects, and by
      extension, use of coarsen() with cftime.datetime coordinates is
      now possible. By Spencer Clark.
      + Internal plotting now supports cftime.datetime objects as time
      series. (GH2164) By Julius Busecke and Spencer Clark.
      + cftime_range() now supports QuarterBegin and QuarterEnd offsets
      (GH2663). By Jwen Fai Low
      + open_dataset() now accepts a use_cftime argument, which can be
      used to require that cftime.datetime objects are always used, or
      never used when decoding dates encoded with a standard
      calendar. This can be used to ensure consistent date types are
      returned when using open_mfdataset() (GH1263) and/or to silence
      serialization warnings raised if dates from a standard calendar
      are found to be outside the pandas.Timestamp-valid range
      (GH2754). By Spencer Clark.
      + pandas.Series.dropna() is now supported for a pandas.Series
      indexed by a CFTimeIndex (GH2688). By Spencer Clark.
    * Other enhancements
      + Added ability to open netcdf4/hdf5 file-like objects with
      open_dataset. Requires (h5netcdf>0.7 and h5py>2.9.0). (GH2781)
      By Scott Henderson
      + Add data=False option to to_dict() methods. (GH2656) By Ryan
      + DataArray.coarsen() and Dataset.coarsen() are newly added. See
      Coarsen large arrays for details. (GH2525) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Upsampling an array via interpolation with resample is now
      dask-compatible, as long as the array is not chunked along the
      resampling dimension. By Spencer Clark.
      + xarray.testing.assert_equal() and
      xarray.testing.assert_identical() now provide a more detailed
      report showing what exactly differs between the two objects
      (dimensions / coordinates / variables / attributes) (GH1507). By
      Benoit Bovy.
      + Add tolerance option to resample() methods bfill, pad,
      nearest. (GH2695) By Hauke Schulz.
      + DataArray.integrate() and Dataset.integrate() are newly
      added. See Computation using Coordinates for the
      detail. (GH1332) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Added drop_dims() (GH1949). By Kevin Squire.
    * Bug fixes
      + Silenced warnings that appear when using pandas 0.24. By Stephan
      + Interpolating via resample now internally specifies
      bounds_error=False as an argument to scipy.interpolate.interp1d,
      allowing for interpolation from higher frequencies to lower
      frequencies. Datapoints outside the bounds of the original time
      coordinate are now filled with NaN (GH2197). By Spencer Clark.
      + Line plots with the x argument set to a non-dimensional coord
      now plot the correct data for 1D DataArrays. (GH27251). By Tom
      + Subtracting a scalar cftime.datetime object from a CFTimeIndex
      now results in a pandas.TimedeltaIndex instead of raising a
      TypeError (GH2671). By Spencer Clark.
      + backend_kwargs are no longer ignored when using open_dataset
      with pynio engine (:issue:‘2380’) By Jonathan Joyce.
      + Fix open_rasterio creating a WKT CRS instead of PROJ.4 with
      rasterio 1.0.14+ (GH2715). By David Hoese.
      + Masking data arrays with xarray.DataArray.where() now returns an
      array with the name of the original masked array (GH2748 and
      GH2457). By Yohai Bar-Sinai.
      + Fixed error when trying to reduce a DataArray using a function
      which does not require an axis argument. (GH2768) By Tom
      + Concatenating a sequence of DataArray with varying names sets
      the name of the output array to None, instead of the name of the
      first input array. If the names are the same it sets the name to
      that, instead to the name of the first DataArray in the list as
      it did before. (GH2775). By Tom Nicholas.
      + Per CF conventions, specifying 'standard' as the calendar type
      in cftime_range() now correctly refers to the 'gregorian'
      calendar instead of the 'proleptic_gregorian' calendar (GH2761).
* Wed Feb 13 2019 Todd R <>
  - update to version 0.11.3
    * Saving files with times encoded with reference dates with timezones
      (e.g. '2000-01-01T00:00:00-05:00') no longer raises an error
    * Fixed performance regression with ``open_mfdataset``
    * Fixed supplying an explicit dimension in the ``concat_dim`` argument to
      to ``open_mfdataset``
* Thu Jan 03 2019 Sebastian Wagner <>
  - update to version 0.11.2:
    - Removes inadvertently introduced setup dependency on pytest-runner (:issue:`2641`). Otherwise, this release is exactly equivalent to 0.11.1.
