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Name: kubernetes1.29-client-common | Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed |
Version: 1.29.6 | Vendor: openSUSE |
Release: 1.1 | Build date: Wed Jun 26 07:58:37 2024 |
Group: System/Management | Build host: reproducible |
Size: 244340 | Source RPM: kubernetes1.29-1.29.6-1.1.src.rpm |
Packager: | |
Url: | |
Summary: Kubernetes client tools common files |
Kubernetes client tools common files
* Wed Jun 26 2024 Priyanka Saggu <> - Update to version 1.29.6: * Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.21.11 and distroless iptables/setcap/debian-base * Don't fill in NodeToStatusMap with UnschedulableAndUnresolvable * Revert "scheduler: preallocation for NodeToStatusMap" * add an integration test when nodeAffinity specifies a non-existent node. * base on allNodes when calculating nextStartNodeIndex * Don't sort under lock * Fix printPod panic with spurious container statuses * Fix NFS related issues on GCP/Ubuntu * cherry pick #124618 to 1.29 * fix requests tracker concurrency * fix conflict race in statefulset rest update * fix stateful set pod recreation and event spam * fix pods tracking and internal error checking in statefulset tests * Updated & added visibility to apiserver x509 test certificates expiring this year * Fix PersistentVolumeLabel admission plugin on Azure * Fri May 17 2024 Priyanka Saggu <> - Update to version 1.29.5: * scheduler: preallocation for NodeToStatusMap * add e2e test when a plugin (in-tree or out-of-tree) return non-existent/illegal nodes, the pod should be scheduled normally if suitable nodes exists * add integration test for pod with pvc has node-affinity to non-existent/existent nodes * test to catch illegal nodeNames returned by PreFilterResult * hotfix when a plugin (in-tree or out-of-tree) return non-existent/illegal nodes, the pod scheduling flow will abort immediately. * kubeadm: fix upgrading external CA cluster to 1.29 * Idempotent transformers in scheduler & kcm * cluster/gce: upgrade cos-97-lts -> cos-109-lts * storage e2e: update hostpath and mock images * add log verbosity to endpoint topology hint loop. * Rename `cluster` to `storage_cluster_id` for apiserver_storage_size_bytes metric * Thu Apr 18 2024 Priyanka Saggu <> - Update to version 1.29.4: * Add envFrom to serviceaccount admission plugin * update debian-base to bookworm-v1.0.2 * [go] Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.21.9 and distroless iptables / set-cap * [CVE-2023-45288] .*: bump x/net to v0.23.0 * Keep streams from being set up after closeAllStreamReaders is called * Make websocket heartbeat test timing less flaky * Avoid logging binary junk for frame write failure * Use the right feature gate when updating uncertain volumes * fix panic with SIGSEGV in kubeadm certs check-expiration * retry policy creation for CRD type checking E2E test * Undo double run of the TestWatchSemantics test to avoid hitting timeout * apiserver/storage/cacher: decrease the running time of tests in the cacher package. * Serve watch without resourceVersion from cache and introduce a WatchFromStorageWithoutResourceVersion feature gate to allow serving watch from storage. * Ensure that initial events are sorted for WatchList * fix aggregator path filtering to include / * Filter aggregated apiservice gv * Use DBG=1 for conformance verification * build: use -trimpath in non-DBG mode - Update .spec file to bump go version build requirements: * `BuildRequires: go >= 1.21.9` * ref: * Mon Apr 08 2024 Priyanka Saggu <> - update .spec file to set FORCE_HOST_GO env variable, to force k8s build scripts use the local GOTOOLCHAIN version from the build pipeline (i.e. GOTOOLCHAIN='auto') * ref: * Mon Apr 08 2024 - Update to version 1.29.3: * remove --v arg from kubetest2-tester-ginkgo test args * ci: bump kind to latest for kms jobs * [go] Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.21.8 / distroless-iptables to v0.4.6 * [CVE-2024-24786] Bump v1.5.4, v1.33.0 * keep existing PDB conditions when updating status * Validate restartable init container state transition * Test that separation of streams work by using progress notifies * Prevent watch cache starvation, by moving its watch to separate RPC and add a SeparateCacheWatchRPC feature flag to disable this behavior * fix UT failure TestPrintIPAddressList * etcd: Update to version 3.5.12 * build etcd image v3.5.12 * Fix race condition between external-resizer and kubelet * codegen: don't nuke files if only verifying * dra: increase timeout in setupFakeDRADriverGRPCServer to prevent tests to flake. * e2e_node: replace `` with agnhost * promote agnhost to v2.47 * fixing issue with GetCPUUsageNanoCores on Windows * Fix cleanup of file subpaths * Fix SELinux e2e tests: add label to observed metrics - Update .spec file to bump go version build requirements: * `BuildRequires: go >= 1.21.18` * ref: * Mon Feb 26 2024 - Update to version 1.29.2: * [go] Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.21.7 / setcap/debian-base to bookworm-v1.0.1 and distroless-iptables to v0.4.5 * Revert "kubeadm: fix a bug where the uploaded kubelet configuration in kube-system/kubelet-config ConfigMap does not respect user patch" * kubeadm: better checks if the node is CP during "upgrade node" * test: remove unnecessary skip healthz check from test * bugfix: dont skip reconcile for unchanged policy if last sync failed * Add processStartTime in metrics/slis * Fix deprecated version for pod_scheduling_duration_seconds * flag PersistentVolumeLastPhaseTransitionTime field as beta * If a pvc has an empty storageclass name, don't try to assign a default StorageClass to it. * Fix kubeadm init regression * Drop PendingChanges methods from change trackers, move into UpdateResults * Squash some unnecessarily-chained methods in the change trackers * Thu Feb 22 2024 Dominique Leuenberger <> - Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN. * Tue Jan 23 2024 - Update to version 1.29.1: * Revert "Graduate Evented PLEG to Beta" * [go] Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.21.6 and distroless iptables to 0.4.4 * Make OpenAPIGetter tolerant of nil * use context for lazy evaluation. * Initialize default attach func regardless of the value of flag * .*: bump to v0.16.1 * fix: 119921 * Keep presence cost to 0 to ensure backward compatibility. * fix(scheduler): fix incorrect loop logic in MultiPoint to avoid a plugin being loaded multiple times * fix falky test pkg/registry/core/persistentvolume/storage TestUpdateStatus * Use a separate function for checking if device was reconstructed * Add tests for checking of uncertain device paths * Fix device uncertain errors on reboot * Fix CSI migration for vSphere volumes * Wire in field dropping for CRDs * Revert "scheduler/nodeaffinity: reduce pod scheduling latency" * Revert "scheduler/NodeUnschedulable: reduce pod scheduling latency" * kube-proxy: Fix etp:Local for externalIPs * Add unit test for Job Controller for panic when PodFailurePolicy is used on 1.28 * Tue Jan 23 2024 Priyanka Saggu <> - initial package for Kubernetes v1.29.0
/usr/share/doc/packages/kubernetes1.29-client-common /usr/share/doc/packages/kubernetes1.29-client-common/ /usr/share/doc/packages/kubernetes1.29-client-common/ /usr/share/licenses/kubernetes1.29-client-common /usr/share/licenses/kubernetes1.29-client-common/LICENSE /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-alpha.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-annotate.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-api-resources.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-api-versions.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-apply-edit-last-applied.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-apply-set-last-applied.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-apply-view-last-applied.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-apply.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-attach.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-auth-can-i.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-auth-reconcile.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-auth-whoami.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-auth.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-autoscale.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/kubectl-certificate-approve.1.gz 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Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1
Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 23 00:25:13 2025