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Name: python311-geopy | Distribution: openSUSE Leap 16.0 |
Version: 2.3.0 | Vendor: openSUSE |
Release: lp160.1.1 | Build date: Mon Jun 26 09:55:41 2023 |
Group: Development/Languages/Python | Build host: reproducible |
Size: 887439 | Source RPM: python-geopy-2.3.0-lp160.1.1.src.rpm |
Packager: | |
Url: | |
Summary: Python Geocoding Toolbox |
Geopy can determine the coordinates of addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks using third-party geocoders and other data sources such as wikis. Geopy currently includes support for six geocoders: Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Windows Local Live (Virtual Earth),, GeoNames, MediaWiki pages (with the GIS extension), and Semantic MediaWiki pages.
* Mon Jun 26 2023 Andreas Schneider <> - Update to version 2.3.0 New Features: * .MapBox: add referer param to allow restricted api_keys. * Contributed by Dennis Stritzke. (#501) * .MapBox: add language param to geocode. * Contributed by Dennis Stritzke. (#503) * .Distance: add floor division + right multiplication * operators. (#485) * .Distance: make hashable. (#485) * .Nominatim: add namedetails param to reverse. (#525) * .Pelias: add countries param to geocode. (#504) * .GoogleV3: pass the original error_message to exceptions. * (#398) Packaging Changes * Drop support for Python 3.5 and 3.6. * Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11. * Relax geographiclib upper version constraint to allow 2.x. * Contributed by David Hotham. (#520) * Raise geographiclib lower version constraint to 1.52 to fix possible * ValueError in .distance.geodesic due to * the floating point inaccuracy. (#466) * Move static metadata from to setup.cfg. Deprecations * .Pelias: deprecate country_bias param, use countries * instead. (#504) * .IGNFrance: authentication is no longer accepted by the API, * so passing any credentials to the geocoder class has been deprecated. * These arguments should be removed. (#496) Bugfixes * Fix possible TypeError thrown by .RequestsAdapter * on destruction. Contributed by Philip Kahn. (#488) * .ArcGIS: get address from LongLabel if Address is empty. * All geocoders: fix unexpected scientific point format for coordinates * near zero in reverse geocoding. (#511) * .BANFrance: fix broken reverse (it looks like their API has * changed in a backwards-incompatible way: the lng query arg has * been renamed to lon). * .IGNFrance: fix broken geocoder due to removal of * authentication in their API. (#496) Docs Improvements * Add url to the GIS Stack Exchange geopy tag. * Contributed by Taras Dubrava. (#516). * .GeocodeEarth: add docs and pricing urls. * Contributed by Julian Simioni. (#505). - Use sle15_python_module_pythons * Fri Nov 04 2022 - python-six not required * Mon Mar 21 2022 - version update to 2.2.0 New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~ - :class:`.OpenCage`: added ``annotations`` param. Contributed by mtmail. (:issue:`464`) - :class:`.Photon`: added ``bbox`` param. Contributed by Holger Bruch. (:issue:`472`) - New geocoder: :class:`.Geocodio`. Contributed by Jon Duckworth. (:issue:`468`) - New geocoder: :class:`.HereV7`. Contributed by Pratheek Rebala. (:issue:`433`) - New geocoder: :class:`.What3WordsV3`. Contributed by Saïd Tezel. (:issue:`444`) - New error class: :class:`.exc.GeocoderRateLimited`. This error extends :class:`.exc.GeocoderQuotaExceeded` and is now raised instead of it for HTTP 422 error code. (:issue:`479`) - :class:`.AdapterHTTPError`: added ``headers`` attribute. (:issue:`479`) Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Removed GeocodeFarm class: the service is very unstable. (:issue:`445`) Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~ - :class:`.GoogleV3` has been moved from ``geopy.geocoders.googlev3`` module to ````. The old module is still present for backwards compatibility, but it will be removed in geopy 3. (:issue:`483`) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~ - :class:`.OpenCage`: improved error handling by using the default errors map (e.g. to raise :class:`.exc.GeocoderQuotaExceeded` instead of :class:`.exc.GeocoderQueryError` for HTTP 402 error). (:issue:`479`) * Tue May 25 2021 - %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro * Sun Dec 27 2020 Bruno Friedmann <> - Update to 2.1.0 version + New Features - Add support for leading plus sign in the .Point constructor. - Contributed by Azimjon Pulatov. (#448) + Breaking Changes - .GoogleV3: change missing api_key warning to an error. (#450) + Bugfixes - Fixed an undocumented breaking change in geopy 2.0.0, where the .Distance class has become abstract, thus it could no longer be used for unit conversions. (#435) - .Photon incorrectly treated 0.0 coordinate as an empty response. Contributed by Mateusz Konieczny. (#439) - .Nominatim: fix TypeError on empty reverse result. (#455) + Docs Improvements - Add Python 3.9 to the list of supported versions. - .Bing: change postalcode to postalCode. Contributed by zhongjun-ma. (#424) - .Nominatim: better describe what is returned in addressdetails. Contributed