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rabbitmq-server-zsh-completion-3.13.7-2.5 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Tumbleweed for noarch

Name: rabbitmq-server-zsh-completion Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed
Version: 3.13.7 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: 2.5 Build date: Wed Feb 19 17:07:28 2025
Group: System/Shells Build host: reproducible
Size: 528 Source RPM: rabbitmq-server-3.13.7-2.5.src.rpm
Summary: Zsh completion for rabbitmq-server
Optional dependency offering zsh completion for rabbitmq-server.






* Wed Feb 19 2025 Dominique Leuenberger <>
  - Add rabbitmq-server-allow-elixir-1.18.patch: Allow building CLI
    with elixir 1.18.x. Based on upstream commit 5086e283.
* Fri Sep 13 2024 Ana Guerrero <>
  - Update to 3.13.7 see
  - Update to 3.13.6 see
  - Update to 3.13.5 see
  - Update to 3.13.4 see
  - Update to 3.13.3 see
  - Update to 3.13.2 see
* Tue Apr 16 2024 Simon Lees <>
  - Update to 3.13.1
    * Highlights
      Khepri now can be used as an alternative schema data store in RabbitMQ, replacing Mnesia
      MQTTv5 support
      Support for consumer-side stream filtering
      A new common message container format used internally, based on the AMQP 1.0 message format
      Improved classic non-mirrored queue performance with message sizes larger than
      4 KiB (or a different customized CQ index embedding threshold)
      Classic queues storage implementation version 2 (CQv2) is now highly recommended for all new deployments.
      CQv2 meaningfully improves performance of non-mirrored classic queues for most workloads
    * Fixes bsc#1222591
* Tue Feb 06 2024 Dominique Leuenberger <>
  - Provide user/group for RPM 4.19 (boo#1219532).
* Sat Jan 06 2024 Dirk Müller <>
  - update to 3.12.11:
    * Quorum queue declared when one of cluster nodes was down
      could trigger connection exceptions.
    * Avoids a rare exception that could stop TCP socket writes on
      a client connection.
    * `queue_deleted` and `queue_created` internal events now
      include queue type as a module name, and not an inconsistent
      (with the other queue and stream types) value `classic`.
    * Definition files that are virtual host-specific cannot be
      imported on boot. Such files will now be detected early and
      the import process will terminate after logging a more
      informative message.
    * Several AMQP 1.0 application properties are now more
      correctly converted to AMQP 0-9-1 headers by
      cross-protocol Shovels.
    * The priority property now populates an AMQP 1.0 header with
      the same name, per AMQP 1.0 spec.
    * Metric label values now escape certain non-ASCII characters.
    * Avoids an exception when an MQTT client that used a QoS 0
      subscription reconnects and its original connection node
      is down.
    * Avoids an exception when an MQTT client connection was force-
      closed via the HTTP API.
    * Certain CLI commands could not be run in a shell script loop,
      unless the script explicitly redirected standard input.
    * `rabbitmq-diagnostics cluster_status` now responds much
      quicker when a cluster node has gone down, were shut down,
      or otherwise has become unreachable by the rest of the cluster.
    * Reverted a change to `DELETE /api/queues/{vhost}/{name}` that
      allowed removal of exclusive queues and introduced
      unexpected side effects.
    * `DELETE /api/policies/{vhost}/{policy}` returned a 500
      response instead of a 404 one when target virtual host did
      not exist.
    * Avoid log noise when an HTTP API request is issued against a
      booting or very freshly booted node.
    * HTTP API endpoints that involves contacting multiple nodes
      now respond much quicker when a cluster node
      has gone down, were shut down, or otherwise has become
      unreachable by the rest of the cluster
    * Definition exported for just one virtual host cannot be
      imported at node boot time.
    * Now such files are detected early with a clear log message
      and immediate node boot process termination.
    * To obtain source code of the entire distribution, please
      download the archive named `rabbitmq-server-3.12.11.tar.xz`
      instead of the source tarball produced by GitHub.
* Sun Dec 17 2023 Dirk Müller <>
  - update to 3.12.10:
    * Avoids two Shovels being started after an upgrade from 3.12.6
      or older versions.
    * When a topic permission was deleted, an internal event of type
      permission.deleted was emitted in some cases, instead of
    * Shovels on 3.12.8 nodes failed during a rolling cluster upgrade
      due to internal identifier format changes.
    * Avoids an unnecessary warning in the logs.
    * avoids a potential exception in the autoheal partition handler.
    * raft.segment_max_entries is now validated to prevent the value
      from overflowing its 16-bit segment file field. Maximum
      supported value is now 65535.
* Sun Oct 29 2023 Dirk Müller <>
  -  update to 3.12.7:
    * Stream replication connections configured to use exclusively
      TLSv1.3 failed.
    * On startup, stream replicas will handle one more potential
      case of segment file corruption after an unclean shutdown.
    * `default_policies.*.queue_pattern` definition in
      `rabbitmq.conf` was incorrectly parsed.
    * Avoid log noise when inter-node connections frequently fail
      and recover.
    * Optimized stream index scans. Longer scans could result in
      some replicas stopping with a timeout.
