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python3-Rivet-3.1.10-lp160.1.6 RPM for aarch64

From OpenSuSE Leap 16.0 for aarch64

Name: python3-Rivet Distribution: openSUSE Leap 16.0
Version: 3.1.10 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: lp160.1.6 Build date: Mon Feb 19 13:33:40 2024
Group: Unspecified Build host: reproducible
Size: 812998 Source RPM: Rivet-3.1.10-lp160.1.6.src.rpm
Summary: A toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators
The Rivet project (Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and
Theory) is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators.
It provides a large (and ever growing) set of experimental analyses
useful for MC generator development, validation, and tuning, as well
as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analyses. Rivet is
the most widespread way by which analysis code from the LHC and other
high-energy collider experiments is preserved for comparison to and
development of future theory models.

This package provides the python bindings for Rivet.




Apache-2.0 AND GPL-2.0-only AND MPL-2.0 AND LPPL-1.3a AND BSL-1.0


* Mon Feb 19 2024 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.10:
    * Add CMS_2023_I2703254: ttbb in lepton+jets at 13 TeV
  - Drop fix_HepMC_327_compat.patch: upstreamed.
* Sat Jan 06 2024 Stefan BrĂ¼ns <>
  - Update to version 3.1.9:
    * Streamline definitions of a "temp" histogram
    * Account for 2pi boundaries when checking for zero angle
      in DISKinematics
    * Improvements to rivet-mkhtml output.
    * Add STAR_2014_I1253360 p + p -> pi0 + X
    * Add missing analysis-object methods on Analysis: booking of
      Scatter1Ds, efficiency and asymmetry calculations for Counters
      and Histo2Ds.
    * Fix projection comparison for InvisibleFinalState
    * Add icon links to Inspire and HepData, escape HTML content in
      titles as Inspire has started recording MathML for maths.
    * Add a Matrix3::mkRotation(from, to) static factory function,
      for one-liner convenience.
    * Fix unit conversion in HepMC3 readEvent method
    * Fix CMS_2021_I1920187 to use size_t or unsigned int types in
      place of non-standard uint.
    * Remove logic that parses info file from AnalysisInfo constructor
      and only parse when an analysis is being specifically asked for.
    * Fix binary relocation in binrelo.c
    * Make rivet-mkhtml write HTML file before processing images.
    * Fix rivet-mkhtml-mpl autocomplete.
    * Explicitly import YODA and Projection base-class operator= into
      derived classes to silence new GCC13 warnings.
    * Turn parameters (cuts, jet radius, clustering algorithms etc)
      into Rivet options in several common MC analyses.
    * Bypass projection comparison during registration if
    * Patch projection comparison for SmearedJets
    * Prevent bookeeping histos from acquiring analysis option
      on the fly as part of merging
  - Add fix_HepMC_327_compat.patch
  - Remove unused API doc build dependencies (doxygen, texlive etc.)
* Fri Sep 01 2023 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - License: Change LPPL-1.3 to LPPL-1.3a according to spdx list.
* Tue Aug 29 2023 Lubos Kocman <>
  - License correction based on the legaldb scan
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.8:
    * Append extra newlines to plugin sources in batched rivet-build.
    * Add ability to control the specific plugin library paths for
      analyses to be loaded from, via new programmatic set and get
      methods on AnalysisLoader and a new RIVET_ANALYSIS_PLUGINS
      environment variable.
    * Remove support for custom ASCII event-file formats.
    * Use an immediate call to HepMC3::deduce_reader() in the file
      and stream opening; drop local attempts to deduce the file
    * Require HepMC3 >= 3.2.0
    * Add variations on the discard/select utility functions to
      (particularly) discard single elements by equality rather than
      needing to provide a function.
    * Fixes in MC_TAU_Decay plot file, courtesy of George Marsden
    * Provide an implicit cast for FourVector and derived classes to
      PseudoJet, to avoid the incorrect conversion by PJ's template
    * Fix unit for Zjj inclusive runs in ATLAS_2017_I1627873
    * ATLAS_2019_I1746286: fix generator ctau description in the
      info file.
    * Fix memory leaks in binreloc.c and the merging-related method
      in AnalysisHandler.
    * Fix CMS_2015_I1346843 to allow FSR photons from muon decays
    * Add example analysis demonstrating use of an ONNX neural net.
    * Change/correct DressedLeptons behaviour to accept photons from
      prompt muons and taus. (Return to 2.x behaviour, accidentally
    * Update ParticleIdUtils content to match latest MCUtils.
      Includes a serious speed-up (6x!) in PID digit decoding!
    * Allow linspace() and aspace() to make reversed edge-sets with
      start > end.
    * Add powspace() and powdbnspace() uniform-spacing functions for
      power laws, and a generic _fnspace() function for any
      transform/inverse function-pair.
    * Fix couting of raw vs tmp histos when checking
      self-consistency of output file.
    * Replace regex_match with reg_search to pick up substring
      matches, too.
    * Fix bug in DELPHI_2011_I890503 and OPAL_2003_I599181, where
      the wrong decay chain was checked for weak decays.
    * Change configure script to use the --rpath=no option to
      fastjet-config, removing fragile path-hacking.
      build script.
    * Add reentrant marker to
    * Make logger thread safe(r) by making ColorMap and LevelMap
    * thread_local.
    * Extend RivetLWTNN.hh to allow use of lwt::LightweightGraph
    * Enable Cython autoconversion from C++ strings to the
      appropriate str type for Python v2 and v3, eliminating many
      noisy and fragile explicit encode()/decode() calls.
    * Analyses of new experiments (long list, see
  - Drop Rivet-correct-python-platlib.patch: fixed upstream.
  - ExcludeArch %ix86: i586 error due to conversion from
    `long long` to `size_t`.
