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python313-holoviews-1.20.0-2.4 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Ports Tumbleweed for noarch

Name: python313-holoviews Distribution: openSUSE:Factory:zSystems
Version: 1.20.0 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: 2.4 Build date: Thu Dec 5 23:06:46 2024
Group: Unspecified Build host: reproducible
Size: 24223221 Source RPM: python-holoviews-1.20.0-2.4.src.rpm
Summary: Composable, declarative visualizations for Python
HoloViews is a Python library for automated plotting of annotated

Instead of building a plot using direct calls to a plotting library,
the developer instead first describes the data with semantic
information and then additional metadata to determine more detailed
aspects of the visualization. This approach provides automatic
visualization that can be requested at any time as the data evolves,
rendered automatically by one of the supported plotting libraries
(such as Bokeh or Matplotlib).






* Thu Dec 05 2024 Ben Greiner <>
  - Skip python313 tests with scikit-image (not available yet)
* Thu Nov 28 2024 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 1.20.0
    [#]# Enhancements
    * De-parameterize the options Keywords objects (#6314)
    * Freeze models while updating plot(s) (#6315)
    * Support hit-tested group-wise wheel zoom renderers for
      subcoordinate_y (#6277)
    * Adds Bokeh 3.5 enhancements to RangeToolLink (#6341)
    * Add MultiAxisTap stream (#6374)
    * Add sublabel_index and sublabel_skip option for matplotlib
      backend (#6375)
    * Handle datetimes and empty selections better for inspect
      operations (#6377)
    * Improve following behavior when streaming (#6318)
    * Enh: Add Scalebar support for subcoordinate_y plots (#6403,
    * Support async callbacks for popup (#6390)
    * Add popup position and anchor (#6414)
    [#]# Bug fixes
    * Wrap popup in set_curdoc (#6337)
    * Fixes popup being invisible forever after closing once (#6347)
    * Disable simple id in notebook (#6367)
    * Ensure pixel_ratio is applied when computing resampling
      coordinates (#6373)
    * Add support for rendering HLine, VLine and Span on multi_y
    * Drop the z dimension from ImageStack DataArray before shading
    * Improve datetime support for continuous hv.Bars (#6365)
    * Don't clone Span in HoverTool (#6387)
    * Ensure proper cleanup of stream subscribers (#6389)
    * Handle datetime selection in the cuDF interface (#6407)
    * Fix popup positioning on polygons (#6411)
    * Fix a problem where linked selections were resulting in
      repeated columns (#6336)
    * Ensure streams are correctly mapped to plots (#6415)
    * Fix Bars width for small discrete differences on the x-axis
    * Documentation fixes (#6392, #6421)
    * Fix rasterizing a Path where categorical values include empty
      strings (#6429)
    [#]# Compatibility
    * Handle DeprecationWarning from Pandas (#6346, #6391)
    * Compatibility with Ibis 9.5 (#6371), Python 3.13 (#6383), cuDF
      24.10 (#6409), and Matplotlib 3.10 (#6431)
  - Replace ignore-pandas-warning.patch with
* Sun Sep 22 2024 Ben Greiner <>
  - Make testing multibuild in order to avoid resolver errors with
    numba and numpy
* Fri Aug 30 2024 Ben Greiner <>
  - Unpin numpy 2
* Mon Jul 08 2024 Steve Kowalik <>
  - Update to 1.19.1:
    * New features
      + Add support for popups on selection streams
      + Add scalebar support
    * Enhancements
      + Add color to bars for Plotly backend
      + Override Curve's count aggregator default to self_intersect=False
      + Zoom tools automatically vertically scaled on subcoordinate_y overlays
      + Use tsdownsample library for downsampling if available
      + Add viewport downsample algorithm
      + Optimize downsample1d when data is shared between layers
      + Support dictionary cmaps for ImageStack
      + Expose hit_dilation in PointPlot
      + Improve autocompletion for lazy module
      + Subcoordinate_y: reverse the renderers by default
      + Add hover_tooltips, hover_mode, hover_formatters opts to easily modify
      + Expose setting hard navigable bounds
      + Add a zoom tool per subcoordinate_y group
