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libpetsc3_22-openmpi4-3.22.2-1.3 RPM for x86_64

From OpenSuSE Tumbleweed for x86_64

Name: libpetsc3_22-openmpi4 Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed
Version: 3.22.2 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: 1.3 Build date: Mon Dec 30 20:41:59 2024
Group: System/Libraries Build host: reproducible
Size: 26341441 Source RPM: petsc-openmpi4-3.22.2-1.3.src.rpm
Summary: PETSc shared libraries
PETSc is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable
(parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial
differential equations.






* Mon Dec 30 2024 Stefan Brüns <>
  - Update to version 3.22:
    * General:
      + Add -mpiuni-allow-multiprocess-launch to allow mpiexec to
      launch multiple indendent MPI-Uni jobs. Previously a sanity
      check error message was always produced
    * Configure/Build:
      + Add --with-openmp-kernels
      + Update to work with python-3.13
      + Change MPIU_Allreduce() to always returns an MPI error
      code that should be checked with PetscCallMPI()
      + Add PetscCallReturnMPI(), PetscCallMPIReturnMPI(), and
      PetscCheckReturnMPI() to check for in PETSc provided MPI
    * Sys:
      + Add PetscPragmaUseOMPKernels
      + Deprecate PetscOptionsRestoreViewer() in favor of
      + Deprecate PetscOptionsGetViewer() and PetscOptionsGetViewers()
      in favor of PetscOptionsCreateViewer() and
      + Deprecate PetscOptionsPushGetViewerOff(),
      PetscOptionsPopGetViewerOff(), and PetscOptionsGetViewerOff()
      in favor of PetscOptionsPushCreateViewerOff(),
      PetscOptionsPopCreateViewerOff(), and
      + Add PetscObjectContainerCompose() and
      + Add size_t argument to PetscMPIErrorString()
      + Add PetscCallExternalAbort() for calling external library
      functions from functions not returning PetscErrorCode
      + Add PetscRandomSetOptionsPrefix()
      + Add PetscOptionsGetBool3() to get a ternary logical value
      from a command line option
    * PetscViewer:
      + Add PetscViewerASCIIStdoutSetFileUnit()
      + Add PetscShmgetAllocateArrayScalar(),
      PetscShmgetAllocateArrayInt(), and
      PetscShmgetDeallocateArrayInt() for Fortran
    * VecScatter / PetscSF:
      + Add PetscSFRegisterPersistent() and
      PetscSFDeregisterPersistent() for safe optimization of
      persistent communication
    * Vec:
      + The IS passed to VecISAXPY() and VecISCopy(). VecISSet() and
      VecISShift() must have the same communicator of the vectors used
      Make VecLock API active in optimized mode
      + VecNestSetSubVec() and VecNestSetSubVecs() now take references
      to input vectors rather than creating duplicates Deprecate
      VecSetInf() with VecFlag()
    * Mat:
      + Change MatProductSetFill() to support PETSC_DETERMINE and
      PETSC_CURRENT. MatMatMult() and its friends and relations now
      accept PETSC_DETERMINE and PETSC_CURRENT in the fill argument.
      PETSC_DEFAULT is deprecated for those functions
      + Change the default MatType of the output Mat of
      MatSchurComplementComputeExplicitOperator() to be MATDENSE.
      It may be changed from the command line, e.g.,
    - fieldsplit_1_explicit_operator_mat_type aij
      set methods returning the diagonal point blocks of a matrix
    * PC:
      + Add support in PCFieldSplitSetFields() including with
    - pc_fieldsplit_%d_fields fields for MATNEST,  making it
      possible to utilize multiple levels of PCFIELDSPLIT with
      MATNEST from the command line
      + Add PCCompositeSpecialSetAlphaMat() API to use a matrix
      other than the identity in preconditioners based on an
      alternating direction iteration, e.g., setting M for
      P = (A + alpha M) M^{-1} (alpha M + B)
      + Reuse the result of T = A_{00}^-1 A_{01} in
      PCApply_FieldSplit_Schur with -pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type
      + Change the option database keys for coarsening for PCGAMG to
      use the prefix -pc_gamg_, for example -pc_gamg_mat_coarsen_type
      + Add PCGAMGSetGraphSymmetrize() and -pc_gamg_graph_symmetrize to
      control symmetrization when coarsening the graph Add
    - pc_hypre_type ilu with -pc_hypre_ilu_type,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_iterative_setup_type,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_iterative_setup_maxiter,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_iterative_setup_tolerance,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_print_level, -pc_hypre_ilu_logging,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_level, -pc_hypre_ilu_max_nnz_per_row,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_tol, -pc_hypre_ilu_maxiter,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_drop_threshold, -pc_hypre_ilu_tri_solve,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_lower_jacobi_iters,
    - pc_hypre_ilu_upper_jacobi_iters, and
    - pc_hypre_ilu_local_reordering
      + Improve -pc_type boomeramg with
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_smooth_num_sweeps,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_type,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_iterative_setup_type,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_iterative_setup_option,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_iterative_setup_maxiter,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_iterative_setup_tolerance,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_print_level,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_logging, -pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_level,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_max_nnz_per_row,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_maxiter,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_drop_tol,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_tri_solve,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_lower_jacobi_iters,
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_upper_jacobi_iters, and
    - pc_hypre_boomeramg_ilu_local_reordering
    * KSP:
      + Add support for PETSC_DETERMINE as an argument to
      KSPSetTolerances() to set the parameter back to its initial
      value when the object's type was set
      + Deprecate PETSC_DEFAULT in favor of PETSC_CURRENT for
    * SNES:
      + Add support for PETSC_DETERMINE as an argument to
      SNESSetTolerances() to set the parameter back to its initial
      value when the object's type was set
      + Deprecate PETSC_DEFAULT in favor of PETSC_CURRENT for
      + Add DMAdaptorMonitor(), DMAdaptorMonitorSet(),
      DMAdaptorMonitorCancel(), and DMAdaptorMonitorSetFromOptions()
      + Add DMAdaptorMonitorSize(), DMAdaptorMonitorError(),
      DMAdaptorMonitorErrorDrawLGCreate(), and
      + Add DMAdaptorMonitorRegister(), DMAdaptorMonitorRegisterAll(),