    - Warning:
    - This is the last xarray release that will support Python 2.7. Future releases will be Python 3 only, but older versions of xarray will always be available for Python 2.7 users. For the more details, see:
  - update to version 0.11.1:
    - Breaking changes
    - Minimum rasterio version increased from 0.36 to 1.0 (for open_rasterio)
    - Time bounds variables are now also decoded according to CF conventions (:issue:`2565`). The previous behavior was to decode them only if they had specific time attributes, now these attributes are copied automatically from the corresponding time coordinate. This might brake downstream code that was relying on these variables to be not decoded. By Fabien Maussion.
    - Enhancements
    - Ability to read and write consolidated metadata in zarr stores (:issue:`2558`). By Ryan Abernathey.
    - :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` uses slicing for string indexing when possible (like :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`), which avoids unnecessary copies. By Stephan Hoyer
    - Enable passing or rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT to open_rasterio instead of file path string. Allows for in-memory reprojection, see (:issue:`2588`). By Scott Henderson.
    - Like :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`, :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` now supports "dayofyear" and "dayofweek" accessors (:issue:`2597`). Note this requires a version of cftime greater than 1.0.2. By Spencer Clark.
    - The option 'warn_for_unclosed_files' (False by default) has been added to allow users to enable a warning when files opened by xarray are deallocated but were not explicitly closed. This is mostly useful for debugging; we recommend enabling it in your test suites if you use xarray for IO. By Stephan Hoyer
    - Support Dask HighLevelGraphs by Matthew Rocklin.
    - :py:meth:`DataArray.resample` and :py:meth:`Dataset.resample` now supports the loffset kwarg just like Pandas. By Deepak Cherian
    - Datasets are now guaranteed to have a 'source' encoding, so the source file name is always stored (:issue:`2550`). By Tom Nicholas.
    - The apply methods for DatasetGroupBy, DataArrayGroupBy, DatasetResample and DataArrayResample now support passing positional arguments to the applied function as a tuple to the args argument. By Matti Eskelinen.
    - 0d slices of ndarrays are now obtained directly through indexing, rather than extracting and wrapping a scalar, avoiding unnecessary copying. By Daniel Wennberg.
    - Added support for fill_value with :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.shift` and :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.shift` By Maximilian Roos
    - Bug fixes
    - Ensure files are automatically closed, if possible, when no longer referenced by a Python variable (:issue:`2560`). By Stephan Hoyer
    - Fixed possible race conditions when reading/writing to disk in parallel (:issue:`2595`). By Stephan Hoyer
    - Fix h5netcdf saving scalars with filters or chunks (:issue:`2563`). By Martin Raspaud.
    - Fix parsing of _Unsigned attribute set by OPENDAP servers. (:issue:`2583`). By Deepak Cherian
    - Fix failure in time encoding when exporting to netCDF with versions of pandas less than 0.21.1 (:issue:`2623`). By Spencer Clark.
    - Fix MultiIndex selection to update label and level (:issue:`2619`). By Keisuke Fujii.
* Tue Nov 13 2018 Marketa Calabkova <>
  - update to version 0.11.0
    * Enhancements
      + xarray.DataArray.plot.line() can now accept multidimensional
      coordinate variables as input. hue must be a dimension name
      in this case. (GH2407) By Deepak Cherian.
      + Added support for Python 3.7. (GH2271). By Joe Hamman.
      + Added support for plotting data with pandas.Interval coordinates,
      such as those created by groupby_bins() By Maximilian Maahn.
      + Added shift() for shifting the values of a CFTimeIndex by a
      specified frequency. (GH2244). By Spencer Clark.
      + Added support for using cftime.datetime coordinates with
      differentiate(), differentiate(), interp(), and interp().
      By Spencer Clark
      + There is now a global option to either always keep or always
      discard dataset and dataarray attrs upon operations. The option
      is set with xarray.set_options(keep_attrs=True), and the default
      is to use the old behaviour. By Tom Nicholas.
      + Added a new backend for the GRIB file format based on ECMWF
      cfgrib python driver and ecCodes C-library. (GH2475) By
      Alessandro Amici, sponsored by ECMWF.
      + Resample now supports a dictionary mapping from dimension to
      frequency as its first argument, e.g.,
      data.resample({'time': '1D'}).mean(). This is consistent with
      other xarray functions that accept either dictionaries or
      keyword arguments. By Stephan Hoyer.
      + The preferred way to access tutorial data is now to load it
      lazily with xarray.tutorial.open_dataset().
      xarray.tutorial.load_dataset() calls Dataset.load() prior to
      returning (and is now deprecated). This was changed in order
      to facilitate using tutorial datasets with dask. By Joe Hamman.