      + Support all Bokeh Text style opts in hv.Labels and hv.Text
      + Implement support for retaining Pandas index
      + Add operation for group-wise normalisation
      + Allow Bars to be plotted on continuous axes
      + Add min_interval and max_interval to the RangeToolLink
      + Add support for rasterizing geopandas dataframes directly
      + Allow options for non-enabled backends
      + Support ImageStack in dynspread
      + Add support for cticks
      + Support title font size in Plotly backend
      + Hold rendering until a plot has been fully updated
      + Make Dimension.label source of truth for Dimension identity
      + Allow subcoordinates to be drawn from NdOverlay dimensions
      + Add stream transform
    * Bug fixes
      + Ensure no auto index is created when a kdim is part of a multi index
      + Fix hv.Bars with only one value in it
      + Set zIndex of Popup to 1000
      + Handle boolean input in categorically grouped Bars plots
      + Also check for pd.NA in is_nan
      + Don't show figures toolbar on GridSpace
      + Update merge_tool
      + Don't raise KeyError if options don't contain None
      + Force vdims to strings for ImageStack
      + Fixes to Bokeh BoxWhisker
      + Improve groupby behavior for operation histogram
      + Ensure plot ranges for all renderers are combined in auto-ranging
      + Ensure that the downsample algorithm m4 n_out is always a multiple of 4
      + Subcoordinate_y: respect ylim
      + Bug fix for player example pause button
      + Clone if a Tool is as Bokeh model
      + Fix violin plot in Plotly
      + Don't error on TypeError in DaskInterface when sorting
      + Fix if is None
      + Change how upper limit is taken for color_levels
      + Fix vectorfield hover
      + Ensure Range streams and RangeToolLink respect subcoordinate axis range
      + Fix pickling state
      + Fix colab rendering
      + Disable batching when subcoordinate_y is enabled
      + Ensure downsample works with non-contiguous arrays
      + Fix issue with range lookups in (y)-axis creation
    * Compatibility
      + Compatibility with Bokeh 3.5
      + Compatibility with Matplotlib 3.9
      + pandas: Fix observed FutureWarning for categorial groupby
      + Lazy load dask.dataframe in operations.datashader
      + Numpy 2.0 compatibility
      + Update to support cudf 2024.06
  - Remove rpmlintrc, no longer needed.
  - Add patch ignore-pandas-warning.patch:
    * Ignore warning from Pandas.
  - Limit numpy to < 2.
* Sat Mar 02 2024 Ben Greiner <>
  - Skip python39: no xarray anymore
* Sun Feb 18 2024 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 1.18.3
    * Fix BoundsX and BoundsY regression (#6099)
    * Fix rasterize regression (#6102)
    * Fix link selection for empty Layout (#6110)
    * Don't pin notebook in conda recipe for pyviz channel (#6108)
* Tue Feb 06 2024 Daniel Garcia <>
  - Update to 1.18.2:
    This minor release includes a number of bug fixes and documentation
    updates, as well as compatibility updates for xarray 2023.12 and
    Pandas 2.2.
    * Enhancements:
    - Update contour line calculations to use ContourPy's LineType.ChunkCombinedNan (#5985)
    - Use sys.executable for check_output (#5983)
    - Updates to show_versions ((#6072), (#6081))
    * Bug fixes:
    - Support color_key in datashade when intermediate step is an ImageStack (#5994)
    - Fix hist on overlay (#5995)
    - Set proper context before triggering streams (#6000)
    - Support partial bound function (#6009)
    - Add norm in init_artists in holoviews/plotting/mpl/ (#6029)
    - Fix linking elements that are transformed by a Compositor (#6003)
    - Add datetime hover information for selector (#6023, (#6039))
    - Only evaluate rx if it is an Reactive Expression ((#6014))
    - Ensure partial methods can be used as dmap callables ((#6063))
    - Del frame after stack level is found in deprecated ((#6085))
    * Compatibility:
    - Compatibility updates with xarray 2023.12 (#6026)
    - Add extra check to detect if we are in jupyterlite (#6007)
    - Compatibility updates with Pandas 2.2 ((#6074), (#6078))
    - Add Comm on_open handler to initialize the server comm ((#6076))
    * Documentation:
    - Fix docs (#5996)