      and DMAdaptorMonitorRegisterDestroy()
      + Add DMAdaptorGetCriterion() and DMAdaptorSetCriterion()
      + Add DMAdaptorSetOptionsPrefix()
      + Add Newton's method with arc length continuation: SNESNEWTONAL
      with SNESNewtonALSetFunction(), SNESNewtonALGetFunction(),
      SNESNewtonALComputeFunction(), SNESNewtonALGetLoadParameter(),
      and SNESNewtonALSetCorrectionType()
      + Add SNESNewtonTRSetTolerances() and
      SNESNewtonTRSetUpdateParameters() to programmatically set trust
      region parameters Deprecate SNESSetTrustRegionTolerance() in
      favor of SNESNewtonTRSetTolerances()
      + Add SNESResetCounters() to reset counters for linear iterations
      and function evaluations
    * TS:
      + Add Rosenbrock-W methods from :cite:`rang2015improved` with
      + Add support for PETSC_DETERMINE as an argument to
      TSSetTolerances() to set the parameter back to its initial
      value when the object's type was set Deprecate PETSC_DEFAULT
      in favor of PETSC_CURRENT for  TSSetTolerances()
      + Add support for PETSC_DETERMINE as an argument to
      TSSetMaxSteps() and TSSetMaxTime()
      + Deprecate PETSC_DEFAULT in favor of PETSC_CURRENT for
      + Deprecate PETSC_DEFAULT in favor of PETSC_CURRENT for
      + Deprecate PETSC_DEFAULT in favor of PETSC_CURRENT for
      + Add  TSGetStepResize()
      + Add  -ts_monitor_solution_vtk_interval to control the interval
      for dumping files
      + Add a new ARKIMEX solver for fast-slow systems that are
      partitioned component-wise and additively at the same time
      + Add TSRHSSplitSetIFunction(), TSRHSSplitSetIJacobian(),
      TSRHSSplitSetSNES(), TSRHSSplitGetSNES(),
      TSARKIMEXSetFastSlowSplit(), and TSARKIMEXGetFastSlowSplit()
      to support the new solver
    * TAO:
      + Add support for PETSC_DETERMINE as an argument to
      TaoSetTolerances() and TaoSetConstraintTolerances() to set
      the parameter back to its initial value when the object's
      type was set
      + Deprecate PETSC_DEFAULT in favor of PETSC_CURRENT for
      TaoSetTolerances() and TaoSetConstraintTolerances()
    * DM/DA:
      + Add DMGetSparseLocalize() and DMSetSparseLocalize()
      + Add DMGeomModelRegister(), DMGeomModelRegisterAll(),
      DMGeomModelRegisterDestroy(), DMSnapToGeomModel(), and
      DMSetSnapToGeomModel() to support registering geometric models
      + Add DMGetOutputSequenceLength()
      + Add an additional return vector to DMCreateMassMatrixLumped()
      to retrieve the local mass lumping
      + Add DMPlexMigrateGlobalToNaturalSF() modifies the NaturalSF to
      map from the SF's old global section to the new global section
    * DMPlex:
      + Add DMLabelGetValueBounds()
      + Add DMPlexOrientLabel()
      + Add an argument to DMPlexLabelCohesiveComplete() in order to
      change behavior at surface boundary Remove
      + Add refinement argument to DMPlexCreateHexCylinderMesh()
      + Now DMPlexComputeBdIntegral() takes one function per field
      + Add DMPlexCreateEdgeNumbering()
      + Add DMPlexComputeL2FluxDiffVec() and
      + Add DMAdaptorSetType(), DMAdaptorGetType(), DMAdaptorRegister(),
      DMAdaptorRegisterAll(), and DMAdaptorRegisterDestroy()
      + Add DMAdaptorGetMixedSetupFunction() and
      + Add DMPlexCreateCellNumbering()
      + Add DMPlexBuildFromCellSectionParallel() and
      + Add -dm_plex_box_label to add "Face Sets" label with current
      "box" conventions
      + Add "Face Sets" label to simplex meshes using current "box"
      conventions Update PetscViewerExodusII object to cache variable
      names  for faster and  more robust look-ups
      + Add PetscViewerExodusIISetNodalVariable(),
      PetscViewerExodusIIGetNodalVariable(), and
      PetscViewerExodusIIGetZonalVariable() to set or get the number
      of variables in a file
      + Add PetscViewerExodusIISetNodalVariableName(),
      PetscViewerExodusIIGetNodalVariableName(), and
      PetscViewerExodusIIGetZonalVariableName() to set or get a
      single variable name
      + Add PetscViewerExodusIISetNodalVariablesNames(),
      PetscViewerExodusIIGetNodalVariablesNames(), and
      PetscViewerExodusIIGetZonalVariablesNames() to set or get all
      variable names at the same time (not available in Fortran)
      + Add degree bounds to DMCopyFields(), DMCopyDS(), PetscDSCopy(),
      and PetscDSSelectDiscretizations()
      + Add PetscFELimitDegree()
      + Add localizationHeight and sparseLocalize arguments to
      DMPlexCreateBoxMesh() for coordinate localization on periodic
      + Add parallel CGNS reader, enabled by -dm_plex_cgns_parallel
      + Add CGNS function for VecLoad() of solutions in parallel (must
      be run with -dm_plex_cgns_parallel)
      + Add PetscViewerCGNSOpen() convenience function
      + Add PetscViewerCGNSGetSolutionTime(),
      PetscViewerCGNSSetSolutionIndex(), and
      + Add DMPlexGetDepthStratumGlobalSize()
    * DT:
      + Add PetscDSSetIntegrationParameters() and
    * Fortran:
      + Add PETSC_NULL_ENUM to be used instead of PETSC_NULL_INTEGER
      when a pointer to an enum is expected in a PETSc function call
      PETSC_NULL_SCALAR,  and PETSC_NULL_REAL when an array is
      expected in a PETSc function call
      + Add automatically generated interface definitions for most
      PETSc functions to detect illegal usage at compile time
      + Add PetscObjectIsNull() for users to check if a PETSc
      object is NULL
      + Change the PETSc Fortran API so that non-array values, v,
      passed to PETSc routines expecting arrays must be cast with
      [v] in the calling sequence
* Mon Dec 09 2024 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Add necessary BuildRequires for hpc flavours to allow use of
* Thu Jul 25 2024 Andreas Stieger <>
  - fix missing libyaml requirement of -devel package boo#1228280
* Tue Jun 18 2024 Egbert Eich <>
  - Update to version 3.21:
    - General:
    * Add single precision support for using HYPRE and MFEM
    * Require Fortran 2003 compiler with `GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT()` support
      for building PETSc with Fortran bindings
    - Sys:
    * Add `PetscBench` an object class for managing benchmarks in PETSc
    * Deprecate `PetscVoidFunction`, `PetscVoidStarFunction`, and
      `PetscErrorCodeFunction` typedefs in favor of `PetscVoidFn` and
    * Add `PetscOptionsBoundedReal()` and `PetscOptionsRangeReal()`.
    * Rename Petsc stream types to `PETSC_STREAM_DEFAULT`,
      `PETSC_STREAM_NONBLOCKING_WITH_BARRIER`. The root device context uses
      `PETSC_STREAM_DEFAULT` by default.
    - PetscViewer:
    * Change `PetscViewerRestoreSubViewer()` to no longer need a call to
      `PetscViewerFlush()` after it.
    * Introduce `PetscOptionsRestoreViewer()` that must be called after
      `PetscOptionsGetViewer()` and `PetscOptionsGetViewers()` to ensure
      thread safety.