    * Bugfixes
      + FacetGrid now properly uses the cbar_kwargs keyword argument.
      (GH1504, GH1717) By Deepak Cherian.
      + Addition and subtraction operators used with a CFTimeIndex now
      preserve the index’s type. (GH2244). By Spencer Clark.
      + We now properly handle arrays of datetime.datetime and
      datetime.timedelta provided as coordinates. (GH2512) By
      `Deepak Cherian <`_.
      + xarray.DataArray.roll correctly handles multidimensional arrays.
      (GH2445) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + xarray.plot() now properly accepts a norm argument and does not
      override the norm’s vmin and vmax. (GH2381) By Deepak Cherian.
      + xarray.DataArray.std() now correctly accepts ddof keyword argument.
      (GH2240) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Restore matplotlib’s default of plotting dashed negative contours
      when a single color is passed to DataArray.contour() e.g.
      colors='k'. By Deepak Cherian.
      + Fix a bug that caused some indexing operations on arrays opened
      with open_rasterio to error (GH2454). By Stephan Hoyer.
      + Subtracting one CFTimeIndex from another now returns a
      pandas.TimedeltaIndex, analogous to the behavior for
      DatetimeIndexes (GH2484). By Spencer Clark.
      + Adding a TimedeltaIndex to, or subtracting a TimedeltaIndex from
      a CFTimeIndex is now allowed (GH2484). By Spencer Clark.
      + Avoid use of Dask’s deprecated get= parameter in tests by Matthew Rocklin.
      + An OverflowError is now accurately raised and caught during the
      encoding process if a reference date is used that is so distant that
      the dates must be encoded using cftime rather than NumPy (GH2272).
      By Spencer Clark.
      + Chunked datasets can now roundtrip to Zarr storage continually with
      to_zarr and open_zarr (GH2300). By Lily Wang.
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Arun Persaud <>
  - update to version 0.10.9:
    * Enhancements
      + differentiate() and differentiate() are newly added. (GH1332) By
      Keisuke Fujii.
      + Default colormap for sequential and divergent data can now be
      set via set_options() (GH2394) By Julius Busecke.
      + min_count option is newly supported in sum(), prod() and sum(),
      and prod(). (GH2230) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + plot() now accepts the kwargs xscale, yscale, xlim, ylim,
      xticks, yticks just like Pandas. Also xincrease=False,
      yincrease=False now use matplotlib’s axis inverting methods
      instead of setting limits. By Deepak Cherian. (GH2224)
      + DataArray coordinates and Dataset coordinates and data variables
      are now displayed as a b … y z rather than a b c d …. (GH1186)
      By Seth P.
      + A new CFTimeIndex-enabled cftime_range() function for use in
      generating dates from standard or non-standard calendars. By
      Spencer Clark.
      + When interpolating over a datetime64 axis, you can now provide a
      datetime string instead of a datetime64
      object. E.g. da.interp(time='1991-02-01') (GH2284) By Deepak
      + A clear error message is now displayed if a set or dict is
      passed in place of an array (GH2331) By Maximilian Roos.
      + Applying unstack to a large DataArray or Dataset is now much
      faster if the MultiIndex has not been modified after stacking
      the indices. (GH1560) By Maximilian Maahn.
      + You can now control whether or not to offset the coordinates
      when using the roll method and the current behavior, coordinates
      rolled by default, raises a deprecation warning unless
      explicitly setting the keyword argument. (GH1875) By Andrew
      + You can now call unstack without arguments to unstack every
      MultiIndex in a DataArray or Dataset. By Julia Signell.
      + Added the ability to pass a data kwarg to copy to create a new
      object with the same metadata as the original object but using
      new values. By Julia Signell.
    * Bug fixes
      + xarray.plot.imshow() correctly uses the origin
      argument. (GH2379) By Deepak Cherian.
      + Fixed DataArray.to_iris() failure while creating DimCoord by
      falling back to creating AuxCoord. Fixed dependency on var_name
      attribute being set. (GH2201) By Thomas Voigt.
      + Fixed a bug in zarr backend which prevented use with datasets
      with invalid chunk size encoding after reading from an existing
      store (GH2278). By Joe Hamman.
      + Tests can be run in parallel with pytest-xdist By Tony Tung.
