Red Hat Linux 9 Documentation CD
This CD-ROM contains the Red Hat Glossary and the Red Hat Linux manuals. It will help
you become better acquainted with your Red Hat Linux system. You can
use these indispensable guides to install, learn about, and
configure your newly installed system.
Using this CD-ROM
To view the HTML versions directly from the CD-ROM, click the
HTML tab on the toolbar.
To view the PDF versions directly from the CD-ROM, click the
PDF tab on the toolbar. If you want to print the
manuals or parts of the manuals, it is recommended that you print the
PDF versions.
To install the HTML versions of the manuals on your local system, click
the Install tab on the toolbar and follow the instructions.
Finding the Correct Documentation
You need documentation that is appropriate to your level of Linux
expertise. Otherwise, you might feel overwhelmed or not find the
necessary information to answer your questions. Each
manual is designed for a particular audience:
Red Hat Glossary:
Provides definitions for common computer terms as well as some
Linux-specific terms. While reading any of the Red Hat manuals,
refer to this glossary when necessary.
Red Hat Linux x86 Installation Guide:
Provides step-by-step instructions for installing Red Hat Linux,
from gathering information about your system to booting Red Hat Linux for the first time.
Red Hat Linux Getting Started Guide:
Explains what to do after installing Red Hat Linux.
Learn how to manage files and directories,
configure an email client, play audio CDs, and more.
Red Hat Linux Customization Guide:
Read about how to customize your Red Hat Linux
system to fit your needs. Step-by-step guides,
designed for a beginner or intermediate user, are available for
setting up a network interface card, configuring NFS shares,
configuring Samba shares, managing your software using RPM, and
much more.
Red Hat Linux Reference Guide:
Contains background information and
solutions for a variety of different issues, including the
Red Hat Linux boot process, default user and group configurations
and methods, and HTTPD directives.
Red Hat Linux Security Guide:
Provides comprehensive information about creating and maintaining secure
Red Hat Linux systems. This guide discusses how to secure workstations and
servers against malicious intruders, verify system security, detect
security breaches, and react to an intrusion in the event one occurs.
Red Hat Linux System Administration Primer:
Provides an overview of Linux system administration for the new
system administrator. Topics discussed include resource utilization,
storage management, backup guidelines, and disaster recovery.