    * Add `PetscViewerASCIIWORLDSetFileUnit()`.
    - VecScatter / PetscSF:
    * Add MPI-4.0 persistent neighborhood collectives support. Use
      `-sf_neighbor_persistent` along with `-sf_type` neighbor to enable it.
    * Add `PetscSFCreateStridedSF()` to communicate strided blocks of data/
    - Vec:
    * Add `VecGhostGetGhostIS()` to get the ghost indices of a ghosted vector.
    * Add `-vec_mdot_use_gemv` to let `VecMDot()`, `VecMTDot()` use BLAS2
      `gemv()` instead of custom unrolled kernel. Default is on.
    * Add `-vec_maxpy_use_gemv` to let `VecMAXPY()` use BLAS2 `gemv()`
      instead of custom unrolled kernel. Default is off.
    * `VecReplaceArray()` on the first Vec obtained from `VecDuplicateVecs()`
      with either of the two above *_use_gemv options won’t work anymore.
      If needed, turn them off or use VecDuplicateVec() instead `VecScale()`
      is now a logically collective operation.
    * Add `VecISShift()` to shift a part of the vector.
    * `VecISSet()` does no longer accept NULL as index set.
    * `VecLoad()` automatically determines whether the file was written
      using 32-bit or 64-bit indices, and files can read with PETSc built
      either way.
    - PetscSection:
    * Add `PetscSectionGetBlockStarts()` and `PetscSectionSetBlockStarts()`.
    * Add argument to `PetscSectionCreateGlobalSection()` that can ignore
      the local section permutation.
    * Add `PetscSectionCreateComponentSubsection()`.
    - PetscPartitioner:
    * Add edge weights to `PetscPartitionerPartition()`
    - Mat:
    * Reset `MATLMVM` history vectors if size is changed.
    * Add specific support for `MatMultHermitianTranspose()` and
      `MatMultHermitianTransposeAdd()` in `MATSHELL`, `MATDENSE`,
    * Add function `MatProductGetAlgorithm()` `MATTRANSPOSEVIRTUAL`,
      and `MATCOMPOSITE` now derive from `MATSHELL`. This implies a new
      behavior for those Mat, as calling `MatAssemblyBegin()`/
      `MatAssemblyEnd()` destroys scalings and shifts for `MATSHELL`, but
      it was not previously the case for other `MatType`.
    * Add function `MatGetRowSumAbs()` to compute vector of L1 norms of
      rows ([`B`]`AIJ` only).
    * Add partial support for `MatBackwardSolve()`/`MatForwardSolve()` with
    * Deprecate `MATIS` options `-matis_xxx`. Use `-mat_is_xxx`.
    * Add support for repeated entries in the local part of the local to
      global map for `MATIS` via the routines `MatISSetAllowRepeated()`
      and `MatISGetAllowRepeated()`.
    * Add support to dump and load a matrix of `MATIS` type.
    * Add dense representations of symmetric Broyden matrices
    * Add `MATSELLHIP` and the corresponding HIP kernels for matrix-vector
    - MatCoarsen:
    * Add `MatCoarsenSetMaximumIterations()` with corresponding option
      `-mat_coarsen_max_it <4>`. The number of iteration of the coarsening
      method. Used for the HEM coarsener.
    * Add `MatCoarsenSetThreshold()` with corresponding option
      `-mat_coarsen_threshold <-1>`. Threshold for filtering graph for HEM.
      Like GAMG < 0 means no filtering.
    * Change API for several PetscCD methods used internally in `PCGAMG` and
      `MatCoarsen` (eg, change `PetscCDSetChuckSize()` to
      `PetscCDSetChunckSize()`), remove Mat argument from
    - PC:
    * Add `PCGAMGSetLowMemoryFilter()` with corresponding option
      `-pc_gamg_low_memory_threshold_filter`. Use the system `MatFilter`
      graph/matrix filter, without a temporary copy of the graph, otherwise
      use method that can be faster.
    * Add `PCGAMGASMSetHEM()` with corresponding option
      `-pc_gamg_asm_hem_aggs N`. Use ASM smoother constructed from N
      applications of heavy edge matching.
    * `PCMAT` use `MatSolve()` if implemented by the matrix type.
    * Add `PCLMVMSetUpdateVec()` for the automatic update of the LMVM
      preconditioner inside a SNES solve.
    * Add `PCGAMGSetInjectionIndex()` with corresponding option
      `-pc_gamg_injection_index i,j,k...`. Inject provided indices of fine
      grid operator as first coarse grid restriction (sort of p-multigrid
      for C1 elements).
    * Add `PC_JACOBI_ROWL1` to `PCJacobiType` to use (scaled) l1 row norms
      for diagonal approximation with scaling of off-diagonal elements.
    * Add `PCJacobiSetRowl1Scale()` and `-pc_jacobi_rowl1_scale` scale to
      access new scale member of PC_Jacobi class, for new row l1 Jacobi.
    * Add `-mg_fine_...` prefix alias for fine grid options to override
      `-mg_levels_...` options, like `-mg_coarse_...`.
    * The generated sub-matrices in `PCFIELDSPLIT`, `PCASM`, and `PCBJACOBI`
      now retain any null space or near null space attached to them even
      if the non-zero structure of the outer matrix changes.
    * Add support for multiple subdomain per MPI process in `PCBDDC`.
    * Add `PCJacobiGetDiagonal()` to access the Jacobi inverted matrix
      diagonal and its square root variant.
    - SNES:
    * Add support for Quasi-Newton models in `SNESNEWTONTR` via
    * Add support for trust region norm customization in `SNESNEWTONTR` via
    * Remove default of `KSPPREONLY` and `PCLU` for `SNESNASM` subdomain
      solves: for `SNESASPIN` use `-npc_sub_ksp_type preonly -npc_sub_pc_type
    * Add function typedefs `SNESInitialGuessFn`, `SNESFunctionFn`,
      `SNESObjectiveFn`, `SNESJacobianFn`, and `SNESNGSFn`.
    * Deprecate `DMDASNESFunction`, `DMDASNESJacobian`, `DMDASNESObjective`,
      `DMDASNESFunctionVec`, `DMDASNESJacobianVec`, and `DMDASNESObjectiveVec`
      in favor of `DMDASNESFunctionFn`, `DMDASNESJacobianFn`,
      `DMDASNESObjectiveFn`, `DMDASNESFunctionVecFn`, `DMDASNESJacobianVecFn`,
      and `DMDASNESObjectiveVecFn`.
    - SNESLineSearch:
    * Deprecate `SNESLineSearchShellSetUserFunc()` and
      `SNESLineSearchShellGetUserFunc()` in favor of
      `SNESLineSearchShellSetApply()` and `SNESLineSearchShellGetApply()`.