* Sun Oct 23 2022 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.7:
    * Add HEPTopTagger interface (since made optional, with no-build
      example analysis).
    * Add EXAMPLE_NTUPLE_ROOT example analysis showing how to open
      and write to a ROOT ntuple file.
    * Add CMS_2021_I1866118: Z boson plus jets (DPS) at 13 TeV
    * Add EXAMPLE_NTUPLE_CSV example analysis showing how to open
      and write to a CSV ntuple file.
    * Add Analysis::analysisDataPath() and the RivetLWTNN.hh include
      with convenience functions for loading of LWTNN DNNs.
    * Add EXAMPLE_LWTNN example analysis, demonstrating use of a
      preserved LWTNN neural network in Rivet.
    * Install more generically named files from the analysis
      plugin/data dirs rather than limiting to the .plot, .info,
      .yoda* set.
    * Move EXAMPLE_* analyses, which demonstrate functionality to
      analysis writers rather than being directly useful in compiled
      form, into an uncompiled analyses/examples/ directory.
    * Hide the bundled eigen3 in a mangled RivetEigen namespace, to
      avoid clashes.
    * Submission of CMS_2022_I2079374: Z pT over a wide mass range
      at 13 TeV
    * Upgrade eigen3 and yaml-cpp bundling to remove compiler
  - Add Rivet-correct-python-platlib.patch: Ensure consistent python
    platlib across different python versions.
  - Split out data files common to C++ and Python bindings into
    separate package (Rivet-data) and have it required from both
    %{name}-devel and python3-%{name} packages.
  - Run tests as part of %check section.
  - Move sed fixes to hashbangs to %setup section, running them over
    scripts in source rather than on buildroot installed dirs to
    allow tests in %check to succeed.
  - Drop fixes to pkgconfig script made during %setup as these are
    no longer needed.
* Sun May 29 2022 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.6:
    * Allow the rivet script's -p option to be given multiple times,
      or to contain a comma-separated list of files to load cf. the
    - a argument. readData() is called for each specified preload
      file, in order.
    * Add a pseudojets() method and automatic conversion operator to
      Particles.  It sets the user index so the constituents will
      match the indices of the particle or jet vector used as input.
    * Move the Jets and Particles definitions into the .hh headers.
    * Submission of CMS_2017_I1497519: Z boson in association with
      jets at 8 TeV.
    * Fall back to old calculation of y in DISKinematics if Q2 is
    * Add MissingMom typedef for MissingMomentum.
    * Add vectorEt/PtMiss() and scalarEt/PtMiss() methods to
    * Use ThreeMomentum in MissingMomentum for the vectorPt() etc.
    * Add ThreeMomentum/P3 type with momentum-oriented method names,
      cf. FourVector->FourMomentum.
    * Add a pseudojets() method to the Jets container type.
    * Add BESIII_2022_I2047667 e+e- > eta omega and omega pi0.
    * Add finalize-scaling protection in ATLAS_2020_1790256.
    * Add BESIII_2022_I2039027 e+e- > pi+pi-eta.
    * Add BESIII_2022_I2033007 e+e-> K+K-pi0.
* Fri Jan 07 2022 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Fix sed script for rpath removal from rivet-config.
* Tue Dec 07 2021 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.5:
    * Changed the first labelling in ATLAS_2016_I1467230 from "/*"
      to "/d01-*"
    * Use the new Ref(Un)match regex info to filter unwanted objects
      from ref files during HepData sync.
    * Add support for Warning, RefMatch, and RefUnmatch keys in
      analysis info files, mapped to the Analysis and AnalysisInfo
    * Add testing, warning messages, and unit tests for
      negative-virtuality FS particles.
    * Fix the analysis-plugin uninstall target.
    * Remove many const return-by-value signatures, and other sloppy
      or meaningless C++ antipatterns flagged by the icpc build.
    * Add SFINAE x/y/z/t() method detection to Vector4 constructors,
      and explicit .pseudojet() calls to Particles and Jets passed
      to PseudoJet constructors.
    * submission of ATLAS_2019_I1768911 (Z pT and phi* and at 13
    * Provide more options to specify the Cython command to be used.
      Thanks to Christian Holm Christensen.
    * Separate the DESTDIR from prefix in the Python module
      installation, to clean up FreeBSD packaging.
    * introduce isCompatibleWithSqrtS function for sqrtS dependent
      hist booking, falls back to ENERGY option to make routines
      reentrant safe
    * fix back for CounterPtr filling: no fill should mean no fill,
      not fill using weight 0
    * Add ability for mkhtml to use pdfunite in place of pdftk and
      pdfmerge for making a booklet.
    * fix indentation in
    * add per-file print out to rivet-merge
    * support keyboard interruption in rivet-merge
    * Correction to use xE rather than xP in OPAL_1997_S3396100, by
      Adil Jueid.
    * New CMS analyses: CMS_2020_I1794169 (WZ and same-sign WW boson
      pairs), CMS_2020_I1814328 (W+W- boson pair production), and
      CMS_2020_I1837084 (Z-boson differential production cross
      section using its invisible decay mode; NB: runs on Z->mumu
    * Improve option handling for booleans, and exception emission
      with incompatible casts.
    * Add a default-value argument to the string version of
    * Change the DressedLepton single-FS name from barefs to allfs,
      to reduce confusion.
    * Add DIRECT and DRESSED options to MC_ELECTRONS and MC_MUONS.
    * Fix dressed-lepton origin position for the standard,
      non-jet-clustering mode.
    * Remove raw int baryon counter from STAR_2006_S6860818.
    * catch low-stats crash in LHCB_2013_I1208105 reported by Jan
    * Improve error message for when the calibration file has been
    * Remove numerical epsilon cutoff for pseudorapidity
      calculation: inf is a perfectly good value for beamline
      momenta. Regression test updated.
