Index | index by Group | index by Distribution | index by Vendor | index by creation date | index by Name | Mirrors | Help | Search |
OpenShadingLanguage-common-headers- | OSL standard library and auxiliary headers | linux/s390x |
OpenShadingLanguage-example-shaders-source- | OSL shader examples | linux/s390x |
colm-devel-0.14.7-lp160.1.1 | The Colm programming language environment | linux/s390x |
container-suseconnect-2.5.0-slfo.1.1.1 | Provides access to repositories inside containers | linux/s390x |
gcc-PIE-14-slfo.1.2.1 | A default configuration to build all binaries in PIE mode | linux/s390x |
gcc-obj-c++-14-slfo.1.2.1 | The system GNU Objective C++ Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc-objc-14-slfo.1.2.1 | The system GNU Objective C Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc13-PIE-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | A default configuration to build all binaries in PIE mode | linux/s390x |
gcc13-ada-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Ada Compiler Based on GCC (GNAT) | linux/s390x |
gcc13-d-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU D Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc13-go-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Go Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc13-m2-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Modula-2 Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc13-obj-c++-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Objective C++ Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc13-objc-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Objective C Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc14-PIE-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | A default configuration to build all binaries in PIE mode | linux/s390x |
gcc14-ada-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Ada Compiler Based on GCC (GNAT) | linux/s390x |
gcc14-d-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU D Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc14-go-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Go Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc14-m2-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Modula-2 Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc14-obj-c++-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Objective C++ Compiler | linux/s390x |
gcc14-objc-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Objective C Compiler | linux/s390x |
go-mod-upgrade-0.10.0-lp160.1.1 | Update outdated Go dependencies interactively | linux/s390x |
go1.13-1.13.15-lp160.1.1 | A compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language | linux/s390x |
go1.14-1.14.15-lp160.1.1 | A compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language | linux/s390x |
go1.15-1.15.15-lp160.1.1 | A compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language | linux/s390x |
go1.16-1.16.15-slfo.1.1.8 | A compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language | linux/s390x |
go1.9-1.9.7-lp160.1.1 | A compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language | linux/s390x |
libgdruntime4-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU D compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libgdruntime5-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU D compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libgo22-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Go compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libgo23-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Go compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libgphobos4-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU D compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libgphobos5-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU D compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libidl-devel-0.8.14-lp160.1.1 | Development files for the IDL parsing library | linux/s390x |
libm2cor18-gcc13-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2cor19-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2iso18-gcc13-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2iso19-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2log18-gcc13-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2log19-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2min18-gcc13-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2min19-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2pim18-gcc13-13.3.0+git8781-slfo.1.1.19 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
libm2pim19-14.2.0+git10526-slfo.1.2.5 | GNU Modula-2 compiler runtime library | linux/s390x |
llvm-17-slfo.1.1.3 | Low Level Virtual Machine | linux/s390x |
llvm-polly-17-slfo.1.1.3 | LLVM Framework for High-Level Loop and Data-Locality Optimizations | linux/s390x |
llvm15-15.0.7-slfo.1.1.26 | Low Level Virtual Machine | linux/s390x |
llvm15-polly-15.0.7-slfo.1.1.26 | LLVM Framework for High-Level Loop and Data-Locality Optimizations | linux/s390x |
llvm17-17.0.6-slfo.1.1.26 | Low Level Virtual Machine | linux/s390x |
llvm17-polly-17.0.6-slfo.1.1.26 | LLVM Framework for High-Level Loop and Data-Locality Optimizations | linux/s390x |
lua-rrdtool-1.8.0-slfo.1.1.8 | Lua bindings for RRDtool | linux/s390x |
lua51-5.1.5-slfo.1.1.7 | Small Embeddable Language with Procedural Syntax | linux/s390x |
lua53-5.3.6-slfo.1.1.7 | Small Embeddable Language with Procedural Syntax | linux/s390x |
lua54-5.4.6-slfo.1.1.8 | Small Embeddable Language with Procedural Syntax | linux/s390x |
m4-1.4.18-slfo.1.2.6 | GNU m4 | linux/s390x |
mpitests-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks common files | linux/s390x |
mpitests-mpich-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks and tests for mpich | linux/s390x |
mpitests-mpich-gnu-hpc-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks and tests for mpich-gnu-hpc | linux/s390x |
mpitests-mpich-ofi-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks and tests for mpich-ofi | linux/s390x |
mpitests-mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks and tests for mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc | linux/s390x |
mpitests-mvapich2-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks and tests for mvapich2 | linux/s390x |
mpitests-mvapich2-gnu-hpc-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks and tests for mvapich2-gnu-hpc | linux/s390x |
mpitests-openmpi4-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks and tests for openmpi4 | linux/s390x |
mpitests-openmpi4-gnu-hpc-3.2-lp160.1.1 | MPI Benchmarks and tests for openmpi4-gnu-hpc | linux/s390x |
nasm-2.16.01-slfo.1.1.7 | Netwide Assembler (An x86 Assembler) | linux/s390x |
pprof-0.0.0+git20220520.d04f242-slfo.1.1.11 | CLI tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data | linux/s390x |
slang-slsh-2.3.3-slfo.1.1.7 | Interpreter for S-Lang Scripts | linux/s390x |
texlive-bin-devel-2023.20230311-slfo.1.2.8 | Basic development packages for TeXLive | linux/s390x |
vala-0.56.14-slfo.1.1.5 | Programming language for GNOME | linux/s390x |
xa-2.4.1-lp160.1.1 | High-speed, two-pass portable 6502 cross-assembler | linux/s390x |
yasm-1.3.0-slfo.1.2.1 | A complete rewrite of the NASM assembler | linux/s390x |
yasm-devel-1.3.0-slfo.1.2.1 | YASM development package | linux/s390x |
Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1
Fabrice Bellet, Tue Nov 12 00:24:29 2024