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libsundials_nvec7-7.2.0-lp160.1.3 RPM for ppc64le

From OpenSuSE Leap 16.0 for ppc64le

Name: libsundials_nvec7 Distribution: openSUSE Leap 16.0
Version: 7.2.0 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: lp160.1.3 Build date: Thu Dec 19 12:29:05 2024
Group: Development/Libraries/Parallel Build host: reproducible
Size: 268155 Source RPM: sundials-7.2.0-lp160.1.3.src.rpm
Summary: Suite of nonlinear solvers - nvec shared libraries
SUNDIALS is a SUite of Non-linear DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers
for use in writing mathematical software.

This package provides the shared libraries for SUNDIALS' nvec solvers.






* Thu Dec 19 2024 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 7.2.0:
    * Many changes, see
* Wed Jul 17 2024 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 7.1.1:
    * Fixed a bug in v7.1.0 with the SYCL N_Vector N_VSpace
    * function (gh#LLNL/sundials#523).
  - Changes from version 7.1.0:
    * Too many to list, see
* Tue Mar 12 2024 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 7.0.0:
    * Many changes, see
  - Update shared library package names in keeping with upstream
    so version bumps.
  - Adapt to name change of shared library: libsundials_generic ->
* Tue Feb 20 2024 Nicolas Morey <>
  - Load the full mpivars instead of manually setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  - Add flags to handle oversubscription for %check (bsc#1201273).
    _constraints avoids this in OBS, but local runs may not have 4
    cores available.
* Tue Dec 19 2023 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 6.7.0:
    * Many changes, see
  - Adapt shlib names for sunlinsol and sunnonlin libraries in
    keeping with upstream so versioning changes.
* Sun Dec 03 2023 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 6.6.2:
    * Fixed build system support for MAGMA when using a NVIDIA HPC
      SDK installation of CUDA
    * Fixed targets used for rocBLAS and rocSPARSE.
  - Changes from version 6.6.1:
    * Updated the Tpetra NVector interface to support Trilinos 14.
    * Fixed a memory leak when destroying a CUDA, HIP, SYCL, or
      system SUNMemoryHelper object.
    * Fixed a bug in ARKODE, CVODE, CVODES, IDA, and IDAS where the
      stop time may not be cleared when using normal mode if the
      requested output time is the same as the stop time.
  - Changes from versio 6.6.0:
    * A new time-stepping module, SPRKStep, was added to ARKODE.
      This time-stepper provides explicit symplectic partitioned
      Runge-Kutta methods up to order 10 for separable Hamiltonian
    * Added support for relaxation Runge-Kutta methods to ERKStep
      and ARKStep in ARKODE.
    * Added the second order IMEX method from Giraldo, Kelly, and
      Constantinescu 2013 as the default second order IMEX method in
    * Updated CVODE, CVODES and ARKODE default behavior when
      returning the solution when the internal time has reached a
      user-specified stop time.
    * A potential bug was fixed when using inequality constraint
      handling and calling ARKStepGetEstLocalErrors or
      ERKStepGetEstLocalErrors after a failed step in which an
      inequality constraint violation occurred.
    * Updated the F2003 utility routines SUNDIALSFileOpen and
      SUNDIALSFileClose to support user specification of stdout and
      stderr strings for the output file names.
  - Changes from older releases: see
  - Drop sundials-link-pthread.patch: fixed upstream.
  - Bump so versions in keeping with upstream.
* Mon Oct 23 2023 Nicolas Morey <>
  - Drop support for obsolete openmpi[123]
  - Prepare support for openmpi5
* Sat Sep 17 2022 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Add Requires: libsundials_sunmatrix4 explicitly for
    libsundials_sunlinsol4_3_0; automatic deps fails to distinguish
    between serial and mpi flavors causing resolving issues when
    building apps dependent on libsundials_sunlinsol.
