Source: This binary was generated with GCC/MinGW on Fedora 20. DLLs from the following Fedora binary packages are included: * mingw32-atk * mingw32-cairo * mingw32-flac * mingw32-gcc * mingw32-gcc-c++ * mingw32-gdk-pixbuf * mingw32-glib2 * mingw32-gtk2 * mingw32-libffi * mingw32-libogg * mingw32-libpng * mingw32-pango * mingw32-pixman * mingw32-speex * mingw32-wavpack * mingw32-win-iconv * mingw32-zlib Additional icons were taken from the gnome-icon-themes-standard package. DLLs from Additional libraries, not packaged in Fedora but available as .spec files, are included: * mingw32-id3lib * mingw32-libid3tag * mingw32-taglib The .spec files for the additional libraries are available at: The installer was created with the ming32-nsis package.