by Mateusz Konieczny. (#429) - .Nominatim: better describe viewbox param behavior. Contributed by Hannes. (#454) - .Yandex: remove attention block about requiring an API key. - Update to 2.0.0 version geopy 2.0 is a major release with lots of cleanup and inner refactorings. The public interface of the library is mostly the same, and the set of supported geocoders didn't change. If you have checked your code on the latest 1.x release with enabled warnings (i.e. with -Wd key of the python command) and fixed all of them, then it should be safe to upgrade. see all changes at - Changes from previous version 1.23.0 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 - Packaging changes dropped support for Python 2.7 and 3.4. as version 2.x has remove it. * Tue Oct 13 2020 Dominique Leuenberger <> - Only buildRequire python2-* when also using python, aka python2. * Tue Aug 27 2019 Jan Engelhardt <> - Ensure neutrality of descriptions. * Mon Mar 25 2019 John Vandenberg <> - Update URL to - Convert to single spec - Activate test suite - Remove unnecessary build dependency on python-devel - Use %license - Added changelog to %doc - update to v1.18.1 - Geocoders dot_us, navidata and placefinder removed - Many new geocoders added - See changelog_1xx.rst for more details * Thu Feb 18 2016 - update to version 1.11.0: * ADDED: Photon geocoder. * ADDED: Bing supports structured query parameters. * CHANGED: Geocoders send a User-Agent header, which by default is geopy/1.11.0. * FIXED: Index out of range error with no results using Yandex. * FIXED: Nominatim was incorrectly sending view_box when not requested, and formatting it incorrectly. * Tue May 05 2015 - update to version 1.10.0: * CHANGED: GeocodeFarm now uses version 3 of the service’s API, which allows use by unauthenticated users, multiple results, and SSL/TLS. You may need to obtain a new API key from GeocodeFarm, or use None for their free tier. Contributed by Eric Palakovich Carr. * ADDED: DataBC geocoder for use with the British Columbia government’s DataBC service. Contributed by Benjamin Trigona-Harany. * ADDED: Placefinder’s geocode method now requests a timezone if the with_timezone parameter is true. Contributed by willr. * FIXED: Nominatim specifies a viewbox parameter rather than the apparently deprecated view_box. - additional changes from version 1.9.1: * FIXED: Fix support for GoogleV3 bounds parameter. Contributed by Benjamin Trigona-Harany. - additional changes from version 1.9.0: * CHANGED: MapQuest geocoder removed as the API it uses is now only available to enterprise accounts. OpenMapQuest is a replacement for Nominatim-sourced data. * CHANGED: Nominatim now uses HTTPS by default and accepts a scheme argument. Contributed by srounet. * ADDED: Nominatim now accepts a domain argument, which allows using a different server than Contributed by srounet. * FIXED: Bing was not accessible from get_geocoder_for_service. Contributed by Adrián López. - additional changes from version 1.8.1: * FIXED: GoogleV3 geocoder did not send API keys for reverse and timezone methods. - additional changes from version 1.8.0: * ADDED: NaviData geocoder added. Contributed by NaviData. * CHANGED: LiveAddress now requires HTTPS connections. If you set scheme to be http, rather than the default https, you will now receive a ConfigurationError. - additional changes from version 1.7.1: * FIXED: IGN France geocoder’s address formatting better handles results that do not have a building number. Contributed by Thomas Gratier. - additional changes from version 1.7.0: * ADDED: IGN France geocoder. Contributed by Thomas Gratier. * FIXED: Bing checks the response body for error codes. - additional changes from version 1.6.1: * FIXED: What3Words validation loosened. Contributed by spatialbitz. * FIXED: Point.format() includes altitude. - additional changes from version 1.6.0: * ADDED: Python 3.2 and PyPy3 compatibility. Contributed by Mike Toews. - additional changes from version 1.5.0: * ADDED: Yandex geocoder added. Contributed by htch. * ADDED: What3Words geocoder added. Contributed by spatialbitz. * FIXED: LiveAddress geocoder made compatible with a change in the service’s authentication. An auth_id parameter was added to the geocoder’s initialization. Contributed by Arsen Mamikonyan. - additional changes from version 1.4.0: * ADDED: Mapquest.reverse() method added. Contributed by Dody Suria Wijaya. * ADDED: Bing’s geocoder now accepts the optional arguments “culture”, “includeNeighborhood”, and “include”. Contributed by oskholl. - additional changes from version 1.3.0: * ADDED: Nominatim.geocode() accepts a geometry argument for retrieving wkt, svg, kml, or geojson formatted geometries in results. Contributed by spatialbitz. - additional changes from version 1.2.0: * ADDED: GeoNames.reverse() added. Contributed by Emile Aben. * ADDED: GoogleV3.timezone() added. This returns a pytz object giving the timezone in effect for a given location at a time (defaulting to now). - additional changes from version 1.1.5: * FIXED: YahooPlaceFinder is now compatible with the older requests_oauthlib version 0.4.0. - additional changes from version 1.1.4: * FIXED: Point.format() seconds precision in Python 3. - additional changes from version 1.1.3: * FIXED: Fix OpenCage AttributeError on empty result. Contributed by IsaacHaze. - additional changes from version 1.1.2: * FIXED: Update Point __repr__ method to format _items properly. Contributed by TristanH. - additional changes from version 1.1.1: * FIXED: Python 3 compatibility. - additional changes from version 1.1.0: * ADDED: OpenCage geocoder added. Contributed by Demeter Sztanko. * ADDED: geopy.geocoders.get_geocoder_for_service allows library authors to dynamically get a geocoder. * FIXED: YahooPlacefinder bugs causing geocoding failure. * FIXED: LiveAddress API URL updated. * FIXED: Location.