    - TS:
    * Add support for custom predictor callbacks in the second-order
      generalized-alpha method using `TSAlpha2SetPredictor()`.
    * Allow adaptivity to change time step size in first step of
      second-order generalized-alpha method.
    * Add `TSSetPostEventStep()` to control the first step after event.
    * Rename `TSSetPostEventIntervalStep()` to `TSSetPostEventSecondStep()`,
      controlling the second step after event.
    * Rename option `-ts_event_post_eventinterval_step` to
    * Change the (event) indicator functions type from `PetscScalar[]` to
      `PetscReal[]` in the user `indicator()` callback set by
    * Add `TSGetStepRollBack()` to access the internal rollback flag.
    * Add boolean flag to TSSetResize() to control when to resize.
    - TAO:
    * Deprecate `TaoCancelMonitors()` (resp. `-tao_cancelmonitors`) in
      favor of `TaoMonitorCancel()` (resp. `-tao_monitor_cancel`).
    * Deprecate `-tao_view_gradient`, `-tao_view_ls_residual`,
      `-tao_view_solution`, and `-tao_view_stepdirection` in favor of
      `-tao_monitor_gradient`, `-tao_monitor_ls_residual`,
      `-tao_monitor_solution`, and `-tao_monitor_step`.
    * Deprecate `-tao_draw_solution`, `-tao_draw_gradient`, and
      `-tao_draw_step` in favor of `-tao_monitor_solution_draw`,
      `-tao_monitor_gradient_draw`, and `-tao_monitor_step_draw`.
    * Deprecate `TaoSetMonitor()` in favor of `TaoMonitorSet()`.
    * Deprecate all of the provided Tao monitor routine names in favor of
      the standard PETSc naming conventions.
    - DM/DA:
    * Add MPI reduction inside `SNESComputeObjective_DMDA()`. No need to
      call reduction in local callback.
    * Deprecate `PetscSimplePointFunc` in favor of `PetscSimplePointFn`.
    * Move `DMPlexReorderDefaultFlag` to `DMReorderDefaultFlag`.
    * Add `DMCreateSectionPermutation()`, `DMReorderSectionGetType()`,
      and `DMReorderSectionSetType()`.
    * Add `DMReorderSectionGetDefault()` and `DMReorderSectionSetDefault()`
      to allow point permutations when sections are built automatically.
    * Change interface to `DMCreateSectionSubDM()` to add component
    * Add DMDAGetBoundaryType().
    - DMSwarm:
    * Add continuous DM argument to `DMSwarmProjectFields()`.
    * Add `DMSwarmGetFieldInfo()`.
    * Add `DMSwarmVectorGetField()`.
    - DMPlex:
    * Drop support for MED, i.e. remove `DMPlexCreateMedFromFile()` and
    * Change protototype of `DMPlexSetSNESLocalFEM()`. Now it accepts a
      single context and a Boolean indicating to use the objective function
    * Replace `DMProjectCoordinates()` with `DMSetCoordinateDisc()`.
    * Add argument to `DMPlexCreateCoordinateSpace()`.
    * Add `DMPlexCoordMap` and some default maps.
    * Add Boolean argument to `DMPlexPartitionLabelCreateSF()` to sort ranks.
    * Add `DMClearAuxiliaryVec()` to clear the auxiliary data.
    * Add `ignoreLabelHalo`, `sanitizeSubmesh`, and `ownershipTransferSF`
      arguments to `DMPlexFilter()`.
    * Change `DMPlexSetIsoperiodicFaceSF()`, `DMPlexGetIsoperiodicFaceSF()`,
      and `DMPlexSetIsoperiodicFaceTransform()` to accept multiple values
      for different periodic pairings.
    - FE/FV:
    * Add Jacobian type argument to `PetscFEIntegrateBdJacobian()`.
    * Add `PetscFVClone()`.
    * Add `PetscFVCreateDualSpace()`.
    - DMStag:
    * Add support for `DMLocalToLocalBegin()` and `DMLocalToLocalEnd()`.
    * Add `DMStagSetRefinementFactor()` and `DMStagGetRefinementFactor()`
      to set and get the refinement ratio.
    * Add support for arbitrary refinement ratio and degree of freedom in
      interpolation and restriction.
    - DT:
    * Add `PetscDSUpdateBoundaryLabels()`.
  - Update to version 3.20:
    - General:
    * Add `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsInt()`,
      `PetscOptionsBool()`, `PetscOptionsIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`,
      `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, and `PetscOptionsScalar()` for Fortran.
    * Add `PetscAssertPointer()` as a replacement for `PetscValidPointer()`,
      `PetscValidCharPointer()`, `PetscValidIntPointer()`,
      `PetscValidInt64Pointer()`, `PetscValidCountPointer()`,
      `PetscValidBoolPointer()`, `PetscvalidScalarPointer()`, and
    * Convert standard header-guards in PETSc header-files to `#pragma`
      once. Users relying on specific preprocessor definitions to determine
      whether particular PETSc headers (e.g. `petscdm.h` used to be guarded
      by PETSCDM_H) have been included will find that this no longer works.
      While header-guards are technically “public” (insofar that they appear
      in public header-files), their name and value are considered
      implementation details.
    - Sys:
    * Add `PetscDeviceContextGetStreamHandle()` to return a handle to the
      stream the current device context is using.
    * Add utility functions `PetscGetCurrentCUDAStream()` and
      `PetscGetCurrentHIPStream()` to return the GPU stream the current
      device context is using.
    * Add `PetscStrcmpAny()` to compare against multiple non-empty strings.
    * Change arguments 4 and 5 of `PetscViewerBinaryReadAll()` and
      `PetscViewerBinaryWriteAll()` to `PetscInt64`.
    * Add `PetscIsCloseAtTolScalar()`.
    * Remove `PetscTellMyCell()` and related runtime option.
    * Remove `PetscTextBelt()` and related runtime option.
    * Remove deprecated `-malloc [no]` startup option.
    * Remove deprecated `-malloc_info` startup option.
    * Remove deprecated `-log_summary` option.
    * Remove `PetscURLShorten()`, it has not worked since 2019.
      Move `PetscIntStackCreate()`, `PetscIntStackDestroy()`,
      `PetscIntStackPush()`, `PetscIntStackPop()`, and `PetscIntStackEmpty()`
      declarations to public API in `petsclog.h`.
    * Add `-on_error_malloc_dump` option.
    - Event Logging:
    * Add `PetscLogState` interface for describing profiling events and
    * Add `PetscLogHandler` interface that interprets the profiling events
      of a `PetscLogState`.
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`.
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERNESTED` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`.
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERTRACE` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerCreateTrace()`.
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERMPE` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`.
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERPERFSTUBS` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`.
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERLEGACY` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerCreateLegacy()`.
    * Add `PetscLogPerfstubsBegin()` for log handling with PerfStubs/TAU.