    * Classic queue storage version is now a supported key for
      operator policies.
    * Queue length limit overflow behavior now can be configured
      via operator policies.
    * Several `list_stream_*` commands (available via both
      `rabbitmq-diagnostics` and `rabbitmq-streams`) commands now
      can display replica node in addition to other fields.
    * `rabbitmqctl add_user` now can accept a pre-generated salted
      password instead of a plain text password, both as a
      positional argument and via standard input:
    * Message consumption with the "Nack message, requeue: true"
      option did not actually requeue deliveries.
    * HTTP API request body size is now limited to 10 MiB by
    * Two endpoints, one that accepts messages for publishing
      (note: publishing over the HTTP API is greatly discouraged)
    * and another for definition import,
    * will now reject larger transfers with a `400 Bad Request`
    * `DELETE /api/queues/{vhost}/{name}` now can delete exclusive
    * Key supported by operator policies are now grouped by queue
      type in the UI.
    * Improved data safety for confirms in environments where the
      plugin uses classic queues.
    * Avoid an exception when a not fully established MQTT-over-
      WebSockets connection terminated.
    * Recovery of bindings of durable queues bound to a transient
      JMS topic exchange failed.
    * Recovery of bindings of durable queues bound to a transient
      `x-modulo-hash` exchange failed.
    * Recovery of bindings of durable queues bound to a transient
      recent history exchange failed.
    * `osiris` has been upgraded to `1.6.9`
    * Queue recovery on node restart in certain conditions could
      run into an exception
    * `file_handle_cache` operations are now safer when handling
      non-existent keys.
    * Fixed a potential resource leak in at-least-once dead
      lettering from quorum queues.
    * AMQP 1.0 clients that try to publish in a way that results in
      the message not being routed anywhere are now notified with
      a more sensible settlement status.
    * Prometheus scraping API endpoints now support optional
    * The plugin now filters out values that are `undefined` or
      `NaN`, simply excluding them from the API endpoint response.
      Previously, if a metric was not computed for any reason (e.g.
      free disk space monitor was disabled on the node),
      its value could end up being rendered as `undefined` or `NaN`,
      two values that Prometheus scrapers cannot handle (for
    * The plugin will now enforce maximum STOMP frame size. Frames
      larger than that size will be rejected. The default maximum
      size is 4 MiB. It can be increased or decreased:
    * ``` ini
    * # increase maximum supported STOMP frame size to 10 MiB
    * stomp.max_frame_size = 10485760
    * ```
    * To reduce it from the default 4 MiB to 2 MiB:
    * ``` ini
    * # 2 MiB
    * stomp.max_frame_size = 2097152
    * ```
    * Shovel will gracefully stop when its destination (target)
      does not exist.
    * Such shovels will then be periodically restarted to retry.
    * It is now possible to opt in to deactivate file handle cache
      use in the plugin:
    * ``` ini
    * web_mqtt.use_file_handle_cache = false
    * ```
    * It is now possible to opt in to deactivate file handle cache
      use in the plugin:
    * ``` ini
    * web_stomp.use_file_handle_cache = false
    * ```
    * `ra` was upgraded to `2.6.3`
    * Declaration of a classic queue could run into an exception.
    * Classic queues v1 (CQv1) that had a backlog of messages
      stored by 3.9 and earlier versions could run into an exception
      during queue index recovery after an upgrade to 3.10.x or any
      later series.
    * Nodes that had a large number of quorum queues could observe
      accumulation of Erlang processes under significant load.
    * Feature flag discovery on a newly added node could discover
      an incomplete inventory of feature flags.
    * Feature flag discovery operations will now be retried
      multiple times in case of network failures.
    * Nodes in clusters that had quorum queues and non-mirrored
      classic queues on stopped (or failed) nodes could run into an
    * The same exception could affect `rabbitmqctl list_queues`.
    * Proxy Protocol v2 LOCAL packets were not supported.
    * When a quorum queue does not find its local replica data
      files on boot, it will now log a warning.
    * An attempt to clear limits of a non-existent virtual host
      failed with a 500 status code.
    * The "Queues" tab in the UI was renamed to "Queue and Streams"
      to better reflect its contents.
    * New HTTP API endpoints for quorum queue replica management,
      equivalent to the `rabbitmq-queues` commands that manage replicas.
    * ```
    * POST /api/queues/quorum/{vhost}/{name}/replicas/add
    * DELETE /api/queues/quorum/{vhost}/{name}/replicas/remove
    * POST /api/queues/quorum/replicas/on/{node}/grow
    * DELETE /api/queues/quorum/replicas/on/{node}/shrink
    * ```
    * Stream client connections that authenticated using x.509
      certificates failed.
    * Only set OAuth 2 client's CA certificate file setting when it
      is defined.
    * The plugin will now accept JWT tokens without a `scope`. Such
      tokens would only be useful when the plugin is used exclusively
      for authentication and not authorization.
    * `oauth2` is now an accepted alias for the OAuth 2
      authentication and authorization backend:
    * ```
    * auth_backends.1 = oauth2
    * ```
    * Previously the only option for OAuth 2 was using a full
      module name, `rabbit_auth_backend_oauth2`.