    * Add convenience V2, V3, V4, and P4 alias names for the vector
    * Add tests for eta and rapidity values calculated in particular
      for +-z vectors.
    * Allowing file.yoda:x1.23 and file.yoda:=1.23 as rivet-merge
      arguments to multiply or overwrite the cross-section
    * Add LHCB_2010_S8758301 -> LHCB_2010_I865584 alias, requested
      by LHCb.
    * Adding zero-division protection in AH::setCrossSection
      (spotted by P. Ilten, thanks!)
    * Submission of MC_HFDECAYS (MC-only validation routine for
      heavy-flavour hadron decays)
    * Add Analysis::barchart() functions for converting histos to
      inert 'bar charts' without bin-width scaling. Sometimes
      necessary, e.g. for reporting infinite-width bin contents.
    * Update bundled yaml-cpp to version 0.6.3
  - Drop Rivet-analysis-compilation.patch: incorporated upstream.
* Sat Nov 28 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.3:
    * Add consistently 'RIVET_'-prefixed versions of the CTOR and
      PLUGIN macros, to be the preferred future form from 3.2.0
    * Add LHCB_2016_I1454404 (W/Z at 8 TeV), and LHCB_2015_I1396331
      & LHCB_2016_I1490663 (open charm).
    * Add an explicit configure test and override variable for the
      cython executable.
    * Use more numerically robust x and y definitions in
    * Relax some restrictions on Sphericity calculation.
    * Backport master-branch tolerance of no-beam events and no-xsec
      runs to 3.1.x.
    * Add a --no-downloads flag to rivet-mkanalysis.
    * Add a GROOM option to MC_JETS.
    * Add LHCB_2018_I1662483 (forward dilepton top-pair production
    * Add mixed-arithmetic-type min(n1,n2) and max(n1,n2) functions,
      using std::common_type.
    * Adding CMS_2018_I1620050 (dileptonic ttbar at 13 TeV) and
      CMS_2019_I1744604 (t-channel single top at 13 TeV).
    * Move the experiment-specific smearing functions into
      ExptSmearingFunctions.hh, with SmearingFunctions.hh retained
      for UI simplicity and backward compatibility.
    * Improve the ATLAS Run 2 MET smearing function to incorporate
      the Run 2 linearity and resolution dependences.
    * Refine the ATLAS and CMS MET functions to avoid a peak at
      MET=0 from negative Gaussian smearing.
    * Add mT plot to MC_WINC
    * Add a list of fastjet::Transformer to FastJets, to be applied
      in order. Transformers don't currently have a comparison
      operator, so if this list is non-empty, we have to report the
      projection as non-equivalent and recompute duplicates -- for
      now -- but it works, and we can feed back that improvement
    * Tidy jet distance measure enums, introducing convenience AKT,
      CA, and CAMBRIDGE aliases.
    * Add missing 'inline' declarations to all high-level filter
    * Add missing (i)discard/selectIfAll high-level filtering
    * Correct logical bugs in (i)selectIfAnyDeltaR/Phi function
      logic: it's not just the equivalent of the discard versions.
    * Submission of ATLAS_2019_I1750330
    * Add bare-lepton origin position to DressedLepton constructors.
    * Add aspace() and l/rpad() utility functions.
    * Rename the little-used in-place sortBy() functions to
      isortBy() cf. ifilter() and friends, since the behaviour
      should not change wildly just based on the constness status of
      an argument.
    * Add JADE_1985_I213948 gamma, pi0 and eta spectra at 14, 22.5
      and 34.4 GeV
    * Update rivet-diffhepdata-all to check local directory for
    * Add L3_1990_I298078 jet rates at MZ
    * Add L3_1991_I314407 pi0 and charged particle spectra
    * Add L3_1994_I374698 pi0 and eta spectra
    * Add missing jet rates to L3_2004_I652683
    * Add DELPHI_2000_I531568 p pbar correlations
    * Add L3_2008_I825820 event shapes at 197 GeV
    * Add ALEPH_2001_I555653  tau polarization at LEP I
    * Add DELPHI_2008_I763352 tau polarization at LEP II
    * Add MAC_1987_I245571    tau polarization at 29 GeV
    * Add AMY_1990_I298238    tau polarization at 57 GeV
    * Add VENUS_1997_I440852  tau polarization at 58 GeV
    * Add DELPHI_2000_I511443 tau polarization at LEP I
    * Add OPAL_2001_I554583   tau polarization at LEP I
    * Add L3_1998_I467929     tau polarization at LEP I
    * Add client-side plot display filtering and and -m/-M pattern
      (un)matching fags to rivet-mkhtml.
    * Add BELLE_2018_I1621272 B->D*- tau+ nu_tau
    * Add BESIII_2019_I1702549 D_S+ -> K0 e+ nu_e
    * Add BELLE_2019_I1724068 B0->D*- tau+ nu_tau
    * Fix Clang 12.0 compiler warnings
    * Add BABAR_2008_I781294 Lambda_c+ -> Xi- pi+ K+
    * Add BESIII_2020_I1817739 e+e- > omega pi0, omega eta
    * Add BESIII_2020_I1791570 J/Psi, psi(2S) -> Sigma+, Sigmabar-
    * Add plot to BESIII_2019_I1691850
    * Add SND_2020_I1809286 e+e-> pi+pi-pi0
    * Add BELLE_2020_I1796822 B+- > pi+pi- ell nu
    * Add BESIII_2020_I1814783 e+e- -> Sigma+-Sigmabar-+
    * Add CLEOII_1997_I446031 e+e- > e+e- pi0/eta/eta'
    * Create bash completion dir in $prefix/etc if it doesn't exist.