      + Follow up the renamings in dask; from dask.ghost to dask.overlap
      By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Now raises a ValueError when there is a conflict between
      dimension names and level names of MultiIndex. (GH2299) By
      Keisuke Fujii.
      + Follow up the renamings in dask; from dask.ghost to dask.overlap
      By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Now xr.apply_ufunc() raises a ValueError when the size of
      input_core_dims is inconsistent with the number of
      arguments. (GH2341) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Fixed Dataset.filter_by_attrs() behavior not matching
      netCDF4.Dataset.get_variables_by_attributes(). When more than
      one key=value is passed into Dataset.filter_by_attrs() it will
      now return a Dataset with variables which pass all the
      filters. (GH2315) By Andrew Barna.
* Wed Jul 18 2018
  - specfile:
    * updated dependencies according to
    * removed devel dependency (noarch)
    * be more specific in %files section
  - update to version 0.10.8:
    * Xarray no longer supports python 3.4. Additionally, the minimum
      supported versions of the following dependencies has been updated
      and/or clarified:
      + Pandas: 0.18 -> 0.19
      + NumPy: 1.11 -> 1.12
      + Dask: 0.9 -> 0.16
      + Matplotlib: unspecified -> 1.5
      (:issue:`2204`). By Joe Hamman.
    * Enhancements
      + :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.interp_like` and
      :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.interp_like` methods are newly
      added. (:issue:`2218`) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Added support for curvilinear and unstructured generic grids to
      :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.to_cdms2` and
      :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.from_cdms2` (:issue:`2262`). By
      Stephane Raynaud.
    * Bug fixes
      + Fixed a bug in zarr backend which prevented use with datasets
      with incomplete chunks in multiple dimensions
      (:issue:`2225`). By Joe Hamman.
      + Fixed a bug in :py:meth:`~Dataset.to_netcdf` which prevented
      writing datasets when the arrays had different chunk sizes
      (:issue:`2254`). By Mike Neish.
      + Fixed masking during the conversion to cdms2 objects by
      :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.to_cdms2` (:issue:`2262`). By
      Stephane Raynaud.
      + Fixed a bug in 2D plots which incorrectly raised an error when
      2D coordinates weren't monotonic (:issue:`2250`). By Fabien
      + Fixed warning raised in :py:meth:`~Dataset.to_netcdf` due to
      deprecation of effective_get in dask (:issue:`2238`). By Joe
* Sun Jun 10 2018
  - update to version 0.10.7:
    * Enhancements:
    * Plot labels now make use of metadata that follow CF conventions (:issue:`2135`). By Deepak Cherian and Ryan Abernathey.
    * Line plots now support facetting with row and col arguments (:issue:`2107`). By Yohai Bar Sinai.
    * :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.interp` and :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.interp` methods are newly added. See :ref:`interpolating values with interp` for the detail. (:issue:`2079`) By Keisuke Fujii.
    * Bug fixes:
    * Fixed a bug in rasterio backend which prevented use with distributed. The rasterio backend now returns pickleable objects (:issue:`2021`).
  - update to version 0.10.6:
    * Enhancements:
    * New PseudoNetCDF backend for many Atmospheric data formats including GEOS-Chem, CAMx, NOAA arlpacked bit and many others. See :ref:`io.PseudoNetCDF` for more details. By Barron Henderson.
    * The :py:class:`Dataset` constructor now aligns :py:class:`DataArray` arguments in data_vars to indexes set explicitly in coords, where previously an error would be raised. (:issue:`674`) By Maximilian Roos.
    * :py:meth:`~DataArray.sel`, :py:meth:`~DataArray.isel` & :py:meth:`~DataArray.reindex`, (and their :py:class:`Dataset` counterparts) now support supplying a dict as a first argument, as an alternative to the existing approach of supplying kwargs. This allows for more robust behavior of dimension names which conflict with other keyword names, or are not strings. By Maximilian Roos.
    * :py:meth:`~DataArray.rename` now supports supplying **kwargs, as an alternative to the existing approach of supplying a dict as the first argument. By Maximilian Roos.
    * :py:meth:`~DataArray.cumsum` and :py:meth:`~DataArray.cumprod` now support aggregation over multiple dimensions at the same time. This is the default behavior when dimensions are not specified (previously this raised an error). By Stephan Hoyer
    * :py:meth:`` and :py:func:`dot` are partly supported with older dask<0.17.4. (related to :issue:`2203`) By Keisuke Fujii.
    * Xarray now uses Versioneer to manage its version strings. (:issue:`1300`). By Joe Hamman.