* Wed Sep 14 2022 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 6.3.0:
    * Added GetUserData functions in each package to retrieve the
      user data pointer provided to SetUserData functions
    * Fixed a bug in ERKStepReset, ERKStepReInit, ARKStepReset,
      ARKStepReInit, MRIStepReset, and MRIStepReInit where a
      previously-set value of tstop (from a call to
      ERKStepSetStopTime, ARKStepSetStopTime, or MRIStepSetStopTime,
      respectively) would not be cleared.
    * Updated MRIStepReset to call the corresponding
      MRIStepInnerResetFn with the same (tR,yR) arguments for the
      MRIStepInnerStepper object that is used to evolve the MRI
      "fast" time scale subproblems.
    * Added a new example which demonstrates using CVODE with a
      discontinuous right-hand-side function and rootfinding.
    * Added a variety of embedded DIRK methods from [Kennedy &
      Carpenter, NASA TM-2016-219173, 2016] and [Kennedy &
      Carpenter, Appl. Numer. Math., 146, 2019] to ARKODE.
    * Fixed the unintuitive behavior of the USE_GENERIC_MATH CMake
      option which caused the double precision math functions to be
      used regardless of the value of SUNDIALS_PRECISION.
    * Changed SUNDIALS_LOGGING_ENABLE_MPI CMake option default to be
  - Split off sundials-sunlibs (previously libsundials4) into
    individual shared lib packages: libsundials_sunlinsol4_3_0,
    libsundials_sunmatrix4, and libsundials_sunnonlin3_3_0.
* Fri Sep 09 2022 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Rename libsundials4 to sundials-sunlibs as it packages multiple
    shared libs pertaining to the main sundials library; shlib
    naming guidelines do not apply in this case.
  - Drop no longer needed rpmlintrc file.
  - Make -doc package into noarch.
* Thu Jul 07 2022 Klaus Kämpf <>
  - add _constraints (boo#1201273)
* Mon Jun 27 2022 Klaus Kämpf <>
  - Update to 6.2.0
  - is now the official SUNDIALS
    development repository.
* Wed Apr 27 2022 Jan Engelhardt <>
  - Add rpmlintrc for shlib-policy-name-error
* Fri Feb 12 2021 Dirk Müller <>
  - update to 5.7.0:
    * A new NVECTOR implementation based on the SYCL abstraction layer has been added
      targeting Intel GPUs. At present the only SYCL compiler supported is the DPC++
      (Intel oneAPI) compiler. See the SYCL NVECTOR section in the user guide for
      more details. This module is considered experimental and is subject to major
      changes even in minor releases.
    * A new SUNMatrix and SUNLinearSolver implementation were added to interface with
      the MAGMA linear algebra library. Both the matrix and the linear solver support
      general dense linear systems as well as block diagonal linear systems, and both
      are targeted at GPUs (AMD or NVIDIA).
    * Fixed a bug in the SUNDIALS CMake which caused an error if the
      CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD and SUNDIALS_RAJA_BACKENDS options were not provided.
    * Fixed some compiler warnings when using the IBM XL compilers.
    * A new NVECTOR implementation based on the AMD ROCm HIP platform has been added.
      This vector can target NVIDIA or AMD GPUs. See HIP NVECTOR section in the user
      guide for more details. This module is considered experimental and is subject
      to change from version to version.
    * The RAJA NVECTOR implementation has been updated to support the HIP backend in
      addition to the CUDA backend. Users can choose the backend when configuring
      SUNDIALS by using the `SUNDIALS_RAJA_BACKENDS` CMake variable. This module
      remains experimental and is subject to change from version to version.
    * A new optional operation, `N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer`, was added to the N_Vector
      API. This operation is useful for N_Vectors that utilize dual memory spaces,
      e.g. the native SUNDIALS CUDA N_Vector.
      no longer require the SUNDIALS CUDA N_Vector. Instead, they require that the
      vector utilized provides the `N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer` operation, and that the
      pointer returned by `N_VGetDeviceArrayPointer` is a valid CUDA device pointer.
  - Minor refreshing of sundials-link-pthread.patch to apply cleanly
    against updated sources.
* Wed Dec 02 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 5.5.0:
    * Refactored the SUNDIALS CMake build system to improve build
      times by as much as 35%.
    * CMake 3.12.0 or newer is now required.