    * Add `PetscLogLegacyCallbacksBegin()` to transition old log handler
      callbacks to the PetscLogHandler-based approach.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerStart()` to connect a `PetscLogHandler` to
      PETSc’s global logging events.
    * Add `PetscLogStageGetName()`.
    * Add `PetscLogEventGetName()`.
    * Add `PetscLogEventsPause()` and `PetscLogEventsResume()` to isolate
      a logging event from unrelated in-process events.
    * Add `PetscLogClassGetClassId()`.
    * Add `PetscLogClassIdGetName()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogClassPerfInfoClear()` ,
      `PetscLogClassPerfLogCreate()`, and `PetscLogClassPerfLogDestroy()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscClassPerfLogEnsureSize()`, `PetscClassRegInfoDestroy()`,
      `PetscClassRegLogCreate()`, `PetscClassRegLogDestroy()`,
      `PetscClassRegLogGetClass()`, and `PetscClassRegLogRegister()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscEventPerfInfoClear()` and `PetscEventPerfInfoCopy()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscEventPerfLogActivate()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogActivateClass()`, `PetscEventPerfLogCreate()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogDeactivate()`, `PetscEventPerfLogDeactivateClass()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogDeactivatePop()`, `PetscEventPerfLogDeactivatePush()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogDestroy()`, `PetscEventPerfLogEnsureSize()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogGetVisible()`, and `PetscEventPerfLogSetVisible()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscEventRegLogCreate()`, `PetscEventRegLogDestroy()`,
      `PetscEventRegLogGetEvent()`, and `PetscEventRegLogRegister()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscStageLogCreate()`, `PetscStageLogDestroy()`,
      `PetscStageLogGetActive()`, `PetscStageLogGetClassPerfLog()`,
      `PetscStageLogGetClassRegLog()`, `PetscStageLogGetEventRegLog()`,
      `PetscStageLogGetStage()`, `PetscStageLogGetVisible()`,
      `PetscStageLogPop()`, `PetscStageLogPush()`, `PetscStageLogRegister()`,
      `PetscStageLogSetActive()`, `PetscStageLogSetVisible()`,
      `PetscStageLogGetCurrent()`, and `PetscStageLogGetEventPerfLog()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogGetStageLog()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogPushCurrentEvent_Internal()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogPopCurrentEvent_Internal()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogAllBegin()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogSet()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerGetEventPerfInfo()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerSetLogActions()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerSetLogObjects()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerLogObjectState()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerGetNumObjects()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePush()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePop()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerEventsPause()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerEventsResume()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerDump()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerStageSetVisible()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerStageGetVisible()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerGetStagePerfInfo()`.
    * Add `PetscLogStageGetPerfInfo()`.
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERNVTX` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`.
    - PetscViewer:
    * Add `PetscViewerASCIIOpenWithFileUnit()` and
    - Vec:
    * Add `VecErrorWeightedNorms()` to unify weighted local truncation
      error norms used in TS.
    * Add CUDA/HIP implementations for `VecAbs()`, `VecSqrt()`, `VecExp()`,
      `VecLog()`, `VecPointwiseMax()`, `VecPointwiseMaxAbs()`, and
    * Add `VecMAXPBY()`.
    * Deprecate `VecChop()` in favor of `VecFilter()`.
    * Add `VecCreateFromOptions()`.
    - Mat:
    * Add `MatCreateDenseFromVecType()`.
    * Add support for calling `MatDuplicate()` on a matrix preallocated
      via `MatSetPreallocationCOO()`, and then `MatSetValuesCOO()` on the
      new matrix.
    * Remove MATSOLVERSPARSEELEMENTAL since it is no longer functional
    * Add `MATSELLCUDA`. It supports fast `MatMult()`, `MatMultTranspose()`,
      and `MatMultAdd()` on GPUs.
    * Add support for `MAT_FACTOR_LU` and `MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY` with
    * `MatGetFactor()` can now return NULL for some combinations of
      matrices and solvers types. This is to support those combinations
      that can only be inspected at runtime (i.e. MatNest with AIJ blocks
      vs MatNest with SHELL blocks).
    * Remove `MatSetValuesDevice()`, `MatCUSPARSEGetDeviceMatWrite()`,
    * Add `MatDenseCUDASetPreallocation()` and `MatDenseHIPSetPreallocation()`.
    * Add support for `KOKKOS` in `MATH2OPUS`.
    * Add `-pc_precision` single option for use with `MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST`.
    * Add `MATDIAGONAL` which can be created with `MatCreateDiagonal()`.
    * Add `MatDiagonalGetDiagonal()`, `MatDiagonalRestoreDiagonal()`,
      `MatDiagonalGetInverseDiagonal()`, and
    * Add support for `MatLoad()` and `MatView()` to load and store
      `MATMPIAIJ` matrices that have more than `PETSC_INT_MAX` nonzeros,
      so long as each rank has fewer than `PETSC_INT_MAX`.
    * Add `MatLRCSetMats()` and register creation routine for `MatLRC`.
    * Add CUDA/HIP implementation for `MatGetDiagonal()`.
    * Add a Boolean parameter to `MatEliminateZeros()` to force the removal
      of zero diagonal coefficients.
    * Expose `MatComputeVariableBlockEnvelope()` in public headers.
    * Add `MatEliminateZeros()` implementations for `MatBAIJ` and `MatSBAIJ`.
    * Deprecate `MatChop()` in favor of `MatFilter()`, with two additional
      Boolean parameters to compress the underlying storage and keep or
      discard near-zero diagonal coefficients.
    * Add `MatCreateFromOptions()`.
    * Add `MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize()`,
      to `MatSTRUMPACKReordering`.
    * Add `MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType`.
    * Remove `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSLeafSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSMaxRank()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSMinSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSMinSepSize()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSAbsTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSRelCompTol()`,
    - PC:
    * Add `PCMatGetApplyOperation()` and `PCMatSetApplyOperation()`.
    * Add `PCReduceFailedReason()`.
    * Add `PCSetKSPNestLevel()` and `PCSetKSPNestLevel()`.
    * Refactor PCMPI to be a private system used automatically when
      `-mpi_linear_solver_server` is used. The KSP and PC objects that
      solve the system now inherit any prefix provided initially with
      `KSPSetPrefix()` and do not require the previously required
      `mpi_` prefix.
    * Add option `-fieldsplit_1_pc_hpddm_schur_precondition` to use
      `PCHPDDM` on the Schur complements from `PCFIELDSPLIT`.
    * Add `PCGAMGSetAggressiveSquareGraph()` to use square graph method
      for aggressive coarsening that was the previous default coarsening
      approach before release 3.19.
    * Add `PCGAMGSetAggressiveMISk()` to set the number of levels (k) of
      aggressive MIS-k coarseing (2 is very common).
    * Add `PCGAMGSetMinDegreeOrderingMISk()` to use a minimum degree
      ordering for the (greedy) MIS-k algorithm.
