Index | index by Group | index by Distribution | index by Vendor | index by creation date | index by Name | Mirrors | Help | Search |
agama-yast-12-160000.1.1 | YaST integration service for Agama - common files | linux/aarch64 |
libcaca-ruby-0.99.beta20-160000.1.14 | Ruby bindings for libcaca | linux/aarch64 |
libmruby3_1_0-3.1.0-lp160.1.3 | Lightweight Ruby Embedded Environment | linux/aarch64 |
libmruby_core3_1_0-3.1.0-lp160.1.3 | Lightweight Ruby Embedded Environment | linux/aarch64 |
mruby-3.1.0-lp160.1.3 | Lightweight Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
mruby-devel-3.1.0-lp160.1.3 | Lightweight Ruby Embedded Environment | linux/aarch64 |
ruby-3.4-160000.1.2 | An Interpreted Object-Oriented Scripting Language | linux/aarch64 |
ruby-apparmor-4.0.3-lp160.1.6 | Ruby interface for libapparmor functions | linux/aarch64 |
ruby-devel-3.4-160000.1.2 | Development files to link against Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby-marisa-0.2.6-lp160.1.3 | Ruby bindings for marisa | linux/aarch64 |
ruby-rrdtool-1.8.0-160000.1.11 | Ruby bindings for RRDtool | linux/aarch64 |
ruby-selinux-3.8-160000.1.1 | Ruby bindings for the SELinux runtime library | linux/aarch64 |
ruby-solv-0.7.31-160000.1.7 | Ruby bindings for the libsolv library | linux/aarch64 |
ruby-yui-4.5.2-160000.1.11 | Ruby bindings for libyui | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-3.4.1-160000.1.2 | An Interpreted Object-Oriented Scripting Language | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-devel-3.4.1-160000.1.2 | Development files to link against Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-devel-extra-3.4.1-160000.1.2 | Special development files of ruby, normally not installed | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-doc-3.4.1-160000.1.2 | Documentation and samples for Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-abstract_method-1.2.1-160000.1.5 | Tiny library enabling you to define abstract methods in Ruby classes | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-actioncable-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | WebSocket framework for Rails | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-actionmailbox-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Inbound email handling framework | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-actionmailer-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Email composition and delivery framework (part of Rails) | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-actionpack-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-actiontext-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Rich text framework | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-actionview-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails) | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-activejob-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Job framework with pluggable queues | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-activemodel-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | A toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails) | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-activerecord-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails) | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-activestorage-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Local and cloud file storage framework | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-activesupport-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-agama-yast-12-160000.1.1 | YaST integration service for Agama | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-asciidoctor-2.0.18-160000.1.5 | An implementation of the AsciiDoc text processor and publishing | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-axiom-types-0.1.1-160000.1.2 | Abstract types for logic programming | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-bcrypt_pbkdf-1.1.1-160000.1.2 | OpenBSD's bcrypt_pbkdf (a variant of PBKDF2 with bcrypt-based PRF) | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-benchmark-0.3.0-160000.1.2 | A performance benchmarking library | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-bindex-0.8.1-160000.1.2 | Bindings for your Ruby exceptions | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-bootsnap-1.18.4-160000.1.4 | Boot large ruby/rails apps faster | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-builder-3.3.0-160000.1.2 | Builders for MarkUp | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-bundler-2.4.22-160000.1.3 | The best way to manage your application's dependencies | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-byebug-11.1.3-160000.1.6 | Ruby fast debugger - base + CLI | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-cfa-1.0.2-160000.1.5 | CFA (Config Files API) provides an easy way to create models on top | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-cfa_grub2-2.0.0-160000.1.5 | Models for GRUB2 configuration files | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-cheetah-1.0.0-160000.1.5 | Your swiss army knife for executing external commands in Ruby safely | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-coercible-1.0.0-160000.1.2 | Powerful, flexible and configurable coercion library | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-concurrent-ruby-1.3.4-160000.1.2 | Modern concurrency tools for Ruby. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-connection_pool-2.4.1-160000.1.3 | Generic connection pool for Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-crass-1.0.6-160000.1.2 | CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-descendants_tracker-0.0.4-160000.1.2 | Module that adds descendant tracking to a class | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-diff-lcs-1.5.0-160000.1.5 | Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-dotenv-3.1.4-160000.1.3 | Loads environment variables from `.env` | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-ed25519-1.3.0-160000.1.2 | An efficient digital signature library providing the Ed25519 | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-erubi-1.13.0-160000.1.2 | Small ERB Implementation | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-et-orbi-1.2.11-160000.1.3 | time with zones | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-eventmachine-1.2.7-160000.1.11 | Ruby/EventMachine library | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-execjs-2.10.0-160000.1.2 | Run JavaScript code from Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-fast_gettext-2.3.0-160000.1.5 | A simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe implementation of | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-ffi-1.17.0-160000.1.2 | Ruby FFI | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-fugit-1.11.1-160000.1.3 | time tools for flor | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-gem2rpm-0.10.1-160000.2.2 | Generate rpm specfiles from gems | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-gettext-3.4.3-160000.1.2 | Gettext is a pure Ruby libary and tools to localize messages | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails-1.13.0-160000.1.2 | Simple FastGettext Rails integration | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js-2.1.0-160000.1.2 | Extends gettext_i18n_rails making your .po files available to client | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-globalid-1.2.1-160000.1.2 | Refer to any model with a URI: gid://app/class/id | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-hpricot-0.8.6-160000.1.6 | A fast and flexible HTML Parser | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-i18n-1.14.6-160000.1.2 | New wave Internationalization support for Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-ice_nine-0.11.2-160000.1.2 | Deep Freeze Ruby Objects | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-importmap-rails-2.0.3-160000.1.3 | Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Rails without | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-jbuilder-2.13.0-160000.1.3 | Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-js-routes-2.2.10-160000.1.2 | Brings Rails named routes to javascript | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-jsbundling-rails-1.3.1-160000.1.3 | Bundle and transpile JavaScript in Rails with bun, esbuild, | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-kamal-2.3.0-160000.1.3 | Deploy web apps in containers to servers running Docker with zero | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-kramdown-2.4.0-160000.1.5 | kramdown is a fast, pure-Ruby Markdown-superset converter | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-kredis-1.7.0-160000.1.3 | Higher-level data structures built on Redis | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-language_server-protocol- | A Language Server Protocol SDK | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-libyui-rake-0.1.24-lp160.1.2 | Rake tasks that provide basic workflow for libyui development | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-locale-2.1.4-160000.1.2 | Ruby-Locale is the pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-loofah-2.23.1-160000.1.2 | HTML/XML manipulation and sanitization based on Nokogiri | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-mail-2.8.1-160000.1.2 | Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-marcel-1.0.4-160000.1.2 | Simple mime type detection using magic numbers, filenames, and | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-mini_magick-5.0.1-160000.1.3 | Manipulate images with minimal use of memory via ImageMagick | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-mini_mime-1.1.5-160000.1.3 | A minimal mime type library | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-mini_portile2-2.8.5-160000.1.5 | Simple autoconf and cmake builder for developers | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-msgpack-1.7.3-160000.1.2 | MessagePack, a binary-based efficient data interchange format | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-mustache-1.1.1-160000.1.5 | Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-mysql2-0.5.6-160000.1.4 | A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-net-scp-4.0.0-160000.1.2 | A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-net-sftp-4.0.0-160000.1.2 | A pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-net-ssh-7.3.0-160000.1.3 | Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-nio4r-2.7.4-160000.1.2 | New IO for Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-nokogiri-1.15.5-160000.1.36 | Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks-1.5.1-160000.1.5 | Rake tasks providing tasks to package project in git and integration | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-parallel-1.22.1-160000.1.5 | Run any kind of code in parallel processes | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-parallel_tests-4.0.0-160000.1.5 | Run Test::Unit / RSpec / Cucumber / Spinach in parallel | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-pkg-config-1.5.6-160000.1.5 | A pkg-config implementation for Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-po_to_json-2.0.0-160000.1.2 | Convert gettext PO files to JSON | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-propshaft-1.1.0-160000.1.3 | Deliver assets for Rails | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-puma-6.4.3-160000.1.5 | Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-raabro-1.4.0-160000.1.3 | a very dumb PEG parser library | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rack-3.1.8-160000.1.2 | A modular Ruby webserver interface | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rack-session-2.0.0-160000.1.3 | A session implementation for Rack | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rack-test-2.1.0-160000.1.2 | Simple testing API built on Rack | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rackup-2.2.1-160000.1.2 | A general server command for Rack applications | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rails-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Full-stack web application framework | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rails-dom-testing-2.2.0-160000.1.2 | Dom and Selector assertions for Rails applications | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer-1.6.0-160000.1.2 | HTML sanitization to Rails applications (part of Rails) | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-railties-8.0-8.0.1-160000.1.1 | Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rdiscount-2.2.7-160000.1.9 | Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown in C | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-redis-5.3.0-160000.1.3 | A Ruby client library for Redis | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-redis-client-0.22.2-160000.1.3 | Simple low-level client for Redis 6+ | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-reline-0.5.10-160000.1.2 | Alternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-ronn-0.7.3-160000.1.5 | Builds manuals | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rspec-3.12.0-160000.1.5 | Meta-gem that depends on the other components | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rspec-core-3.12.0-160000.1.5 | RSpec runner and formatters | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rspec-expectations-3.12.0-160000.1.5 | API to express expected outcomes of a code example | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rspec-mocks-3.12.3-160000.1.5 | RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-rspec-support-3.12.0-160000.1.5 | Common code needed by the other RSpec gems | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-ruby-augeas-0.5.0-160000.1.6 | Ruby bindings for augeas | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-ruby-dbus-0.24.0-160000.1.2 | Ruby module for interaction with D-Bus | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-sass-rails-6.0.0-160000.1.2 | Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-sassc-2.4.0-160000.1.2 | Use libsass with Ruby! | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-sassc-rails-2.1.2-160000.1.2 | Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-securerandom-0.4.0-160000.1.2 | Interface for secure random number generator | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-simpleidn-0.2.1-160000.1.5 | Punycode ACE to unicode UTF-8 (and vice-versa) string conversion | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-solid_cable-3.0.2-160000.1.3 | Database-backed Action Cable backend | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-solid_cache-1.0.6-160000.1.3 | A database backed ActiveSupport::Cache::Store | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-solid_queue-1.0.0-160000.1.3 | Database-backed Active Job backend | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-sprockets-4.2.1-160000.1.2 | Rack-based asset packaging system | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-sprockets-rails-3.5.2-160000.1.2 | Sprockets Rails integration | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-sshkit-1.23.2-160000.1.3 | SSHKit makes it easy to write structured, testable SSH commands in | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-stimulus-rails-1.3.4-160000.1.3 | A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-text-1.3.1-160000.1.2 | A collection of text algorithms | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-thor-1.3.2-160000.1.2 | Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-thread_safe-0.3.6-160000.1.2 | Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-tilt-2.4.0-160000.1.2 | Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-turbo-rails-2.0.11-160000.1.3 | The speed of a single-page web application without having to write | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-tzinfo-2.0.6-160000.1.2 | Time Zone Library | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-uglifier-4.2.1-160000.1.2 | Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-unf-0.1.4-160000.1.5 | A wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-unf_ext- | Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-uri-1.0.2-160000.1.3 | URI is a module providing classes to handle Uniform Resource | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-useragent-0.16.11-160000.1.3 | HTTP User Agent parser | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-virtus-2.0.0-160000.1.2 | Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-web-console-4.2.1-160000.1.3 | A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-websocket-driver-0.7.6-160000.1.2 | WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-websocket-extensions-0.1.5-160000.1.2 | Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-yast-rake-0.2.48-160000.1.5 | Rake tasks providing basic work-flow for Yast development | linux/aarch64 |
ruby3.4-rubygem-zeitwerk-2.7.1-160000.1.3 | Efficient and thread-safe constant autoloader | linux/aarch64 |
Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1
Fabrice Bellet, Fri Mar 28 23:44:03 2025