#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id: linux-help,v 1.16 1999/11/08 21:49:54 root Exp root $ # Copyright (c) Mark Summerfield 1999. All Rights Reserved. # May be used/distributed under the GPL. # WARNING - linux-help is provided as an example of QuickForm use, (although # I now use it instead of dwww), and it may not be secure. # NOTE - linux-help has hard-coded paths for a Debian Linux system - your # paths may/will differ. See "CHANGE THESE FOR YOUR LOCAL SYSTEM" for the # paths that you will need to change. linux-help itself should be placed in # your cgi-bin directory and made executable. # linux-help has only ever been run as root on a local system - multi-user use # is not supported (since I do no record locking), in other words its only for # a single person to use. This program also uses the undocumented colour() # function from QuickForm. (This is one of CGI::QuickForm's example programs.) # TODO Configure option, e.g. to add/del paths to/from $Data{"$PREFIX PATH"} # so that hard-coding is not necessary # TODO Cache page searches, i.e. cache lists of links? # TODO Keyword searching use strict ; use CGI qw( :standard :html3 ) ; use CGI::QuickForm qw( show_form colour ) ; use DB_File ; use Fcntl ; # For DB_File constants. use File::Find ; use HTML::Entities ; use Storable qw( freeze thaw ) ; use URI::Escape ; use vars qw( $VERSION ) ; $VERSION = '1.01' ; use vars qw( $URL $PREDEFINED_PAGES ) ; ################### CHANGE THESE FOR YOUR LOCAL SYSTEM ############## # This is the db file where linux-help stores its configuration info - it must # be rw by linux-help running as a CGI script. my $DB_FILE = '/root/web/db/linux-help.db' ; # Change these to reflect your local situation; multiple paths are supported # separated by colons in the usual way. my $PATH_DOC = "/usr/doc" ; my $PATH_INFO = "/usr/info" ; my $PATH_MAN = "/usr/man:/usr/X11R6/man" ; my $PATH_POD = "/usr/doc/perl5:/usr/doc:/usr/lib/perl5:/root/lib" ; # This must be rw by this script. my $TMP = '/tmp' ; ################### END OF LOCAL CHANGES ############################ $| = 1 ; # Autoflush. my $TITLE = 'Linux Help' ; my $SEARCH = 'Search' ; my $NEW_SEARCH = 'New Search' ; my $NEW_TERM = 'New Term' ; my $PREV_TERM = 'Prev Term' ; my $PREV_PAGE = 'Prev Page' ; my $NEW_KEYWORD = 'New Keyword' ; my $SEARCH_PAGES = 'Search Pages' ; my $SEARCH_FOR = 'Search/Show' ; my $IGNORE_CASE = 'Ignore Case' ; my $DEL_PAGE = 'Del Page' ; my $DEL_PAGES = 'Del Pages' ; my $DEL_TERM = 'Del Term' ; my $DEL_TERMS = 'Del Terms' ; my $PREFIX = "\x01" ; my $SEARCH_TERMS = "$PREFIX SEARCH_TERMS" ; my $SHOWN = "$PREFIX SHOWN" ; my %Data ; my %Show ; my %SearchTerm ; # key is the term, value is the number of times used my @Term ; # Array of terms to be matched my $CaseSensitive = '(?i)' ; my %Found ; &initialise ; if( query_string() =~ /file=([^&]+)/o ) { &show_file( $1 ) ; } elsif( query_string() =~ /term=([^&]+)/o ) { my $term = $1 ; query_string() =~ /type=([^&]+)/o ; my $pagetype = $1 ; param( $SEARCH_PAGES, ( $pagetype ) ) ; param( $IGNORE_CASE, 'X' ) ; &show_matches( $term ) ; } else { my $footer = $PREDEFINED_PAGES ; #$footer .