    * Change `PCGAMGSetUseParallelCoarseGridSolve()` to
    * Add `PCGAMGSetRecomputeEstEig()` to set flag to have Chebyshev
      recompute its eigen estimates (default set to true).
    - KSP:
    * Add `KSPSetMinimumIterations()` and `KSPGetMinimumIterations()`.
    * Add `KSPSetNestLevel()` and `KSPGetNestLevel()`.
    * Support `KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero()` with `KSPPREONLY` and
      `PCDISTRIBUTE` when it is called on both the outer and inner KSP.
    - SNES:
    * Add a convenient, developer-level SNESConverged() function that
      runs the convergence test and updates the internal converged reason.
    * Swap the order of monitor and convergence test. Now monitors are
      always called after a convergence test.
    * Deprecate option -snes_ms_norms in favor of -snes_norm_schedule always.
    - TS:
    * Remove `TSErrorWeightedNormInfinity()`, `TSErrorWeightedNorm2()`,
      `TSErrorWeightedENormInfinity()`, `TSErrorWeightedENorm2()` since
      the same functionality can be obtained with `VecErrorWeightedNorms()`.
    * Add support for time-dependent solvers with varying solution size
      using `TSSetResize()`.
    * Add support for Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta methods with the new
      `TSDIRK` type.
    - TAO:
    * Add `TaoADMMGetRegularizerCoefficient()`.
    * Add `TAOBNCG`, `TaoBNCGGetType()` and `TaoBNCGSetType()`.
    - DM/DA:
    * Add support for `DMDAGetElements()` for Fortran.
    * Add support for clearing named vectors with
      `DMClearNamedGlobalVectors()` and `DMClearNamedLocalVectors()`.
    * Add `DMPrintCellIndices()` for debugging.
    * Add `DMUseTensorOrder()`.
    * Add `DMCeedCreate()`, `DMCeedComputeGeometry()`, and `DMCeedDestroy()`.
    - DMSwarm:
    * Add scatter mode to `DMSwarmProjectFields()` and no longer create
    * Promote `DMSwarmDataFieldGetEntries()`,
      `DMSwarmDataBucketGetDMSwarmDataFieldIdByName()`, and
      `DMSwarmDataBucketQueryDMSwarmDataFieldByName()` to public interface.
    - DMPlex:
    * Add `DMPlexTransformExtrudeGetPeriodic()` and
    * Replace `DMPlexGetGhostCellStratum()` with `DMPlexGetCellTypeStratum()`.
    * Add `DMPlexSetUseMatClosurePermutation()` and
    * Add `DMPlexGetUseCeed()`, `DMPlexSetUseCeed()`, and
    * Add `DMPlexSNESComputeResidualDS()`.
    - FE/FV:
    * Add `PLEXFE_QFUNCTION` macro to create CEED QFunctions from Plex
      pointwise functions.
    - DMNetwork:
    * Add `DMNetworkViewSetShowRanks()`, `DMNetworkViewSetViewRanks()`,
      `DMNetworkViewSetShowGlobal()`, `DMNetworkViewSetShowVertices()`,
    * Add `-dmnetwork_view_all_ranks`, `-dmnetwork_view_rank_range`,
      `-dmnetwork_view_no_vertices`, `-dmnetwork_view_no_numbering`,
      for viewing DMNetworks with the Matplotlib viewer.
    * Add `-dmnetwork_view_zoomin_vertices`
      `-dmnetwork_view_zoomin_vertices_padding` for viewing `DMNetworks`
      with the Matplotlib viewer.
    - DT:
    * Add `PETSCFEVECTOR` for making a finite element that is a vector
      of copies of another finite element.
    * Add `PetscFECreateVector()`.
    * Add `PETSCDUALSPACESUM` for a finite element dual basis that is
      the sum of other dual bases.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceCreateSum()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumSetNumSubspaces()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumGetNumSubspaces()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumSetSubspace()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumGetSubspace()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumSetConcatenate()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumGetConcatenate()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumSetInterleave()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumGetInterleave()`.
    * Add `PetscSpaceSumSetInterleave()`.
    * Add `PetscSpaceSumGetInterleave()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceGetInteriorSection()`.
    - Fortran:
    * Add `PetscCheck()` and `PetscCheckA()` for Fortran.
      indicate if PETSc is built with Fortran bindings.
  - Update to version 3.19:
    - General:
    * Add `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsInt()`,
      `PetscOptionsBool()`, `PetscOptionsIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`,
      `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, and `PetscOptionsScalar()` for Fortran.
    * Add `PetscAssertPointer()` as a replacement for `PetscValidPointer()`,
      `PetscValidCharPointer()`, `PetscValidIntPointer()`,
      `PetscValidInt64Pointer()`, `PetscValidCountPointer()`,
      `PetscValidBoolPointer()`, `PetscvalidScalarPointer()` and
    * Convert standard header-guards in PETSc header-files to
      `#pragma once`. Users relying on specific preprocessor definitions to
      determine whether particular PETSc headers (e.g. `petscdm.h` used
      to be guarded by `PETSCDM_H`) have been included will find that this
      no longer works. While header-guards are technically "public"
      (insofar that they appear in public header-files), their name and
      value are considered implementation details.
    - Sys:
    * Add `PetscDeviceContextGetStreamHandle()` to return a handle to
      the stream the current device context is using.
    * Add utility functions `PetscGetCurrentCUDAStream()` and
      `PetscGetCurrentHIPStream()` to return the GPU stream the current
      device context is using.
    * Add `PetscStrcmpAny()` to compare against multiple non-empty strings.
    * Change arguments 4 and 5 of `PetscViewerBinaryReadAll()` and
      `PetscViewerBinaryWriteAll()` to `PetscInt64`.
    * Add `PetscIsCloseAtTolScalar()`.
    * Remove `PetscTellMyCell()` and related runtime option.
    * Remove `PetscTextBelt()` and related runtime option.
    * Remove deprecated `-malloc [no]` startup option.
    * Remove deprecated `-malloc_info` startup option.
    * Remove deprecated `-log_summary` option.
    * Remove `PetscURLShorten()`, it has not worked since 2019.
    * Move `PetscIntStackCreate()`, `PetscIntStackDestroy()`,
      `PetscIntStackPush()`, `PetscIntStackPop()`, and `PetscIntStackEmpty()`
      declarations to public API in `petsclog.h`.
    * Add `-on_error_malloc_dump` option.
    - Event Logging:
    * Add `PetscLogState` interface for describing profiling events and stages
    * Add `PetscLogHandler` interface that interprets the profiling events
      of a `PetscLogState`
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERNESTED` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERTRACE` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerCreateTrace()`
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERMPE` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERPERFSTUBS` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERLEGACY` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerCreateLegacy()`
    * Add `PetscLogPerfstubsBegin()` for log handling with PerfStubs/TAU
    * Add `PetscLogLegacyCallbacksBegin()` to transition old log handler
      callbacks to the `PetscLogHandler`-based approach
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerStart()` to connect a `PetscLogHandler` to
      PETSc's global logging events.
