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jupyter-dash-2.16.1-2.4 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Tumbleweed for noarch

Name: jupyter-dash Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed
Version: 2.16.1 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: 2.4 Build date: Wed Aug 14 16:50:01 2024
Group: Unspecified Build host: reproducible
Size: 11210 Source RPM: python-dash-2.16.1-2.4.src.rpm
Summary: Jupyter configuration for python-dash
Dash is a Python framework for building analytical web applications.

This package provides the jupyter notebook and jupyterlab configuration
for python-dash






* Wed Aug 14 2024 Dirk Müller <>
  - switch to modern python for sle15
* Sat Apr 06 2024 Dirk Müller <>
  - update to 2.16.1:
    * #2783 Remove dynamic loading.
* Wed Mar 06 2024 Ben Greiner <>
  - Fix truncated version requirement for python3dist(dash)
* Tue Mar 05 2024 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 2.16.0
    * Lots ofchanges since 2.6.2:
  - Skip python39: plotly no longer available (due to ipython)
  - Add jupyter-dash package
* Sun Sep 25 2022 Arun Persaud <>
  - update to version 2.6.2:
    * Fixed
      + #2237 Ensure calls to plotly.js from dcc.Graph are properly
      sequenced even if React initiates multiple render cycles in
      quick succession.
      + #2218 Fix bug #1348 Validate children prop (required or not).
      + #2223 Exclude hidden folders when building dash.page_registry.
      + #2182 Fix #2172 Make it so that when using pages, if
      suppress_callback_exceptions=True the validation_layout is not
      + #2152 Fix bug #2128 preventing rendering of multiple components
      inside a dictionary.
      + #2187 Fix confusing error message when trying to use pytest
      fixtures but dash[testing] is not installed.
      + #2202 Fix bug #2185 when you copy text with multiple quotes into
      a table
      + #2226 Fix #2219 pages register & background callbacks.
* Sun Aug 21 2022 Arun Persaud <>
  - update to version 2.6.1:
    * Fixed
      + #2175 Fix #2173 callback output of ndarray and no_update check.
      + #2146 Remove leftover debug console.log statement.
      + #2168 Reverts #2126 (supporting redirect from root when using
      pages) until the new bugs introduced by that PR are fixed.
    * Updated
      + #2167 Update Plotly.js to v2.13.3 (from v2.13.1) including patch
      release v2.13.2 and patch release v2.13.3.
      o Emit plotly_selected event on plot API calls and GUI edits.
      o Fix sankey select error (regression introduced in 2.13.0).
      o Handle missing drag layer of invisible sankey traces to fix select error.
      o Emit selection event in shape drawing dragmodes when an existing selection is modified.
  - changes from version 2.6.0:
    * Added
      + #2109 Add maxHeight to Dropdown options menu.
      + #2039 Long callback changes:
      o  Add background=False to dash.callback to use instead of app.long_callback.
      o  Add previous app.long_callback arguments to dash.callback (interval, running,
      cancel, progress, progress_default, cache_args_to_ignore, manager)
      + #2110 Add search prop to dcc.Dropdown options, allowing to
      search the dropdown options with something other than the label
      or value.
    * Fixed
      + #2126 Fix bug where it was not possible to redirect from root
      when using pages.
      + #2114 Fix bug #1978 where text could not be copied from cells in
      tables with cell_selectable=False.
      + #2102 Fix bug as reported in dash-labs #113 where files starting
      with . were not excluded when building dash.page_registry.
      + #2100 Fixes bug where module name in for a custom not_found_404
      page is incorrect in the dash.page_registry when not using the
      pages folder.
      + #2098 Accept HTTP code 400 as well as 401 for JWT expiry
      + #2097 Fix bug #2095 with TypeScript compiler and React.FC empty
      valueDeclaration error & support empty props components.
      + #2104 Fix bug #2099 with Dropdown clearing search value when a
      value is selected.
      + #2039 Fix bugs in long callbacks:
      o Fix #1769 and #1852 short interval makes job run in loop.
      o Fix #1974 returning no_update or raising PreventUpdate not supported with celery.
      o Fix use of the callback context in celery long callbacks.
      o Fix support of pattern matching for long callbacks.
