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RPM of Group Productivity/Scientific/Math

gap-4ti2interface-2023.02.04-lp160.1.1 GAP: Interface to 4ti2 linux/noarch
gap-aclib-1.3.2-lp160.1.1 GAP: Almost Crystallographic Groups linux/noarch
gap-agt-0.3.1-lp160.1.1 GAP: Algebraic Graph Theory linux/noarch
gap-alnuth-3.2.1-lp160.1.1 GAP: Algebraic number theory and an interface to KANT linux/noarch
gap-atlasrep-2.1.8-lp160.1.1 GAP: Interface to the Atlas of Group Representations linux/noarch
gap-autodoc-2023.06.19-lp160.1.1 GAP: Tools for generating automatic GAPDoc documentations linux/noarch
gap-automata-1.15-lp160.1.1 GAP: A package on automata linux/noarch
gap-automgrp-1.3.2-lp160.1.1 GAP: Automata groups linux/noarch
gap-autpgrp-1.11-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group linux/noarch
gap-cap-2024.09.08-lp160.1.1 GAP: Categories, Algorithms and Programming linux/noarch
gap-caratinterface-2.3.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: Interface to CARAT, a crystallographic groups package linux/noarch
gap-circle-1.6.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: Adjoint groups of finite rings linux/noarch
gap-classicpres-1.22-lp160.1.1 GAP: Classical Group Presentations linux/noarch
gap-congruence-1.2.7-lp160.1.1 GAP: Congruence subgroups of SL(2,Z) linux/noarch
gap-corelg-1.57-lp160.1.1 GAP: computation with real Lie groups linux/noarch
gap-crime-1.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: Calculation of group cohomology and Massey products linux/noarch
gap-crisp-1.4.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computing with Radicals, Injectors, Schunck classes and Projectors linux/noarch
gap-cryst-4.1.27-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computing with crystallographic groups linux/noarch
gap-crystcat-1.1.10-lp160.1.1 GAP: The crystallographic groups catalog linux/noarch
gap-ctbllib-1.3.9-lp160.1.1 GAP Character Table Library linux/noarch
gap-cubefree-1.19-lp160.1.1 GAP: Construction of groups of a given cubefree order linux/noarch
gap-design-1.8-lp160.1.1 GAP: The Design Package for GAP linux/noarch
gap-difsets-2.3.1-lp160.1.1 GAP: Algorithm for enumerating all difference sets in a group linux/noarch
gap-examplesforhomalg-2023.10.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Examples for the homalg GAP Package linux/noarch
gap-factint-1.6.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Advanced Methods for Factoring Integers linux/noarch
gap-fga-1.5.0-lp160.1.1 GAP: Free Group Algorithms linux/noarch
gap-fining-1.5.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: Finite Incidence Geometry linux/noarch
gap-forms-1.2.12-lp160.1.1 GAP: Sesquilinear and quadratic forms linux/noarch
gap-fr-2.4.13-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computations with functionally recursive groups linux/noarch
gap-gapdoc-1.6.7-lp160.1.1 GAP: package for GAP Documentation linux/noarch
gap-gaussforhomalg-2023.11.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Gauss Functionality for homalg linux/noarch
gap-gbnp-1.0.5-lp160.1.1 GAP: computing Gröbner bases of noncommutative polynomials linux/noarch
gap-genss-1.6.8-lp160.1.1 GAP: generic Schreier-Sims linux/noarch
gap-gradedmodules-2024.01.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Abelian finitely presented graded modules over a computable graded ring linux/noarch
gap-gradedringforhomalg-2023.08.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Endow Commutative Rings with an Abelian Grading linux/noarch
gap-grape-4.9.2-lp160.1.1 GAP: GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups linux/noarch
gap-groupoids-1.76-lp160.1.1 GAP: Groupoids, graphs of groups, and graphs of groupoids linux/noarch
gap-guarana-0.96.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Lie methods for computations with infinite polycyclic groups linux/noarch
gap-hap-1.65-lp160.1.1 GAP: Homological Algebra Programming linux/noarch
gap-hapcryst-0.1.15-lp160.1.1 GAP: A HAP extension for crytallographic groups linux/noarch
gap-hecke-1.5.4-lp160.1.1 GAP: Hecke - Specht 2.4 ported to GAP 4 linux/noarch
gap-help-4.0-lp160.1.1 GAP: Hertweck-Luthar-Passi method linux/noarch
gap-homalg-2024.01.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: A homological algebra meta-package for computable Abelian categories linux/noarch