    * Bug fixes:
    * Fixed a regression in 0.10.4, where explicitly specifying dtype='S1' or dtype=str in encoding with to_netcdf() raised an error (:issue:`2149`). Stephan Hoyer
    * :py:func:`apply_ufunc` now directly validates output variables (:issue:`1931`). By Stephan Hoyer.
    * Fixed a bug where to_netcdf(..., unlimited_dims='bar') yielded NetCDF files with spurious 0-length dimensions (i.e. b, a, and r) (:issue:`2134`). By Joe Hamman.
    * Removed spurious warnings with Dataset.update(Dataset) (:issue:`2161`) and array.equals(array) when array contains NaT (:issue:`2162`). By Stephan Hoyer.
    * Aggregations with :py:meth:`Dataset.reduce` (including mean, sum, etc) no longer drop unrelated coordinates (:issue:`1470`). Also fixed a bug where non-scalar data-variables that did not include the aggregation dimension were improperly skipped. By Stephan Hoyer
    * Fix :meth:`~DataArray.stack` with non-unique coordinates on pandas 0.23 (:issue:`2160`). By Stephan Hoyer
    * Selecting data indexed by a length-1 CFTimeIndex with a slice of strings now behaves as it does when using a length-1 DatetimeIndex (i.e. it no longer falsely returns an empty array when the slice includes the value in the index) (:issue:`2165`). By Spencer Clark.
    * Fix DataArray.groupby().reduce() mutating coordinates on the input array when grouping over dimension coordinates with duplicated entries (:issue:`2153`). By Stephan Hoyer
    * Fix Dataset.to_netcdf() cannot create group with engine="h5netcdf" (:issue:`2177`). By Stephan Hoyer
* Mon May 21 2018
  - update to version 0.10.4:
    * Documentation
      + New FAQ entry, What other projects leverage xarray?. By Deepak
      + Assigning values with indexing now includes examples on how to
      select and assign values to a DataArray with .loc. By Chiara
    * Enhancements
      + Add an option for using a CFTimeIndex for indexing times with
      non-standard calendars and/or outside the Timestamp-valid range;
      this index enables a subset of the functionality of a standard
      pandas.DatetimeIndex. See Non-standard calendars and dates
      outside the Timestamp-valid range for full details. (GH789,
      GH1084, GH1252) By Spencer Clark with help from Stephan Hoyer.
      + Allow for serialization of cftime.datetime objects (GH789,
      GH1084, GH2008, GH1252) using the standalone cftime library. By
      Spencer Clark.
      + Support writing lists of strings as netCDF attributes
      (GH2044). By Dan Nowacki.
      + to_netcdf() with engine='h5netcdf' now accepts h5py encoding
      settings compression and compression_opts, along with the
      NetCDF4-Python style settings gzip=True and complevel. This
      allows using any compression plugin installed in hdf5, e.g. LZF
      (GH1536). By Guido Imperiale.
      + dot() on dask-backed data will now call
      dask.array.einsum(). This greatly boosts speed and allows
      chunking on the core dims. The function now requires dask >=
      0.17.3 to work on dask-backed data (GH2074). By Guido Imperiale.
      + plot.line() learned new kwargs: xincrease, yincrease that change
      the direction of the respective axes. By Deepak Cherian.
      + Added the parallel option to open_mfdataset(). This option uses
      dask.delayed to parallelize the open and preprocessing steps
      within open_mfdataset. This is expected to provide performance
      improvements when opening many files, particularly when used in
      conjunction with dask’s multiprocessing or distributed
      schedulers (GH1981). By Joe Hamman.
      + New compute option in to_netcdf(), to_zarr(), and
      save_mfdataset() to allow for the lazy computation of netCDF and
      zarr stores. This feature is currently only supported by the
      netCDF4 and zarr backends. (GH1784). By Joe Hamman.
    * Bug fixes
      + ValueError is raised when coordinates with the wrong size are
      assigned to a DataArray. (GH2112) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Fixed a bug in rolling() with bottleneck. Also, fixed a bug in
      rolling an integer dask array. (GH2113) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Fixed a bug where keep_attrs=True flag was neglected if
      apply_ufunc() was used with Variable. (GH2114) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + When assigning a DataArray to Dataset, any conflicted
      non-dimensional coordinates of the DataArray are now
      dropped. (GH2068) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Better error handling in open_mfdataset (GH2077). By Stephan
      + plot.line() does not call autofmt_xdate() anymore. Instead it
      changes the rotation and horizontal alignment of labels without
      removing the x-axes of any other subplots in the figure (if
      any). By Deepak Cherian.
