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Name: texlive-shipunov | Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed |
Version: 2024.216.1.2svn52334 | Vendor: openSUSE |
Release: 56.4 | Build date: Wed Jul 3 10:09:23 2024 |
Group: Productivity/Publishing/TeX/Base | Build host: reproducible |
Size: 73632 | Source RPM: texlive-specs-u-2024-56.4.src.rpm |
Packager: | |
Url: | |
Summary: A collection of LaTeX packages and classes |
The bundle collects packages and classes, along with one bibliography style and examples and scripts for converting TeX files. Many of the files in the collection are designed to support field biologists and/or Russian writers, while others have wider application. The collection includes: add2 - Save trees. Quick way to fit as many as possible into one page. Good for handouts. altverse - Typesetting verses. Straightforward typesetting, using the xtab package to aid layout. autolist - More lists. A means to define various sorts of list. biokey - Flexible identification key tables in LaTeX. The package provides straightforward macros to typeset sets of biological identification keys. Layout is flexible, and the macros will be useful in other disciplines. biolist - List observed species. Pretty formatting of species lists of flora and fauna. boldline - Heavier lines in tables. The package provides commands replacing \hline and \cline, as well as a table preamble element that generates heavy lines. cassete (with one 't') - Print labels for audio cassettes. This is a LaTeX2e class file (the only other cassette package on CTAN is cassette (with two 't'), written for Plain TeX). classif2 - Biological classification tables. The package defines an environment classif that simplifies the process of typesetting classification tables. dline - Double line on the left of text. drcaps - Simple dropped capitals. The package offers simple macros for dropped capitals, in a couple of forms. etiketka - Class for typesetting business-card-sized information (including business cards). flower - Typesetting lists of flower formulas. isyntax - Interactively check LaTeX file syntax. numerus - Spell numbers in Russian words. punct - Within italicized text, punctuation is still straight, this is typographically more aesthetic. qqru - Universal quotation marks, for Russian and English. It is able also to convert uniform typewriter "quotes" into left or right typographic quotes. rusnat - Bibliography style file, now deprecated. sltables - Simplified tables for LaTeX. These macros develop the concepts of the stables, which are designed to offer table macros whose use is "as simple as one might hope". Some would claim that LaTeX's built-in table specifications are as simple as one might hope, but this package offers many short-cuts and optimization of the mechanisms of tables. starfn - Stars as footnote marks. textfrac - Simple slanted fractions.
