MindTerm FAQ ------------ Q1) I can't get the tunnels to work in the applet, what's wrong? A1) Only if you are running a signed applet, or otherwise have disabled the security restrictions the browser/appletviewer puts on applets can you use tunnels. Q2) I can't connect to the host 'hostname1' from the applet (though I can connect to 'hostname2' which incidentally is the same host as the web-server serving the applet). A2) Only if you are running a signed applet, or otherwise have disabled the security restrictions the browser/appletviewer puts on applets can you connect to arbirtrary hosts from it. Q3) I can't run the applet in Netscape on my Macintosh, what's wrong? A3) The Netscape on Macintosh does not contain a complete java 1.1.x runtime, you will have to use the MRJ runtime (found here: http://www.apple.com/java/) and use it as a plugin (see README). Or you can use Internet Explorer for the Macintosh. Q4) I just get "Applet mindbright.application.MindTerm class mindbright.application.MindTerm could not be loaded", what am I doing wrong? A4) This can depend on many things, for example: o You are running from an outdated browser which does not contain a complete java 1.1.x runtime (e.g. Netscape v4.05 or less) o See "A3" o You have installed a html-page containing an APPLET tag referring a jar-file that does not exist (tag: "<applet archive="mindtermfull.jar" ..." should thus have a file mindtermfull.jar in the doc-root of the web-server) o There is some class missing in the jar-file that have been accidentally removed, check the java-console in the browser to see which class it tries to load. If it says it can't load a class that is apparently allready in the jar-file, try enabling more output in the java-console of the browser to see if it gives more hints. o You are running the signed binary which is specifically compiled for Netscape browsers Q5) When I start the applet in Netscape under Linux the terminal-window get's displaced off the screen so I can't see the window-title. A5) This seems to be a bug in the Netscape java-runtime in Linux. Workaround: don't enable "Window position" in dialog "Terminal Settings" in menu Settings, also don't give a window-position in the 'gm' parameter either. Q6) I would like the tunnels I define to be used when reconnecting to the same ssh-server again. A6) This is done automatically by default. If you disable "Auto Save Settings" and/or "Auto Load Settings", you must save and/or load settings manually though. Q7) When I load the signed applet it can still not connect to any host and I'm not able to use tunnels in it. A7) When a signed applet is loaded that was previously loaded as a non-signed applet in the same instance of the browser, the browser seems to "remember" that it was previously unsigned and don't give it the right permissions. Workaround: close the browser and restart it. Q8) I can't get the ftp-tunneling to work, what's wrong? A8) Have you created the tunnel with an ftp-plugin? In the "Basic Tunnels Setup", select protocol "ftp" when creating it, the tunnel should show up in the text-area with the label "Current local tunnels" and should have the string "(plugin: ftp)" in the end of the description-string in this text-area. Other things to check for is of course that the given server really has a ftpd running. Q9) I am trying to use a ftp-client through a ftp-tunnel with "ftp PORT commands" enabled but it does not seem to work. A9) First of all, proxying ftp PORT-commands is not recomended, if at all possible use a client which supports "passive mode" ftp, most do. If that is not possible, check that the "Real sshd address" in the "SSH Settings" dialog is the ip-address (not hostname) of the machine running the sshd, this will not necessarily be the case if the sshd is running behind a firewall which is doing address-translations. Q10) After I have disconnected from the ssh-server and reconnect the last session seems not to have closed properly, i.e. a file seems locked or some such. A10) The preferred way to disconnect from the ssh-server is to simply logout from the shell or exit the application running as a single-command, otherwise the ssh-server might keep the session open causing this behaviour. The logout procedure can not be done automatically by MindTerm since the way to do it varies between situations/platforms. Q11) What does the "Send keep-alive" option do? Are ssh-connections timed-out? A11) It just sends a message (which is ignored by the ssh-server) on the given interval (in seconds). This will keep the connection alive both if there is an idle-timeout set on the ssh-server and if "something" inbetween the client and the server is timing out (such as a address-translating firewall). Q12) I'm trying to tunnel X-connections but it does not seem to work, what's wrong? A12) By default X-tunneling is turned off in MindTerm (unlike e.g. the "standard" unix-ssh-client). Enable it in the "SSH Settings" dialog, also assure that the X-server on the MindTerm side answers on the given DISPLAY (e.g. if "Local X11-display" is set to localhost:0 then the X-server should listen on port 6000 on the same machine as MindTerm is running on). Q13) Why is there a "Basic.." and an "Advanced..." tunnels dialog? And what are remote tunnels anyway? A13) Normally one would only want to set up simple local tunnels, such as to use imap, smtp etc. on the ssh-server or another server behind it. An advanced user though might need to set up tunnels going back to the machine running MindTerm, those are referred to as remote tunnels. Q14) I created my RSA-identity but I still can't log in to the ssh-server with it, it says "Server refused our key", why would he want to do that? A14) Did you read all the instructions in the text-box in the "Create RSA Identity" dialog? (hint: put the contents of the identity.pub file into the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the ssh-server). Q15) I don't seem to get a menu-bar in the applet eventhough I wanted to, what's wrong? A15) When running inside the browser-window (i.e. as opposed to in a separate frame), it is not possible to have a menu-bar. This is a limitation of java and can not (easily) be fixed. Q16) The terminal seems to have quirks, such as giving reverse video, strange looking output or wrong settings in general, what's causing this? A16) There could be a mismatch between the terminal setting in the shell on the server and in MindTerm, the ssh-server should e.g. set the TERM environment variable to the right string upon login, but sometimes it gets set to something else by login-scripts etc. Check that the TERM environment variable is really set to