    * Fix bug where path wasn't set for booking of scatters
    * Submission of ATLAS_2019_I1762584, ATLAS_2019_I1772062 and
    * Add BELLE_2020_I1789775 e+e- > D_s D_s2
    * Add BELLE_2019_I1762826 e+e- > D_s D_s1(2536)
    * Add warnings and physicality checks to PartonicTops
    * Submission of ATLAS_2020_I1803608
    * Fix bug related to (de)selection of weight subsets
    * Make Event class aware of selected weight subsets
    * Added self-guided Rivet "truth analysis" tutorial
    * Allow user to specify nominal weight. Also do not write out
      weight name it skip weights is selected
    * Add SND_2020_I1806118 e+e- > K+K-pi0
  - Move bash completion helper to standard bash_completion dir
    (BuildRequires: bash-completion for proper dir ownership).
  - Add Rivet-analysis-compilation.patch: Fix compilation of
    analyses; patch taken from upstream.
* Tue Jul 14 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.2:
    * Submission of ATLAS_2019_I1744201, ATLAS_2019_I1764342.
    * Add a very horrible preprocessor hack to allow use of a
      private method on the HepMC2 WeightContainer, for robust and
      correctly ordered weight name acquisition before HepMC
    * Allow several AnalysisHandler objects to run in different
      threads. This is a temporary fix. A permanent fix involves
      changing the Analysis handler to own its own projections.
      Currently each AnalysisHandler need sto be created and run
      completely within the same separate thread.
    * Allow + and - in AO paths.
    * Always skip weights that have "AUX" or "DEBUG" in the name.
    * Add computation of Python versions and passing them to Cython
      as command-line flags.
    * Fix small bug in rivet-cmphistos.
    * Add ATLAS_2018_I163527 (W+jets at 8 TeV).
    * Add InvisibleFinalState projection.
    * HTML sectioning and float/overflow/scrollbar improvements in
      rivet-mkhtml output.
* Sat May 16 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.1: Long list of changes, see ChangeLog
    file installed in /usr/share/doc/packages/Rivet-devel.
  - Drop Rivet-plugins-use-HepMC3.patch: fixed upstream.
  - Install COPYING file for all subpkgs.
  - Use properly versioned Provides and Obsoletes for python
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Fix python version in hashbangs. #!%{_bindir}/python introduces
    wrong for python3 package dependency on python-base.
* Fri Jan 17 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Add Obsoletes: python-Rivet to python3-Rivet to help migration.
* Wed Jan 08 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 3.1.0 (new upstream recommended version):
    * Projections/EventMixingFinalState.hh: Replace use of
      std::random_shuffle (deprecated in C++14, removed in C++17)
      with std::shuffle and direct access to our thread-safe random
      number generator.
    * Significant revisions to tau jet efficiency functions.
    * Add JET_EFF_ONE/ZERO aliases, cf. the Particle versions.
    * Give precedence to user-supplied cross-section
    * Switch required compiler dialect to C++14, to ensure that
      compiler definitely (?) supports required C++11. C++14 or 17
      is the current standard LCG build dialect.
    * Add decay angle to ARGUS_1989_I268577
    * Add polarization to OPAL_1997_S3608263
    * Fixes to headers and brefi descriptions in various analyses
    * Add CMD3_2019_I1770428 K0S K0S pi+ pi- cross section
    * Fix histogram ids in BELLE_2009_I809630
    * Add TMP to histogram labels in ARGUS_1993_S2669951
    * Formally require YODA >= 1.8.0 in configure.
    * Add new ALEPH analyses
    * Fixes for pointers, booking in TASSO_1990_I284251 and
    * Added MARKI_1976_I109792, DASP_1979_I132045 particle spectra
      at low energies
    * Added DASP_1979_I132410 eta production at low energies
    * Added BABAR_2006_I719111 particle specta in B decays
    * Added OPAL_2001_I536266 flavour separate charge particle
    * Added new CLEO and CUSB analyses
    * Added new BELLE lambda polarization and ARGUS D spectra
    * Fix issues with ARGUS_1992_I319102, CLEO_2000_I537236
    * Added new DELPHI analyses
    * Added L3_1995_I381046, B*/B ratio
    * Added new OPAL analyses
    * Added new BES analyses
    * Added new CMD3 analyses
    * Added ARGUS_1988_I261672 for sigmac production
    * Added LHCB_2013_I1243156, ARGUS_1989_I280943,
      BABAR_2010_I867611 helicity angles for excited D meson decays
    * Added TPC_1991_I316132, HRS_1987_I250823 D* polarization at 29
    * Added VENUS_1998_I453613, TOPAZ_1997_I454183 charged particles
      at 58 GeV
    * ATLAS_2011_S9128077 ensure all bins outputted in d02,
      otherwise problems with yodamerge
    * ATLAS_2015_I1393758 and ATLAS_2016_I1419070,
    * CMS_2012_I1111014, change numEntries -> effNumEntries to avoid
      issues in NLO runs
    * Change ratio plot label, was wrong way up, in
    * ATLAS_2012_I1203852, ATLAS_2013_I1190187
    * Use rivet normalize not yoda in ATLAS_2018_I1711114 to avoid
      issues if histos empty
    * Avoid crash in ATLAS_2016_I1426523 if host not found
    * Add omega hist in BABAR_2017_I1621593
    * EHS_1988_I265504 fix rapidity calc so in CMS not lab
    * A2_2017_I1486671 fix omega PDG number
    * Re-enable custom Particles and Jets vectors, with moms() and
      other conversion functions.
    * Add default ANY decay mode to TauFinder.
    * Pass HepMC3 path info through to the rivet-config script.
    * Refine testing and printing of UNVALIDATED status in analysis
    * Add INF to the list of predefined constants, and rename the
      internal constants header.
    * Improve normalization guidance and fix energy specification in
      mkanalysis .info file template.