    * Users will likely see CMake deprecation warnings, and
      potentially new errors when incompatible CMake options have
      been set (previously, these would fail silently).
    * SUNDIALS now exports CMake targets and installs a
      SUNDIALSConfig.cmake file.
    * Added support for SuperLU DIST 6.3.0+.
  - Add sundials-link-pthread.patch: Link against pthread explicitly
    to fix linking errors when `-Wl,--no-undefined` is added to the
    linker flags; patch sent upstream.
  - Add BuildRequires: suitesparse-devel and enable KLU solver; pass
    appropriate options to cmake to make sure the klu library and
    header is correctly found.
  - Use cmake macros instead of manual cmake commands.
  - Split out new libsundials_generic package with the
    libsundials_generic shared library.
  - Enable openmpi4 flavour.
  - Run tests except for tests that fail due to floating point
    errors in the tests themselves.
  - Drop Group tags.
* Fri Sep 11 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 5.3.0:
    * Added support to CVODE for integrating IVPs with constraints
      using BDF methods and projecting the solution onto the
      constraint manifold with a user defined projection function.
    * Added the ability to control the CUDA kernel launch parameters
      for the NVECTOR_CUDA and SUNMATRIX_CUSPARSE modules.
    * The NVECTOR_CUDA kernels were rewritten to be more flexible.
    * Added new capabilities for monitoring the solve phase in the
      the SUNDIALS iterative linear solver modules.
    * Added specialized fused CUDA kernels to CVODE which may offer
      better performance on smaller problems when using CVODE with
      the NVECTOR_CUDA module.
    * Added a new function, CVodeSetMonitorFn, that takes a
      user-function to be called by CVODE after every nst
      successfully completed time-steps.
    * Added a new function CVodeGetLinSolveStats to get the CVODE
      linear solver statistics as a group.
    * Added optional set functions to provide an alternative ODE
      right-hand side function (ARKode and CVODE(S)), DAE residual
      function (IDA(S)), or nonlinear system function (KINSOL) for
      use when computing Jacobian-vector products with the internal
      difference quotient approximation.
    * Fixed a bug in ARKode where the prototypes for
      ERKStepSetMinReduction() and ARKStepSetMinReduction() were not
      included in arkode_erkstep.h and arkode_arkstep.h
    * Fixed a bug in ARKode where inequality constraint checking
      would need to be disabled and then re-enabled to update the
      inequality constraint values after resizing a problem.
    * Fixed a bug in the iterative linear solver modules where an
      error is not returned if the Atimes function is NULL or, if
      preconditioning is enabled, the PSolve function is NULL.
  - Pass SUNDIALS_BUILD_WITH_MONITORING=ON to cmake to enable
    monitoring the solve phase in different iterative solver
* Sat May 09 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 5.2.0 (See for
    - Fixed a bug in how ARKode interfaces with a user-supplied,
      iterative, unscaled linear solver.
    - Fixed a bug in how ARKode interfaces with a user-supplied,
      iterative, unscaled linear solver.
    - Fixed a similar bug in how ARKode interfaces with scaled
      linear solvers when solving problems with non-identity mass
    - Fixed a memory leak in CVODES and IDAS from not deallocating
      the atolSmin0 and atolQSmin0 arrays.
    - Fixed a bug where a non-default value for the maximum allowed
      growth factor after the first step would be ignored.
    - Functions were added to each of the time integration packages
      to enable or disable the scaling applied to linear system
      solutions with matrix-based linear solvers to account for
      lagged matrix information.
    - Added two new functions, ARKStepSetMinReduction() and
      ERKStepSetMinReduction() to change the minimum allowed step
      size reduction factor after an error test failure.
    - Added a new SUNMatrix implementation, SUNMATRIX_CUSPARSE, that
      interfaces to the sparse matrix implementation from the NVIDIA
      cuSPARSE library.
    - Added a new "stiff" interpolation module to ARKode, based on
      Lagrange polynomial interpolation, that is accessible to each
      of the ARKStep, ERKStep and MRIStep time-stepping modules.
* Wed Jan 29 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Remove duplicated definitions.