      + Colorbar limits are now determined by excluding ±Infs too. By
      Deepak Cherian.
      + Fixed to_iris to maintain lazy dask array after conversion
      (GH2046). By Alex Hilson and Stephan Hoyer.
  - changes from version 0.10.3:
    * Enhancements
      + isin() and isin() methods, which test each value in the array
      for whether it is contained in the supplied list, returning a
      bool array. See Selecting values with isin for full
      details. Similar to the np.isin function. By Maximilian Roos.
      + Some speed improvement to construct DataArrayRolling object
      (GH1993) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Handle variables with different values for missing_value and
      _FillValue by masking values for both attributes; previously
      this resulted in a ValueError. (GH2016) By Ryan May.
    * Bug fixes
      + Fixed decode_cf function to operate lazily on dask arrays
      (GH1372). By Ryan Abernathey.
      + Fixed labeled indexing with slice bounds given by xarray objects
      with datetime64 or timedelta64 dtypes (GH1240). By Stephan
      + Attempting to convert an xarray.Dataset into a numpy array now
      raises an informative error message. By Stephan Hoyer.
      + Fixed a bug in decode_cf_datetime where int32 arrays weren’t
      parsed correctly (GH2002). By Fabien Maussion.
      + When calling xr.auto_combine() or xr.open_mfdataset() with a
      concat_dim, the resulting dataset will have that one-element
      dimension (it was silently dropped, previously) (GH1988). By Ben
* Sat Apr 14 2018
  - temporarily deactivated tests because of minor issues with netCDF library
  - update to version 0.10.3:
    * Enhancements
    - :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.isin` and :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.isin` methods,
      which test each value in the array for whether it is contained in the
      supplied list, returning a bool array. See :ref:`selecting values with isin`
      for full details. Similar to the ``np.isin`` function.
      By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
    - Some speed improvement to construct :py:class:`~xarray.DataArrayRolling`
      object (:issue:`1993`)
      By `Keisuke Fujii <>`_.
    - Handle variables with different values for ``missing_value`` and
      ``_FillValue`` by masking values for both attributes; previously this
      resulted in a ``ValueError``. (:issue:`2016`)
      By `Ryan May <>`_.
    * Bug fixes
    - Fixed ``decode_cf`` function to operate lazily on dask arrays
      (:issue:`1372`). By `Ryan Abernathey <>`_.
    - Fixed labeled indexing with slice bounds given by xarray objects with
      datetime64 or timedelta64 dtypes (:issue:`1240`).
      By `Stephan Hoyer <>`_.
    - Attempting to convert an xarray.Dataset into a numpy array now raises an
      informative error message.
      By `Stephan Hoyer <>`_.
    - Fixed a bug in decode_cf_datetime where ``int32`` arrays weren't parsed
      correctly (:issue:`2002`).
      By `Fabien Maussion <>`_.
    - When calling `xr.auto_combine()` or `xr.open_mfdataset()` with a `concat_dim`,
      the resulting dataset will have that one-element dimension (it was
      silently dropped, previously) (:issue:`1988`).
      By `Ben Root <>`_.
* Sat Mar 24 2018
  - update to version 0.10.2:
    * Backwards incompatible changes
      + The addition of __array_ufunc__ for xarray objects (see below)
      means that NumPy ufunc methods (e.g., np.add.reduce) that
      previously worked on xarray.DataArray objects by converting them
      into NumPy arrays will now raise NotImplementedError instead. In
      all cases, the work-around is simple: convert your objects
      explicitly into NumPy arrays before calling the ufunc (e.g.,
      with .values).
    * Enhancements
      + Added dot(), equivalent to np.einsum(). Also, dot() now supports
      dims option, which specifies the dimensions to sum
      over. (GH1951) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Support for writing xarray datasets to netCDF files (netcdf4
      backend only) when using the dask.distributed scheduler
      (GH1464). By Joe Hamman.
      + Support lazy vectorized-indexing. After this change, flexible
      indexing such as orthogonal/vectorized indexing, becomes
      possible for all the backend arrays. Also, lazy transpose is now
      also supported. (GH1897) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Implemented NumPy’s __array_ufunc__ protocol for all xarray
      objects (GH1617). This enables using NumPy ufuncs directly on
      xarray.Dataset objects with recent versions of NumPy (v1.13 and
      In [1]: ds = xr.Dataset({'a': 1})
      In [2]: np.sin(ds)
      Dimensions:  ()
      Data variables:
      a        float64 0.8415
      This obliviates the need for the xarray.ufuncs module, which
      will be deprecated in the future when xarray drops support for
      older versions of NumPy. By Stephan Hoyer.