  - Changes from version 3.0.0 through 3.0.2: See
  - Switch to python3:
    * Requires and BuildRequires switched to python3 versions
    * Rename python package to python3-%{name} and provide
      python-%{name} from it; this makes the py3 switch clear to
    * Explicitly pass PYTHON_VERSION as py3 version to make it build
      against python3
  - Build against HepMC3 instead of HepMC2:
    * Adapt BuildRequires for HepMC3.
    * Pass HepMC3 specific parameters to configure.
    * Add Rivet-plugins-use-HepMC3.patch: Port an analysis plugin to
      HepMC3 from HepMC2
  - Refresh sover.diff for updated version.
  - Drop Rivet-fix-ambiguous-namespace.patch: incorporated upstream
  - New BuildRequires: rsync, fastjet-contrib-devel
  - Update required version of YODA-devel to 1.8.0.
  - Drop conditionals for outdated openSUSE versions.
* Wed Aug 21 2019 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 2.7.2
    * Fixes to CMS_2016_I1487288 jet selection and normalisation.
    * Improve Vector3::azimuthalAngle() (also used by FourMomentum
      and FourVector) to use exact rather than fuzzy is-zero check,
      to only check the perpendicular components, and to note that
      IEEE floating point implementations of atan2 should already be
      'safe' unless we decide that this function should throw or
      return NaN in case of null or along-z vectors.
    * Tools/Utils.h: Add isum() functions, and mark other container
      functions as wanting a conversion to use std::function.
    * Add super-generic (i)discardIfAny(particlebases,
      particlebases, bool(pb,pb)) functions.
    * Introduce TTMODE options for MC_TTBAR to pick the decay mode
  - Changes from versions 2.7.1 and 2.7.0: See
  - Add Rivet-fix-ambiguous-namespace.patch: Fixed Et -> Kin::Et to
    avoid ambiguous namespace; patch taken from upstream commit
  - YODA >= 1.7.4 required for building.
* Sat Jun 09 2018
  - Update to version 2.6.0:
    * Long long list of changes: see
  - Rebase sover.diff for updated version.
  - Fix package groups.
  - Add a plugins package containing all the different analysis
    * Plugins are unversioned; the need to depend on the version of
      the devel package.
    * Move plugins to %{_libdir}/Rivet-plugins directory
    * Install an file so that the plugins are found when
      compiling against them.
* Fri Mar 23 2018
  - Add _constraints file to avoid OOM build failures
* Thu Aug 31 2017
  - Build with HepMC2-devel, since Rivet does not compile with
    HepMC-devel >= 3 yet.
* Fri Jun 23 2017
  - Update to version 2.5.4:
    * Fix 8 TeV DY (ATLAS_2016_I1467454), EL/MU bits were bissing.
    * Add 13 TeV DY (ATLAS_2017_I1514251) and mark
      ATLAS_2015_CONF_2015_041 obsolete.
    * Add missing install statement for
      ATLAS_2016_I1448301.yoda/plot/info leading to segfault.
    * Slight improvements to Particle constructors.
    * Improvement to Beam projection: before falling back to
      barcodes 1 & 2, try a manual search for status=4 particles.
      Based on a patch from Andrii Verbytskyi.
    * Add CMS_2016_I1430892: dilepton channel ttbar charge asymmetry
    * Add CMS_2016_I1413748: dilepton channel ttbar spin
      correlations and polarisation analysis.
    * Add CMS_2017_I1518399: leading jet mass for boosted top
      quarks at 8 TeV.
    * Add convenience constructors for ChargedLeptons projection.
    * Add FinalState and Cut (optional) constructor arguments and
      usage to DISFinalState. Thanks to Andrii Verbytskyi for the
      idea and initial patch.
    * Add ATLAS_2016_I1448301, Z/gamma cross section measurement at
      8 TeV.
    * Add ATLAS_2016_I1426515, WW production at 8 TeV.
    * Add BELLE measurement of semileptonic B0bar -> D*+ ell nu
      decays. I took the liberty to correct the data in the sense
      that I take the bin widths into account in the normalisation.
      This is a nice analysis as it probes the hadronic and the
      leptonic side of the decay so very valuable for model building
      and of course it is rare as it is an unfolded B measurement.
    * Add ALEPH measurement of hadronic tau decays,
    * Add ALEPH dimuon invariant mass (OS and SS) analysis,
    * The latter needed GENKTEE FastJet algorithm so I added that
    * Protection against logspace exception in histobooking of
    * Fix compiler complaints about uninitialised variable in
    * Tidy ALEPH_1999 charm fragmentation analysis and normalise to
      data integral. Added DSTARPLUS and DSTARMINUS to PID.
    * Add ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_092, inclusive jet cross sections
      using early 13 TeV data.
    * Add ATLAS_2017_I1591327, isolated diphoton + X differential
    * Add ATLAS_2017_I1589844, ATLAS_2017_I1589844_EL,
      ATLAS_2017_I1589844_MU:  kT splittings in Z events at 8 TeV.
    * Add ATLAS_2017_I1509919, track-based underlying event at 13
      TeV in ATLAS.
    * Add ATLAS_2016_I1492320_2l2j and ATLAS_2016_I1492320_3l, the
      WWW cross-section at 8 TeV.
    * Add ATLAS_2016_I1449082, charge asymmetry in top quark pair
      production in dilepton channel.
    * Add ATLAS_2015_I1394865, inclusive 4-lepton/ZZ lineshape.
    * Add ATLAS_2013_I1234228, high-mass Drell-Yan at 7 TeV.
    * Add CMS_2017_I1519995, search for new physics with dijet
      angular distributions in proton-proton collisions at
      sqrt{(s) = 13 TeV.
    * Add CMS_2017_I1511284, inclusive energy spectrum in the very
      forward direction in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV.
    * Add CMS_2016_I1486238, studies of 2 b-jet + 2 jet production
      in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV.
    * Add CMS_2016_I1454211, boosted ttbar in pp collisions at
      sqrtS = 8 TeV.