gap-homalgtocas-2023.11.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Abstraction layer for Homalg to access external CAS linux/noarch
gap-idrel-2.48-lp160.1.1 GAP: Identities among relations linux/noarch
gap-images-1.3.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Minimal and Canonical images linux/noarch
gap-intpic-0.3.0-lp160.1.1 GAP: package for drawing integers linux/noarch
gap-io_forhomalg-2023.02.04-lp160.1.1 GAP: IO Capabilities for the homalg Project linux/noarch
gap-irredsol-1.4.4-lp160.1.1 GAP: Library of irreducible soluble linear groups over finite fields linux/noarch
gap-itc-1.5.1-lp160.1.1 GAP: Interactive Todd-Coxeter linux/noarch
gap-kan-1.37-lp160.1.1 GAP: double coset rewriting systems linux/noarch
gap-laguna-3.9.7-lp160.1.1 GAP: Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras linux/noarch
gap-liepring-2.9.1-lp160.1.1 GAP: Database and algorithms for Lie p-rings linux/noarch
gap-liering-2.4.2-lp160.1.1 GAP: finitely presented Lie rings linux/noarch
gap-localizeringforhomalg-2023.10.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: A Package for Localization of Polynomial Rings linux/noarch
gap-loops-3.4.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computing with quasigroups and loops in GAP linux/noarch
gap-lpres-1.0.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Nilpotent Quotients of L-Presented Groups linux/noarch
gap-mapclass-1.4.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: Package for Mapping Class Orbit Computation linux/noarch
gap-matgrp-0.70-lp160.1.1 GAP: Matric group interface routines linux/noarch
gap-matricesforhomalg-2024.02.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Matrices for the homalg project linux/noarch
gap-modules-2024.01.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Abelian Finitely Presented Modules over Computable Rings linux/noarch
gap-nilmat-1.4.2-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computing with nilpotent matrix groups linux/noarch
gap-numericalsgps-1.4.0-lp160.1.1 GAP: A package for numerical semigroups linux/noarch
gap-openmath-11.5.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: OpenMath functionality in GAP linux/noarch
gap-patternclass-2.4.5-lp160.1.1 GAP: Permutation pattern class linux/noarch
gap-permut-2.0.5-lp160.1.1 GAP: Permutability in finite groups linux/noarch
gap-polenta-1.3.10-lp160.1.1 GAP: Polycyclic presentations for matrix groups linux/noarch
gap-polycyclic-2.16-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computation with polycyclic groups linux/noarch
gap-polymaking-0.8.7-lp160.1.1 GAP: Interfacing the geometry software polymake linux/noarch
gap-primgrp-3.4.4-lp160.1.1 GAP: Primitive Permutation Groups Library linux/noarch
gap-qpa-1.35-lp160.1.1 GAP: Quivers and Path Algebras linux/noarch
gap-quagroup-1.8.4-lp160.1.1 GAP: a package for doing computations with quantum groups linux/noarch
gap-radiroot-2.9-lp160.1.1 GAP: Roots of a Polynomial as Radicals linux/noarch
gap-rcwa-4.7.1-lp160.1.1 GAP: Residue-Class-Wise Affine Groups linux/noarch
gap-rds-1.8-lp160.1.1 GAP: A package for searching relative difference sets linux/noarch
gap-recog-1.4.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: A collection of group recognition methods linux/noarch
gap-resclasses-4.7.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Set-Theoretic Computations with Residue Classes linux/noarch
gap-ringsforhomalg-2023.11.02-lp160.1.1 GAP: Dictionaries of External Rings linux/noarch
gap-sco-2023.08.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Simplicial Cohomology of Orbifolds linux/noarch
gap-scscp-2.4.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol in GAP linux/noarch
gap-sglppow-2.4-lp160.1.1 GAP: Database of groups of prime-power order for some prime powers linux/noarch
gap-sgpviz-0.999.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: A package for semigroup visualization linux/noarch
gap-singular-2024.06.03-lp160.1.1 GAP: An interface to Singular linux/noarch
gap-sl2reps-1.1-lp160.1.1 GAP: Construction of symmetric representations of SL(2,Z) linux/noarch
gap-sla-1.6.2-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computations with simple Lie algebras linux/noarch
gap-smallgrp-1.5.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Small Groups Library linux/noarch