the same as the "Terminal type" in the "Terminal Settings" dialog in MindTerm. Another possibility is of course that MindTerm has a bug, in which case I would be glad if you gave an as detailed report as possible of what/when/how/where this happened. A third possibility is that the terminal-libraries on the server is either buggy or does not think the same about the terminal mode used as MindTerm try with different terminal modes to see what happens. Q17) Backspace/Delete does not seem to work, what's wrong? A17) Backspace (and Delete) can be sent using different ascii-codes, try changing what is sent with the "Backspace sends Delete" and vice versa in the "Terminal Misc..." dialog. (see also Q16) Q18) I get strange terminal behaviour with a ssh-server running Digital Unix, what's wrong? (e.g. scrolling does not seem to work within VI) A18) There seems to be something wrong with using terminal mode vt100 on Digital Unix, if possible use another terminal mode. Also see Q17. Q19) When MindTerm is started in Netscape on Linux the window resizes and then it seems to hang? A19) It has not hung, it just lost keyboard focus, there seems to be something strange with the focus-handling here, click terminal to get focus back. Q20) When adding tunnels, what's the deal, it functions the same whether I'm connected or not? A20) When not connected, adding a tunnel just adds it to the current settings. If you add it while connected it is also opened and fully operational as soon as you have added it. Q21) I have a tunnel configured, it shows up in Basic/Advanced tunnel-dialogs but the current connections dialog is empty, where did it go? A21) The current connections dialog just shows open connections through the tunnels, not the tunnels themselves. Q22) The clipboard does not seem to work, I can only copy/paste within MindTerm, what's wrong? A22) There are two explanations here: o When running as an unsigned applet MindTerm do not have access to the system-clipboard but instead uses its own "local" clipboard instead o The java runtime does not support copy/paste to/from the system- clipboard. This is the case in Netscape on Linux for example. Q23) I configure a tunnel when running MindTerm in Netscape, the tunnel is added without errors yet it is not there, why is this? A23) There seems to be a bug in the java-runtime in Netscape that makes the socket call successful eventhough it should have thrown an exception. Q24) When I do a really long directory-listing or 'cat' a large file MindTerm hangs for a while and then it only shows the end of the listing/file, huh? A24) With some java-runtimes there is a thread-scheduling lag that starves the updating thread while sending lot's of text to the terminal having the effect that the window don't get updated until all of the text is sent to the terminal. The whole text has been written to the terminal though most of it has scrolled off the screen without showing. Look in the scrollback buffer for it. Q25) When I do "select all" MindTerm hangs, what sort of a feature is that!? A25) It does not hang, it just takes a very long time, be patient. Actually what really takes time is to copy the selected area, if you disable the "VT Option" "Copy On Select" it is much quicker. Q26) I try to run a single command but MindTerm just exits, why? A26) When running a single command with MindTerm (as with the unix ssh-client), you have to allocate a PTY if you are going to run a command that uses other than a dumb tty (this is done with command-line option '-forcpty true' or as an applet parameter as: '<param name=forcpty value="true">'. Note, when running a single command Mindterm will typically exit immediately if the command is not found. Q27) I try to run MindTerm as an applet in Opera, is Opera not supported? A27) I have now tried Opera version 3.61 (on win32) with Sun java-plugin v1.1.3 (go to http://www.opera.com/support/instplug.htm#java to get it) and it can run MindTerm without problems. This is only tested with win32 (Linux version of Opera does not support plugins yet). (NOTE: with Opera you don't need to use a plugin-specific html-page it uses the normal APPLET tags for launching the plugin). Q28) I don't see a -C flag equivalent for doing compression, is it not supported? A28) The java.util.zip package contains the code to do this, however the right (native) interface is not exposed so it can't be used with ssh right now (hence it is not supported in MindTerm). Doing it in pure java is too painful IMHO. A feature-request (id: 4255743) is submitted to Javasoft so maybe in the (far?) future this can be implemented. Q29) When I use MindTerm in Netscape on Linux with black background the popup-menu can't be used since it's black-on-black, how can I fix this? A29) There is a bug in Netscape on Linux making the popup inherit the black background from the main-window while keeping the text black . I don't know how to fix this. Workaround (from D Roland Walker <walker@pobox.com>): netscape -xrm "netscape*drawingArea*canvas.canvas.XmMenuShell*XmRowColumn*foreground:lightgray" OR Make it permanent by adding the following to your ~/.Xdefaults file: netscape*drawingArea*canvas.canvas.XmMenuShell*XmRowColumn*foreground:lightgray" Note that you may have to substitute "netscape" with one of the following: Netscape netscape-communicator netscape-navigator Q30) When I use MindTerm on Internet Explorer or standalone with Microsoft's jview JVM (e.g. version 4.79.2435) I get a tiny/unusable window and the message in the console: BorderLayout: cannot add to layout: unknown constraint: null A30) Ok, this seems to be a bug (I can't think of anything else) in the jview of certain versions. Try upgrading to a newever jview (found at http://www.microsoft.com/java/) Q31) I'm trying to transfer to/from a (local) file which have spaces in it's name with the SCP File Transfer but it fails! A31) README 4.1.9: ...if a name contains a space enclose it in quotes like: "a file with spaces"... Q32) When starting MindTerm as an applet in Internet Explorer all I get is a minimal window which is empty when I enlarge it, and nothing seems to work. A32) This was due to a bug in the Microsoft JVM (jview), it was fixed in MindTerm v1.2pre1 and later. It occurred in version "4.0 Release" of jview. Q33) On linux when using ibm-jdk1.1.8 or jdk117v3 I can't get a tilde on swedish (international) keyboard! A33) This seems to be a bug in the keyhandling code of these jdk's Q34) I get an error when connecting saying "Address already in use", why's that? A34) This occurs because the same tunnels Due to how sockets behave it might be needed to exit the JVM to release sockets properly.