    * Add CMS_2016_I1421646, CMS azimuthal decorrelations at 8 TeV.
    * Add CMS_2015_I1380605, per-event yield of the highest
      transverse momentum charged particle and charged-particle jet.
    * Add CMS_2015_I1370682_PARTON, a partonic-top version of the CMS
      7 TeV pseudotop ttbar differential cross-section analysis.
    * Adding EHS_1988_I265504 from Felix Riehn: charged-particle
      production in K+ p, pi+ p and pp interactions at 250 GeV/c.
    * Fix ALICE_2012_I1116147 for pi0 and Lambda feed-down.
    * Add protection against leptons from QED FSR photon conversions
      in assigning PartonicTop decay modes. Thanks to Markus Seidel
      for the report and suggested fix.
    * Reimplement FastJets methods in terms of new static helper
    * Add new mkClusterInputs, mkJet and mkJets static methods to
      FastJets, to help with direct calls to FastJet where particle
      lookup for constituents and ghost tags are required.
    * Fix Doxygen config and Makefile target to allow working with
      out-of-source builds. Thanks to Christian Holm Christensen.
    * Improve DISLepton for HERA analyses: thanks to Andrii
      Verbytskyi for the patch!
    * Replace non-template Analysis::refData functions with C++11
      default T=Scatter2D.
    * Allow yes/no and true/false values for LogX, etc. plot options.
    * Add --errs as an alias for --mc-errs to rivet-mkhtml and
    * Added 6 analyses AMY_1990_I295160, HRS_1986_I18502,
      JADE_1983_I190818, PLUTO_1980_I154270, TASSO_1989_I277658,
      TPC_1987_I235694 for charged multiplicity in e+e- at CMS
      energies below the Z pole.
    * Added 2 analyses for charged multiplicity at the Z pole
      DELPHI_1991_I301657, OPAL_1992_I321190.
    * Updated ALEPH_1991_S2435284 to plot the average charged
    * Added analyses OPAL_2004_I631361, OPAL_2004_I631361_qq,
      OPAL_2004_I648738 for gluon jets in e+e-, most need fictitious
      e+e- > g g process.
    * Add Cut and functor selection args to HeavyHadrons accessor
    * bin/rivet-mkanalysis: Add FastJets.hh include by default --
      it's almost always used.
    * src/Analyses/ Patch from CMS to use
      partonic tops.
    * src/Analyses/ Patch to inline jet finding
      from CMS.
    * Convert DressedLeptons use of fromDecay to instead veto photons
      that match fromHadron() || fromHadronicTau() -- meaning that
      electrons and muons from leptonic taus will now be dressed.
    * Move Particle and Jet std::function aliases to .fhh files, and
      replace many uses of templates for functor arguments with
      ParticleSelector meta-types instead.
    * Move the canonical implementations of hasAncestorWith, etc. and
      isLastWith, etc. from ParticleUtils.hh into Particle.
    * Disable the event-to-event beam consistency check if the
      ignore-beams mode is active.
    * Add BoolParticleAND, BoolJetOR, etc. functor combiners to
      Tools/ParticleUtils.hh and Tools/JetUtils.hh.
    * Mark ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_078 and CMS_2016_PAS_SUS_16_14
      analyses as validated, since their cutflows match the
    * Add aggregate signal regions to CMS_2016_PAS_SUS_16_14.
    * Add getEnvParam function, for neater use of environment
      variable parameters with a required default.
    * Add HasBTag and HasCTag jet functors, with lower-case aliases.
    * Use std::function in functor-expanded method signatures on
    * Convert FinalState particles() accessors to use std::function
      rather than a template arg for sorting, and add filtering
      functor support -- including a mix of filtering and sorting
      functors. Yay for C++11!
    * Add ParticleEffFilter and JetEffFilter constructors from a
      double (encoding constant efficiency).
    * Add Vector3::abseta().
  - Changes from version 2.5.3:
    * Add cut in BZ calculation in OPAL 4 jet analysis. Paper is not
      clear about treatment of parallel vectors, leads to division by
      zero and nan-fill and subsequent YODA RangeError
    * Fix bugs in SmearedJets treatment of b & c tagging rates.
    * Adding ATLAS_2016_I1467454 analysis (high-mass Drell-Yan at 8
    * Tweak to 'convert' call to improve the thumbnail quality from
    * Require Cython 0.24 or later.
    * Adding L3_2004_I652683 (LEP 1 & 2 event shapes) and
      LHCB_2014_I1262703 (Z+jet at 7 TeV).
    * Adding leading dijet mass plots to MC_JetAnalysis (and all
      derived classes). Thanks to Chris Gutschow!
    * Adding CMS_2012_I1298807 (ZZ cross-section at 8 TeV),
      CMS_2016_I1459051 (inclusive jet cross-sections at 13 TeV) and
      CMS_PAS_FSQ_12_020 (preliminary 7 TeV leading-track underlying
    * Adding CDF_2015_1388868 (ppbar underlying event at 300, 900,
      and 1960 GeV).
    * Adding ATLAS_2016_I1467230 (13 TeV min bias),
      ATLAS_2016_I1468167 (13 TeV inelastic pp cross-section), and
      ATLAS_2016_I1479760 (7 TeV pp double-parton scattering with 4
    * Adding ALICE_2012_I1116147 (eta and pi0 pTs and ratio) and
      ATLAS_2011_I929691 (7 TeV jet frag).
    * Fix bash bugs in rivet-buildplugin, including fixing the --cmd
    * Add LHC Run 2 BSM analyses ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_037 (3-lepton
      and same-sign 2-lepton), ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_054 (1-lepton +
      jets), ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_078 (ICHEP jets + MET),
      ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_094 (1-lepton + many jets),
      CMS_2013_I1223519 (alphaT + b-jets), and CMS_2016_PAS_SUS_16_14
      (jets + MET).