    * Add `PetscLogStageGetName()`.
    * Add `PetscLogEventGetName()`.
    * Add `PetscLogEventsPause()` and `PetscLogEventsResume()` to isolate
      a logging event from unrelated in-process events.
    * Add `PetscLogClassGetClassId()`.
    * Add `PetscLogClassIdGetName()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogClassPerfInfoClear()`,
      `PetscLogClassPerfLogCreate()`, and `PetscLogClassPerfLogDestroy()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscClassPerfLogEnsureSize()`, `PetscClassRegInfoDestroy()`,
      `PetscClassRegLogCreate()`, `PetscClassRegLogDestroy()`,
      `PetscClassRegLogGetClass()`, and `PetscClassRegLogRegister()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscEventPerfInfoClear()` and `PetscEventPerfInfoCopy()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscEventPerfLogActivate()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogActivateClass()`, `PetscEventPerfLogCreate()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogDeactivate()`, `PetscEventPerfLogDeactivateClass()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogDeactivatePop()`, `PetscEventPerfLogDeactivatePush()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogDestroy()`, `PetscEventPerfLogEnsureSize()`,
      `PetscEventPerfLogGetVisible()`, and `PetscEventPerfLogSetVisible()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscEventRegLogCreate()`, `PetscEventRegLogDestroy()`,
      `PetscEventRegLogGetEvent()`, and `PetscEventRegLogRegister()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscStageLogCreate()`, `PetscStageLogDestroy()`,
      `PetscStageLogGetActive()`, `PetscStageLogGetClassPerfLog()`,
      `PetscStageLogGetClassRegLog()`, `PetscStageLogGetEventRegLog()`,
      `PetscStageLogGetStage()`, `PetscStageLogGetVisible()`,
      `PetscStageLogPop()`, `PetscStageLogPush()`, `PetscStageLogRegister()`,
      `PetscStageLogSetActive()`, `PetscStageLogSetVisible()`,
      `PetscStageLogGetCurrent()`, and `PetscStageLogGetEventPerfLog()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogGetStageLog()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogPushCurrentEvent_Internal()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogPopCurrentEvent_Internal()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogAllBegin()`.
    * Deprecate `PetscLogSet()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerGetEventPerfInfo()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerSetLogActions()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerSetLogObjects()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerLogObjectState()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerGetNumObjects()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePush()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePop()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerEventsPause()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerEventsResume()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerDump()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerStageSetVisible()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerStageGetVisible()`.
    * Add `PetscLogHandlerGetStagePerfInfo()`.
    * Add `PetscLogStageGetPerfInfo()`.
    * Add `PETSCLOGHANDLERNVTX` implementation of `PetscLogHandler`.
    - PetscViewer:
    * Add `PetscViewerASCIIOpenWithFileUnit()` and
    - Vec:
    * Add `VecErrorWeightedNorms()` to unify weighted local truncation
      error norms used in `TS`.
    * Add CUDA/HIP implementations for `VecAbs()`, `VecSqrt()`,
      `VecExp()`, `VecLog()`, `VecPointwiseMax()`, `VecPointwiseMaxAbs()`
      and `VecPointwiseMin()`.
    * Add `VecMAXPBY()`.
    * Deprecate `VecChop()` in favor of `VecFilter()`.
    * Add `VecCreateFromOptions()`.
    - PetscSection:
    * Add `PetscSectionResetClosurePermutation()`.
    - Mat:
    * Add `MatCreateDenseFromVecType()`.
    * Add support for calling `MatDuplicate()` on a matrix preallocated
      via `MatSetPreallocationCOO()`, and then `MatSetValuesCOO()` on
      the new matrix.
    * Remove `MATSOLVERSPARSEELEMENTAL` since it is no longer functional.
    * Add `MATSELLCUDA`. It supports fast `MatMult()`, `MatMultTranspose()`,
      and `MatMultAdd()` on GPUs.
    * Add support for `MAT_FACTOR_LU` and `MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY` with
    * `MatGetFactor()` can now return `NULL` for some combinations of
      matrices and solvers types. This is to support those combinations
      that can only be inspected at runtime (i.e. MatNest with AIJ blocks
      vs MatNest with SHELL blocks).
    * Remove `MatSetValuesDevice()`, `MatCUSPARSEGetDeviceMatWrite()`,
    * Add `MatDenseCUDASetPreallocation()` and `MatDenseHIPSetPreallocation()`.
    * Add support for KOKKOS in `MATH2OPUS`.
    * Add `-pc_precision single` option for use with `MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST`.
    * Add `MATDIAGONAL` which can be created with `MatCreateDiagonal()`.
    * Add `MatDiagonalGetDiagonal()`, `MatDiagonalRestoreDiagonal()`,
      `MatDiagonalGetInverseDiagonal()`, and
    * Add support for `MatLoad()` and `MatView()` to load and store
      `MATMPIAIJ` matrices that have more than `PETSC_INT_MAX` nonzeros,
      so long as each rank has fewer than `PETSC_INT_MAX`.
    * Add `MatLRCSetMats()` and register creation routine for `MatLRC`.
    * Add CUDA/HIP implementation for `MatGetDiagonal()`.
    * Add a Boolean parameter to `MatEliminateZeros()` to force the
      removal of zero diagonal coefficients.
    * Expose `MatComputeVariableBlockEnvelope()` in public headers.
    * Add `MatEliminateZeros()` implementations for `MatBAIJ` and
    * Deprecate `MatChop()` in favor of `MatFilter()`, with two additional
      Boolean parameters to compress the underlying storage and keep or
      discard near-zero diagonal coefficients.
    * Add `MatCreateFromOptions()`.
    * Add `MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize()`,
      to `MatSTRUMPACKReordering`.
    * Add `MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType`.
    * Remove `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSLeafSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSMaxRank()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSMinSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSMinSepSize()`,
      `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSAbsTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetHSSRelCompTol()`,
    - PC:
    * Add `PCMatGetApplyOperation()` and `PCMatSetApplyOperation()`.
    * Add `PCReduceFailedReason()`.
    * Add `PCSetKSPNestLevel()` and `PCSetKSPNestLevel()`.
    * Refactor `PCMPI` to be a private system used automatically when
      `-mpi_linear_solver_server` is used. The `KSP` and `PC` objects
      that solve the system now inherit any prefix provided initially
      with `KSPSetPrefix()` and do not require the previously required
      `mpi_` prefix.
    * Add option `-fieldsplit_1_pc_hpddm_schur_precondition` to use
      `PCHPDDM` on the Schur complements from `PCFIELDSPLIT`.