      + #2110 Fix dcc.Dropdown search with component as prop for option
      + #2131 Add encoding to file open calls. Fix bug #2127.
    * Changed
      + #2116 Rename long callbacks to background callbacks
      o Deprecated dash.long_callback.managers.CeleryLongCallbackManager,
      use dash.CeleryManager instead.
      o Deprecated dash.long_callback.managers.DiskcacheLongCallbackManager,
      use dash.DiskcacheManager instead.
      o Deprecated dash constructor argument long_callback_manager in favor
      of background_callback_manager.
    * Updated
      + #2134 Upgrade Plotly.js to v2.13.1 (from v2.12.1) including
      feature release 2.13.0 and patch release 2.13.1
      o Add persistent selections via layout attributes selections, newselection,
      and activeselection, along with an updated UI allowing you to modify a
    selection you created.
      o Add unselected line styling to parcoords traces.
      o Add more quartile algorithms to violin traces.
      o More flexible axis automargin behavior.
      o And several other enhancements and bug fixes.
* Mon Jul 11 2022 Arun Persaud <>
  - specfile:
    * update copyright year
  - update to version 2.5.1:
    * Fixed
      + #2087 Fix bug #2086 in which using id as a key within a
      component's id breaks the new callback context's args_grouping
      + #2084 In dash 2.5.0, a default viewport meta tag was added as
      recommended for mobile-optimized sites by mdn This feature can
      be disabled by providing an empty viewport meta tag. e.g. app =
      Dash(meta_tags=[{"name": "viewport"}])
      + #2090, #2092. Fixed bug where the path to the pages_folder was
      incorrect on Windows.
    * Removed
      + #2087 Removed the undocumented callback context
      args_grouping_values property which was incompatible with
      pattern-matching callbacks.
* Tue Jun 07 2022 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 2.5.0
    * #1947 Added pages - a better way to build multi-page apps. For
      more information see the forum post.
    * #1965 Add component as props.
    * #2049 Added wait_for_class_to_equal and wait_for_contains_class
      methods to dash.testing
    * #2050 Changed find_element and find_elements to accept an
      attribute argument that aligns with Selenium's By class,
      allowing you to search elements by other attributes. Default
      value is CSS_SELECTOR to maintain backwards compatibility with
      previous find_elements.
    * #2043 Fix bug #2003 in which dangerously_allow_html=True +
      mathjax=True works in some cases, and in some cases not.
    * #2065 Fix bug #2064 rendering of dcc.Dropdown with a value but
      no options.
    * #2047 Fix bug #1979 in which DASH_DEBUG as environment variable
      gets ignored.
    * #2070 Fix bug #2066 nested types triggering maximum call stack
      error when building typescript components.
  - Release 2.4.1
    * Fix #2045 import error when using pytest but dash[testing] is
      not installed.
  - Release 2.4.0
    * #1952 Improved callback_context
    - Closes #1818 Closes #1054
    - adds dash.ctx, a more concise name for dash.callback_context
    - adds ctx.triggered_prop_ids, a dictionary of the component
      ids and props that triggered the callback.
    - adds ctx.triggered_id, the id of the component that triggered
      the callback.
    - adds ctx.args_grouping, a dict of the inputs used with
      flexible callback signatures.
    * #2009 Add support for Promises within Client-side callbacks as
      requested in #1364.
    * #1956 Add TypeScript components generation.
    * #2034 Add link_target prop to dcc.Markdown component. Closes
    * #2035 Add type annotations to testing fixtures.
    * #2029 Restrict the number of props listed explicitly in
      generated component constructors - default is 250. This
      prevents exceeding the Python 3.6 limit of 255 arguments. The
      omitted props are still in the docstring and can still be
      provided the same as before, they just won't appear in the
      signature so autocompletion may be affected.
    * #1968 Fix bug #1877, code which uses merge_duplicate_headers
      and style_header_conditional to highlight columns, it
      incorrectly highlights header cells.
    * #2015 Fix bug #1854 in which the combination of
      row_selectable="single or multi" and filter_action="native"
      caused the JS error.