    * STOMP plugin log entries had an extra line feed character.
    * `ra` was upgraded to `2.6.2`
* Tue Jul 18 2023 Matwey Kornilov <>
  - Improve erlang-rabbitmq-client Provides:
    The package provides two erlang applications: amqp_client and rabbit_common
    which are expected to be Required as erlang-%{appname}
* Mon Jun 05 2023 Fusion Future <>
  - Update to 3.12.0
    * Optimizations for both quorum and classic queues: improved throughput,
      lower throughput variability, lower latency, lower memory footprint
    * More mature and efficient implementation of (non-mirrored) classic
      queues v2 (CQv2)
    * Classic queue lazy and non-lazy modes no longer apply: classic
      queues v2 always behave very similarly
    * to the lazy mode in earlier release series: moving data to disk
      aggressively and only keeping a subset of data in memory
    * Significantly reduced MQTT and Web MQTT memory footprint per connection
    * OAuth 2, OIDC, IDP support
    * Even more configurability of the OAuth 2 plugin
  - More bugfixes and enhancements:
* Wed Nov 09 2022 Fusion Future <>
  - Update to 3.11.3
    + Core Server
    * Stream unsubscription leaked metric counters.
    * Stream could become unavailable in certain node or network
      failure scenarios.
    * It is now possible to pre-configure virtual host limits for
      groups of virtual hosts.
    * Quorum queue replicas no longer try to contact their unreachable
      peers for metrics.
    + CLI Tools
    * rabbitmq-diagnostics status now handles server responses where
      free disk space is not yet computed.
    * All enabled (explicitly or as a dependency) plugins are scanned.
    * rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown now returns results much
      faster in environments with a large number of quorum queues.
* Wed Oct 26 2022 Dominique Leuenberger <>
  - Update to version 3.10.10:
    + Core Server
    * Partially reverts an unsafe inter-node communication
      optimization that could affect classic mirrored queue
      operation ordering.
    * Classic mirrored queue leader replica issued to much credit
      to follower replicas, resulting in an uneven load and
      memory footprint between them.
    * Intra-cluster communication link metric collector could run
      into an exception when peer connection has just been
      re-established, e.g. after a peer node restart.
    + MQTT Plugin
    * When a node was put into maintenance mode, it closed all MQTT
      client connections cluster-wide instead of just local client
  - For updates between 3.10.5 and 3.10.9, please see
* Sat Jun 18 2022 Fusion Future <>
  - Update to 3.10.5
    * Quorum queue could run into an exception when dead lettering a message
      under certain conditions.
  - Changes from 3.10.4
    * Avoid seeding default user in old clusters that still use the deprecated
      management.load_definitions option.
    * Streams could run into an exception or fetch stale stream position
      data in some scenarios.
    * rabbitmqctl set_log_level did not have any effect on logging via
* Sat May 21 2022 Fusion Future <>
  - Update to 3.10.2
    * Default log level used a four-character severity abbreviation
      instead of more common longer format, for example, warn instead
      of warning.
    * Fix CLI tools failed to run on Erlang 25
* Wed May 11 2022 Andreas Stieger <>
  - add upstream signing key and verify source signature
* Sun May 08 2022 Fusion Future <>
  - Update to 3.10.0
    * See
      for the full changelog.
    * Potentially breaking changes
    - Messages delivered by a quorum queue and negatively acknowledged
      with a requeue will be added to the back of the queue until the
      queue has redelivery limit set. With a redelivery limit, requeueing
      will use the original position of the message if possible.
    - idle_since field now uses RFC 3339 format.
* Fri Mar 25 2022 Fusion Future <>
  - Update to 3.9.14
    * See
      for the full changelog.
    * Build time compatibility with Elixir 1.13 (gh#rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server#4019)
    - Drop Elixir-1.13-OptionParser-no-longer-supports-atom-val.patch
    - Drop Support-Elixir-1.13.patch
    * Adapt to a breaking Erlang 24.3 LDAP client change.
* Sat Feb 19 2022 Fusion Future <>
  - Add zsh BuildRequires to fix "directories not owned by a package"
    in zsh-completion.
* Wed Jan 19 2022 Fusion Future <>
  - Update to 3.9.13
    * Core Server Bug Fixes and Enhancements
    - Disk space monitor now correctly parses output on (at least
      some) systems where non-ASCII characters are used in paths.
    - Stream leader election is now deterministic when cluster is
      undergoing a rolling upgrade.
    - Queue and binding definition import can be delayed until a
      moment when at least N nodes (e.g. three) have joined the
  - Allow building with Elixir 1.13.x
    * Support-Elixir-1.13.patch
    * Elixir-1.13-OptionParser-no-longer-supports-atom-val.patch
* Thu Jan 06 2022 Fusion Future <>
  - Update to 3.9.12
    * See
      for the full changelog.
    * Core Server Bug Fixes and Enhancements
    - (Fix) Authentication and authorization backend exceptions
      could potentially leak user-provided credentials to node log.
    - Unnamed parameters and policies in definition files will now
      be rejected as invalid.



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Fabrice Bellet, Sat Mar 22 23:22:24 2025