    - Fix Param usage in the Plot and Renderers guide (#6001)
    - Fixing URLs to bokeh project (#6005)
    - Fix to broken urls in example gallery pages ((#6038))
    - Replace Google Analytics with GoatCounter ((#6048))
    - Add downloads badges ((#6088))
    * Maintenance:
    - Change to pytest-rerunfailures (#5984)
    - Holoviews maintenance (#5987)
    - Add log_cli_level = "INFO" to pytest (#5989)
    - Add shell pre-commit hook (#5991)
    - Enable Bugbear 904 (#5992)
    - Part 1, modernize test suite (#5954)
    - Enforce labels (#5996)
    - Add lower pin to scipy (#6032)
    - Skip Deploying_Bokeh_Apps.ipynb on Windows ((#6070))
    - Fix failing Windows tests ((#6087))
* Thu Jan 11 2024 Daniel Garcia <>
  - removed numpy125.patch and python3-only.patch, not needed anymore
  - Update to 1.18.1:
    * This release contains a small number of bug fixes and
      compatibility updates
    * Bug fixes:
    - Account for overlaid elements when using subcoordinates_y (#5950)
    - Fix groupby option for vectorized annotations (#5956)
    - Fix and improvements to ImageStack (#5961)
    - Do not allow partial matches when updating OverlayPlot (#5962)
    - Always ravel array in unique_array (#5969)
    * Compatibility:
    - Update Stamen maps with new URL (#5967)
    - Compatibility updates for Numpy 2.0 (#5979)
    * Maintenance:
    - General maintenance (#5955)
  - 1.18.0:
    This release includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Among
    these are the new elements. First is the ImageStack element allows you
    to easily visualize a 3D array, while the VLines, HLines, VSpans, and
    HSpans elements allow you to visualize vertical and horizontal lines
    and spans easily. In addition, this release includes support for
    subcoordinate systems in the y-axis and various other enhancements and
    bug fixes. This release adds support for the newest Python 3.12 and
    Bokeh 3.3 and drops support for Python 3.8 and Bokeh 2.
* Thu Aug 31 2023 Markéta Machová <>
  - Update to 1.17.1
    * interactive twin-axis support
    * ability to set custom options on plot components with backend_opts
    * datashaders where and summary aggregators are now supported
    * rasterize now has a selector option
    * Bokeh figures with the same labels will synchronize muteness or
      visibility across different figures
    * several enhancements and bug fixes
  - Add upstream numpy125.patch
  - Add python3-only.patch (sent upstream)
* Wed Jun 07 2023 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 1.16.1
    * This release contains a small number of important bug fixes and
      enhancements. Many thanks to @philippjfr and @Hoxbro.
    * This release includes a breaking change as notebooks will no
      longer be inlining as default. This change will reduce the size
      of the notebook files and, more importantly, address an
      upstream issue in Jupyter where running hv.extension would give
      an error when used in a notebook.
    [#]# Critical bug fixes and compatibility:
    * Add enable_mathjax and set it and inline to False (#5729)
    * Update to support Datashader on Python 3.11 (#5720)
    [#]# Enhancements:
    * Add show_versions helper function (#5725)
    * Ignore known model warning in VS Code (#5734)
    * Add workaround for plots where the objects in a figure would
      overlap (#5733)
  - Version 1.16.0
    * This release includes many new features, improvements, and bug
      fixes. Among the highlights are support for Bokeh 3.1 and Panel
      1.0, both of which come with a wide range of new features and
      enhancements. Time series support has also been improved, with
      auto-ranging along one axis, a new downsample algorithm, and
      having WebGL enabled by default. In addition, the release
      includes various other enhancements and bug fixes.
    * We would like to thank the many users who contributed to this
      release by filing bug reports, providing new features, and bug
      fixes. We want to give a special shout-out to existing
      contributors @ianthomas23, @jlstevens, @jordansamuels,
      @maximlt, @philippjfr, @TheoMathurin, @Yura52, and @Hoxbro, as
      well as new contributors @GeoVizNow, @JRRudy1, @keewis,
      @michaelaye, and @wendrul.