    * Provide convenience reversed-argument versions of apply and
      declare methods, to allow presentational choice of declare
      syntax in situations where the projection argument is very
      long, and reduce requirements on the user's memory since this
      is one situation in Rivet where there is no 'most natural'
      ordering choice.
    * Adding pTvec() function to 4-vectors and ParticleBase.
    * Fix --pwd option of the rivet script
    * Add weights and scaling to Cutflow/s.
    * Add Et(const ParticleBase&) unbound function.
    * Fix missing YAML quote mark in rivet-mkanalysis.
    * Fix constness requirements on ifilter_select() and
    * src/Analyses/ Fix inverted particle
      efficiency filtering.
    * Add rough ATLAS and CMS photon reco efficiency functions from
      Delphes (ATLAS and CMS versions are identical, hmmm).
    * Tidying/fixing make-plots custom z-ticks code. Thanks to Dmitry
    * Fix SpiresID -> InspireID in some analyses (show-analysis
      pointed to non-existing web page).
    * Add Luminosity_fb to AnalysisInfo.
    * Added some keywords and Lumi to ATLAS_2016_I1458270.
    * Merge the ATLAS and CMS from-Delphes electron and muon tracking
      efficiency functions into generic trkeff functions -- this is
      how it should be.
    * Fix return type typo in Jet::bTagged(FN) templated method.
    * Add eta and pT cuts to ATLAS truth b-jet definition.
    * Use rounding rather than truncation in Cutflow percentage
      efficiency printing.
    * make-plots bugfix in y-axis labels for RatioPlotMode=deviation.
    * Add vector and scalar pT (rather than Et) to MissingMomentum.
    * Analysis keyword machinery.
    * rivet -a @semileptonic.
    * rivet -a @semileptonic@^bdecays -a @semileptonic@^ddecays.
  - Rebase sover.diff.
  - This update actually fixes build with GCC 7 (boo#1041183).
* Mon Feb 13 2017
  - Add sover.diff, enforce versioning as per guidelines
* Tue Feb 07 2017
  - Correct RPM groups
* Thu Feb 02 2017
  - use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
* Thu Nov 10 2016
  - Update to version 2.5.2:
    * Add a requirement to DressedLeptons that the FinalState passed
      as 'bareleptons' will be filtered to only contain charged
      leptons, if that is not already the case. Thanks to Markus
      Seidel for the suggestion.
    * Add Simone Amoroso's plugin for hadron spectra
    * Add Simone Amoroso's plugin for hadron spectra
    * Add CMS ttbar analysis from contrib, mark validated
    * Extend rivet-mkhtml --booklet to also work with pdfmerge
    * Fix make-plots automatic YMax calculation, which had a typo
      from code cleaning (mea culpa!).
    * Fix ChargedLeptons projection, which failed to exclude
      neutrinos!!! Thanks to Markus Seidel.
    * Add templated FN filtering arg versions of the Jet::*Tags()
      and Jet::*Tagged() functions.
    * Add CMS partonic top analysis (CMS_2015_I1397174)
    * Add L3 xp analysis of eta mesons, thanks Simone
    * Add D0 1.8 TeV jet shapes analysis, thanks Simone
    * Add has{Ancestor,Parent,Child,Descendant}With functions and
      HasParticle{Ancestor,Parent,Child,Descendant}With functors.
    * Add ATLAS 8TeV ttbar analysis from contrib
    * Add particles(GenParticlePtr) to RivetHepMC.hh
    * Add hasParent, hasParentWith, and hasAncestorWith to Particle.
    * Add ATLAS 8TeV dijet analysis from contrib
    * Add ATLAS 8TeV 'number of tracks in jets' analysis from
      contrib (ATLAS_2016_I1419070)
    * Add ATLAS 8TeV g->H->WW->enumunu analysis from contrib
    * Explicit std::toupper and std::tolower to make clang happy
    * Add ATLAS Run 2 0-lepton SUSY and monojet search papers
      (ATLAS_2016_I1452559, ATLAS_2016_I1458270)
    * Add experimental Cutflow and Cutflows objects for BSM cut
    * Add 'direct' versions of any, all, none to Utils.hh, with an
      implicity bool() transforming function.
    * Add and mark validated B+ to omega analysis
    * Add and mark validated D0 to pi- analysis
    * Add a few more particle names and use PID names in recently
      added analyses
    * Add Simone's OPAL b-frag analysis (OPAL_2003_I599181) after
      some cleanup and heavy usage of new features
    * Restructured DELPHI_2011_I890503 in the same manner --- picks
      up a few more B-hadrons now (e.g. 20523 and such)
    * Clean up and add ATLAS 8TeV MinBias (from contrib
    * Add a static constexpr DBL_NAN to Utils.hh for convenience,
      and move some utils stuff out of MathHeader.hh
    * Add count function to Tools/Utils.h
    * Add and mark validated B0bar and Bminus-decay to pi analysis
    * Add and mark validated B0-decay analysis (BELLE_2011_I878990)
    * Add and mark validated B to D decay analysis
    * Add C-array version of multi-target Analysis::scale() and
      normalize(), and fix (semantic) constness.
    * Add == and != operators for cuts applied to integers.
    * Add missing delta{Phi,Eta,Rap}{Gtr,Less} functors to
    * Add templated functor filtering args to the Particle
      parent/child/descendent methods.
    * Add ATLAS Run 1 medium and tight electron ID efficiency
    * Update configure scripts to use newer (Py3-safe) Python
      testing macros.
    * Add isFirstWith(out), isLastWith(out) functions, and functor
      wrappers, using Cut and templated function/functor args.
    * Add Particle::parent() method.
    * Add using import/typedef of HepMC *Ptr types (useful step for
      HepMC 2.07 and 3.00).