= hr . &show_config ; my @pages = sort @{ thaw( $Data{"$PREFIX PAGETYPE"} ) } ; show_form( -TITLE => $TITLE, -HEADER => header() . start_html( $TITLE ) . h3( $TITLE ), -FOOTER => $footer, -ACCEPT => \&on_valid_form, -FIELDS => [ { -LABEL => $PREV_PAGE, -TYPE => 'scrolling_list', '-values' => [ sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %Show ], -size => 1, }, { -LABEL => $PREV_TERM, -TYPE => 'scrolling_list', '-values' => [ sort { $SearchTerm{$b} <=> $SearchTerm{$a} } keys %SearchTerm ], -size => 1, }, { -LABEL => $NEW_TERM, -size => 24, }, { -LABEL => $IGNORE_CASE, -TYPE => 'checkbox', -value => 'X', -checked => 'checked', -label => '', }, { -LABEL => $SEARCH_PAGES, -TYPE => 'checkbox_group', '-values' => \@pages, -default => \@pages, }, { -LABEL => $SEARCH_FOR, -TYPE => 'radio_group', '-values' => [ $PREV_PAGE, $PREV_TERM, $NEW_TERM, $NEW_KEYWORD ], }, ], -BUTTONS => [ { -name => $SEARCH_FOR }, { -name => $DEL_PAGE }, { -name => $DEL_PAGES }, { -name => $DEL_TERM }, { -name => $DEL_TERMS }, ], # If eventually we want to offer configuration we'll add the options # as fields and add a Configure button. ) ; } &clean_and_quit ; sub show_file { my $file = uri_unescape( shift ) ; my( $type, $compress ) = $file =~ /\.([^.]+)(?:\.(gz|z|zip|Z))?$/o ; ( $type, $compress ) = ( 'txt', $type ) if $type =~ /^(?:gz|z|zip|Z)$/o ; $type = 'man' if $type =~ /^\d[a-z]{0,2}$/o ; # Remember for next time. unless( $Show{ &file_to_name( $file ) } ) { $Show{ &file_to_name( $file ) } = $file ; $Data{$SHOWN} = freeze( \%Show ) ; } $compress ||= '' ; my $TIMEOUT = 30 ; my @lines ; local $_ ; if( $type !~ /man/o ) { if( $compress ) { @lines = `zcat $file` ; } else { @lines = `cat $file` ; } } print header ; CASE : { if( $type =~ /html?/o ) { # Should never get here! print @lines ; last CASE ; } if( $type =~ /te?xt/o ) { print start_html( $file ), h3( colour( 'BLUE', $file ) ), ; &new_search ; print "
" ;
            foreach( @lines ) {
                print encode_entities( $_ ) ;
            print "
" ; &new_search ; print end_html ; last CASE ; } # if( $type =~ /pod|pm/o ) { #/ # # Doesn't work except from the command line. # if( $compress ) { # print `zcat $file | pod2html --norecurse` ; # } # else { # print `pod2html --norecurse --infile $file` ; # } # last CASE ; # } if( $type =~ /man/o ) { print start_html( $file ), h3( colour( 'BLUE', $file ) ), ; &new_search ; print "
" ;
            my $temp = $file ;
            $temp =~ s,.+/,,o ;
            $temp = "$TMP/$temp.cache" ;
            &full_system( "man -l $file > $temp" ) ;
            my $i = 0 ;
            sleep 1 while not -e $temp and $i++ < $TIMEOUT ;
            if( -e $temp ) {
                @lines = `cat $temp` ;
                foreach( @lines ) {
                    s/.\cH//g ;
                    print encode_entities( $_ ) ;
                unlink $temp if $Data{"$PREFIX DEL_CACHE"} ;
            else {
                print "Timed out after $i seconds" ;
            print "
" ; &new_search ; print end_html ; last CASE ; } if( $type =~ /info/o ) { print start_html( $file ), h3( colour( 'BLUE', $file ) ), ; &new_search ; print "
" ;
            print `info --file $file` ;
            print "
" ; &new_search ; print end_html ; last CASE ; } DEFAULT : { print start_html( $TITLE ), h3( colour( 'BLUE', $TITLE ) ), ; &new_search ; print p( colour( 'RED', "BUG: File
of type $type $compress " . "should be converted" ) ), "
            foreach( @lines ) {
                print encode_entities( $_ ) ;
            print "
" ; &new_search ; print end_html ; } } } # Copied from Programming Perl 2nd Ed (Blue Camel). sub full_system { my $rc = 0xFFFF & system @_ ; my $result = '' ; if( $rc == 0 ) { $result = "ran with normal exit\n" ; } elsif( $rc == 0xFF00 ) { $result = "command failed: $!\n" ; } elsif( $rc > 0x80 ) { $rc >>= 8 ; $result = "ran with non-zero exit status $rc\n" ; } else { $result = "ran with " ; if( $rc & 0x80 ) { $rc &= ~0x80 ; $result .= "core dump from " ; } $result .