    * This minor version will be the last to support Python 3.7. The
      next minor version will require Python 3.8 or higher. In the
      next release, holoviews.annotate will start giving a
      deprecation warning about its future move to the new package
    [#]# New features:
    * Support for Bokeh 3.1 and Panel 1.0 (#5388, #5620, #5640,
      [#5679], #5683, #5692, #5703)
    * Implement auto-ranging support along one axis (#5554, #5609)
    * Add Largest Triangle Three Buckets (LTTB) as a downsample
      algorithm (#5552)
    * Enable WebGL by default (#5708)
    [#]# Enhancements:
    * Improve legend_cols support for Bokeh 3 (#5669)
    * Add convenience getter interface to opts (#5606)
    * Ensure .stack works on areas with different vdims (#5693)
    * Add muted support to PointPlot like hv.Scatter (#5705)
    * Automatic detect comms without calling pn.extension() (#5645)
    * Add support for extra Hovertool variables in a Bokeh's quadmesh
      with 2D coordinates (with tests) (#5638)
    * Change hv.Rectangles to internally use Bokeh Quad and not Rect
      to support logarithmic axis in WebGL (#5664, #5702)
    [#]# Bug fixes:
    * Ensure spatial_select in non-zero indexed DataFrame is applied
      right (#5625)
    * Fix error handling for plotting class lookups on empty
      DynamicMap/HoloMap (#5604)
    * Fix active_tools to only be set for enabled tools (#5616)
    * Fix legend display when using categorical datashade on GPU
    * Adding GeoDataFrame to DataConversion (#5325)
    * Don't emit warnings when the toolbar is disabled (#5691)
    * Don't try to find the closest match if the input is empty
    * Only use long_name if it is a string (#5646)
    * Use Matplotlib's public API to list the colormaps (#5598)
    [#]# Compatibility:
    * Add Param 2.0 support (#5667, #5641, #5680, #5704)
    * Add Pandas 2.0 support (#5662)
    * Update types.functiontype to (#5636)
    * Improve error message for categorical data when used with
      datashade (#5643)
    * Don't disable Jedi completion by default (#5701)
    [#]# Known issues:
    * BoxEditTool is not yet supported with the new internals of
    [#]# Removals:
    * Raise DataError for non-string column names in DataFrame
    * Remove deprecated tile sources (#5654)
    * Removed support for apply_groups for old option groups
      signature (#5497)
  - Drop holoviews-pr5649-ipykernel.patch
* Sun Mar 26 2023 Ben Greiner <>
  - Don't test xarray on python38: dropped support
  - Don't test dash on python311: no support yet
  - Don't test datashader on python38, python311: both of the above
  - Add holoviews-pr5649-ipykernel.patch gh#holoviz/holoviews#5649
  - Add disk constraint: big installation
* Wed Feb 08 2023 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 1.15.4
    * Make lasso select mask values using a Dask-compatible method
    * Make plotly legend group unique (#5570)
    * Set pan and wheel_zoom as the default Bokeh active tools
    * Enable rendering colorbars on bokeh GraphPlots (#5585)
    * Add Plotly Scatter3d documentation and fix colorbar title
    * Only trigger range-update once in callbacks (#5558)
    * Ensure dynamically created subplots can be updated (#5555)
    * Fix start of stack-level in deprecations (#5569)
    * When sorting colormap records, replace None with an empty
      string (#5539)
    * Fix annotator in Geoviews by adding deserialization of
      non-deserialized base64 data (#5587)
    * Fix hv.Empty not working in AdjointLayout plot (#5584)
    * Check for categorical data to histogram (#5540)
    * Fix clim_percentile (#5495)
    * Compatibility with Shapely 2.0 (#5561)
    * Compatibility with Numpy 1.24 (#5581)
    * Compatibility with Ibis 4.0 (#5588)
  - Release to 1.15.3
    * Fix for empty opts warning and incorrect clearing semantics
    * Fix potential race condition in the Options system (#5535)
    * Add support to Python 3.11 (#5513)
    * Cleanup the top __init__ module (#5516)
  - PEP517 build
* Tue Nov 22 2022 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 1.15.2
    [#]# Bug fixes:
    * Fix support for jupyterlite (#5502)
    * Improve error message for hv.opts without a plotting backend
    * Fix warnings exposed in CI logs (#5470)
    * Thanks to @maximlt for various CI fixes (#5484, #5498, #5485)
    [#]# Enhancement:
    * Allow Dimension objects to accept a dictionary specification
    * Refactor to remove iterrows for loop from connect_edges_pd
    [#]# Deprecations:
    * Promoted DeprecationWarning to FutureWarning when using pandas
      DataFrames with non-string column names. This will not change
      any functionality but will start warning users about
      functionality that will be deprecated in future.