      + Improve rolling() logic. DataArrayRolling() object now supports
      construct() method that returns a view of the DataArray /
      Dataset object with the rolling-window dimension added to the
      last axis. This enables more flexible operation, such as strided
      rolling, windowed rolling, ND-rolling, short-time FFT and
      convolution. (GH1831, GH1142, GH819) By Keisuke Fujii.
      + line() learned to make plots with data on x-axis if so
      specified. (GH575) By Deepak Cherian.
    * Bug fixes
      + Raise an informative error message when using apply_ufunc with
      numpy v1.11 (GH1956). By Stephan Hoyer.
      + Fix the precision drop after indexing datetime64 arrays
      (GH1932). By Keisuke Fujii.
      + Silenced irrelevant warnings issued by open_rasterio
      (GH1964). By Stephan Hoyer.
      + Fix kwarg colors clashing with auto-inferred cmap (GH1461) By
      Deepak Cherian.
      + Fix imshow() error when passed an RGB array with size one in a
      spatial dimension. By Zac Hatfield-Dodds.
* Sun Mar 04 2018
  - Replace future goals and aims by present capabilities.
* Thu Mar 01 2018
  - update to version 0.10.1:
    * please see upstream changelog at:
  - remove check boundary condition
  - run spec-cleaner
  - use %license for license
* Tue Aug 15 2017
  - Implement single-spec version
  - Update to 0.9.6
    * Please see changelog at:
* Thu Jan 28 2016
  - Rename package to python3-xray to match upstream naming.
  - update to version 0.7.0:
    * The project formerly known as "xray" is now "xarray", pronounced "x-array"!
      This avoids a namespace conflict with the entire field of x-ray science. Renaming
      our project seemed like the right thing to do, especially because some
      scientists who work with actual x-rays are interested in using this project in
      their work. Thanks for your understanding and patience in this transition.
    * Breaking changes
    - The internal data model used by :py:class:`~xray.DataArray` has been
      rewritten to fix several outstanding issues. Internally, ``DataArray``
      is now implemented in terms of ``._variable`` and ``._coords``
      attributes instead of holding variables in a ``Dataset`` object.
    - It is no longer possible to convert a DataArray to a Dataset with
      :py:meth:`xray.DataArray.to_dataset` if it is unnamed. This will now
      raise ``ValueError``. If the array is unnamed, you need to supply the
      ``name`` argument.
    * Enhancements
    - Basic support for :py:class:`~pandas.MultiIndex` coordinates on xray objects, including
      indexing, :py:meth:`~DataArray.stack` and :py:meth:`~DataArray.unstack`:
    - Support for reading GRIB, HDF4 and other file formats via PyNIO_. See
      :ref:`io.pynio` for more details.
    - Better error message when a variable is supplied with the same name as
      one of its dimensions.
    - Plotting: more control on colormap parameters (:issue:`642`). ``vmin`` and
      ``vmax`` will not be silently ignored anymore. Setting ``center=False``
      prevents automatic selection of a divergent colormap.
    - New :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.shift` and :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.roll` methods
      for shifting/rotating datasets or arrays along a dimension
    - Assigning a ``pandas`` object directly as a ``Dataset`` variable is now permitted. Its
      index names correspond to the ``dims`` of the ``Dataset``, and its data is aligned.
    - Passing a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :py:class:`pandas.Panel` to a Dataset constructor
      is now permitted.
    - New function :py:func:`~xray.broadcast` for explicitly broadcasting
      ``DataArray`` and ``Dataset`` objects against each other.
    * Bug fixes
    - Fixes for several issues found on ``DataArray`` objects with the same name
      as one of their coordinates (see :ref:`v0.7.0.breaking` for more details).
    - ``DataArray.to_masked_array`` always returns masked array with mask being an
      array (not a scalar value) (:issue:`684`)
    - Allows for (imperfect) repr of Coords when underlying index is PeriodIndex (:issue:`645`).
    - Fixes for several issues found on ``DataArray`` objects with the same name
      as one of their coordinates (see :ref:`v0.7.0.breaking` for more details).
