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python311-jsonpickle-3.0.2-150600.1.4 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Leap 15.6 for noarch

Name: python311-jsonpickle Distribution: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15
Version: 3.0.2 Vendor: SUSE LLC <>
Release: 150600.1.4 Build date: Mon Apr 29 18:52:43 2024
Group: Unspecified Build host: h01-ch3c
Size: 339571 Source RPM: python-jsonpickle-3.0.2-150600.1.4.src.rpm
Summary: Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON
Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON.
It can take almost any Python object and turn the object into JSON.
Additionally, it can reconstitute the object back into Python.






* Fri Dec 29 2023
  - Add patch to enable the gmpy test correctly:
    * enable_gmpy_test.patch
  - Disable BuildRequies pandas and scikit-learn in SLE where
    they're not available and only used for tests
  - Use python-bson instead of python-pymongo in SLE
  - Do not search for tests recursively in SLE but explicitly name
    the directory/files containing tests. This solves an issue
    building the package without pandas in SLE.
* Wed Dec 13 2023
  - Update to 3.0.2
    * Properly raise warning if a custom pickling handler returns
      None. (#433)
    * Fix issue with serialization of certain sklearn objects
      breaking when the numpy handler was enabled. (#431) (+434)
    * Allow custom backends to not implement _encoder_options (#436)
    * Implement compatibility with pandas 2 (+446)
    * Fix encoding/decoding of dictionary subclasses with referencing
    * Fix depth tracking for list/dict referencing (+456)
  - Drop pandas2.patch
  - Skip a noncritical test due to pandas built with Cython 3
* Wed Jun 14 2023
  - Add patch pandas2.patch to fix compatibility
  - Skip flaky test
* Sat Jun 10 2023
  - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
* Sat Jan 21 2023
  - Update to 3.0.1
    * Remove accidental pin of setuptools to versions below 59. This
      allows jsonpickle to build with CPython 3.11 and 3.12 alphas.
    * Remove accidental dependency on pytz in pandas tests. (+421)
    * Fix issue with decoding bson.bson.Int64 objects (#422)
  - Release 3.0.0
    * Drop support for CPython<3.7. CPython 3.6 and below have
      reached EOL and no longer receive security updates. (#375)
    * Add support for CPython 3.11. (#395) (+396)
    * Remove jsonlib and yajl backends (py2 only)
    * Add `include_properties` option to the pickler. This should
      only be used if analyzing generated json outside of Python.
      (#297) (+387)
    * Allow the `classes` argument to `jsonpickle.decode` to be a
      dict of class name to class object. This lets you decode
      arbitrary dumps into different classes. (#148) (+392)
    * Fix bug with deserializing `numpy.poly1d`. (#391)
    * Allow frozen dataclasses to be deserialized. (#240)
    * Fixed a bug where pickling a function could return a `None`
      module. (#399)
    * Removed old bytes/quopri and ref decoding abaility from the
      unpickler. These were last used in jsonpickle<1. Removing them
      causes a slight speedup in unpickling lists (~5%). (+403)
    * Fixed a bug with namedtuples encoding on CPython 3.11. (#411)
    * When using the `sort_keys` option for the `simplejson` backend,
      jsonpickle now produces correct object references with py/id
      tags. (#408)
    * Speed up the internal method `_restore_tags` by ~10%. This
      should speed up unpickling of almost every object.
  - Release 2.2.0
    * Classes with a custom `__getitem__()` and `append()` now pickle
      properly. (#362) (+379)
    * Remove the demjson backend, as demjson hasn't been maintained
      for 5 years. (+379)
    * Added new handler for numpy objects when using
      unpickleable=False. (#381) (+382)
    * Added exception handling for class attributes that can't be
      accessed. (#301) (+383)
    * Added a long-requested on_missing attribute to the Unpickler
      class. This lets you choose behavior for when jsonpickle can't
      find a class to deserialize to. (#190) (#193) (+384)
    * Private members of `__slots__` are no longer skipped when
      encoding. Any objects encoded with versions prior to 2.2.0
      should still decode properly. (#318) (+385)
  - Release 2.1.0
    * Python 3.10 is now officially supported. (+376)
    * `is_reducible()` was sped up by ~80%.  (+353) (+354)
    * `_restore_tags()` was sped up by ~100%. Unpickling items with a
      lot of tuples and sets will benefit most. Python 2 users and
      users deserializing pickles from jsonpickle <= 0.9.6 may see a
      slight performance decrease if using a lot of bytes, ref,
      and/or repr objects. (+354)
    * `is_iterator()` was sped up by ~20% by removing an unnecessary
      variable assignment. (+354)
    * `jsonpickle.decode` has a new option, `v1_decode` to assist in
      decoding objects created in jsonpickle version 1. (#364)
    * The `encode()` documentation has been updated to help sklearn
    * `SQLALchemy<1.2` is no longer being tested by jsonpickle. Users
      of sqlalchemy + jsonpickle can always use 1.2 or 1.3. When
      jsonpickle v3 is released we will add SQLAlchemy 1.4 to the