    * Upgrade warning for invalid dataframe column names (#5472)
  - Release 1.15.1
    [#] Enhancements:
    * Sort output of decimate operation so that it can be used with
      connected Elements (Curve, Area, etc.) (#5452)
    * Ensure HoloViews is importable from a pyodide webworker (#5410)
    * Add support for stepwise Area plots (#5390)
    * Better error message for hv.Cycle when incompatible backend
      activated (#5379)
    * Improvements to VSCode notebook support (#5398)
    * Protect matplotlib tests from global styles (#5311)
    * Faster hashing for arrays and pandas objects (#5455)
    * Add pre-commit hooks to CI actions and fixes to pytest
      configuration (#5385, #5440)
    [#]# Bug Fixes:
    * Allow import of numpy 1.12 (#5367)
    * Fixes handling of iterables in Overlays (#5320)
    * Always return a string when using hv.Dimension.pprint_value
    * Support widgets in slices for loc and iloc (#5352)
    * Take account of labeled dimension in Bokeh plotting classes
    * Fix handling of pandas Period ranges (#5393)
    * Fixed declaration of Scatter to Selection1DExpr (#5413)
    * Ensure rangesupdate event fires on all plots with linked axes
    * Fixed fallback to shapely spatial select (#5468)
    * Many thanks to @Hoxbro for many miscellaneous plotting fixes,
      including fixes to plotting of BoxWhisker, VectorField elements
      (#5397, #5450, #5400, #5409, #5460))
    [#]# API:
    * In future, HoloViews will not allow non-string values for
      pandas DataFrame column names. This deprecation cycle starts by
      issuing a DeprecationWarning that should not be visible to
    + Issue DeprecationWarning for invalid DataFrame column types
  - Release 1.15.0
    * This is a major release with a large number of new features and
      bug fixes, as well as updates to Python and Panel
    [#]# Compatibility:
    * Python 2 support has finally been dropped with 1.14.9 as the
      last release supporting Python 2
    * HoloViews now requires panel >0.13.1 (#4329)
    * Colormaps for the output of the datashade operation have
      changed to address holoviz/datashader#357; see
      rescale_discrete_levels below. To revert to the old colorbar
      behavior, set ColorbarPlot.rescale_discrete_levels = False in
      the bokeh or mpl plotting modules as appropriate.
    * Updated Sankey algorithm means that some users may need to
      update the node_padding parameter for plots generated with
      earlier releases.
    [#]# Major features:
    * After a long period of hotfix releases for the 1.14.9 series,
      many new features on the master branch have been released.
      Features relating to datashader support, linked selection and
      improvements to the Bokeh plotting backend are called out in
      their own sections.
    * Support constructor interface from a spatialpandas
      GeometryArray (#5281)
    * Allow plotting anonymous pandas.Series (#5015)
    * Add support for rendering in pyodide/pyscript (#5338, #5321,
    [#] Datashader features:
    * The following new features have been added to the datashader
      support in HoloViews, mainly focused on Datashader's new
      support for antialiasing lines as well as the new
      rescale_discrete_levels colormapping option.
    * Add automatic categorical legend for datashaded plots (#4806)
    * Implement line_width support when rasterizing spatialpandas
      paths (#5280)
    * Expose rescale_discrete_levels in the Bokeh backend (#5312)
    * Set rescale_discrete_levels=True by default (#5268)
    [#]# New linked selection features:
    * Implement linked_selection.filter method (#4999)
    * Allow passing custom selection_expr to linked selections filter
    * Fix AdjointLayout in link_selections (#5030)
    [#]# New features for the Bokeh plotting backend:
    * Add legend_labels option to allow overriding legend labels
    * Updated sankey algorithm to d3-sankey-v0.12.3 (#4707)
    [#] Other enhancements:
    * Optimize and clean up options system (#4954)
    * Optimize lasso selection by applying box-select first (#5061)
    * Support ibis-framework version 3 (#5292)
    * Add OpenTopoMap as a tile source (#5052)
    * Show all histograms of an Overlay (#5031)
    [#]# Bug fixes:
    * Fix batch watching and linking of parameters in Params stream
      (#4960, #4956)
    * Ensure Plot.refresh is dispatched immediately if possible
    * Fix datashader empty overlay aggregation (#5334)
    * Fixed missing handling of nodata for count aggregator with
      column (#4951)
    * Handle pd.NA as missing data in dtype=object column (#5323)
    * Forward DynamicMap.hist dimension parameter to histogram
      creation (#5037)
    * Remove numpy pin from examples (#5285)
    * Fix vmin/vmax deprecation on matplotlib HeatMapPlot (#5300)
    * Don't skip each renderer's load_nb call when multiple extension
      calls are made in a single cell (#5302)
    * Set plotly range correctly for log axis (#5272)
    * Sanitize uses of contextlib.contextmanager (#5018)
    * Ensure overlay_aggregate is not applied for anti-aliased lines
    * Switch to using bokeh rangesupdate event for Range streams
    * Fixes for bokeh Callbacks (#5040)
    * Fix for attribute error in matplotlib CompositePlot (#4969)
    * Silenced inappropriate deprecation warnings and updated
      deprecation settings in options system (#5345, #5346)
* Tue Jun 07 2022 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 1.14.9
    * This release contains a small number of important bug fixes as
      well as support for the newly added antialiasing option for
      line rendering in datashader.