    - Attempting to assign a ``Dataset`` or ``DataArray`` variable/attribute using
      attribute-style syntax (e.g., `` = 42``) now raises an error rather
      than silently failing (:issue:`656`, :issue:`714`).
    - You can now pass pandas objects with non-numpy dtypes (e.g., ``categorical``
      or ``datetime64`` with a timezone) into xray without an error
  - update to version 0.6.1:
    * The handling of colormaps and discrete color lists for 2D plots in
      :py:meth:`~xray.DataArray.plot` was changed to provide more
      compatibility with matplotlib's contour and contourf functions
      (:issue:`538`). Now discrete lists of colors should be specified
      using colors keyword, rather than cmap.
    * Faceted plotting through :py:class:`~xray.plot.FacetGrid` and the
      :py:meth:`~xray.plot.plot` method. See :ref:`plotting.faceting`
      for more details and examples.
    * :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.sel` and :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.reindex`
      now support the tolerance argument for controlling
      nearest-neighbor selection (:issue:`629`):
      This feature requires pandas v0.17 or newer.
    * New encoding argument in :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.to_netcdf` for
      writing netCDF files with compression, as described in the new
      documentation section on :ref:`io.netcdf.writing_encoded`.
    * Add :py:attr:`~xray.Dataset.real` and
      :py:attr:`~xray.Dataset.imag` attributes to Dataset and DataArray
    * More informative error message with
      :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.from_dataframe` if the frame has duplicate
    * xray now uses deterministic names for dask arrays it creates or
      opens from disk. This allows xray users to take advantage of
      dask's nascent support for caching intermediate computation
      results. See :issue:`555` for an example.
    * Forwards compatibility with the latest pandas release
      (v0.17.0). We were using some internal pandas routines for
      datetime conversion, which unfortunately have now changed upstream
    * Aggregation functions now correctly skip NaN for data for
      complex128 dtype (:issue:`554`).
    * Fixed indexing 0d arrays with unicode dtype (:issue:`568`).
    * :py:meth:`` and Dataset keys must be a string
      or None to be written to netCDF (:issue:`533`).
    * :py:meth:`~xray.DataArray.where` now uses dask instead of numpy if
      either the array or other is a dask array. Previously, if other
      was a numpy array the method was evaluated eagerly.
    * Global attributes are now handled more consistently when loading
      remote datasets using engine='pydap' (:issue:`574`).
    * It is now possible to assign to the .data attribute of DataArray
    * coordinates attribute is now kept in the encoding dictionary after
      decoding (:issue:`610`).
    * Compatibility with numpy 1.10 (:issue:`617
  - update to version 0.6.0:
    * Plotting methods have been implemented on DataArray objects
      :py:meth:`~xray.DataArray.plot` through integration with matplotlib
      (:issue:`185`). For an introduction, see :ref:`plotting`.
    * Variables in netCDF files with multiple missing values are now decoded as
      NaN after issuing a warning if open_dataset is called with
    * We clarified our rules for when the result from an xray operation is a copy
      vs. a view (see :ref:`copies vs views` for more details).
    * Dataset variables are now written to netCDF files in order of appearance
      when using the netcdf4 backend (:issue:`479`).
    * Added :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.isel_points` and
      :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.sel_points` to support pointwise indexing of
      Datasets and DataArrays (:issue:`475`).
    * New :py:meth:`~xray.Dataset.where` method for masking xray objects
      according to some criteria. This works particularly well with
      multi-dimensional data:
    * Added new methods :py:meth:`DataArray.diff <xray.DataArray.diff>` and
      :py:meth:`Dataset.diff <xray.Dataset.diff>` for finite difference
      calculations along a given axis.
    * New :py:meth:`~xray.DataArray.to_masked_array` convenience method for
      returning a
    * Added new flag "drop_variables" to :py:meth:`~xray.open_dataset` for
      excluding variables from being parsed. This may be useful to drop variables
      with problems or inconsistent values.
    * Fixed aggregation functions (e.g., sum and mean) on big-endian arrays when
      bottleneck is installed (:issue:`489`).
    * Dataset aggregation functions dropped variables with unsigned integer dtype
    * .any() and .all() were not lazy when used on xray objects containing dask
    * Fixed an error when attempting to saving datetime64 variables to netCDF
      files when the first element is NaT (:issue:`528`).
    * Fix pickle on DataArray objects (:issue:`515`).
    * Fixed unnecessary coercion of float64 to float32 when using netcdf3 and
      netcdf4_classic formats (:issue:`526`).
* Tue Jul 14 2015
  - Initial version



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