* Wed Jul 03 2024 Dr. Werner Fink <> - More fine tuning to catch all python3 shebangs * Thu Jun 27 2024 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Add fix for bug boo#1212476 -- fix python shebang * Wed Mar 20 2024 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Move three files of ufrgscca from doc part to runtime part * ufrgscca-cover-ptBR.tex * ufrgscca-forms.tex * ufrgscca-terms-ptBR.tex - Add patch prettytok_pyatusrbin.dif * Call python3 in /usr/bin instead of /bin - New packages * texlive-addtoluatexpath * texlive-advice * texlive-affilauthor * texlive-amnestyreport * texlive-antique-spanish-units * texlive-argumentation * texlive-arsenal * texlive-arsenal-fonts * texlive-autotype * texlive-beamertheme-rainbow * texlive-beamerthemeconcrete * texlive-beautybook * texlive-beautynote * texlive-bibtools * texlive-cahierprof * texlive-calcfrac * texlive-chemformula-ru * texlive-chicagolinks * texlive-cidarticle * texlive-circularglyphs * texlive-cjs-rcs-article * texlive-cleveref-forward * texlive-cleveref-usedon * texlive-codedescribe * texlive-collargs * texlive-coloredbelts * texlive-context-calendar-examples * texlive-context-collating-marks * texlive-context-companion-fonts * texlive-context-companion-fonts-fonts * texlive-context-legacy * texlive-context-notes-zh-cn * texlive-context-pocketdiary * texlive-context-squares * texlive-context-sudoku * texlive-context-texlive * texlive-contract * texlive-couleurs-fr * texlive-counterz * texlive-creationboites * texlive-culmus * texlive-culmus-fonts * texlive-curriculum-vitae * texlive-customenvs * texlive-decimalcomma * texlive-defoldfonts * texlive-didec * texlive-drawing-with-metapost * texlive-easydtx * texlive-egpeirce * texlive-elteiktdk * texlive-emo * texlive-emo-fonts * texlive-emotion * texlive-etoolbox-generic * texlive-examz * texlive-expex-glossonly * texlive-fadingimage * texlive-fail-fast * texlive-fenetrecas * texlive-fitch * texlive-floatbytocbasic * texlive-floatrowbytocbasic * texlive-fontscale * texlive-freealign * texlive-gelasio * texlive-gelasio-fonts * texlive-genealogy-profiles * texlive-gitinfo-lua * texlive-glossaries-norsk * texlive-hebrew-fonts * texlive-hep-graphic * texlive-heria * texlive-highlightx * texlive-homework * texlive-huffman * texlive-inconsolata-nerd-font * texlive-inconsolata-nerd-font-fonts * texlive-ipsum * texlive-iran-bibtex * texlive-isosafety * texlive-isphysicalmath * texlive-iwonamath * texlive-joinbox * texlive-jourrr * texlive-junicodevf * texlive-junicodevf-fonts * texlive-khatalmaqala * texlive-khatalmaqala-fonts * texlive-korigamik * texlive-lastbib * texlive-latex-context-ppchtex * texlive-latex2pydata * texlive-litebook * texlive-litesolution * texlive-litetable * texlive-logoetalab * texlive-lua-placeholders * texlive-lua-tinyyaml * texlive-luahttp * texlive-luanumint * texlive-luaplot * texlive-medmath * texlive-memoize * texlive-metsymb * texlive-metsymb-fonts * texlive-mitthesis * texlive-mlawriter * texlive-mnhyphn * texlive-moloch * texlive-movement-arrows * texlive-mpchess * texlive-mpchess-fonts * texlive-non-decimal-units * texlive-notebeamer * texlive-odesandpdes * texlive-opbible * texlive-oststud * texlive-panneauxroute * texlive-papiergurvan * texlive-parsimatn * texlive-parsimatn-fonts * texlive-parsinevis * texlive-parsinevis-fonts * texlive-pdfannotations * texlive-pdfrender * texlive-penlightplus * texlive-pgfkeysearch * texlive-pictochrono * texlive-playcards * texlive-pmdraw * texlive-polyhedra * texlive-postit * texlive-ppmcheckpdf * texlive-profmaquette * texlive-profsio * texlive-ptlatexcommands * texlive-pynotebook * texlive-q-and-a * texlive-quickreaction * texlive-quiver * texlive-quizztex * texlive-quran-en * texlive-quran-id * texlive-randexam * texlive-regulatory * texlive-responsive * texlive-rit-fonts * texlive-rit-fonts-fonts * texlive-robust-externalize * texlive-rorlink * texlive-rouequestions * texlive-runtexshebang * texlive-scrwfile * texlive-setspaceenhanced * texlive-sim-os-menus * texlive-sjtutex * texlive-starray * texlive-stellenbosch-2 * texlive-string-diagrams * texlive-sympycalc * texlive-tangocolors * texlive-tblr-extras * texlive-texblend * texlive-texfindpkg * texlive-thematicpuzzle * texlive-tikz-nfold * texlive-tikz-osci * texlive-tikz2d-fr * texlive-tikz3d-fr * texlive-tikzdotncross * texlive-tikzquads * texlive-tikzquests * texlive-tilings * texlive-tkz-bernoulli * texlive-tkz-elements * texlive-trivialpursuit * texlive-tutodoc * texlive-twoxtwogame * texlive-typstfun * texlive-ucph-revy * texlive-udepcolor * texlive-undar-digitacion * texlive-unicode-math-input * texlive-unifront * texlive-updatemarks * texlive-useclass * texlive-vectorlogos * texlive-verifycommand * texlive-weiqi * texlive-wordcloud * texlive-wordle * texlive-xfrac * texlive-xkeymask * texlive-ysabeau * texlive-ysabeau-fonts - Removed packages * texlive-context-account * texlive-context-algorithmic * texlive-context-animation * texlive-context-annotation * texlive-context-bnf * texlive-context-chromato * texlive-context-cmscbf * texlive-context-cmttbf * texlive-context-construction-plan * texlive-context-degrade * texlive-context-fancybreak * texlive-context-french * texlive-context-fullpage * texlive-context-gantt * texlive-context-layout * texlive-context-lettrine * texlive-context-rst * texlive-context-ruby * texlive-context-simplefonts * texlive-context-title * texlive-context-typearea * texlive-iwhdp * texlive-luaintro * texlive-penrose * texlive-substitutefont * texlive-superiors-fonts * Thu Mar 14 2024 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Update to TeXLive 2024 - Remove patch context_shell-escape.dif now upstream - Port patches * context_cnf.dif * kpathsea_cnf.dif * latexmk_conf.dif * luaotfload_varfonts.dif * pdftex_pdflatex.dif * texlive-scripts_scripts.dif * xetex_conf.dif * Fri Nov 24 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Remove some not needed python files as well as patch one python file to do its python3 job (boo#1217476) * Fri Aug 04 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Make texlive-iftex obsolete texlive-ifluatex from 2019 (boo#1211717) * Tue Jul 04 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Rework lua(meta)tex/context resource findings * Mon Jun 05 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Add requirement in invoice2 for siunitx as shown upstream * Fri May 05 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Add patch context_shell-escape.dif * Add upstream fix for enabling --socket and --shell-escape * Wed May 03 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Drop,, and from context.doc as only given with CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0, a non-commercial license * Thu Apr 20 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Map the upstream license fdl tag to newer GFDL-1.3.or-later (bsc#1210680) * Wed Apr 05 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Support mkiv as well as lmtx ConTeXt formats - Correct supplements tags of texlive packages to use the new texlive-alldocuments meta package * Mon Apr 03 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Move cenccmn.tex fro mdoc to tex tree to let be find by the ucs font definitions * Mon Apr 03 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Move