= "signal $rc\n" ; } # print qq{$result} if $result ; ( $rc != 0 ) ; } sub on_valid_form { if( param( $DEL_PAGE ) and param( $PREV_PAGE ) ) { delete $Show{ param( $PREV_PAGE ) } ; $Data{$SHOWN} = freeze( \%Show ) ; &show_del( 'Page', param( $PREV_PAGE ) ) ; } elsif( param( $DEL_PAGES ) and param( $PREV_PAGE ) ) { %Show = () ; $Data{$SHOWN} = freeze( \%Show ) ; &show_del( 'All Pages', '' ) ; } elsif( param( $DEL_TERM ) and param( $PREV_TERM ) ) { delete $SearchTerm{ param( $PREV_TERM) } ; $Data{$SEARCH_TERMS} = freeze( \%SearchTerm ) ; &show_del( 'Term', param( $PREV_TERM ) ) ; } elsif( param( $DEL_TERMS ) and param( $PREV_TERM ) ) { %SearchTerm = () ; $Data{$SEARCH_TERMS} = freeze( \%SearchTerm ) ; &show_del( 'All Terms', '' ) ; } elsif( param( $SEARCH_FOR ) eq $NEW_KEYWORD ) { print header, start_html( $TITLE ), h2( $TITLE ), h3( colour( 'RED', "Find Keyword not implemented yet." ) ), ; &new_search ; print end_html ; } else { my $term ; my $find = param( $SEARCH_FOR ) ; if( $term = param( $NEW_TERM ) ) { # Look for a new term if given. &show_matches( $term ) ; } elsif( $term = param( $PREV_TERM ) and $find ne $PREV_PAGE ) { # Look for an existing term unless we're looking for a previous page. &show_matches( $term ) ; } elsif( param( $PREV_PAGE ) ) { &show_file( $Show{ param( $PREV_PAGE ) } ) ; } else { print header, start_html( $TITLE ), h2( $TITLE ), h3( colour( 'RED', "Invalid search/show" ) ), p( "Did you choose a $PREV_TERM without checking the $PREV_TERM " . "check box?" ), ; &new_search ; print end_html ; } } } sub show_del { my( $type, $value ) = @_ ; print header, start_html( $TITLE ), h2( $TITLE ), h3( qq{Deleted $type $value} ), ; &new_search ; print end_html ; } sub show_matches { my $term = shift ; @Term = split ' ', $term ; local $_ ; &reduce_terms if scalar keys %SearchTerm > $Data{"$PREFIX MAX_TERMS"} ; $SearchTerm{$term}++ if $term !~ /^\d[a-z]*\.?$/o ; # Always freeze as early as possible in case the user interrupts. $Data{$SEARCH_TERMS} = freeze( \%SearchTerm ) ; print header, start_html( $TITLE ), h2( $TITLE ), h3( "Files matching ", join " or ", map { qq{$_} } @Term ), ; &new_search ; my @path = () ; my %path = %{ thaw( $Data{"$PREFIX PATH"} ) } ; foreach my $pagetype ( param( $SEARCH_PAGES ) ) { push @path, split /:/, $path{$pagetype} ; } $CaseSensitive = '' unless param( $IGNORE_CASE ) eq 'X' ; %Found = () ; find( \&wanted, @path ) ; print "
    " ; foreach my $file ( sort by_filename keys %Found ) { my $name = &file_to_name( $file ) ; if( $file =~ /\.html?$/o ) { print qq{
  1. $name} ; } else { print qq{
  2. $name} ; } } printf "
" ; &new_search ; print end_html ; } sub wanted { if( -f ) { foreach my $term ( @Term ) { $Found{$File::Find::name}++ if /$CaseSensitive\Q$term/ ; } } } sub by_filename { my $filea = lc &file_to_name( $a ) ; my $fileb = lc &file_to_name( $b ) ; $filea cmp $fileb ; } sub file_to_name { my $name = shift ; if( $name =~ m,/usr/lib/perl5/(.+\.p(?:m|od))$,o ) { $name = $1 ; } elsif( $name =~ m,/usr/doc/(.+)$,o ) { $name = $1 ; } else { $name =~ m,([^/]+)$, ; $name = $1 ; } $name ; } # No need now that the user can manually delete - but will do for convenience. sub reduce_terms { my $max = $Data{"$PREFIX MAX_TERMS"} ; my $min = 1 ; while( scalar keys %SearchTerm > $max ) { foreach my $term ( %SearchTerm ) { delete $SearchTerm{$term} if $SearchTerm{$term} <= $min ; } $min++ ; } } sub new_search { print start_form, defaults( $NEW_SEARCH ), end_form, ; } sub fail_form { my $err = shift ; print header, start_html( $TITLE ), h3( colour( "RED", "$TITLE Failed" ) ), p( colour( "GREEN", $err ) ), start_form, defaults( $NEW_SEARCH ), end_form, end_html, ; &clean_and_quit ; } sub clean_and_quit { eval { untie %Data or die "Failed to save to linux-help.db: $!