gap-smallsemi-0.7.0-lp160.1.1 GAP data library of semigroups of small size linux/noarch
gap-sonata-2.9.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: System of nearrings and their applications linux/noarch
gap-sophus-1.27-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computing in nilpotent Lie algebras linux/noarch
gap-spinsym-1.5.2-lp160.1.1 GAP: Brauer tables of spin-symmetric groups linux/noarch
gap-standardff-1.0-lp160.1.1 GAP: Standard finite fields and cyclic generators linux/noarch
gap-symbcompcc-1.3.2-lp160.1.1 GAP: Computing with parametrised presentations for p-groups of fixed coclass linux/noarch
gap-thelma-1.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: THreshold ELements, Modeling and Applications linux/noarch
gap-tomlib-1.2.11-lp160.1.1 GAP: Library of Tables of Marks linux/noarch
gap-toolsforhomalg-2023.11.01-lp160.1.1 GAP: Special methods and knowledge propagation tools linux/noarch
gap-toric-1.9.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: toric varieties and some combinatorial geometry computations linux/noarch
gap-toricvarieties-2022.07.13-lp160.1.1 GAP: A package to handle toric varieties linux/noarch
gap-transgrp-3.6.5-lp160.1.1 GAP: Transitive Groups Library linux/noarch
gap-ugaly-4.1.3-lp160.1.1 GAP: Universal Groups Acting LocallY linux/noarch
gap-unipot-1.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: Elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups linux/noarch
gap-unitlib-4.2.0-lp160.1.1 GAP: Library of normalized unit groups of modular group algebras linux/noarch
gap-utils-0.86-lp160.1.1 GAP: Utility functions in GAP linux/noarch
gap-uuid-0.7-lp160.1.1 GAP: UUIDs for GAP linux/noarch
gap-walrus-0.9991-lp160.1.1 GAP: Proving assistant for hyperbolicity linux/noarch
gap-wedderga-4.10.5-lp160.1.1 GAP: Wedderburn Decomposition of Group Algebras linux/noarch
gap-xmod-2.92-lp160.1.1 GAP: Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups linux/noarch
gap-xmodalg-1.23-lp160.1.1 GAP: Crossed Modules and Cat1-Algebras linux/noarch
gap-yangbaxter-0.10.6-lp160.1.1 GAP: Combinatorial Solutions for the Yang-Baxter equation linux/noarch
jeuclid-cli-3.1.9-lp160.1.3 Command line interface for JEuclid linux/noarch
jeuclid-fop-3.1.9-lp160.1.3 JEuclid plug-in for FOP linux/noarch
jeuclid-mathviewer-3.1.9-lp160.1.3 Viewer for MathML files linux/noarch
libfactory-gftables-4.3.2.p16-lp160.1.3 G_F tables for Singular/libfactory linux/noarch
octave-forge-bim-1.1.6-lp160.1.1 PDE Solver using a Finite Element/Finite Volume approach linux/noarch
octave-forge-doctest-0.8.0-lp160.1.1 Octave-Forge documentation tests linux/noarch
octave-forge-financial-0.5.3-lp160.1.1 Financial instruments for Octave linux/noarch
octave-forge-fpl-1.3.5-lp160.1.1 Fem PLotting for Octave linux/noarch
octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit-0.4.6-lp160.1.1 Fuzzy logic toolkit for Octave linux/noarch
octave-forge-ga-0.10.4-lp160.1.1 Genetic optimization code for Octave linux/noarch
octave-forge-generate_html-0.3.3-lp160.1.1 Generate HTML web page from help texts linux/noarch
octave-forge-matgeom-1.2.4-lp160.1.1 Geometry toolbox for Octave linux/noarch
octave-forge-msh-1.0.12-lp160.1.1 PDE Solver using a Finite Element/Finite Volume approach linux/noarch
octave-forge-ncarray-1.0.6-lp160.1.1 Access to NetCDF files as a multi-dimensional array from Octave linux/noarch
octave-forge-queueing-1.2.8-lp160.1.1 Queueing Networks and Markov chains analysis for Octave linux/noarch
octave-forge-splines-1.3.5-lp160.1.1 Additional spline functions for Octave linux/noarch
octave-forge-symbolic-3.2.1-lp160.1.1 Octave Symbolic Package using SymPy linux/noarch
pari-galdata-20080411-lp160.1.1 Galois Groups 8-11 for the PARI CAS linux/noarch
pari-galpol-20180625-lp160.1.1 GALPOL polynomial database for the PARI CAS linux/noarch
pari-nflistdata-20220729-lp160.1.1 Data files for the "nflist" program from PARI linux/noarch
pari-nftables-20080929-lp160.1.1 Megrez Number Field tables for the PARI CAS linux/noarch
pari-seadata-20090618-lp160.1.1 Polynomial and Elliptic Curve Data for the PARI CAS linux/noarch
qalculate-data-5.2.0-lp160.1.9 Additional data for the qalculator calulator library linux/noarch

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Fabrice Bellet, Mon Mar 24 23:34:25 2025