pgfPT.input.library.tex from doc to tex tree to make it visible for the pgf-PeriodicTable.sty * Fri Mar 31 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Enlarge main memory of xmltex to get a format * Mon Mar 20 2023 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Update to final TeXLive 2023 - Add fix for boo#1204746 * New meta package texlive-documentation which triggers installation of documentation packages of already installed packages - Ported changes * kpathsea_cnf.dif * latexmk_conf.dif * latexpand_perl.dif * luaotfload_varfonts.dif * luatex_cnf.dif * texlive-scripts_scripts.dif - New change context_cnf.dif * help ConteXt to find its system wide files - Upstream dropped packages * aleph.tar.xz * ametsoc.doc.tar.xz * ametsoc.tar.xz * amscls-doc.tar.xz * amslatex-primer.tar.xz * amsldoc-it.tar.xz * amsldoc-vn.tar.xz * amsmath-it.tar.xz * amsthdoc-it.tar.xz * anufinalexam.tar.xz * apprends-latex.tar.xz * around-the-bend.tar.xz * ascii-chart.tar.xz * asymptote-by-example-zh-cn.tar.xz * asymptote-faq-zh-cn.tar.xz * asymptote-manual-zh-cn.tar.xz * autosp.tar.xz * beamer-FUBerlin.doc.tar.xz * beamer-FUBerlin.tar.xz * beamer-tut-pt.tar.xz * biber.tar.xz * biblatex-cheatsheet.tar.xz * bibtexu.tar.xz * booktabs-de.tar.xz * booktabs-fr.tar.xz * components-of-TeX.doc.tar.xz * components-of-TeX.tar.xz * comprehensive.tar.xz * context-inifile.doc.tar.xz * context-inifile.tar.xz * context-notes-zh-cn.doc.tar.xz * context-notes-zh-cn.tar.xz * csquotes-de.tar.xz * cstex.tar.xz * ctan_chk.tar.xz * ctex-faq.tar.xz * ctie.tar.xz * cursolatex.tar.xz * detex.tar.xz * dickimaw.tar.xz * doc-pictex.tar.xz * docsurvey.tar.xz * dtl.tar.xz * dtxgallery.tar.xz * dtxtut.tar.xz * dvi2tty.doc.tar.xz * dvi2tty.tar.xz * dvicopy.tar.xz * dvidvi.tar.xz * dviljk.tar.xz * dviout-util.tar.xz * dvipng.tar.xz * dvipos.tar.xz * dvisvgm.tar.xz * ebong.doc.tar.xz * ebong.tar.xz * ecothesis.tar.xz * ednotes.doc.tar.xz * ednotes.tar.xz * elegantbook.doc.tar.xz * elegantbook.tar.xz * elegantnote.doc.tar.xz * elegantnote.tar.xz * elegantpaper.doc.tar.xz * elegantpaper.tar.xz * epslatex-fr.tar.xz * es-tex-faq.tar.xz * etdipa.tar.xz * etoolbox-de.tar.xz * expkv-cs.doc.tar.xz * expkv-cs.tar.xz * expkv-def.doc.tar.xz * expkv-def.tar.xz * expkv-opt.doc.tar.xz * expkv-opt.tar.xz * expkv.doc.tar.xz * expkv.tar.xz * fancyhdr-it.tar.xz * fifinddo-info.tar.xz * first-latex-doc.tar.xz * fontware.tar.xz * forest-quickstart.tar.xz * formation-latex-ul.tar.xz * gentle.tar.xz * gloss-occitan.tar.xz * guide-to-latex.tar.xz * gustprog.tar.xz * happy4th.tar.xz * hook-pre-commit-pkg.tar.xz * ietfbibs.tar.xz * impatient-cn.tar.xz * impatient-fr.tar.xz * impatient.tar.xz * intro-scientific.tar.xz * koma-script-examples.tar.xz * l2picfaq.tar.xz * l2tabu-english.tar.xz * l2tabu-french.tar.xz * l2tabu-italian.tar.xz * l2tabu-spanish.tar.xz * l2tabu.tar.xz * lacheck.tar.xz * latex-bin.tar.xz * latex-brochure.tar.xz * latex-course.tar.xz * latex-doc-ptr.tar.xz * latex-graphics-companion.tar.xz * latex-mr.tar.xz * latex-notes-zh-cn.tar.xz * latex-refsheet.tar.xz * latex-veryshortguide.tar.xz * latex-via-exemplos.tar.xz * latex-web-companion.tar.xz * latex2e-help-texinfo-fr.tar.xz * latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish.tar.xz * latex2e-help-texinfo.tar.xz * latex4musicians.tar.xz * latex4wp-it.tar.xz * latex4wp.tar.xz * latexcheat-de.tar.xz * latexcheat-esmx.tar.xz * latexcheat-ptbr.tar.xz * latexcheat.tar.xz * latexcourse-rug.tar.xz * lcdftypetools.tar.xz * linearA.doc.tar.xz * linearA.tar.xz * linenoamsmath.doc.tar.xz * linenoamsmath.tar.xz * lshort-bulgarian.tar.xz * lshort-chinese.tar.xz * lshort-czech.tar.xz * lshort-dutch.tar.xz * lshort-english.tar.xz * lshort-estonian.tar.xz * lshort-finnish.tar.xz * lshort-french.tar.xz * lshort-german.tar.xz * lshort-italian.tar.xz * lshort-japanese.tar.xz * lshort-korean.tar.xz * lshort-mongol.tar.xz * lshort-persian.tar.xz * lshort-polish.tar.xz * lshort-portuguese.tar.xz * lshort-russian.tar.xz * lshort-slovak.tar.xz * lshort-slovenian.tar.xz * lshort-spanish.tar.xz * lshort-thai.tar.xz * lshort-turkish.tar.xz * lshort-ukr.tar.xz * lshort-vietnamese.tar.xz * luaintro.tar.xz * lualatex-doc-de.tar.xz * lualatex-doc.tar.xz * makecookbook.tar.xz * math-into-latex-4.tar.xz * maths-symbols.tar.xz * mcf2graph.tar.xz * memdesign.tar.xz * mendex-doc.source.tar.xz * metafont-beginners.tar.xz * metapost-examples.tar.xz * metatype1.tar.xz * microtype-de.tar.xz * mpman-ru.tar.xz * newcommand.tar.xz * npp-for-context.doc.tar.xz * npp-for-context.tar.xz * ntheorem-vn.tar.xz * omegaware.tar.xz * patch.tar.xz * patgen.tar.xz * patgen2-tutorial.tar.xz * pdftosrc.tar.xz * pgf-cmykshadings.doc.tar.xz * pgf-cmykshadings.tar.xz * pictexsum.tar.xz * plain-doc.tar.xz * platexcheat.tar.xz * procIAGssymp.doc.tar.xz * procIAGssymp.tar.xz * ps2pk.tar.xz * psfrag-italian.tar.xz * pst-eucl-translation-bg.tar.xz * pst-support.tar.xz * pstricks_calcnotes.tar.xz * psutils.doc.tar.xz * psutils.tar.xz * ptex-manual.tar.xz * ptex.tar.xz * reverxii.source.tar.xz * seetexk.tar.xz * short-math-guide.tar.xz * showhyphens.doc.tar.xz * showhyphens.tar.xz * simplified-latex.tar.xz * soulutf8.doc.tar.xz * soulutf8.tar.xz * svg-inkscape.tar.xz * sympytexpackage.doc.tar.xz * sympytexpackage.tar.xz * synctex.tar.xz * t1utils.doc.tar.xz * t1utils.tar.xz * tablestyles.doc.tar.xz * tablestyles.tar.xz * tamethebeast.tar.xz * tds.tar.xz * templates-fenn.tar.xz * templates-sommer.tar.xz * tex-font-errors-cheatsheet.tar.xz * tex-overview.tar.xz * tex-refs.tar.xz * tex-virtual-academy-pl.tar.xz * tex.tar.xz * texbytopic.tar.xz * texlive-common.tar.xz * texlive-cz.tar.xz * texlive-de.tar.xz * texlive-en.tar.xz * texlive-es.tar.xz * texlive-fr.tar.xz * texlive-it.tar.xz * texlive-msg-translations.tar.xz * texlive-pl.tar.xz * texlive-ru.tar.xz * texlive-sr.tar.xz * texlive-zh-cn.tar.xz * texproposal.tar.xz * texware.tar.xz * theatre.tar.xz * tie.tar.xz * tipa-de.tar.xz * titlepages.tar.xz * tkz-doc.tar.xz * tlc2.tar.xz * tlcockpit.doc.tar.xz * tlcockpit.tar.xz * tlshell.doc.tar.xz * tlshell.tar.xz * tpic2pdftex.tar.xz * translation-array-fr.tar.xz * translation-arsclassica-de.tar.xz * translation-biblatex-de.tar.xz * translation-chemsym-de.tar.xz * translation-dcolumn-fr.tar.xz * translation-ecv-de.tar.xz * translation-enumitem-de.tar.xz * translation-europecv-de.tar.xz * translation-filecontents-de.tar.xz * translation-moreverb-de.tar.xz * translation-natbib-fr.tar.xz * translation-tabbing-fr.tar.xz * unamth-template.tar.xz * undergradmath.tar.xz * uptex.tar.xz * visualfaq.tar.xz * visualpstricks.tar.xz * visualtikz.tar.xz * vlna.tar.xz * voss-mathcol.tar.xz * web.tar.xz * webguide.tar.xz * xetexref.tar.xz * xii-lat.tar.xz * xii.tar.xz * xindy.doc.tar.xz * xindy.tar.xz * xpdfopen.tar.xz * ypic-tut-pt.tar.xz - Upstream new