    * Improvements to extension loading, improving visual appearance
      in JupyterLab when no logo is used and a check to avoid loading
      unnecessary JavaScript. (#5216, #5249)
    * Add support for setting antialiased line_width on datashader
      line aggregation as well as pixel_ratio setting (#5264, #5288)
    * Added options to customize hover line_(width|join|cap|dash)
      properties (#5211)
    * Fix to respect series order in stacked area plot (#5236)
    * Support buffer streams of unspecified length (#5247) (#5247)
    * Fixed log axis lower bound when data minimum is <= 0 (#5246)
    * Declared GitHub project URL in (#5227)
    * Fixed streaming Psutil example application (#5243)
    * Respecting Renderer's center property for HoloViews pane
    * Fix vmin/vmax deprecation in HeatMap plot for matplotlib > 3.3
  - Release 1.14.8
    * Fixed xarray validation for aliased coordinate (#5169)
    * Fixed xaxis/yaxis options with Matplotlib (#5200)
    * Fixed nested widgets by handling list or tuple values in
      resolve_dependent_value utility (#5184)
    * Fixed issue handling multiple widgets without names (#5185)
    * Fix overlay of two-level categorical plots and HLine (#5203)
    * Added support for Ibis > 2.0 (#5204)
    * Allow lower dimensional views on arbitrary dimensioned elements
    * Fix escaping of HTML on Div element (#5209)
    * Miscellaneous fixes to unit tests, including cudf test fixes as
      well as addition of Python 3.9 and 3.10 to the test matrix
      (#5166, #5199, #5201, #5206)
* Mon Jan 31 2022 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 1.14.8a1
    * nominally a prerelease, but essentially 1.14.7 plus
      gh#holoviz/holoviews#516 : Fix for xarray coordinate validation
  - Required to fix hvplot
  - Datashader also requires dask, so don't test on Python 3.10
* Sat Jan 29 2022 Ben Greiner <>
  - Don't test with dask for Python 3.10: not supported yet.
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 1.14.7
    * Support xyzservices.TileProvider as hv.Tiles input (#5062)
    * Allow reversed layout/overlay binary operators for + and * to
      be used with custom objects (#5073)
    * Fix internal numpy.round usage (#5095)
    * Remove dependency on recent Panel release by importing bokeh
      version from util module (#5103)
    * Add missing bounds for the cache_size Parameter (#5105)
    * Add current_key property to DynamicMap (#5106)
    * Pin freetype on Windows to avoid matplotlib error (#5109)
    * Handle the empty string as a group name (#5131)
    * Do not merge partially overlapping Stream callbacks (#5133)
    * Fix Violin matplotlib rendering with non-finite values (#5135)
    * Fix matplotlib colorbar labeling for dim expressions (#5137)
    * Fix datetime clipping on RangeXY stream (#5138)
    * Ensure FreehandDraw renders when styles are set (#5139)
    * Validate dimensionality of xarray interface data (#5140)
    * Preserve cols when overlaying on layout (#5141)
    * Fix Bars legend error when overlaid with annotation (#5142)
    * Fix plotly Bar plots containing NaNs (#5143)
    * Do not raise deprecated .opts warning for empty groups (#5144)
    * Handle unsigned integer dtype in datashader aggregate operation
    * Delay projection comparison to optimize geoviews (#5152)
    * Utility to convert datetime64 to int64 and test suite
      maintenance (#5157)
    * Fix for Contours consistent of empty and nonempty paths (#5162)
    * Fix fig_bounds description in Plotting_with_Matplotlib.ipynb
    * Fix broken link in Gridded user guide (#5098)
    * Switch to the Pydata Sphinx theme (#5163)



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Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 23 00:37:16 2025