    * Various typo fixes (and canonical renaming) in
      ParticleBaseUtils functor collection.
    * Add ATLAS MV2c10 and MV2c20 b-tagging effs to
      SmearingFunctions.hh collection.
    * Add a PartonicTops projection.
    * Add overloaded versions of the Event::allParticles() method
      with selection Cut or templated selection function arguments.
    * Add rapidity scheme arg to DeltaR functor constructors.
    * Provide an Analysis::bookCounter(d,x,y, title) function, for
      convenience and making the mkanalysis template valid.
    * Improve container utils functions, and provide combined
      remove_if+erase filter_* functions for both select- and
      discard-type selector functions.
    * Bugfix in rivet-mkhtml (NoneType: ana.spiresID() --> spiresid)
    * Added <numeric> include to Rivet/Tools/Utils.h to make gcc6
    * Add efffilt() functions and Particle/JetEffFilt functors to
    * Adding filterBy methods for Particle and Jet which accept
      generic boolean functions as well as the Cut specialisation.
    * Add a Jet::particles(Cut&) method, for inline filtering of jet
    * Add 'conjugate' behaviours to container head and tail functions
      via negative length arg values.
    * Add convenience headers for including all final-state and
      smearing projections, to save user typing.
    * Add standard MET functions for ATLAS R1 (and currently copies
      for R2 and CMS).
    * Add lots of vector/container helpers for e.g. container slicing,
      summing, and min/max calculation.
    * Adapt SmearedMET to take *two* arguments, since SET is typically
      used to calculate MET resolution.
    * Adding functors for computing vector & ParticleBase differences
      w.r.t. another vector.
    * Implemented a few more cuts in prompt photon analysis
      (CDF_1993_S2742446) but to no avail, the rise of the data towards
      larger costheta values cannot be reproduced --- maybe this is a
      candidate for more scrutiny and using the boosting machinery such that
      the c.m. cuts can be done in a non-approximate way
    * Rename CDF_2009_S8383952 to CDF_2009_I856131 due to invalid Spires
    * Add InspireID to all analysis known by their Spires key
  - Even longer list of changes for version 2.2.1 through 2.5.1; see
    ChangeLog file.
  - Drop upstream incorporated or otherwise fixed patches:
    * Rivet-compatibility-with-old-boost.patch.
    * 0001-fix_YODA_Histo1D_includes.patch.
    * Rivet-boost-configure-for-GCC5.patch.
* Thu Jun 25 2015
  - Add Rivet-boost-configure-for-GCC5.patch to fix autoconf
    boost macros lookup with GCC5; patch taken from boost.m4
    upstream [].
* Sun Oct 26 2014
  - Update to version 2.2.0:
    + Mark Jet::containsBottom and Jet::containsCharm as deprecated
      methods: use the new methods. Analyses updated.
    + Add Jet::bTagged(), Jet::cTagged() and Jet::tauTagged() as
      ghost-assoc-based replacements for the 'contains' tagging methods.
    + Adding support for 1D and 3D YODA scatters, and helper methods
      for calling the efficiency, asymm and 2D histo divide functions.
    + Adding 5 new ATLAS analyses:
    - ATLAS_2011_I921594: Inclusive isolated prompt photon
      analysis with full 2010 LHC data
    - ATLAS_2013_I1263495: Inclusive isolated prompt photon
      analysis with 2011 LHC data
    - ATLAS_2014_I1279489: Measurements of electroweak production
      of dijets + $Z$ boson, and distributions sensitive to vector
      boson fusion
    - ATLAS_2014_I1282441: The differential production cross
      section of the $\phi(1020)$ meson in $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV $pp$
      collisions measured with the ATLAS detector
    - ATLAS_2014_I1298811: Leading jet underlying event at 7 TeV
      in ATLAS
    + Adding a median(vector<NUM>) function and fixing the other stats
      functions to operate on vector<NUM> rather than vector<int>.
    + Fix wrong behaviour of LorentzTransform with a null boost
    + Add calc() methods to Hemispheres as requested, to allow it to
      be used with Jet or FourMomentum inputs outside the normal
      projection system.
    + Improvements to the particles methods on
      ParticleFinder/FinalState, in particular adding the range of
      cuts arguments cf. JetAlg (and tweaking the sorted jets
      equivalent) and returning as a copy rather than a reference if
      cut/sorted to avoid accidentally messing up the cached copy.
    + Creating ParticleFinder projection base class, and moving
      Particles-accessing methods from FinalState into it.
    + Adding basic forms of MC_ELECTRONS, MC_MUONS, and MC_TAUS
  - Changes from 2.2.0Beta:
    + See /usr/share/doc/packages/Rivet-devel/ChangeLog for full
  - Packaging changes:
    + Rebase patch 0001-fix_YODA_Histo1D_includes.patch for current
      version; includes dropping the 2nd hunk since it is already
      incorporated upstream.
* Thu Sep 25 2014
  - Added 0001-fix_YODA_Histo1D_includes.patch
    fixed buildfailure due to YODA/Histo1D changing function names
    Additionally fixed buildfailure from MAXINT being defined but not used
* Sat Jun 21 2014
  - Update to version 2.1.2:
    + Lots of changes since previous version (2.0.0), see
      ChangeLog file in /usr/share/doc/packages/Rivet-devel/ for a
      full list
  - Packaging changes:
    + Add Rivet-compatibility-with-old-boost.patch: fix foreach
      compatibility with boost < 1.50 and make Rivet build with
      openSUSE 12.3 again
    + Now requires YODA-devel >= 1.0.6 for building
    + Package new pkgconfig file (.pc file manually stripped of
      rpaths to avoid linking issues, and an rpmlint warning)
    + Also strip rpath from rivet-config script.
* Tue Dec 10 2013
  - Initial version.



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Fabrice Bellet, Fri Mar 14 23:47:17 2025