__repr__ unicode encode error in Python 2.7. * CHANGED: geopy.geocoders modules now strictly declare their exports. - additional changes from version 1.0.1: * FIXED: The Baidu Maps geocoder’s _check_status method used a Python 2-specific print statement. - additional changes from version 1.0.0: * ADDED: Baidu Maps geocoder added. Contributed by Risent. * ADDED: Nominatim geocoder now supports structured queries. Contributed by kpanic. * ADDED: Nominatim geocoder now supports a language parameter. Contributed by Benjamin Henne. * CHANGED: GoogleV3’s geocode and reverse methods have different orders for keyword argument parameters. Geocoders are now standardized on (query, exactly_one, timeout, ...). * FIXED: Removed rounding of minutes which was causing a formatted point to always have zero seconds. Contributed by Jonathan Batchelor. - additional changes from version 0.99: * ADDED: GeocodeFarm geocoder added with support for geocoding and reverse geocoding. Contributed by Eric Palakovich Carr. - additional changes from version 0.98.3: * ADDED: Queries are encoded as unicode in Python 2.7 by the geocoder. Contributed by Rocky Meza. * FIXED: YahooPlaceFinder count parameter fixed. * FIXED: Point.__repr__ fixed. Contributed by Paweł Mandera. - additional changes from version 0.98.2: * ADDED: GoogleV3 now accepts an api_key parameter. Contributed by Andrea Tosatto. * CHANGED: GoogleV3’s deprecated protocol argument has been removed. - additional changes from version 0.98.1: * FIXED: Mapquest geocoder did not use format_string in the creation of its queries. Contributed by Danny Finkelstein. * FIXED: Geocoders incorrectly raised a GeocoderTimedOut exception for all SSLError exceptions. Contributed by David Gilman. - additional changes from version 0.98: * CHANGED: Geocoders’ geocode and reverse method return types have changed from None, a tuple, or a list of tuples, to None, a geopy.Location object, or a list of geopy.Location objects. - additional changes from version 0.97.1: * FIXED:YahooPlaceFinder geocoder authentication and response parsing fixed. Contributed by petergx. * ADDED: GoogleV3 geocoding now supports a components parameter, which is a filter for location criteria such as administrative area, country, etc. Contributed by crccheck. - additional changes from version 0.97: * CHANGED: SSL connections are used by default for services with support. These geocoders accept a new ‘scheme’ argument in their init, which may be ‘https’ or ‘http’. Users desiring unencrypted connections must now specify ‘http’. Note that SSL connections’ certificates are not verified. * CHANGED: Geocoders accept a timeout argument which specifies the number of seconds to wait before raising a GeocoderTimedOut exception. This can be specified in the init, or specified one-off in each geocode or reverse call. There is now a default of 1 second. * CHANGED: geopy now supports Python 2 and Python 3 on a single codebase. Support for Python 2.5 is also dropped. * CHANGED: GoogleV3’s protocol argument is deprecated in favor of scheme. * ADDED: ESRI’s ArcGIS geocoder implemented. Contributed by Arsen Mamikonyan. * ADDED: Geocoders accept a proxies argument which specifies a proxy to route its geocoder requests through. It uses urllib, and accepts proxies in the form of a dictionary of {scheme: proxy address}, e.g., {“https”: “”}. This was present but undocumented in 0.96. * ADDED: Geocoders check a new method, _geocoder_exception_handler, if defined, when the HTTP call to the geocoder’s service raises an exception. See LiveStreets for an example. Users can define or override this method. * ADDED: LiveStreets throws a GeocoderQuotaExceeded exception when appropriate. * ADDED: Point can parse a greater variety of coordinate strings. Contributed by nucflash. * FIXED: GeocodersDotUS now authenticates with an Authorization HTTP header. Contributed by Arsen Mamikonyan. * REMOVED: MediaWiki and SemanticMediaWiki geocoders removed. * REMOVED: Geohash module has been removed. - additional changes from version 0.96.3: * ADDED: Documentation warning that the Vincenty distance implementation fails to converge for some valid points. Reported by mkeller-upb. * FIXED: Geocoder proxying fixed. Contributed by Marc-Olivier Titeux. - limit build to python 2.7 - remove RELEASES from package files: not provided anymore * Wed Dec 11 2013 - Update to