    * #1976 Fix #1962 in which DatePickerSingle and DatePickerRange
      are extremely slow when provided a long list of disabled_days.
    * #2035 Fix #2033 In-App error reporting does not render HTML.
    * #1970 dcc.Dropdown Refactor fixes:
    - Fix bug #1868 value does not update when selected option
      removed from options.
    - Fix bug #1908 Selected options not showing when the value
      contains a comma.
    * #1751 Rename app.run_server to while preserving
      app.run_server for backwards compatibility.
    * #1839 The callback decorator returns the original function, not
      the wrapped function, so that you can still call these
      functions directly, for example in tests. Note that in this
      case there will be no callback context so not all callbacks can
      be tested this way.
    * #2016 Drop the 375px width from default percy_snapshot calls,
      keep only 1280px
    * #2027 Improve the error message when a user doesn't wrap
      children in a list
    * #2016, #2032, and #2042 Widespread dependency upgrades
    - Upgrade Plotly.js to v2.12.1 (from v2.11.0).
      + Feature release 2.12.0 adds minor ticks and gridlines, as
      well as dashed gridlines.
      + Patch release 2.11.1 fixes regl-based traces in strict CSP
      mode, however you must manually switch to the strict bundle
      to use this.
      + Patch release 2.12.1 fixes several bugs.
    - Upgrade black to v22.3.0 for Python 3.7+ - if you use
      dash[ci] and you call black, this may alter your code
      formatting slightly, including more consistently breaking
      Python 2 compatibility.
    - Many other mainly JS dependency upgrades to the internals of
      Dash renderer and components. These may patch bugs or improve
* Fri Apr 29 2022 Ben Greiner <>
  - Update to 2.3.1
    * #1963 Fix #1780 flask shutdown deprecation warning when running
      dashduo threaded tests.
    * #1995 Fix #1992 ImportError: cannot import name
      'get_current_traceback' from 'werkzeug.debug.tbtools'.
  - Release 2.3.0
    * #1949 Add built-in MathJax support to both dcc.Markdown and
      dcc.Graph. A new boolean prop mathjax was added to these two
      components, defaulting to False. Set mathjax=True to enable
      math rendering. This work uses MathJax v3, although dcc.Graph
      and Plotly.js can also be used with MathJax v2.
    - In dcc.Markdown this has two flavors: inline math is any
      content between single dollar signs, for example "$E=mc^2$",
      and "display" math (on its own line, potentially multi-line)
      is delimited by double dollar signs.
    - In dcc.Graph, most text fields (graph and axis titles, trace
      names, scatter and bar text) can use math, and it's enabled
      with single dollar sign delimiters. A limitation here is that
      currently a given piece of text can only be one or the other:
      if math is found, everything outside the delimiters is
      ignored. See for details.
    - For an intro to LaTeX math, see
    - Big thanks to Equinor for sponsoring this development,
      including the related work in Plotly.js!
    * #1949 Upgrade Plotly.js to v2.11.0 (from v2.9.0)
    - Support for MathJax v3
    - fillpattern for scatter traces with filled area
    - Every trace type can now be rendered in a stricter CSP
      environment, specifically avoiding unsafe-eval. Please note:
      the regl-based traces (scattergl, scatterpolargl, parcoords,
      and splom) are only strict in the strict bundle, which is NOT
      served by default in Dash. To use this bundle with Dash, you
      must either download it and put it in your assets/ folder, or
      include it as an external_script from the CDN: All other
      trace types are strict in the normal bundle.
    - Patch release 2.10.1 containing a bugfix for mesh3d traces.
    * #1915 Fix bug #1474 when both dcc.Graph and go.Figure have
      animation, and when the second animation in Figure is executed,
      the Frames from the first animation are played instead of the
      second one.
    * #1953 Fix bug #1783 in which a failed hot reloader blocks the
      UI with alerts.
    * #1942 Fix bug #1663 preventing pie traces from sending
      customdata with clickData and other events.
* Wed Mar 02 2022 Matej Cepl <>
  - Update to 2.2.0:
    Changelog would be too long, see for details.



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Fabrice Bellet, Fri Mar 14 00:00:48 2025