\n" ; } ; &fail_form( $@ ) if $@ ; exit ; } sub initialise { my( $FALSE, $TRUE ) = ( 0, 1 ) ; eval { tie %Data, 'DB_File', $DB_FILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600, $DB_BTREE or die "Failed to open $DB_FILE: $!\n" ; } ; &fail_form( $@ ) if $@ ; if( not exists $Data{"$PREFIX INITIALISED"} ) { $Data{"$PREFIX INITIALISED"} = $TRUE ; $Data{"$PREFIX DEL_CACHE"} = $TRUE ; $Data{"$PREFIX MAX_TERMS"} = 16 ; $Data{"$PREFIX PATH"} = freeze( { doc => $PATH_DOC, info => $PATH_INFO, man => $PATH_MAN, pod => $PATH_POD, } ) ; $Data{"$PREFIX PAGETYPE"} = freeze( [ keys %{ thaw( $Data{"$PREFIX PATH"} ) } ] ) ; } %SearchTerm = %{ thaw( $Data{$SEARCH_TERMS} ) } if exists $Data{$SEARCH_TERMS} ; %Show = %{ thaw( $Data{$SHOWN} ) } if exists $Data{$SHOWN} ; } sub show_config { local $_ = <<__EOT__ ; __EOT__ # Paths. $_ .= qq{} ; my %path = %{ thaw( $Data{"$PREFIX PATH"} ) } ; foreach my $key ( sort keys %path ) { my $path = join ", ", split /:/, $path{$key} ; $_ .= qq{} ; } $_ .= qq{} ; $_ .= qq{} ; $_ .= qq{} ; $_ .= qq{} ; my $pagetype = join ", ", sort @{ thaw( $Data{"$PREFIX PAGETYPE"} ) } ; $_ .= qq{} ; $_ .= "
$key $path
database $DB_FILE
Program: $URL
Del cache: $Data{"$PREFIX DEL_CACHE"}} . qq{
Max Terms: } . qq{$Data{"$PREFIX MAX_TERMS"}
Page types: $pagetype
" ; } BEGIN { $URL = url() ; $PREDEFINED_PAGES = <<__EOT__ ; Info pages   /usr/doc   HOWTO  

man 1\ \ \ Executable programs or shell commands
man 1db\ DB
man 1p\ \ Perl Functions
man 1x\ \ X Executable programs or shell commands
man 2\ \ \ System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
man 3\ \ \ Library calls (functions within system libraries)
man 3paper\ Paper related
man 3pm\ Perl Modules
man 4\ \ \ Special files (usually found in /dev)
man 5\ \ \ File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
man 5vga\ VGA File formats and conventions
man 5x\ \ X File formats and conventions
man 6\ \ \ Games
man 7\ \ \ Macro packages and conventions eg man(7), groff(7)
man 7vga\ VGA Macro packages and conventions
man 8\ \ \ System administration commands (usually only for root)
man 9\ \ \ Kernel routines

__EOT__ } __END__ =head1 NAME linux-help - CGI program for looking up help text, e.g. man and info pages on localhost =head1 DESCRIPTION A single source for looking up help via a browser on linux systems. It will search for and render man pages, info pages and perl pod pages, as well as any html pages you want. It is slower than systems like dwww because it doesn't cache and searches dynamically - but you never have to update anything or pre-index because of this dynamism. (Note that if you enter a New Term you don't have to change Search/Show to New Term - linux-help will figure it out.) You will need to place linux-help in your cgi-bin directory and change the \$DB_FILE file to a path and filename of your choice. Non-Debian users will have to change the paths stored in the \$PATH_* variables. See the beginning of the code for these. =head1 README CGI program for looking up help text, e.g. man, info and pod pages on localhost. It is slower than systems like dwww because it doesn't cache and searches dynamically - but you never have to update anything or pre-index because of this dynamism. =head1 PREREQUISITES C C C C C C C C C =head1 COREQUISITES =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) Mark Summerfield 1999. All Rights Reserved. May be used/distributed under the GPL. Email with 'linux-help' in the subject line. =head1 OSNAMES Linux =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES CGI Web =cut