      test suite alongside removal of support for Python 3.5 and
  - Remove testing skip conditionals:
    * no python36 anymore
    * jsonpickle not in Ring1 anymore
* Thu Jan 06 2022
  - Don't test and recommend unmaintained packages demjson and
* Mon Feb 15 2021
  - Update to version 2.0.0
    * Major release: the serialized JSON format now preserves
      dictionary identity, which is a subtle change in the
      serialized format. (#351)
    * Dictionary identity is now preserved. For example, if the same
      dictionary appears twice in a list, the reconstituted list
      will now contain two references to the same dictionary. (#255)
  - Changes in v1.5.2
    * Patch release to avoid the change in behavior from the
      preservation of dict identity. The next release will be
      v2.0.0. (#351)
    * This relese does not include the performance improvements from
    * Pandas DataFrame objects with multilevel columns are now
      supported. (#346) (+347)
    * Numpy 1.20 is now officially supported. (#336)
    * Python 3.9 is now officially supported. (+348)
    * Achieved a small speedup for _get_flattener by merging type
      checks. (+349)
  - Changes in v1.5.1
    * The performance of the unpickler was drastically improved by
      avoiding tag checks for basic Python types. (+340)
    * decode() documentation improvements. (+341)
    * Serialization of Pandas DataFrame objects that contain
      timedelta64[ns] dtypes are now supported. (+330) (#331)
    * Dictionary identity is now preserved. For example, if the same
      dictionary appears twice in a list, the reconstituted list
      will now contain two references to the same dictionary. (#255)
    * Unit tests were added to ensure that sklearn.tree.
      DecisionTreeClassifier objects are properly serialized. (#155)
    * The is_reducible() utility function used by encode() is now 4x
      faster! Objects that provide __getstate__(), __setstate__(),
      and __slots__ benefit most from these improvements. (+343)
    * Improved pickler flatten()/encode() performance. (+345)
  - Changes in v1.5.0
    * Previous versions of jsonpickle with make_refs=False would
      emit null when encountering an object it had already seen when
      traversing objects. All instances of the object are now
      serialized. While this is arguably an improvement in the vast
      majority of scenarios, it is a change in behavior and is thus
      considered a minor-level change. (#333) (#334) (#337) (+338)
    * Multiple enums are now serialized correctly with
      make_refs=False. (#235)
  - Changes in v1.4.2
    * Use importlib.metadata from the stdlib on Python 3.8. (+305)
    * Micro-optimize type checks to use a set for lookups. (+327)
    * Documentation improvements.
  - Changes in v1.4.1
    * Patch release for Python 3.8 importlib_metadata support. (#300)
  - Changes in v1.4
    * Python 3.8 support. (#292)
    * jsonpickle.encode now supports the standard indent and
      separators arguments, and passes them through to the active
      JSON backend library. (#183)
    * We now include a custom handler for array.array objects. (#199)
    * Dict key order is preserved when pickling dictionaries on
      Python3. (#193)
    * Improved serialization of dictionaries with non-string keys.
      Previously, using an enum that was both the key and a value in
      a dictionary could end up with incorrect references to other
      objects. The references are now properly maintained for dicts
      with object keys that are also referenced in the dict's
      values. (#286)
    * Improved serialization of pandas.Series objects. (#287)
  - Don't test numpy and pandas in python36 flavor, because
    they are no longer available on Tumbleweed (NEP 29)
  - Test some extras, but not in lettered staging if they are not
    in Ring1.
  - Drop PR292-Python38.patch merged upstream
* Sat Mar 14 2020
  - Fix build without python2
* Fri Feb 28 2020
  - Add PR292-Python38.patch to fix Python 3.8 incompatibilities
* Thu Dec 05 2019
  - Exclude tests failing with python 3.8 (test_thing_with_fd,
    test_list_with_fd, and test_dict_with_fd). gh#jsonpickle/jsonpickle#281
* Mon Jun 17 2019
  - Update to 1.2:
    * support new sqlalchemy
  - Remove merged patch sqlalchemy13.patch
* Tue Mar 19 2019
  - Add patch to work with sqlalchemy 1.3:
    * sqlalchemy13.patch
* Fri Mar 15 2019
  - Update to 1.1:
    * Python 3.7 collections.Iterator deprecation warnings have been fixed. (#229).
    * Improved Pandas support for datetime and complex numbers. (#245)
    * NOTE jsonpickle no longer supports Python2.6, or Python3 < 3.4. The officially supported Python versions are now 2.7 and 3.4+.
    * Improved Pandas and Numpy support. (#227)
    * Improved support for pickling iterators. (#216)
    * Better support for the stdlib json module when simplejson is not installed. (#217)
    * jsonpickle will now output python3-style module names when pickling builtins methods or functions. (#223)
    * jsonpickle will always flatten primitives, even when max_depth is reached, which avoids encoding unicode strings into their u'string' representation.
    * Nested classes are now supported on Python 3. (#206, #176).
    * Better support for older (pre-1.9) versions of numpy (#195).