version 0.96.2 + fix : should not use `exclude`. - Changes from 0.96.1 + fix : GoogleV3 returns `None` when the service returns an error status of `ZERO_RESULTS`. - Changes from 0.96.0 + GoogleV3's reverse geocoder now returns one result by default. Set `exactly_one` to False for a list. + GoogleV3 returns new exception types: `geopy.geocoders.base.GQueryError` -> `geopy.exc.GeocoderQueryError` `geopy.geocoders.base.GeocoderResultError` -> `geopy.exc.GeocoderQueryError` `geopy.geocoders.base.GTooManyQueriesError` -> `geopy.exc.GeocoderQuotaExceeded` + OpenStreetMap Nominatim geocoder implemented. + Yahoo! BOSS Geo PlaceFinder geocoder implemented. + SmartyStreets LiveAddress geocoder implemented. + GeoNames geocoder is implements GeoNames' new username requirement and `` endpoint. + Bing geocoder supports `user_location` (`Point`) parameter. Bing will prefer results near the coordinates of `user_location`. + `GoogleV3.geocode_first()` no longer throws exception on multiple results. + Unnecessary coercing to UTF-8 on Py3k. +`format_degrees` now rounds minutes properly. + No longer warn if the optional dependency `BeautifulSoup` is not present. + Miscellaneous inconsistent behavior and errors in geolocating. + Google V2 geocoder has been removed as its API was shutdown. - Changes from 0.95.1 + Fix #12, where `DeprecationWarning` was showing for GoogleV2 even if it wasn't being used (due to `geopy.geocoders` importing it). + `GoogleV3.geocode` "address" kwarg renamed to "string" to match `Google.geocode` to make updating easier. + Geocoders now properly handle Unicode objects as input (previously would fail on non-ASCII characters due to wanting UTF-8 strings). - Changes from 0.95 + Google Geocoding API V3 support. "google.Google()" should be replaced by "googlev3.GoogleV3()", with no `api_key`. Please see for valid arguments. + updated to now automatically support Python 3+ (via 2to3 auto-compile option). - Package LICENSE, README and RELEASES in documentation directory * Thu Oct 24 2013 - Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged) * Tue Mar 13 2012 - Update to 0.94.2: ADDED: so that LICENSE file gets included in dist packages (per req by Debian Python Module Team) UPDATED: Yahoo geocoder uses new PlaceFinder API instead of outdated MapsService V1 API. * Wed Sep 21 2011 - Spec file cleanup: * Removed %clean section (not needed anymore) * Removed CFLAGS (not a C extension) * Thu Mar 24 2011 - Update to 0.94.1; - Regenerated spec file with py2pack. * Tue Mar 09 2010 - Update to 0.94; - Building as noarch for openSUSE >= 11.2. * Tue Aug 18 2009 - Initial package (0.93) for openSUSE.
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/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/distance.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/distance.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/exc.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/exc.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/format.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/format.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/location.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/location.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/point.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/point.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/timezone.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/timezone.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/units.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/units.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/extra /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/extra/ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/extra/__pycache__ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/extra/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/extra/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/extra/__pycache__/rate_limiter.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/extra/__pycache__/rate_limiter.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/extra/ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__ /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/algolia.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/algolia.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/arcgis.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/arcgis.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/azure.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/azure.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/baidu.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/baidu.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/banfrance.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/banfrance.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/bing.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/bing.cpython-311.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/databc.cpython-311.opt-1.pyc /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopy/geocoders/__pycache__/databc.cpython-311.pyc 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