packages * abntexto.doc.tar.xz * abntexto.tar.xz * abspos.doc.tar.xz * abspos.tar.xz * alchemist.doc.tar.xz * alchemist.tar.xz * annotate-equations.doc.tar.xz * annotate-equations.tar.xz * asternote.doc.tar.xz * asternote.tar.xz * babel-lithuanian.doc.tar.xz * babel-lithuanian.tar.xz * beamer-fuberlin.doc.tar.xz * beamer-fuberlin.tar.xz * beamertheme-simpleplus.doc.tar.xz * beamertheme-simpleplus.tar.xz * beamertheme-tcolorbox.doc.tar.xz * beamertheme-tcolorbox.tar.xz * beamerthemeamurmaple.doc.tar.xz * beamerthemeamurmaple.tar.xz * bibcop.doc.tar.xz * bibcop.tar.xz * biber-ms.doc.tar.xz * biber-ms.source.tar.xz * biblatex-ms.doc.tar.xz * biblatex-ms.tar.xz * blopentype.doc.tar.xz * blopentype.tar.xz * chemobabel.doc.tar.xz * chemobabel.tar.xz * chinesechess.doc.tar.xz * chinesechess.tar.xz * circledtext.doc.tar.xz * circledtext.tar.xz * colorframed.doc.tar.xz * colorframed.tar.xz * components.doc.tar.xz * coolfn.doc.tar.xz * coolfn.tar.xz * cooperhewitt.doc.tar.xz * cooperhewitt.tar.xz * cprotectinside.doc.tar.xz * cprotectinside.tar.xz * crossrefenum.doc.tar.xz * crossrefenum.tar.xz * csassignments.doc.tar.xz * csassignments.tar.xz * customdice.doc.tar.xz * customdice.tar.xz * cvss.doc.tar.xz * cvss.tar.xz * darkmode.doc.tar.xz * darkmode.tar.xz * democodetools.doc.tar.xz * democodetools.tar.xz * digestif.doc.tar.xz * digestif.tar.xz * docshots.doc.tar.xz * docshots.tar.xz * dtk-bibliography.tar.xz * eolang.doc.tar.xz * eolang.tar.xz * euler-math.doc.tar.xz * euler-math.tar.xz * evangelion-jfm.doc.tar.xz * evangelion-jfm.tar.xz * exam-lite.doc.tar.xz * exam-lite.tar.xz * exam-zh.doc.tar.xz * exam-zh.tar.xz * expex-acro.doc.tar.xz * expex-acro.tar.xz * expkv-bundle.doc.tar.xz * expkv-bundle.tar.xz * familytree.doc.tar.xz * familytree.tar.xz * fancyqr.doc.tar.xz * fancyqr.tar.xz * figput.doc.tar.xz * figput.tar.xz * fistrum.doc.tar.xz * fistrum.tar.xz * fixdif.doc.tar.xz * fixdif.tar.xz * fixmath.doc.tar.xz * fixmath.tar.xz * flexipage.doc.tar.xz * flexipage.tar.xz * gensymb.doc.tar.xz * gensymb.tar.xz * gfdl.doc.tar.xz * gfdl.tar.xz * gitstatus.doc.tar.xz * gitstatus.tar.xz * gradient-text.doc.tar.xz * gradient-text.tar.xz * hep-reference.doc.tar.xz * hep-reference.tar.xz * hereapplies.doc.tar.xz * hereapplies.tar.xz * heros-otf.doc.tar.xz * heros-otf.tar.xz * hershey-mp.doc.tar.xz * hershey-mp.tar.xz * hfutexam.doc.tar.xz * hfutexam.tar.xz * hfutthesis.doc.tar.xz * hfutthesis.tar.xz * hideanswer.doc.tar.xz * hideanswer.tar.xz * huaz.doc.tar.xz * huaz.tar.xz * hvextern.doc.tar.xz * hvextern.tar.xz * hwemoji.doc.tar.xz * hwemoji.tar.xz * ibrackets.doc.tar.xz * ibrackets.tar.xz * ieejtran.doc.tar.xz * ieejtran.tar.xz * inlinelabel.doc.tar.xz * inlinelabel.tar.xz * japanese-mathformulas.doc.tar.xz * japanese-mathformulas.tar.xz * jeuxcartes.doc.tar.xz * jeuxcartes.tar.xz * jieeetran.doc.tar.xz * jieeetran.tar.xz * jobname-suffix.doc.tar.xz * jobname-suffix.tar.xz * jourcl.doc.tar.xz * jourcl.tar.xz * jpneduenumerate.doc.tar.xz * jpneduenumerate.tar.xz * jpnedumathsymbols.doc.tar.xz * jpnedumathsymbols.tar.xz * jwjournal.doc.tar.xz * jwjournal.tar.xz * kfupm-math-exam.doc.tar.xz * kfupm-math-exam.tar.xz * knuth-hint.doc.tar.xz * langnames.doc.tar.xz * langnames.tar.xz * latex-lab.doc.tar.xz * latex-lab.tar.xz * lgrmath.doc.tar.xz * lgrmath.tar.xz * ligtype.doc.tar.xz * ligtype.tar.xz * lineara.doc.tar.xz * lineara.tar.xz * lparse.doc.tar.xz * lparse.tar.xz * lt3luabridge.doc.tar.xz * lt3luabridge.tar.xz * lt3rawobjects.doc.tar.xz * lt3rawobjects.tar.xz * luacas.doc.tar.xz * luacas.tar.xz * luacomplex.doc.tar.xz * luacomplex.tar.xz * luagcd.doc.tar.xz * luagcd.tar.xz * lualinalg.doc.tar.xz * lualinalg.tar.xz * luamathalign.doc.tar.xz * luamathalign.tar.xz * luamaths.doc.tar.xz * luamaths.tar.xz * luamodulartables.doc.tar.xz * luamodulartables.tar.xz * luaoptions.doc.tar.xz * luaoptions.tar.xz * luaquotes.doc.tar.xz * luaquotes.tar.xz * luaset.doc.tar.xz * luaset.tar.xz * luatruthtable.doc.tar.xz * luatruthtable.tar.xz * magicwatermark.doc.tar.xz * magicwatermark.tar.xz * mathsemantics.doc.tar.xz * mathsemantics.tar.xz * maze.doc.tar.xz * maze.tar.xz * multifootnote.doc.tar.xz * multifootnote.tar.xz * multiple-choice.doc.tar.xz * multiple-choice.tar.xz * naive-ebnf.doc.tar.xz * naive-ebnf.tar.xz * namedtensor.doc.tar.xz * namedtensor.tar.xz * ndsu-thesis-2022.doc.tar.xz * ndsu-thesis-2022.tar.xz * opencolor.doc.tar.xz * opencolor.tar.xz * outilsgeomtikz.doc.tar.xz * outilsgeomtikz.tar.xz * overarrows.doc.tar.xz * overarrows.tar.xz * pagegrid.doc.tar.xz * pagegrid.tar.xz * pagelayout.doc.tar.xz * pagelayout.tar.xz * pagella-otf.doc.tar.xz * pagella-otf.tar.xz * pangram.doc.tar.xz * pangram.tar.xz * pdfcol.doc.tar.xz * pdfcol.tar.xz * pdfcolfoot.doc.tar.xz * pdfcolfoot.tar.xz * pdfmsym.doc.tar.xz * pdfmsym.tar.xz * pgf-periodictable.doc.tar.xz * pgf-periodictable.tar.xz * photobook.doc.tar.xz * photobook.tar.xz * physics2.doc.tar.xz * physics2.tar.xz * piton.doc.tar.xz * piton.tar.xz * pixelarttikz.doc.tar.xz * pixelarttikz.tar.xz * postnotes.doc.tar.xz * postnotes.tar.xz * ppt-slides.doc.tar.xz * ppt-slides.tar.xz * precattl.doc.tar.xz * precattl.tar.xz * prettytok.doc.tar.xz * prettytok.tar.xz * prociagssymp.doc.tar.xz * 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Werner Fink <> - Update mltex to latest version 4.2svn63213 as upstream has now removed all .dvi, .pdf, and .tex files from doc tree due to the used Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license * Mon Apr 25 2022 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) - Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) - Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) * Tue Apr 19 2022 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Move luakeys-debug.tex from doc tree into load tree - Move dtk-logos.sty from doc tree into load tree * Thu Apr 07 2022 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Do not recommend docs of any kind anymore but suggest them (boo#1197367) - Add patch pdftex_pdflatex.dif to mention pdflatex in manual page (bsc#1171682) * Mon Apr 04 2022 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Update to TeXLive 2022 - Remove obsolete patch seminar_latex20200202.dif * Fri Mar 18 2022 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Also add some obsoletes * Wed Mar 16 2022 Dr. Werner Fink <> - Backport TeXLive 2021, full python3 support and no poppler anymore - Add missed package splits for bsc#1196711 - Skip patch latexmk_perl.dif as this is upstream in TL 2021 (bsc#1094731) - Ignore patch latexdiff_perl.dif for bsc#1118796 as this is already part of upstream TeXLive 2021 - Ignore patch fancyhdr_newtoks.dif for bsc#1190640 as this is already part of upstream TeXLive 2021
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Fabrice Bellet, Sat Mar 15 00:00:06 2025