* Tue Dec 04 2018
  - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Wed May 23 2018
  - Update to version 0.9.6
    * Better support for SQLAlchemy (#180).
    * Better support for NumPy and SciKit-Learn. (#184).
  - Update to version 0.9.5
    * Better support for objects that implement the reduce protocol. (#170).
  - Remove no longer relevant handle_more_than_two_args.patch
  - Spec file cleanups
* Wed Apr 26 2017
  - Implement single-spec version.
  - Fix source URL.
  - Update to Version 0.9.4
    * Arbitrary byte streams are now better supported.
      (`#143 <>`_).
    * Better support for NumPy data types.  The Python3 NumPy support
      is especially robust.
    * Fortran-ordered based NumPy arrays are now properly serialized.
  - Update to Version 0.9.3
    * UUID objects can now be serialized
      (`#130 <>`_).
    * Added `set_decoder_options` method to allow decoder specific options
      equal to `set_encoder_options`.
    * Int keys can be encoded directly by e.g. demjson by passing
      `numeric_keys=True` and setting its backend options via
      `jsonpickle.set_encoder_options('demjson', strict=False)`.
    * Newer Numpy versions (v1.10+) are now supported.
  - Update to Version 0.9.2
    * Fixes for serializing objects with custom handlers.
    * We now properly serialize deque objects constructed with a `maxlen` parameter.
    * Test suite fixes
  - Update to Version 0.9.1
    * Support datetime objects with FixedOffsets.
  - Update to Version 0.9.0
    * Support for Pickle Protocol v4.
    * We now support serializing defaultdict subclasses that use `self`
      as their default factory.
    * We now have a decorator syntax for registering custom handlers,
      and allow custom handlers to register themselves for all subclasses.
      (`#104 <>`_).
    * We now support serializing types with metaclasses and their
      instances (e.g., Python 3 `enum`).
    * We now support serializing bytestrings in both Python 2 and Python 3.
      In Python 2, the `str` type is decoded to UTF-8 whenever possible and
      serialized as a true bytestring elsewise; in Python 3, bytestrings
      are explicitly encoded/decoded as bytestrings. Unicode strings are
      always encoded as is in both Python 2 and Python 3.
    * Added support for serializing numpy arrays, dtypes and scalars
      (see `jsonpickle.ext.numpy` module).
  - Update to Version 0.8.0
    * We now support serializing objects that contain references to
      module-level functions
      (`#77 <>`_).
    * Better Pickle Protocol v2 support
      (`#78 <>`_).
    * Support for string __slots__ and iterable __slots__
      (`#67 <>`_)
      (`#68 <>`_).
    * `encode()` now has a `warn` option that makes jsonpickle emit warnings
      when encountering objects that cannot be pickled.
    * A Javascript implementation of jsonpickle is now included
      in the jsonpickleJS directory.
  - Update to Version 0.7.2
    * We now properly serialize classes that inherit from classes
      that use `__slots__` and add additional slots in the derived class.
    * jsonpickle can now serialize objects that implement `__getstate__()` but
      not `__setstate__()`.  The result of `__getstate__()` is returned as-is
      when doing a round-trip from Python objects to jsonpickle and back.
    * Better support for collections.defaultdict with custom factories.
    * Added support for `queue.Queue` objects.
  - Update to Version 0.7.1
    * Added support for Python 3.4.
    * Added support for :class:`posix.stat_result`.
  - Update to Version 0.7.0
    * Added ``handles`` decorator to :class:`jsonpickle.handlers.BaseHandler`,
      enabling simple declaration of a handler for a class.
    * `__getstate__()` and `__setstate__()` are now honored
      when pickling objects that subclass :class:`dict`.
    * jsonpickle can now serialize :class:`collections.Counter` objects.
    * Object references are properly handled when using integer keys.
    * Object references are now supported when using custom handlers.
    * Decimal objects are supported in Python 3.
    * jsonpickle's "fallthrough-on-error" behavior can now be disabled.
    * Simpler API for registering custom handlers.
    * A new "safe-mode" is provided which avoids eval().
      Backwards-compatible deserialization of repr-serialized objects
      is disabled in this mode.  e.g. `decode(string, safe=True)`
  - Update to Version 0.6.1
    * Python 3.2 support, and additional fixes for Python 3.
  - Update to Version 0.6.0
    * Python 3 support!
    * :class:`time.struct_time` is now serialized using the built-in
  - Update to Version 0.5.0
    * Non-string dictionary keys (e.g. ints, objects) are now supported
      by passing `keys=True` to :func:`jsonpickle.encode` and
    * We now support namedtuple, deque, and defaultdict.
    * Datetimes with timezones are now fully supported.
    * Better support for complicated structures e.g.
      datetime inside dicts.
    * jsonpickle added support for references and cyclical data structures
      in 0.4.0.  This can be disabled by passing `make_refs=False` to
  - Add handle_more_than_two_args.patch
    Needed for python 3.6 compatibility. Note that only the first
    part of the upstream patch is used. The second part is travis CI



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Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 9 14:56:22 2025