    * Add `PCGAMGSetAggressiveSquareGraph()` to use square graph
      method for aggressive coarsening that was the previous default
      coarsening approach before release 3.19.
    * Add `PCGAMGSetAggressiveMISk()` to set the number of levels (k)
      of aggressive MIS-k coarseing (2 is very common).
    * Add `PCGAMGSetMinDegreeOrderingMISk()` to use a minimum degree
      ordering for the (greedy) MIS-k algorithm.
    * Change `PCGAMGSetUseParallelCoarseGridSolve()` to
    * Add `PCGAMGSetRecomputeEstEig()` to set flag to have Chebyshev
      recompute its eigen estimates (default set to true).
    - KSP:
    * Add `KSPSetMinimumIterations()` and `KSPGetMinimumIterations()`.
    * Add `KSPSetNestLevel()` and `KSPGetNestLevel()`.
    * Support `KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero()` with `KSPPREONLY` and
      `PCDISTRIBUTE` when it is called on both the outer and inner `KSP`.
    - SNES:
    * Add a convenient, developer-level `SNESConverged()` function
      that runs the convergence test and updates the internal
      converged reason.
    * Swap the order of monitor and convergence test. Now monitors
      are always called after a convergence test.
    * Deprecate option `-snes_ms_norms` in favor of
      `-snes_norm_schedule always`.
    - SNESLineSearch:
    - TS:
    * Remove `TSErrorWeightedNormInfinity()`, `TSErrorWeightedNorm2()`,
      `TSErrorWeightedENormInfinity()`, `TSErrorWeightedENorm2()`
      since the same functionality can be obtained with
    * Add support for time-dependent solvers with varying solution
      size using `TSSetResize()`.
    * Add support for Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta methods with
      the new `TSDIRK` type.
    - TAO:
    * Add `TaoADMMGetRegularizerCoefficient()`.
    * Add `TAOBNCG`, `TaoBNCGGetType()` and `TaoBNCGSetType()`.
    - DM/DA:
    * Add support for `DMDAGetElements()` for Fortran.
    * Add support for clearing named vectors with
      `DMClearNamedGlobalVectors()` and `DMClearNamedLocalVectors()`.
    * Add `DMPrintCellIndices()` for debugging.
    * Add `DMUseTensorOrder()`.
    * Add `DMCeedCreate()`, `DMCeedComputeGeometry()`, and `DMCeedDestroy()`.
    - DMSwarm:
    * Add scatter mode to `DMSwarmProjectFields()` and no longer
      create vectors.
    * Promote `DMSwarmDataFieldGetEntries()`,
      `DMSwarmDataBucketGetDMSwarmDataFieldIdByName()`, and
      `DMSwarmDataBucketQueryDMSwarmDataFieldByName()` to public interface.
    - DMPlex:
    * Add `DMPlexTransformExtrudeGetPeriodic()` and
    * Replace `DMPlexGetGhostCellStratum()` with `DMPlexGetCellTypeStratum()`.
    * Add `DMPlexSetUseMatClosurePermutation()` and
    * Add `DMPlexGetUseCeed()`, `DMPlexSetUseCeed()`, and
    * Add `DMPlexSNESComputeResidualDS()`.
    - FE/FV:
    * Add `PLEXFE_QFUNCTION` macro to create CEED QFunctions from
      Plex pointwise functions.
    - DMNetwork:
    * Add `DMNetworkViewSetShowRanks()`, `DMNetworkViewSetViewRanks()`,
      `DMNetworkViewSetShowGlobal()`, `DMNetworkViewSetShowVertices()`,
    * Add `-dmnetwork_view_all_ranks` `-dmnetwork_view_rank_range`
      `-dmnetwork_view_no_vertices` `-dmnetwork_view_no_numbering`
      for viewing DMNetworks with the Matplotlib viewer.
    * Add `-dmnetwork_view_zoomin_vertices`
      `-dmnetwork_view_zoomin_vertices_padding` for viewing DMNetworks
      with the Matplotlib viewer.
    - DT:
    * Add `PETSCFEVECTOR` for making a finite element that is a vector
      of copies of another finite element.
    * Add `PetscFECreateVector()`.
    * Add `PETSCDUALSPACESUM` for a finite element dual basis that
      is the sum of other dual bases.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceCreateSum()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumSetNumSubspaces()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumGetNumSubspaces()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumSetSubspace()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumGetSubspace()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumSetConcatenate()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumGetConcatenate()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumSetInterleave()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceSumGetInterleave()`.
    * Add `PetscSpaceSumSetInterleave()`.
    * Add `PetscSpaceSumGetInterleave()`.
    * Add `PetscDualSpaceGetInteriorSection()`.
    - Fortran:
    * Add `PetscCheck()` and `PetscCheckA()` for Fortran.
      to indicate if PETSc is built with Fortran bindings.
  - Use packaged libYAML instead of building the clone incorporated
    in the PETSc source code. This allows to address security issues
    through updates to that package (CVE-2024-35328, boo#1226364).
  - Refresh & Rename:
    petsc-3.3-p2-no-rpath.patch -> Remove-rpath-test.patch
  - Add:
* Sun Dec 03 2023 Atri Bhattacharya <>
  - Make a symlink to the real pkgconfig dir (for example, in an
    installed system) for package's absurdly located pkgconfig file.
    This is a minimal workaround to boo#1217751, I guess.
  - Cosmetic touch-ups.
* Mon Oct 23 2023 Egbert Eich <>
  - Disable HPC flavors on i586
* Mon Oct 23 2023 Nicolas Morey <>
  - Drop support for obsolete openmpi[123]
  - Prepare support for openmpi5
* Wed Mar 22 2023 Stefan Brüns <>
  - Update to version 3.18.5.
    * Too many changes to list, for details see
  - Fix broken usage of MAKEFLAGS, causing build failures with
    gmake >= 4.4.1.
* Wed Feb 15 2023 Stefan Brüns <>
  - Remove incorrect library symlink with major version only.
* Mon Feb 06 2023 Stefan Brüns <>
  - Update to version 3.18.4.
    * Too many changes to list, for details see
  - Use Python3 also on Leap/SLE, Python 2.7 is no longer supported
  - Clean up spec file
  - Remove unreproducible build host core count from petscvariables
    (NPMAX, MAKE_NP etc).
  - Remove doc subpackage, documentation is no longer included in
    upstream tarball.
* Sat Jul 16 2022 Stefan Brüns <>
  - Fix library package name for non-HPC flavors.
  - Remove openmpi1 for non-HPC.
  - Correct valgrind-devel BuildRequires.
  - Add rpmlintrc to ignore some empty files in examples
* Wed Feb 16 2022 Egbert Eich <>
  - Fix HPC module settings (bsc#1195782).
  - Remove dependency on librt for libsuitparse to make the non-HPC
    build on Factory again.



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Fabrice Bellet, Sat Mar 15 00:10:20 2025