  - Remove bogus undefines of suffix and mpi_flavor for "serial"
    flavour. The former causes builds to fail for openSUSE >= 1550
    using rpm >= 4.15.
* Fri Nov 08 2019 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Run spec-cleaner for minor cleanups.
* Thu Nov 07 2019 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 5.0.0:
    * Two new NVector implementations created to support flexible
      partitioning of solution data among different processing
      elements (e.g., CPU + GPU) or for multi-physics problems that
      couple distinct MPI-based simulations together:
    * An additional NVector implementation, NVECTOR_MPIPLUSX, has
      been created to support the MPI+X paradigm where X is a type
      of on-node parallelism (e.g., OpenMP, CUDA),
    * One new required NVector operation, N_VGetLength, and ten new
      optional vector operations have been added to the NVector API,
    * Two new SUNLinearSolver implementations,
      SUNLINEARSOLVER_SUPERLUDIST which interfaces with the
      SuperLU_DIST distributed, sparse, linear solver library, and
      the SUNLINEARSOLVER_CUSOLVERSP_BATCHQR, which interfaces to
      the cuSOLVE sparse batched QR linear solver,
    * A new SUNNonlinearSolver implementation,
      SUNNONLINSOL_PETSCSNES, which provides an interface to the
    * New Fortran 2003 interface modules that provide Fortran users
      access to most of the SUNDIALS C API including ARKode,
      CVODE(S), IDA(S), and KINSOL,
    * Support for using explicit, implicit, or IMEX methods as the
      fast integrator with the MRIStep time-stepper in ARKode,
    * Several other minor changes and bug fixes: see
  - Merge all nvec solver libraries into a single shared lib
    package: %{shlib_nvec}.
* Thu Nov 07 2019 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Enable multibuild with serial, openmpi1, openmpi2, openmpi3,
    and mvapich2 flavours.
* Wed Apr 10 2019 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Follow shared library packaging policy and split out multiple
    versioned shlib packages. The main shared lib %{shlib_main}
    contains the common shared objects, while each individual solver
    gets its own shared lib package.
  - Add blas-devel and lapack-devel BuildRequires; enable blas and
    lapack (does not work with 64 bits) during cmake.
  - Enable pthread.
* Wed Apr 10 2019 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Update to version 4.1.0:
    * An additional N_Vector implementation was added for Tpetra
      vector from Trilinos library to facilitate interoperability
      between SUNDIALS and Trilinos. This implementation is
      accompanied by additions to user documentation and SUNDIALS
    * A bug was fixed where a nonlinear solver object could be freed
      twice in some use cases.
    * The EXAMPLES_ENABLE_RAJA CMake option has been removed. The
      option EXAMPLES_ENABLE_CUDA enables all examples that use CUDA
      including the RAJA examples with a CUDA back end (if the RAJA
      NVECTOR is enabled).
    * The implementation header files (e.g. arkode_impl.h) are no
      longer installed. This means users who are directly
      manipulating package memory structures will need to update
      their code to use the package’s public API.
    * Python is no longer required to run make test and make
    * Fixed a bug in ARKodeButcherTable_Write when printing a
      Butcher table without an embedding.
  - Changes between previously packaged version (2.5.0) through
    version 4.0.2:
  - Switch to cmake based build in keeping with upstream.
  - Drop devel-static package since application no longer builds
    static libraries anyway.
  - Only build one (serial) version for now.
  - Update Source and URL tags.
  - Remove NOTICE and LICENSE files from includedir; package them
    properly as doc.
* Sat Jun 02 2012
  - fix mistyping in spec file which broke build where mvapich2
    is not available
* Sat Jun 02 2012
  - set --with-mpi-libs in configure in order to fix mpi library
* Sat Jun 02 2012
  - enable parallel build for openmpi and mvapich2
* Sat Jun 02 2012
  - remove not applied patch0 from files list
* Sat Jun 02 2012
  - spec files re-formating
  - version 2.5.0
    * Many bugfixes and new features
    * See
    whatsnew.html for a complete list of changes



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Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 9 19:36:09 2025